Books to buy/read
Books to buy/read
I'd like to suggest that there will be a new header just below "Many things" that has the name "Books on sidereal astrology" ...but not just another thread within "many things" that can be hard to find. Rather a header that one can see as soon as he enters the forum front page. I think only admins can do that?
And inside this thread there will be a list of books that are good to buy to learn more about sidereal astrology, f.ex. Jim's book and Ebertin and Fagan Bradley and so on.
Within this thread would be great to also list if there are e-books or online reading available.
I am about to make an order on Amazon, and would like your suggestions on which books are the best reads.
Will definitely get Jim's book and Ebertin, am wondering if I should order some more.
And inside this thread there will be a list of books that are good to buy to learn more about sidereal astrology, f.ex. Jim's book and Ebertin and Fagan Bradley and so on.
Within this thread would be great to also list if there are e-books or online reading available.
I am about to make an order on Amazon, and would like your suggestions on which books are the best reads.
Will definitely get Jim's book and Ebertin, am wondering if I should order some more.
Re: Books to buy/read
Jim Eshelman wrote:I don't think a new header is warranted yet - but I've marked your well-titled thread so that it will stick near the top. I don't know if this will have long-term value but, at least for now, let's run with this and see what people have to offer.
If there is high-volume participation and one thread doesn't do it, we can spin off a new header - otherwise, I like to keep them as small as possible to improve navigation. (Maximum gain for use of space, balance, etc.)
While a list would be good, I'm skeptical this will amount to much. There has been essentially nothing new in decades, and older stuff is hard to find. I came out with the first new major book on Sidereal astrology in 30 years a couple of years back (my Visions & Voices) and it has gotten essentially zero attention in the Sidereal community.
Re: Books to buy/read
Garth Allen, Taking the Kid Gloves Off Astrology (you can find it online, as mentioned here ... 7187484d8c, but this one is I think a classic to have in paper - if you get the chance to find some copy!)
Cyril Fagan, Astrological Origins
Cyril Fagan, Primer of Sidereal Astrology
James Eshelman, The New Instant Astrologer
James Eshelman, Interpreting Solar Returns
James Eshelman, Visions and Voices
Ebertin, Combinations of Stellar Influences
Sidereal Ephemeris (a must-have for serious study!)
--- that's all I can remember that I have in my home library, all good and worth obtaining!
Re: Books to buy/read
SteveS wrote:And,
'Solunars Handbook', a collections of Cyril Fagan articles published in American Astrology Magazine from 1953-1970.
'Solar and Lunar Returns', Donald Bradley, his planetary deleinations alone are worth the price for this book.
Re: Books to buy/read
Jim Eshelman wrote:Add Gleadow's works. There are three titles and I forgot which of them are the same book (i.e., two books total). I think the first two below are the same book (on sign characteristics and history) and the third is his "origins of the zodiac" work.
The Zodiac Revealed
Your Character in the Zodiac
The Origin of the Zodiac
Re: Books to buy/read
Jim Eshelman wrote: I don't think full understanding is there until one knows how to calculate from scratch (and some of the math and astronomy that go with that). Therefore, I'm going to suggest adding to the list another of my books, Horoscope Calculation (published by AFA).
Re: Books to buy/read
Arena wrote:Very true, I've seen so much more by looking into the solarfire mundane charts and it is indeed very important for us to learn the settings of solarfire to be able to study sidereal astrology. There are threads in this forum to teach us how to do this and that - but the search option in the forum is not very good, so I can't find them as I don't remember exactly where I saw them.
Solarfire settings ... e+settings
Solarfire tips and tricks for the sidereal astrologer ... e+settings
Mundoscope wheel for solarfire 6 ... mundoscope
Are there more? Please add them into this thread for the purpose of having "stuff to read"
Re: Books to buy/read
FlorencedeZ. wrote:This book was helpful when I started learning about Sidereal astrology:
Anna-Kria King, The Goldmine in your Files.
It has some great "nuggets'' in there too.
Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote: Spherical Astronomy for Astrologers by George C. Noonan, Jr, Ph.D. (pub date 1974)
Re: Books to buy/read
I ordered a few books and I got my first envelope yesterday, with Solar and lunar returns by Donald A. Bradley from 1950. It's used and looks old and it feels good to handle a book and read it, instead of only having reading material on the computer.
