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Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Fri May 24, 2013 5:12 pm by StarAgeWiz
Jodi's birth data recently posted on ADB and given a Rodden -AA- rating from BC.
Jodi Arias
1:52 AM PDT
Salinas, CA
Her neo-PSSR displayed below with solar planets with progressed Solar Moon (PSSR Rate) 13Tau19
is conjunct Travis Alexander's Natal Mars (birth time unknown) 13Tau15 (+/- 0d40m). He was born 7/28/1977.
which could indicated intensely heated passion and in this case a violent result.
Transiting Venus 19Tau & Sun 20Tau conjunct PSSR ASC opposed by Jodi's Natal Neptune 19Sco DESC.
While Jodi's Natal Moon 16Tau only a degree above the PSSR ASC..
Transiting Neptune 29Cap on PSSR MC in opposition Solar Saturn 29Can IC.
Most astounding to me is Jodi's progressed Solar Moon partile aspect to Travis's Natal Mars !!
These and other astrological conditions give a very good description of that bloody passionate most unfortunate event.
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Fri May 24, 2013 5:16 pm by StarAgeWiz
sorry.. could not upload PSSR
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Fri May 24, 2013 6:45 pm by Jupiter Sets At Dawn
What's a Neo-PSSR?
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Fri May 24, 2013 7:29 pm by Jim Eshelman
Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:
What's a Neo-PSSR?
It's a PSSR.
Fagan, late in life, appended the prefix "Neo-" to any quotidian-like technique that was based on the apparent Sun instead of the mean Sun. The distinction was useful for, say, the SQ or SNQ because the prior opinion (and what turns out to be the real deal) is that they are based on the mean solar rate. So, in doing them with the apparent solar rate, there was value in distinguishing what one was doing.
But the PSSR has always been held to be based on the apparent solar rate. That's just the nature of the technique. So, while the Neo- prefix is accurate (in the sense that Fagan used it), it's superfluous. "PSSR" means the same thing as "Neo-PSSR."
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Fri May 24, 2013 7:29 pm by Jim Eshelman
Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:
What's a Neo-PSSR?
It's a PSSR.
Fagan, late in life, appended the prefix "Neo-" to any quotidian-like technique that was based on the apparent Sun instead of the mean Sun. The distinction was useful for, say, the SQ or SNQ because the prior opinion (and what turns out to be the real deal) is that they are based on the mean solar rate. So, in doing them with the apparent solar rate, there was value in distinguishing what one was doing.
But the PSSR has always been held to be based on the apparent solar rate. That's just the nature of the technique. So, while the Neo- prefix is accurate (in the sense that Fagan used it), it's superfluous. "PSSR" means the same thing as "Neo-PSSR."
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Fri May 24, 2013 7:43 pm by Jupiter Sets At Dawn
OK, I get it. Thanks.
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Sun May 26, 2013 1:06 pm by StarAgeWiz
PSSR calculation formula found in the introduction to the American Sidereal Ephemeris as well as for the Fagan SQ.
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Sun May 26, 2013 1:22 pm by StarAgeWiz
Refer to first Jodi post for other aspects.
Jodi Arias PSSR June 4 2008.jpg
Jodis Prog. Solar Moon -/+ 1 deg. conjunct Travis's Natal Mars!!
Jodi Arias PSSR June 4 2008.jpg (44.41 KB) Viewed 1700 times
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Sun May 26, 2013 4:12 pm by Freya
Jim Eshelman wrote:
Fagan, late in life, appended the prefix "Neo-" to any quotidian-like technique that was based on the apparent Sun instead of the mean Sun. "
.... I have two beginner's questions...

Apart from the PSSR, what other quotidian-like techniques use the apparent sun?
What does SNQ stand for?
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Sun May 26, 2013 10:05 pm by Jim Eshelman
No others validly use it. Tests repeatedly show that the Neo- forms fail seriously compared to apparent rate forms.
SNQ means Sidereal Natal Quotidian. That is, secondary progressions.
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Sun May 26, 2013 10:54 pm by Venus_Daily
That's nuts, yesterday I wa thinking the same thing about Jodi and her charts, what they look like. I'm tired of hearing about her though, the way all these reporters are talking about her, it makes me feel sympathetic.....almost

On a strange note, her sun is exactly conjunct my self destructive borderline cousin's natal sun. I guess they never grow out of it. I've often thought my cousin was capable of killing someone if not everyone.
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Mon May 27, 2013 12:11 am by Venus_Daily
One last observation, this is just my opinion, but the most dramatic return was for when she and Travis became a couple Pluto Rising Venus Setting, her 2013 with Saturn on the IC, it just does not seem that dramatic. It really makes you wonder what she really feels about anything, even her 2008 was kind of boring.
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Tue May 28, 2013 3:25 pm by StarAgeWiz
PSSR again nails it! Murder conviction 5/8/13
tr. Moon opp. Saturn MC/IC paran-square Solar Mercury ASC
While tr. Sun conj. Mars sq. Solar Mercury. Mercury/Saturn/Moon symbolizes the murder conviction
and with tr. Moon so prominently elevated much public attention was focused on this verdict.
