Another outstanding SQ

Q&A and discussion on progressions of Sidereal Solar Returns.
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Jim Eshelman
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Another outstanding SQ

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SteveS wrote:I have stated several times the Solar Quotidian (SQ) is my favorite Quotidian Chart. Below is the SQ for today of the most emotional Auburn fanatic in my data base. Note the partile Venus-Jupiter 180 in his current SSR with his SQ progressed MC/IC axis. Also note T. Jupiter (outside wheel) is partile conjunct SQ MC/IC axis. Also note at end of game T. Jupiter is rising in Birmingham. I am going to bet 20% of my winnings last week on Auburn + 1 (to win game). If Auburn wins this bet for me, I will bet 50% on Michigan State + 5.5, because this SQ Chart tells me there is high % Auburn will make it to the BCS game.

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Re: Another outstanding SQ

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Venus_Daily wrote:Steve how are their natal charts fairing in relation to the Solar Kinetic
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Re: Another outstanding SQ

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:Venus asked:
Steve how are their natal charts fairing in relation to the Solar Kinetic?
I do not use the Solar Kinetic for betting purposes. In this case, I use a tri-wheel with the Solar Quotidian (SQ) Chart as the inside chart, the natal chart as the middle wheel, and transits as the outer wheel. I am using Jim’s teachings pertaining to Quotidian Charts which are Day Charts where Jim states:
The Solar Quotidian (SQ) provides a set of daily angles. When planets come within 1 degree of the SQ angles, they can dominate the day. These can be natal, solar, progressed solar or transiting planets.
I try to isolate ‘out of ordinary quotidian days’ with avid sports fans for betting advantages. As we can see with this case, an Auburn Fan had a very benefic SQ Day with Solar Venus and Jupiter crossing his SQ MC/IC axis with T. Jupiter on this same axis. This Day (Dec 7th) was a very important ‘out of ordinary’ day in his life with Auburn playing for the SEC Championship and a chance to play in the National Championship if Michigan State won verses Ohio State. Auburn won 59-42 and Michigan State won in an upset over Ohio State 34-24 putting Auburn in the National Championship game Jan 6th 2014. This Auburn Fan was absolutely filled with Joy and Happiness symbolic of our two benefics in astrology, Venus & Jupiter. I have great faith with planetary symbolism falling on SQ angles, but only when I KNOW there is an ‘out of ordinary important day’ scheduled in one’s life. This 'scheduled' Dec 7th Game Day for this Auburn Fan most definitely was a very important DAY for his life relative to his immediate environment, and his SQ Day Chart was absolutely ‘dominated’ with Venus-Jupiter crossings on his SQ MC/IC axis, which only happens 2 days within 365 Days in a solar year.
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Re: Another outstanding SQ

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:NQ1 for the same Auburn fanatic on game day (an out of ordinary day) when Auburn plays for the National Championship. The partile 180 Saturn-Pluto is partile conj the horizon, both Eclipto & Mundo. Saturn receives a partile 135 from Neptune. Not a good Q Day for high probability his Auburn Tigers wins the National Championship.

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Re: Another outstanding SQ

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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Another outstanding SQ

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:I wrote on Dec 11 2013, weeks before the National Championship Game between Auburn & Florida St.:
NQ1 for the same Auburn fanatic on game day (an out of ordinary day) when Auburn plays for the National Championship. The partile 180 Saturn-Pluto is partile conj the horizon, both Eclipto & Mundo. Saturn receives a partile 135 from Neptune. Not a good Q Day for high probability his Auburn Tigers wins the National Championship.
Jim responded on Dec 11th 2013:
Score another one for an acute angular Q Chart. Auburn lost this game with Florida St. scoring the winning touchdown with 13 seconds left in the game. It was indeed a gut wrenching loss for this most emotional Auburn Fan, with par-excellent symbolism of Saturn-Pluto.
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