I felt like a little kid getting a present while opening up the envelope!
I finished it this morning. I noticed that I was "prepared" to read his book because I knew what he was talking about since I had read everything there is to read in this forum and online about Sidereal astrology.
I love his approach and style of writing. He is straight forward and almost a bit arrogant sometimes, but within a polite interval of arrogance
I just read this sentence smiling:
I must say that Jim has done a great job to put all of Bradley's interpretations in this forum. I discovered I had already read them all, so much of this book was not new to me
... but now I am reading his delienations of charts and I notice that he does use the houses in all his delienations. He emphasizes the planetary placements within houses. Both in his natal and solunars. He goes through how the luminaries would express themselves differently through the native depending on house placement, not sign placement. He doesn't even mention the signs so much, only the houses. He does note the signs though when he speaks about where the chart ascends. He finishes the book by emphasizing the locality charts (relocated charts) and he says that they may be of more importance than the natal chart when the individual has moved from natal place.
I noticed as well that he says that Mars must be present when blood is shed. It is not a Saturn or other planet's expressions, that is pure Mars at it's worst. I would have to look through all those mundane events that Jim has gathered information about to see Mars' blood shedding.
I also note that Mars-Saturn combination (along with Pluto) is the worst according to him, it seems... but also Mars in combination with Sun and Moon and Saturn-Mars-Neptune.
I want to add that I noticed he does say we should use all the Ptolematic aspects, conjunction, opposition, squares, trines and sextiles. And he does use them all.
I do understand Jim's teachings though that the first three are the most potent and in that order, and I like the way he has stated that they are dynamic (not negative forces) and will make things happen, while the last two are static or "soft" and you won't notice them as much.
I hope you all agree with me that this thread is a good place to put our thoughts about the books mentioned in here and discuss them if we like.
My journey of discovery is to be continued. I've been searching for some kind of astrological "truth" for so many years and I feel like I am getting closer and closer to the target, although there are a few chapters (other books) and practice/exercises left to get through.
I felt like a little kid getting a present while opening up the envelope!

I finished it this morning. I noticed that I was "prepared" to read his book because I knew what he was talking about since I had read everything there is to read in this forum and online about Sidereal astrology.
I love his approach and style of writing. He is straight forward and almost a bit arrogant sometimes, but within a polite interval of arrogance

I just read this sentence smiling:
This has been my approach for all the years since I started studying astrology, and I've oftentimes challenged forum crowds to take part in gathering data from REAL cases to settle some questions, without much success since people do not always want to go through the work process of gathering real data and putting forward real examples to study together. This is also the reason I like this forum so much.As with most controversial topics in any field of study, there is often more argumentation from both sides than straightforward efforts to settle the question through evidence based upon research. (p.85)
I must say that Jim has done a great job to put all of Bradley's interpretations in this forum. I discovered I had already read them all, so much of this book was not new to me

I noticed as well that he says that Mars must be present when blood is shed. It is not a Saturn or other planet's expressions, that is pure Mars at it's worst. I would have to look through all those mundane events that Jim has gathered information about to see Mars' blood shedding.
I also note that Mars-Saturn combination (along with Pluto) is the worst according to him, it seems... but also Mars in combination with Sun and Moon and Saturn-Mars-Neptune.
I want to add that I noticed he does say we should use all the Ptolematic aspects, conjunction, opposition, squares, trines and sextiles. And he does use them all.
I do understand Jim's teachings though that the first three are the most potent and in that order, and I like the way he has stated that they are dynamic (not negative forces) and will make things happen, while the last two are static or "soft" and you won't notice them as much.
I hope you all agree with me that this thread is a good place to put our thoughts about the books mentioned in here and discuss them if we like.
My journey of discovery is to be continued. I've been searching for some kind of astrological "truth" for so many years and I feel like I am getting closer and closer to the target, although there are a few chapters (other books) and practice/exercises left to get through.
Re: Books to buy/read
Jim Eshelman wrote:Glad you enjoyed the book so muchI agree, it's wonderful (and I always liked his style, though perhaps because our angular Aquarius Moons click on the same sort of attitudes).