PSSR Jodi Murder Conviction.jpg
Murder Conviction PSSR
PSSR Jodi Murder Conviction.jpg (48.62 KB) Viewed 1626 times
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Tue May 28, 2013 8:54 pm by SteveS
Star Age wrote:
PSSR again nails it!
Hi Star Age, IMO, appropriate symbolism with Moon-Saturn-Mercury symbolism. Also note the partile conjunction of Mercury Mars in the heavens partile conjunct Jodi’s Natal Ascendant. Although most siderealists don’t use the 150 aspect, I find it a valid aspect with Solunars. Note t. Pluto partile 150 rising SSR Mercury in the PSSR Quotidian Chart. Mercury-Pluto symbolism written by Bradley:
Circumstances cause great nervous tension when Mercury-Pluto are prominently related. The native may be backed-up against the wall of convention or written law…
Also, you noting the transiting paran, IMO, is important. At one time in my research I did a-lot of research with transiting parans and noted strong correlations with transiting parans involving solar planets with the SSR Chart itself and with SQ quotidian charts, more so than Natal Planets with the Natal Chart. A specialized transiting paran program in Windows format has been on my wish list ever since my transiting paran research with an old DOS program. IMO, we are missing important daily symbolic incidents in our lives without seeing these transiting parans pertaining to quotidian charts which would help if we could see with foresight instead of after the event. I think I am correct in saying we siderealist need a specialized transiting paran program for for solid research, which as far as know does not exist. Whenever I see the words transiting parans the words of Fagan echos in my mind where he wrote:
Parans are the most powerful of all configurations.
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Wed May 29, 2013 6:15 am by Freya
Steve, do you isolate the days where there is a paran in the SSR and in the quotidians? Is this what astrology programs cannot to at the moment, except Riyal? Thanks
Topic review: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Wed May 29, 2013 8:30 am by SteveS
Freya wrote & asked:
Steve, do you isolate the days where there is a paran in the SSR and in the quotidians? Is this what astrology programs cannot to at the moment, except Riyal?
No, Solarfire will not list transiting parans to a chart. I have certain mental exercises which allows me to search for transiting parans but it is time consuming and I really have no pressing need to isolate transiting parans--have lost much of my mojo in my senior years. Back in the early 90’s I read an article in American Astrology Mag by a Siderealist who stated his work correlated a-lot of events/incidents with transiting parans to Solar Planets, more so than transiting Parans with Natal Planets. This article did not pertain to Quotidians and at this time I did not know anything about a Quotidian. The only astrological program I had was NOVA, a DOS program by Robert Hand. After reading the AA article I contacted Robert Hand and he showed me how to set-up a personal file with Nova which would calculate, with lists, transiting parans to any chart. At this time I had a fat bank account and freedom to travel around the US, so I put transiting parans of t. Jupiter to Solar Moon and/or secondary progressed Solar Moon to a gambling test by travelling to different parts of the country for gambling purposes and experienced much luck. I proved to myself the AA article by the Siderealist contained much truth. It would take me hours-days to find a casino location where this luck paran existed, and required a certain amount of eye-brain coordination to recognize these transiting parans for a given location. Years later, I discovered the Solar Quotidian with Solarfire and learned how to scan a whole solar year for Venus- Jupiter hits to the Q angles and my own way to prioritize these Venus-Jupiter Q hits, but Solarfire will not calculate transiting parans with a list. Later, I contacted the developer of Solarfire about the possibility of customizing Solarfire to handle transiting parans and he told me to forget it. Riyal is a good program for handling transiting parans but it is not in Windows format and is somewhat a cumbersome program to handle, at least for me, but I have great respect for Juan (Riyal writer) as a brilliant astronomer for astrological purposes. I once contacted Juan about paying him to customize a specialized program to handle transiting parans but he told me he was not interested in writing a new specialized astrological program in Windows format. Transits has so much to do with manifesting incidents in our lives, and a paran is indeed the most powerful configuration which exists in astrology, correlated by Fagan, yet there is no program which will list transiting parans. The reason for this is there is no demand by the astrological community because most astrologers don’t even recognize the potential of transiting parans for manifesting symbolic life incidents and the Siderealists movement is waning, IMO.
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:02 pm by StarAgeWiz
Paran-SQ's are most powerful influences especially so when a luminary is also involved.
Not sure how to highlight quote...please describe...thanks, Mike
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:04 pm by StarAgeWiz
Janus 4.3 calculates Paran Lists
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Re: Jodi Arias neo-PSSR June 4 2008
Post Posted Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:58 pm by SteveS
Mike wrote:
Janus 4.3 calculates Paran Lists.
Hi Mike,
Yes, Janus offers a list for potential and active parans with any chart, but does Janus offer a list for a possible transiting planet paran to any chart’s radical planet? If so, would you post a Janus example of a transiting planet paran to a chart’s radical planet? Thanks.
Mike wrote:
Paran-SQ's are most powerful influences especially so when a luminary is also involved.
Yes, some Paran SQ's are most powerful, but I have seen some which produce no symbolic manifestations. Why some Paran SQ's produce incidents and some don't is still somewhat a mystery to me.