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Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:37 pm by Debbie
Does anyone use the relocated progressed angles in Naibod RA?
I ask because my family has some coinciding moon issues in November. During this time my husband will have stationary TJupiter conjunct natal and progressed Pluto partile the secondary progressed MC in a location known for gambling and nightlife.
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:06 pm by SteveS
Debbie asked:
Does anyone use the relocated progressed angles in Naibod RA?
Indeed! I always consult these ‘relocated progressed angles’ with my spots fan’s file for betting purposes at certain times, paying close attention to planetary transiting factors partile these angles. At times some of my sports fans travel for away games and these relocated angles become very important with bowl games—now play-off games. Also I pay close attention to partile t. aspects to non-angular progressed planets.
During this time my husband will have stationary TJupiter conjunct natal and progressed Pluto partile the secondary progressed MC in a location known for gambling and nightlife.
I see T. Jupiter stationed at 27,41 Cancer Dec 7-8. Is this a planned gambling trip to catch this stationed Jupiter?
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:10 am by Debbie
SteveS wrote:
Is this a planned gambling trip to catch this stationed Jupiter?
Not yet, but oddly on Dec 3-4 he has progressed solar Moon square solar Uranus, exact, and I have progressed natal Moon square progressed natal Uranus, waning. Both angular in Vegas! Sounds like an exciting trip. I have been looking at these charts for a while and trying to figure out how to stay there for a month (especially since it's football season). I have Venus square AC in Naibod in Vegas for the next few years so I love it there.
I am happy that you see some opportunities in this adventure. Looks like I'll be booking a trip after I triple check my calculations.
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:33 am by SteveS
Debbie wrote:
…but oddly on Dec 3-4 he has progressed solar Moon square solar Uranus, exact, and I have progressed natal Moon square progressed natal Uranus, waning. Both angular in Vegas! Sounds like an exciting trip.
Very interesting Debbie. If practical, I definitely would make this Vegas trip for first week in Dec.
Debbie wrote:
I have been looking at these charts for a while and trying to figure out how to stay there for a month (especially since it's football season).
Yes, those progressed partile Moon-Uranus aspects would certainly make for a very exciting month for you and Jeff, particularly those Q days when angular the first week in Dec.
Debbie wrote:
I have Venus square AC in Naibod in Vegas for the next few years so I love it there.
Indeed! Hey, you and Jeff are gamblers and retired-- so if practical why not move near the gambling capitol of the World—Vegas. Also, you have certainly advanced your Sidereal Astrology learning and as far as I am concerned Sidereal Astrology is the best astrological timing tool ever for seeing optimum gambling times. And look at this possible relocation from the standpoint of saving all those $ for travel to gambling destinations and sheer hassle of travelling time. I think you and Jeff would possibly find yourselves in gambling heaven.

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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:11 pm by Debbie
SteveS wrote:
Sidereal Astrology is the best astrological timing tool ever for seeing optimum gambling times.
This may be an important factor for Sidereal to reach more people.
As an example, this week I had TJupiter square my natal AC and moneyed in 2 poker tourneys and won $50 on the e-slots. I'm learning from you when to gamble more aggressively and when to play conservatively or not at all. My cheating consisted of knowing one of my fiercest competitors had TSaturn square his natal Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I took all his chips both nights by calling his big raises. TNeptune conjunct my natal Jupiter made me stretch my morals slightly.

Speaking of TNeptune conjunct my natal Jupiter, this seesaw of unbridled optimism and my natural caution has me befuddled. This transit only comes around once a lifetime so I believe I'll throw a little caution to the wind and try to make some magic (or at least see some).
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:59 pm by SteveS
Debbie wrote:
I'm learning from you when to gamble more aggressively and when to play conservatively or not at all.
IMHO, this is the key combined with Sidereal Astrology which separates a professional gambler from other gamblers. It has taken me many years of experience to learn this key.
You can't stop knowing what you know…
Debbie wrote:
Speaking of TNeptune conjunct my natal Jupiter, this seesaw of unbridled optimism and my natural caution has me befuddled. This transit only comes around once a lifetime so I believe I'll throw a little caution to the wind and try to make some magic (or at least see some).
IMHO, the ‘magic’ is already in the process of happening with this placement in your current SSR, but it will take time and hinny sight to know the true essence of this once in a lifetime transit. I read this important transit very unique for you since I know you as a true blood gambler, and Jupiter-Neptune combo’s has much to do with “successful speculation” when handled with a conscious astrological mind, which certainly applies to you with your partile Natal Sun-Mercury conjunction, a great aspect for personal individual learning for an Astrologer, IMO. Also, I relocated your Natal to Vegas and was awe-struck! Featured is a tight immediate foreground Mundane Square of Venus-Jupiter and a mundo midpoint of Jupiter/Pluto=MC—maybe part of the ‘magic’ which is in the process of flowering for your life. Be sure and go to Jim’s writings at: ... 3.0%29.pdf
And read page 15 “The Exception” under his Chapter on the ‘Mundoscope.’ IMHO, Jim is on to something very important for the Sidereal Astrologer.
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:08 pm by Debbie
SteveS wrote:
I relocated your Natal to Vegas and was awe-struck!
No wonder I've always enjoyed my visits. Jeff makes fun of me always getting lost in my hometown, not surprising with natal Mars/Neptune square MC. I land in Las Vegas and I know exactly where everything is and how to get there, it has always amazed him. I think I get smarter there.