Regarding his use of houses and all the Ptolemaic aspects, this book - though highly revered among Siderealists - was written as Bradley's first interpretive work as he was moving from his (already significant) career as a Tropicalist. He was basically writing as a Tropical astrologer who had discovered Sidereal solar and lunar returns, and he brought this thinking with him. He soon dropped it.
Mars and blood - agreed. Here's the summary paragraph on foreground Mars from the last edition of SMA: "Mars is foreground for a wide range of hurtful events, including fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, and violent explosions and accidents. High profile deaths by inflammatory illness or (more commonly) by violence, notorious shooting incidents where many are killed, significant military and police activity, the inauguration of war, actions causing great violence and damage in the name of war (including terrorist actions), and a general air of crisis and assault facing political leaders all are characteristic of angular Mars."I noticed as well that he says that Mars must be present when blood is shed. It is not a Saturn or other planet's expressions, that is pure Mars at it's worst. I would have to look through all those mundane events that Jim has gathered information about to see Mars' blood shedding.
Yay!My journey of discovery is to be continued.
Re: Books to buy/read
Ok I see. Better not bring Mars to the angles whenever I get to relocate
...except in wider foreground maybe if the Sun is angular in my case.
So the journey continues, today I got another envelope in the mail. I bought them all used, so they are coming in from different sellers from different directions two more to go.
Today it was The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin from 1972, the year of my birth
So now I can study all of his combinations of 3 planets. What I can see from just browsing through it that surprises me a bit is that he does use the "points" as the third point as well, such as the nodes and Asc and MC. It's great I have the weekend ahead to study this book.
I am in love with this journey
Yes indeed, this helps.

So the journey continues, today I got another envelope in the mail. I bought them all used, so they are coming in from different sellers from different directions two more to go.
Today it was The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin from 1972, the year of my birth

So now I can study all of his combinations of 3 planets. What I can see from just browsing through it that surprises me a bit is that he does use the "points" as the third point as well, such as the nodes and Asc and MC. It's great I have the weekend ahead to study this book.
I am in love with this journey

Arena wrote:So, Ebertin was finished this weekend. I can indeed agree with you all that this is a very good buy. Very true, it is a great reference book for how the planets interact, two or three together. He doesn't go into grand cross forming though (with four or more planets). So when you have a grand cross forming, you will need to improvise, read three and three. F.ex. in my SSR this year I have the SSR Moon forming a grand cross with the Venus-Jupiter-Pluto T-square, and then it is also forming a grand trine with Saturn and Mars. So I need to read a few three way aspects
It seems by his calculations and method explaining that he uses this mostly when it is a symmetric midpoint that is formed, as in T-squares and Grand trines. I do think I saw some examples on two conjunct planets in aspect to the third by conj., opp. sq. trine and sextiles though.
I've read through the aspects forming many times as I want to try and remember a bit from this book, but it is indeed a necessary reference if those have been tested (at least some of them) by thousands of charts. To me it seems like Ebertin was very much into proving by examples just like Bradley was and probably Fagan as well.
So now I am awaiting the third and fourth books that come from the same vendor ... looking forward to some more reading.
Jim Eshelman wrote:Excellent. Yes, the book's great. Just remember that his Pluto can't be trusted very well - the notes were composed in the 1930s and '40s when very different thoughts about Pluto's nature prevailed, primarily dealing with power and covert power structures. Pluto's results are powerful, but they aren't about power etc.
Arena wrote:Just received the third book of four, so Eshelman will be the last one to arrive![]()
The third one is Primer of Sidereal Astrology by Cyril Fagan. I'll read it over the weekend.
So now I have the cream of sidereal astrology books![]()
Jim, since you say Ebertin's notes on Pluto are not reliable, what is your own opinion that Pluto is all about? Would you say it is more about changes, transformation, separation, death? To me there is a power element to Pluto, I did see that in my own life when going through Pluto-Uranus angular period - but that is not the only thing Pluto is about.
by Arena on Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:38 pmJim Eshelman wrote:That's the basic element in predictive work, e.g., in Pluto transits. Within a natal we end up using different language - e.g., people with strong Pluto's aren't any more transformation-prone than others - but it's the same underlying principle. You can review natal Pluto characteristics here:Arena wrote:Jim, since you say Ebertin's notes on Pluto are not reliable, what is your own opinion that Pluto is all about? Would you say it is more about changes, transformation, separation, death?
