Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

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Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

Mar 08, 2017
Well, it seems to me that a lot of people say they experience death when progressed angles or solar arc touch Saturn or Pluto, or they are seen angular in SSR.

I just checked your charts (those most active, that have their data in here) and would like to know about your experiences since I can see that many of you have gone through that already. Did someone close to you die when sec. pr. or solar arc angles (please check both) touched your n. Saturn or n. Pluto? (Note that some people move the solar arc both ways to see angles touch planets, but when you move them backwards it is just like moving planets by solar arc towards your angles). I know they can symbolise other things as well such as separations or isolation, but just wanted to ask specifically about death.

Just counting solar arc degrees for some of you (sec. pr. need to be checked as well);
Bogdan at 25 both planets were touched by solar arc angles.
Danica recently had angles touch those planets in her chart.
Jim's angles have been over both Saturn and Pluto.
Flo had Saturn touch when she was a child.
jamescondor's DSC touched both of them before he turned 23.
jsad, something happen when you were 16-17?
Steve at 12 and 16yrs if MC is moved backwards.
Scales mentioned he lost a grandparent when n. Saturn was square pr. ASC, but not when pr. MC touched his n. Saturn when he was 8.
Veronica at 25 and 43.

I experienced only one death during those times when Saturn and Pluto had moved by solar arc to natal angles. It was my grandmother that commited suicide when I was 15. But that would need the ASC to be around 8° Gemini, not 11 - and MC to be at 20-21° Sagi ... That means birth time around 23.23-23.28 and if so, then solar arc Saturn would touch ASC around the same time that solar arc Pluto squared MC and touched Vx when I was 15. IF ASC at 11° then this symbolism happens when I was 18 and no death attached to that period, but a separation instead when I left home for a year stay in the US - but no such kind of sorrow and sadness is attached to that period at all.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

Jim Eshelman wrote:
Arena wrote:Well, it seems to me that a lot of people say they experience death when progressed angles or solar arc touch Saturn or Pluto, or they are seen angular in SSR.
I had both of them hit concurrently late in 2014. It has a massive shift in my life centered around an experience of hardship but, last time I checked, I wasn't dead. :)

There was separation on many levels, some of it physical, a great deal of it psychological. There was a great grime metaphor - moving residence for the first time in nearly 40 years had the recurring experience of moving things and finding behind or under them unbelievable oily grime that had accumulated over decades; and this had psychological parallels.

No literal deaths. (The most recent one for that was a couple of years earlier.)
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:
Arena wrote: jsad, something happen when you were 16-17?
No, in fact I didn't lose anybody at all during that period, which was unusual. I started out with a large, but old, family. Mostly greats and great-greats, and a couple great-great-greats. We had two or three funerals a year most of my childhood, but none at all during that time period.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

Jim Eshelman wrote:Not long before JSAD had the angle progression, there was something quite similar - a progressed Sun-Saturn conjunction (natal then progressed) reaching from just before the 13th birthday to 17th. At the end it was a triplet, Sun-Mercury-Saturn all tightly conjunct. Progressed Ascendant conjunct natal Ascendant I get for near 21st birthday, and progressed Ascendant for early in age 24.

Do these dates make any more sense?

There's some slight fudge or blur on these dates because progressed Ascendant and Midheaven were roughly square, just slightly off each other, and I haven't separately listed the progressed MC square all these factors I guess I should. It squared natal Saturn half-way through age 22, and progressed Saturn most of the way through age 25.

I'm curious, though, about age 41. There was a progressed Venus-Uranus square that (late that year or early the next) had the two planets (by then out of partile orb with each other) separately cross progressed angles.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:
Jim Eshelman wrote:Not long before JSAD had the angle progression, there was something quite similar - a progressed Sun-Saturn conjunction (natal then progressed) reaching from just before the 13th birthday to 17th. At the end it was a triplet, Sun-Mercury-Saturn all tightly conjunct.

13 to 17 was middle and high school. We moved from the house I'd grown up in to one a couple of miles away. I lost touch with nearly everyone I'd grown up with and acquired a whole new set of friends, fewer in number but closer and with more interests in common.
Progressed Ascendant conjunct natal Ascendant I get for near 21st birthday, and progressed Ascendant for early in age 24.
I left for college before my 18th birthday, and lost contact with all that set of friends. I could probably find most of them if I tried. My father literally dropped dead of a massive heart attack, although he had the good sense to do so at the hospital, and survived and my mother said she couldn't help with college. I'd just changed colleges, most of my scholarships were in limbo, so I dropped out. I moved from the DC area to California. Ended that relationship and moved back to area where I was born just before 24th birthday.
(MC) squared natal Saturn half-way through age 22, and progressed Saturn most of the way through age 25.
I took a soul sucking civil service job at my mother's insistence that turned out to have been earmarked for some politician's kid.
I'm curious, though, about age 41. There was a progressed Venus-Uranus square that (late that year or early the next) had the two planets (by then out of partile orb with each other) separately cross progressed angles.
I moved to the Omaha area the year before, but returned to birth area for my grandmother's funeral in July. Last time I saw (or expect to see) anyone on that side of the family (my choice.) I think that was the happiest time with my (now) ex.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

Danica wrote:My current SSR has both Luminaries and Pluto on angles (Su IC, Pl AC, Mo MC). It's still in progress until April 22nd 2017.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

Thank you all for sharing.