I am rearranging some things now to be able to spend a month there and, after checking our next few SRs, I may look into a more permanent relocation. I'm really tired of angular Neptune in my SRs (except with Jupiter this year). My current transits are demanding change, better I do it than take what comes.
SteveS wrote:
read page 15 “The Exception” under his Chapter on the ‘Mundoscope.
I still forget to compute the mundoscope occasionally and I have to check the notes to see when it applies. I believe Jim said it didn't apply to transits to the angles but should be used for everything else. Can you verify that?
Close mundane aspects seem valid between planets in the foreground of Sidereal solar and lunar ingresses.
Does this apply to personal charts also?
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:17 pm by Jim Eshelman
On mundane aspects: an interesting experiment (that I've worked out in the 4th Ed of SMA, currently in prep - but you might want to do it yourself in advance).
Set up the horoscopes and mundoscopes of Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and Marie Curie. Ask yourself what they all have in the mundoscopes that isn't in the horoscope of any of them. Decide what you think about what you find.
It's... interesting.
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:44 am by Debbie
Homework on a holiday weekend, you brute! I am only going to work with aspects to angular bodies, but I also noted some interesting non-angular aspects.
Einstein: In mundo, Pluto is conjunct the EP opposed Moon and square Uranus. Mars moves to 150 with Pluto. One of his important aspects, Mercury conjunct Saturn moves farther away in mundo. 3-14-1879 at 11:30am in Ulm, Germany
Gates: Angular Moon/Uranus/Mars are in both charts but Moon/Uranus move closer to the angles in Mundo, Mars farther away and the Moon/Mars opposition goes from 1' to almost 6'.
I think, simplified, his most defining aspects are Jupiter conjunct Pluto (rich), Venus conjunct Saturn (cheap) and Neptune square AC (philanthropic, and he has been accused of ripping off some designs). They all move farther away in mundo. I wonder if the 10:00 pm birthtime I'm using is correct. 10-28-55 at 10:00pm in Seattle, WA
Curie: In mundo her angular Uranus squares Pluto instead of Neptune and Saturn/Venus are no longer angular. 11-7-1867 at 12:00 noon in Warsaw, Poland.
I got the birth info from astro databank. Note that all times are in round amounts. Seems improbable.
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:40 pm by Jim Eshelman
All three have close Moon-Uranus squares. I find that... fascinating.
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:32 pm by Debbie
My orbs were a little tight, missed Curie. It is interesting. Have you checked out Alexander Graham Bell in mundo? Good thing he moved, we could still be using the telegraph.
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Sat Aug 30, 2014 2:54 pm by Jim Eshelman
Debbie wrote:
My orbs were a little tight, missed Curie. It is interesting. Have you checked out Alexander Graham Bell in mundo? Good thing he moved, we could still be using the telegraph.
Bell is an Aquarius to begin with, and has a partile Moon-Mercury opposition (7') exactly angular - so his engineering bent would be evident regardless, making him a bad example. (Compound with a Mundoscope that has Moon half a degree from opposite a 0°00' Sun-Saturn conjunction, all less than a degree from the angles, with Neptune 2° away.) I think he's a better example of vision and persistence than of technical genius.
Edison, similarly, was primarily a businessman. He wasn't the guy who tested those thousand different filaments, it was the guys working for him.

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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Sat Aug 30, 2014 3:08 pm by Jim Eshelman
I'm not sure what birth time you used for Curie. I get a 0°12' orb on her mundane Moon-Uranus, and I doubt you used a tighter orb than that.
I just posted the current draft of my revision of the Mundoscope discussion.
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:01 pm by SteveS
Jim wrote:
All three have close Moon-Uranus squares. I find that... fascinating.
Indeed!!! Especially when we know Uranus has much to do with major technical discoveries. On page 52 of ‘Primer of Sidereal Astrology' Fagan pointed out his 1948 SSR time his discovery of the hypsomata (exaltation degrees of the planets) within two days when his progressed SSR Moon matured to an exact 180 of Solar Uranus. Not a mundo aspect as your 3 above examples but still a prime example of Uranus par-excellent symbolism for thrilling discoveries.
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Re: Progressed angles in RA
Post Posted Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:07 pm by Jim Eshelman
So, to change the subject, I see Auburn is tied in the 3rd quarter.
How is your friend's plumbing problem?