Speaking de novo on Pluto, I think the best ways to talk about it seem a little abstract because most people aren't used to speaking about the things Pluto deals with. It is deeply existential; in particular, Pluto deals with our essence of existence devoid of characterization or consideration. Bradley correctly identified the key idea (in "Kid Gloves") as that which separates or singles out from the masses, the one-in-a-million, both odd and outside the odds. It isn't beholden to socialization or others' ideas about what it should be like - it is singled out from any sense of collectivity.
In natal aspect analysis, I've found the most useful key-in language is, "free of arbitrary expectations." That is, people with luminaries closely aspecting Pluto have little tolerance for other people's expectations, especially if those expectations seem arbitrary or formal. Mercury-Pluto people have little tolerance for other people's arbitrary expectations on how one should think or on what's true; Venus-Pluto people need to love without consideration of other people's arbitrary expectations; and so forth. That might be a useful key to jumping into the middle.
This "singled out" is without ego. It's not an ego-distinction per se, in the way the Sun is, it's just an acute awareness that, ultimately, they are separate, alone, isolated, their own person - without any particular emotion inherently attached to that (and not in a way that excludes a simultaneous awareness that all are connected).
Transformation comes from this because it really means going "trans" on the form of things - getting outside the current framework, pulling back to the place where existing frameworks and definitions are experienced as arbitrary and stepping outside of them. The origins of separation in these themes should also be obvious.
Does that help?
Yes indeed, this helps.
Arena wrote:Ok so now I almost finished Primer of Sidereal Astrology. It is a very good one. But to me I don't think I will ever use half of that book since the first half (or more) is all about calculations. I think I will rely on Solar Fire to do those for me... but it is indeed helpful to know which charts to use and then I must learn how to use them all in Solar Fire.
The second half or the last third of the book is very interesting to me, since it is interpretations.
Anyway, it feels great to have a tiny "library" of three books now ... am waiting for the fourth book written by the teacher in this forum, Mr. J.E.
Re: Books to buy/read
I would like to add this online source into this thread as I think it is a great read about angular planets. ... artoGraphy ... artoGraphy
Re: Books to buy/read
Arena wrote:Last night I finished the book Primer of Sidereal Astrology and at the end I came across this Novien/navamsa thought from Fagan. I have not really seen much about that in here, but found a couple of threads where it is discussed. Most interesting. The examples he gives at the end of the book are indeed striking and he seems to be on to something with that Novien chart. However he does not explain how to use that Novienic table on page 121.
He does mention in that last chapter that people should be able to see the birthdate of their marriage partner through the Novien placement of Sun or Moon. But then he gives no examples of that. He just says that "the 2nd or 3rd navamsa of the Moon, if not in the first case, for the ladies: and the Sun in the case of the men often indicates the birthday of the husband or the wife, according to the linganioni system of selecting one's matrimonial partner." p.115
Well, I tried casting my own navamsa charts in 2nd 3rd and 9th harmonics in SF as Jim has tought, but I do not see that the Sun shows the same degree as the man I married. But the Novien chart as per Fagan suggests shows something different.
Fagan suggest an orb of up to 6° in the Novien charts.
So I did find this thread where Jim has instructed to trick SF to get those navamsa and novien charts as Fagan suggested.
I do see that my 9th harmonic chart made from that Fagan's novien does have the Moon at 15.12 Pisces (or 15.33 Pisces with birth hour of 23.44) (and I see the connection to my younger children's Moons, both at that degree) and then Sun is at 27.22 Pisces. The Moon is partile opposite Jupiter of that 9th harmonic chart and they square Mercry at IC. The one man that I have married had his Sun in Pisces (13,18°) in sidereal zodiac and my current long term registered partner has his Sun in Leo and Moon in Cancer so not a connection to that chart (except a trine to the Navamsa Moon and of course the conjunction to my Sun).