Jim, I would like to know also about solar arc movements in your chart.
So at around 22-23 yrs s.a. Pluto to n. ASC and at 40 yrs s.a. MC to n. Pluto.
At 42-43 s.a. ASC to n. Saturn and at 47 yrs s.a. Saturn to n. IC.

Now I do know a lot about your life that you've shared in the forum, but you are the best one to answer to those particular years.

Danica, can you also please elaborate on the following solar arc movements:
At 28 yrs s.a. MC came to n. Pluto.
At 31 yrs s.a. MC came to n. Saturn.

Please also consider a couple of years around this time.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

Jim Eshelman wrote:
Arena wrote:Jim, I would like to know also about solar arc movements in your chart.
So at around 22-23 yrs s.a. Pluto to n. ASC
Math is wrong (which I can tell at a glance, since Pluto is 30° from natal Asc at birth). You're looking for something at age 30 (1984-85). That was a minor Pluto phase compared to the conjunct my Sun a few years earlier; plus, I have Pluto closely angular in my SSR every single year I'm in the LA area, so there are no non-Pluto years.

This particular year was about a year after I'd moved back full-time to LA from San Diego, instead of splitting between. I was fumbling with starting a business (learned that I loved the work, bug hated anything to do with actually running a business, so I eventually took a job as a word processing supervisor, which led within two-three years to the next phase of my life - but nothing particularly shaking that specific year).
and at 40 yrs s.a. MC to n. Pluto.
I think you have a math error. Pluto is 60° from my MC at birth. That was the occurrence of progressed (which is identical with SA) MC conjunct natal and progressed Pluto concurrent with progressed Asc conj p. Saturn a couple of years ago.
At 42-43 s.a. ASC to n. Saturn and at 47 yrs s.a. Saturn to n. IC.
Age 42 was one of the strongest periods of my life, though with some material battles. Romance strong, spiritual work surging and heading to an important climax a year later, a non-profit entity I had created was going well in its third year. OTOH the California legislature had just passed a law that would have ended my legal practice just as it was surging, so I banded with a few others and we lobbied and fought to get the law modified in a way that added another five years to the practice.

d. Saturn crossed my IC in 2000-2001 (and squared Asc soon after). Having shut down my law practice and not found the next step as easy as I thought, this was a period of unemployment, living off liquidating a decade of savings, etc. Meantime, activities that had nothing to do with making money were going very well.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

So sorry about the mixup with degrees Jim, I must have had two or more different charts open and looked at the wrong one. I see now when I look at it again that it is 30 and 60.
I have Pluto closely angular in my SSR every single year I'm in the LA area, so there are no non-Pluto years
That's right, that does make a huge difference of course.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

Danica wrote:
Arena wrote: Danica, can you also please elaborate on the following solar arc movements:
At 28 yrs s.a. MC came to n. Pluto.
At 31 yrs s.a. MC came to n. Saturn.
I turned 28 in April 2011. This period, from birthday 2011 till the next was very turbulent and brought about huge emotional transformation; I initiated tearing down, restructuring and building anew of three closest, at the time most intimate relationships in my life. It really was a life-changing, turning-point year. (No virtual physical deaths.)

Turned 31 in Apr 2014. Went through a relatively short but intense period of depression during this year, and other inner processes which profoundly changed the way I experience reality. An even flow, with no major changes in the outer circumstances of life.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Arena »

FlorencedeZ. wrote:As for Saturn-Pluto symbolism, when my father passed away on 27 March 2014 I was going through a transit of Pluto conjunct Saturn (0'19 orb) and my Lunar Return showed an exact mundo angular Pluto on the Descendant (with a wider Jupiter opposition) partile conjunct my natal Saturn. (0'16 orb)

My Lunar Return of Feb 24 had Saturn and Pluto on the angles. During this month we 'lost' him already.
from Jim’s book, ‘Interpreting Solar Returns’ It is when angularity and aspect partiality coincide that outstanding incidents are most likely to come about.” Page 96, ‘Interpreting Solar Returns’, under the heading ‘Aspect Orbs’.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Veronica »

Arena wrote: Tue May 16, 2017 11:33 am Mar 08, 2017

Veronica at 25 and 43.

Been away too long!
I can confirm that at these times I did expierence Death.
My birth mother died 6-13-96 after suffering from cancer.
At 43 I had a very unique walk with death, in that a logtime friend/adoptive mother was in ICU for a month and I was her health care proxy. She died and was revived 5 times and has the most incredible story about her near death expierence. It was a life changing event in many ways.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

Hi Veronica,

Welcome back, it's great you are here again.

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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by Veronica »

Thanks for the warm welcome! Im glad to be back. I did see what you were talking about earlier and didnt get a chance to respond about the timing of my post, I did want to say that when these things happen in my life I smile and say "well isnt that interesting" and then remember that I am the captain of my ship and of course cool little coincidenses like that happen, we are magicak like that in each and every moment. But instead of anchoring that thought to an aspect of death, we serve ourselves better to let it go. Like you did. Awsome stuff.
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Re: Pr./Arc angles to Pluto or Saturn = death?

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

Wow Veronica, you nailed it. Awesome.
Great you are back.
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