Jennifer Aniston's Progressed Natal for Divorce

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Jim Eshelman
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Jennifer Aniston's Progressed Natal for Divorce

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:We see outstanding symbolism for 2005 with Jennifer’s Divorce. Using the progressed angles with SA in Long, we see her p. Asc partile cnj her Natal Mars. Since her Natal Mars is partile 90 her Natal Sun, this brings this most important partile Natal aspect involving her primary progressed Asc into major prominence for her life. It should always be remembered:
As for primary progressed angles, its greatest significance is the relatively rare case in a lifetime of a primary progressed angle coming to a conjunction with a Natal Planet.

Ebertin writes about the negative ‘Probable Manifestation’ for Sun-Mars:
…a strained relationship with other persons.
Also we see her Natal Secondary Progressed Moon forming exact conjunctions to her p. Venus & Saturn during 2005, the year of her high profile divorce. This combo of Moon-Venus-Saturn is par-excellent symbolism for her divorce.

Matthew Quellas taught me many years ago, for major life events we usually see prominent symbolism involving at least one of our four Moons. Our four Moons are Natal, Solar, p. Natal & p. SSR Moons. With Jennifer’s divorce in 2005 we see t. Pluto partile cnj her Natal Moon, p. Natal Moon partile cnj her p Natal Venus & Saturn, and p. Solar Moon partile 90 her Natal Saturn—3 partile aspect hits for 3 of her 4 Moons in 2005.
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