The navamsa chart is supposed to give us clues to the character of our spouses through the DSC placement of that navamsa. I see it does in my caseIn the Fagan novien navamsa the DSC is in Virgo and conjunct Jupiter. My longest relationships can easily express that.
Do we ever use the progressed novien as base for those harmonic calculations?
Re: Books to buy/read
Arena wrote:So, I did finally receive the last book for my little astro library, Jim's Interpreting Solar Returns
Thank you Jim for writing the book. It was a good read and it's a really good manual on how to read into the SSR's. But this forum is a GREAT guide as well.
It was an interesting example at the end where you pointed out your own mistake because of your own preconceptions. A healthy reminder to just follow the rules![]()
I did also in particular like the chapter where you point out the differences in SSR's and TSR's to show the reader how much more accurate a chart the SSR is.
It is good to learn from all those examples in the book, and in this forum.
Most of what I read in this book I had already read in this forum, so again I must say this forum is a good place to learn.
However I did notice a "new" thing or something I have not paid attention to before. And that is to take note of the background planets, to remind us that when they are background in a chart they are not able to function and affect us. So it is not good to have the luminaries and benefics all in the background as it will diminish their effects and ability to help us. Better keep those malefics in the background if possible. I have mostly just paid attention to what is foreground and angular and have not thought much about the rest of the chart, except for those tight 0-3° aspects.
Another thing I may have learned that I did not register before is about those planets that square the MC/IC angle (so it is close to EP). It seems by the book that it would be considered "foreground" and angular even though it is far from the ASC/DSC angle.
The chapter about the enneads in the end I think I have to read through again. I was thinking as I was reading it if it would be possible to use the navamsa/novien chart to read into the enneads?
Re: Books to buy/read
SteveS wrote:Danica wrote:No I don’t, but would be a great find for us if found.Do you know of an online source with Fagan's biography with listed years for his most important discoveries regarding Sidereal astrology?
I do know the date of one of his most important discoveries-- May 12th 1949 he ‘he solved the problem of the ‘hypsomata’ (exaltation degrees of the planets in the Sidereal Zodiac.). Fagan discusses this discovery timed by maturation of a partile 180 of SQ Moon to SQ Uranus.For ex., in which year he discovered that the "decans" are actually the pentades?
Re: Books to buy/read
Last night, I found "The Goldmine in your Files" on AbeBooks for $10 !!!!
When looking for a rare/out-of-print books, definitely check AbeBooks, this is not the first time I've found a rarity there for price trice less than amazon and other places.
When looking for a rare/out-of-print books, definitely check AbeBooks, this is not the first time I've found a rarity there for price trice less than amazon and other places.
Amate Se Mutuo Cum Corda Ardentia
Re: Books to buy/read
Revisiting this thread. I want to add a book in here that Steve has mentioned by Noel Tyl called Solar arcs. I also wanted to ask you guys if you know any books on parans? Or would you say that the thread on "concurrent angularity" in this forum might be a good source to use for parans, even though it's for solunars?
I'm contemplating on parans in a relocation area. Once again I find myself wanting to move and we are looking at places within the country, but also abroad. I want to make sure to choose wisely if we go abroad.
I'm contemplating on parans in a relocation area. Once again I find myself wanting to move and we are looking at places within the country, but also abroad. I want to make sure to choose wisely if we go abroad.
Re: Books to buy/read
Arena, I know of no books specifically written on Parans, only that Cyril Fagan stated it was the most powerful configuration known in astrology, which over these many years I have proven to myself to be true. Parans are so rare to encounter in any chart. You have to determine the orb you want to use which can be tricky—Jim would probably know best.
Did you figure out how to run Solar Arc lists with Solarfire? It’s quite simple once you learn the procedures. Go into the “Dynamic Reports” tab; check the x box only for “Directions to Radix”. I am pretty sure in the “Saved Selections” there is a default option to select “Solar Arc Directions (Lifetime)” which automatically sets from first month of your birth with you being able to select the amount of years to view the list. Make sure you select only the angles (ASC--MC) you want to analyze and choose “Harm 4” for your aspects which are 0 90 180. If you have any questions let me know, and/or I will write out and post detailed steps for you.
Did you figure out how to run Solar Arc lists with Solarfire? It’s quite simple once you learn the procedures. Go into the “Dynamic Reports” tab; check the x box only for “Directions to Radix”. I am pretty sure in the “Saved Selections” there is a default option to select “Solar Arc Directions (Lifetime)” which automatically sets from first month of your birth with you being able to select the amount of years to view the list. Make sure you select only the angles (ASC--MC) you want to analyze and choose “Harm 4” for your aspects which are 0 90 180. If you have any questions let me know, and/or I will write out and post detailed steps for you.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Books to buy/read
If you are specifically looking for interpretations of parans in relocation (sounds like it), the most specialized book is the small booklet Jim Lewis shipped with his Astro*Carto*Graphy product (never commercially available). There is another book credited to Jim with Ken Irving, The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy, but I've neve seen it and don't know if it covers the same range of interpretations. ... 984428003/ ... 984428003/
Jim Eshelman
Re: Books to buy/read
At one time I had both of these publications somewhere but I think they mistakenly got thrown out from storage after we did not renew our storage facility. I will check Arena and if I still have em and you can't find them still in print I will give em to you since you are most interested in relocation astrology.
Re: Books to buy/read
Thank you both very much. It's important for me to be aware of parans if I will be moving abroad.
The parans are all over the place on my world map in SF. But when I look at the paran report from the Janus pogram that I made many years ago, it lists many more parans, so I might have to revisit that program. I thought SF would be listing the same ones. When I'm in the world map mode and focus into an area, only some of the parans show up as yellow lines on the screen, but when I ask for a report of the parans on the map, SF makes a list of many more parans. Very strange.
The parans are all over the place on my world map in SF. But when I look at the paran report from the Janus pogram that I made many years ago, it lists many more parans, so I might have to revisit that program. I thought SF would be listing the same ones. When I'm in the world map mode and focus into an area, only some of the parans show up as yellow lines on the screen, but when I ask for a report of the parans on the map, SF makes a list of many more parans. Very strange.
Re: Books to buy/read
Solar Arcs by Noel Tyl is available to view at: ... el-Tyl-pdf ... el-Tyl-pdf
Last edited by Lyse on Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Books to buy/read
Solar Fire shows where they are exact. It doesn't show how the narrow orb spreads out from the exact latitude, and this changes from aspect to aspect. One trick in SF is to open the chart, click Reports, and pick Fixed Star Parans - then set the orb to zero. You will only get the natal planets and can see how close they are (though I dump that hard-to-read short report into Excel and sort it). - One day Time Matters will have paran calculations but, until then, we're still in make-do mode.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Books to buy/read
Arena, knowing your astrological tastes, I strongly suggest you learn how to proficiently use Solar Maps in the latest versions of Solarfire. This will allow you to take any chart and move it to any Country in the World checking to see if you have a benefic paran, they are rare to find on land. If so, whenever you see an intersection of lines, you have identified a paran at a specific location. Jim is a pro using Solar Maps so direct any questions to him. I think I am correct on my statement here.
Re: Books to buy/read
I have a good version of SF and I play a lot with the world map option. You can see all kinds of lines in there, you can see aspects in zodiacal and mundo, you can ask to see squares to angles, you can get a map of the midpoints, you can see local space lines and you can see all parans as yellow vertical lines and they are all over the place for my chart.
F.ex. I see three parans in the south of Spain and I see two yellow lineparans where I live now (Mars-Jup & Sun-Venus are the closest). And then I hit the report feature in SF from the map and I see many more parans within the degree where I reside now (f.ex. Jup-Nep, Jup-Node, Ven-Mars, Moon-Uranus).
I like looking into all these options.... but they can also be confusing when you're looking into so many things. It isn't just a question of finding only the most angular planets when you have to think of parans, squares to angles, midpoint features and then transits and solar arcs for the area.
But I'm getting used to be in confusion mode. 

I like looking into all these options.... but they can also be confusing when you're looking into so many things. It isn't just a question of finding only the most angular planets when you have to think of parans, squares to angles, midpoint features and then transits and solar arcs for the area.

Re: Books to buy/read
I hear you Arena about being in confusing mode. I have been dealing with t Neptune partile off/on for several months 180 my Sun
. I have not worked that much with Solar Maps, only with mundo charts when Jim shows the lines in USA. But I do know when I first purchased Jim Lewis astro maps for my Natal Chart the actual Parans in the world for me showed as simple intersections of two lines. Jim would probably know for sure, but when Lewis passed away, a service still offered the planetary lines in the world for their charts. You may want to check and see if this service is still available to order (use to be reasonable priced) your Natal Chart and check out what other locational services they offer. Jim knew about this service so he would probable know better than I. What confuses me is when you say you see a-lot of parans with SF??? I can only guess you are seeing all the potential parans which normally are more than one. But, when it comes to locating an actual true paran somewhere in the world on land with any type of personal chart---these are few, particularly with a Natal Chart. This would mean two or more Natal planets would be on the primary angles of your Natal Chart, and then you would want them to be benefic, far and few between to be lucky enough to locate a land base for new location. Back before I had SF and was working with DOS Nova program, I would spend hours looking for a location in USA where a very benefic SLR calculated a true Paran---not potential parans---a true on the angles paran. After hours working with about 5 years of SLRs I think I only found one SLR in Vegas which calculated a true angular Paran so I experimented to see if benefic SLR Parans worked for recreational purposes by relocating to the SLR Paran, it worked great, I was shocked at the luck that was on my side with that Paran Vegas SLR.
The only tool I know where you may find what you are looking for by relocating for a super benefic actual Natal Paran would be Solar Maps, but it will take you some time to locate true angular parans with any kind of chart. Jim may know shortcuts for locating these rare paran locations, but the only way I know of locating em would be with Solar Maps where you see an intersection of lines---which identifies true angular chart parans. I know of only one case in my entire chart files where a friend of mine had a true angular SSR Paran (Jupiter-Uranus) at his residence. I will try later to snapshot this with Solar Maps where you can see/understand what the lines look like on Solar Maps when I post it on the forum. And then I will give the details of what happened that solar year to him---its mind blowing!!!

The only tool I know where you may find what you are looking for by relocating for a super benefic actual Natal Paran would be Solar Maps, but it will take you some time to locate true angular parans with any kind of chart. Jim may know shortcuts for locating these rare paran locations, but the only way I know of locating em would be with Solar Maps where you see an intersection of lines---which identifies true angular chart parans. I know of only one case in my entire chart files where a friend of mine had a true angular SSR Paran (Jupiter-Uranus) at his residence. I will try later to snapshot this with Solar Maps where you can see/understand what the lines look like on Solar Maps when I post it on the forum. And then I will give the details of what happened that solar year to him---its mind blowing!!!
Re: Books to buy/read
OK Arena, I remembered how to function Solar Maps to help locational astrologers like yourself to understand what Solar Maps can do for quickly identifying true angular ACTIVE Parans, not potential parans.
1: First I computed my friend’s 1987 “outstanding incident” SSR residing in Gulf Shores, Alabama.
2: Then I went to Solar Maps and selected the Country USA and clicked on “Local Parans” under the “Reports” Tab, and the following popped-up:
But here is the image (link below) I really wanted you to see. It’s a map image of the USA. Note how the vertical blue line which Uranus (MC) intersects the white line Jupiter (ASC) exactly in Gulf Shores, Alabama. You see, you can take any chart you want calculated in Solar Fire, then select the Country or part of the World you choose checking for possible true angular chart parans. All you have to do is look for two or more lines intersecting and when you see lines intersecting with the various Countries displayed in Solar Maps with Solar Fire--- you know you have isolated a Paran location on the map .
1: First I computed my friend’s 1987 “outstanding incident” SSR residing in Gulf Shores, Alabama.
2: Then I went to Solar Maps and selected the Country USA and clicked on “Local Parans” under the “Reports” Tab, and the following popped-up:
3: Note how it quickly with Solar Maps identified a Jupiter rising Uranus culminating Paran, the only Jupiter-Uranus SSR Paran he will experience his entire life. But we can see this Paran without Solar Maps by calculating a Z-Analogue Prime Vertical chart his 1987 Gulf Shores SSR seen in the following link:Friend - The Sun Return
Jan 8, 1987, 10:11:45 AM CST +6:00
Gulf Shores 30N14 45 087W42 03
Parans Within 2° of Gulf Shores
31N10 Jup Rising / Ura Upper
But here is the image (link below) I really wanted you to see. It’s a map image of the USA. Note how the vertical blue line which Uranus (MC) intersects the white line Jupiter (ASC) exactly in Gulf Shores, Alabama. You see, you can take any chart you want calculated in Solar Fire, then select the Country or part of the World you choose checking for possible true angular chart parans. All you have to do is look for two or more lines intersecting and when you see lines intersecting with the various Countries displayed in Solar Maps with Solar Fire--- you know you have isolated a Paran location on the map .
Re: Books to buy/read
Arena, as another example for the great tool of Solar Maps in Solar Fire for locational astrologers, here is a link to your 11:27 Natal Solar Map for the USA using the 11:27 bt for your natal. I am not suggesting you move to USA, only showing an example why I think you would fall in love with the usage of Solar Maps with your astrological tastes for locational astrology.
Note how your Jupiter line crosses just east of Denver Co. and falls exactly on Albuquerque, New Mexico a place known for its natural beauty/artists. Note the Paran lines intersections for your natal Ve-Ur & Jup-Uranus. Note your Saturn line through Utah and California. Note the Saturn-Pluto Paran intersection in Utah.
This is just to demonstrate how you can function Solar Maps for your locational objectives with your own planetary lines any place in the World.
Note how your Jupiter line crosses just east of Denver Co. and falls exactly on Albuquerque, New Mexico a place known for its natural beauty/artists. Note the Paran lines intersections for your natal Ve-Ur & Jup-Uranus. Note your Saturn line through Utah and California. Note the Saturn-Pluto Paran intersection in Utah.
This is just to demonstrate how you can function Solar Maps for your locational objectives with your own planetary lines any place in the World.
Re: Books to buy/read
I guess this thread is digressing into a paran discussion.
Maybe someone, a relocation enthusiast, will write a book about this topic one day. 

Yes indeed, the parans for me to explore are literally all over the place, there are so many different places on land that have the parans when/if looking at them up to an orb of 2 degrees to all directions. Take a look at Europe and you might get an idea of what I mean. Imagine orbs from 0-2 or even 3 degrees to all sides of that line crossing. But, yes, very true ... we have to distinguish between the real local parans within this orb and then all the potential parans that show up as the yellow lines.
Yes indeed, the parans for me to explore are literally all over the place, there are so many different places on land that have the parans when/if looking at them up to an orb of 2 degrees to all directions. Take a look at Europe and you might get an idea of what I mean. Imagine orbs from 0-2 or even 3 degrees to all sides of that line crossing. But, yes, very true ... we have to distinguish between the real local parans within this orb and then all the potential parans that show up as the yellow lines.
Re: Books to buy/read
Arena, I can only go my own life experience with my Natal Chart with my Jupiter line returning very benefic events/incidents in my life by falling over Atlanta, Ga. I did not reside there but traveled there 4-5 a month for business. By this personal experience for me, I can only suggest you to look at places where near your ASC-VE-JUP line if not finding a place right on your ASC-VE-JUP line. Of course if you do find an interesting place for this important locational map line for you, make sure it makes practical/common sense before you make a permanent move there, or maybe it could be a city/location like it was for me to do a-lot of benefic business. Locational astrology is a fascinating methodology for astrologers to investigate with serious thought. AFAIK Jim Lewis has already written the definitive book on locational astrology.
Re: Books to buy/read
One of the best pieces, if not the best I have read on Astro*Carto*Graphy comes from Part 3 in the book “Working with Astrology” –The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy by Michael Harding and Charles Harvey. This goes into more depth about Jim Lewis original work with Astro*Carto*Graphy. But there are some errors with chart examples. I may start a topic thread on Astro*Carto*Graphy in the Topic "Angles & Angularity". Astro*Carto*Graphy is the most intriguing/fascinating astrological subject I have ever studied, even when applied/seen/understood pertaining to Sidereal Mundane Astrology which Jim is Master.