U.S. Vice Presidents

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U.S. Vice Presidents

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I have finished compiling available information on the 48 U.S. Vice Presidents to date. There are limitations to the information we can extract from these, because the vast majority have no available birth times. Nonetheless, we can harvest what's available.

The patterns are widely different from those for Presidents, which isn't really surprising.
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VP Sun-signs

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Here are the raw figures for Sun placement:'

Ari - 2
Tau - 5
Gem - 6
Can - 2
Leo - 4
Vir - 2
Lib - 6
Sco - 4
Sag - 4
Cap - 5
Aqu - 1
Pis - 6

Without making any adjustment for mean expectancy (which varies somewhat from one sign to another around the zodiac), a few patterns are evident.

Like the Presidents, there is a tendency for this country not to elect Aquarius Suns to high executive office (but since less than 4 were expected, the 1 occurrence is not statistically significant). The single Aquarian VP was Henry Wilson, a former Senator (and Aquarians do appear in abundance in Congress).

The three tied for most common are Gemini, Libra, and Pisces, strikingly passive compared to President patterns (though Libra and Pisces do OK for Presidents). Of these, only Libra is significant (and only to the .10 level). Aries and Virgo, the two most common Sun-signs for Presidents, have only two each (like Cancer).
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VP Moon-signs

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Though Moon-signs are less certain because of a lack of birth times, the errors should generally average themselves out. The expected result would be essentially correct information, but less extreme scores. Nonetheless, for such a small sample, we should be cautious in drawing conclusions.

Here we have one pattern that strikingly matches that for Presidents: Sagittarius Moon is the leader for both. (Aries and Gemini Moons ties Sagittarius for VPs, and Aries is second strongest for Presidents.) The largest difference is that Presidents have all three "Fire" sign Moons strong, whereas VPs have Leo nearly lowest; in contrast, there are no Aquarius Moons for President, but several for VP. (Capricorn is the actual lowest.)

Moon probabilities are even around the zodiac.

Ari - 6
Tau - 4
Gem - 6
Can - 3
Leo - 2
Vir - 3
Lib - 5
Sco - 4
Sag - 6
Cap - 1
Aqu - 4
Pis - 4
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VP Mars-signs

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The Mars graph needs a strong correction for average distribution around the signs, since this varies dramatically by pure chance. For example, the high spike of 7 occurrences of Mars in Virgo should not be taken overly seriously, because Mars spends a disproportionately large amount of time in that part of the zodiac. (However, the Virgo spike is higher than the corresponding scores for President, so we should take it somewhat seriously.

Perhaps the most interesting comparison on Mars-signs (which compensates for this probability factor) is to subtract the Presidents from the VPs. The most extreme negative numbers below might be considered more Presidential, while the most extreme positive numbers might be considered less Presidential.

Ari - 0
Tau - 0
Gem - 4
Can - -3
Leo - -2
Vir - 2
Lib - -2
Sco - 2
Sag - -2
Cap - 2
Aqu - 0
Pis - 3
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VP Mercury Venus signs

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We don't want to emphasize these figures too much because these are minor factors; but it's worth citing a few interesting points.

Mercury is normally distributed as unevenly around the zodiac as Mars, but one stark distinction in the Mercury-sign distribution for VPs is that the high is a spike in Libra (8) vs. no Mercuries at all in adjacent Virgo. Capricorn is also almost absent (one example). Here are the President scores subtracted from the VP scores to disclose any strong contrasts between the two sets. What stands out (in addition to the Libra spike) is the stronger presence of Mercury in Gemini for VPs compared to Presidents, and stronger presence of Mercury in Cancer for Presidents than VPs.

Ari - 1
Tau - 2
Gem - 4
Can - -4

Leo - 1
Vir - -2
Lib - 4
Sco - -2
Sag - 1
Cap - -1
Aqu - 0
Pis - 0

Venus has a singularly gigantic spike in Gemini - 11 occurrences, where the next highest score is only 5. But this is also a preference for Presidents. The only other standout is the near absence (1 occurrence) of Venus in Capricorn. The only other sharp contrast between VP and Prez is the very high (highest) occurrence of Venus in Pisces for Presidents, compared to very few for VPs.
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VP Aspects

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Though this is the Constellations section of the forum, and not the aspects section, I'll list the findings for this group all in one place.

On raw counts, the aspects that most occur for Vice Presidents are Sun-Uranus and Moon-Venus, followed by Jupiter-Pluto. In sharp contrast to Presidents, Moon-Jupiter aspects are among the fewest.

When we weight the aspects by type, the score comes out a bit differently. The one startling result (because the aspect occurs so infrequently) is that Sun-Mercury (which can only have the conjunction) whooshes over the head of all other aspects. Venus-Neptune and Sun-Mars come next. Moon-Venus remains strong, and Saturn-Pluto stands out. This is what happens when we weight hard aspects more than soft. (For a tabulation of hard aspects only, Sun-Mercury is the clear leader, with Sun-Mars and Venus-Neptune right behind it. There were no hard aspects at all for Sun-Jupiter, Moon-Jupiter, Moon-Uranus, Venus-Mars, and Mars-Neptune.)
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Sun & Moon aspects

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Among Sun aspects, here is the frequency (all five types).

Moon - 2
Mercury - 6
Venus - 5
Mars - 8
Jupiter - 9
Saturn - 7
Uranus - 11
Neptune - 7
Pluto - 9

The extreme shortage of Moon-Sun aspects is interesting. The frequency of Uranus also catches attention.

Here are the counts of Moon aspects (all five types):

Mercury - 5
Venus - 11
Mars - 7
Jupiter 3-
Saturn - 8
Uranus - 6
Neptune - 4
Pluto - 6

The extreme high of Moon-Venus, and low score of Moon-Jupiter, suggests that the VP job is not only far less eminent than President, but it consists primarily of displaying social (more than, say, diplomatic) graces.
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Mercury, Venus, Mars aspects

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Mercury aspects (all five types) show as follows. Uranus has a bit of a lead over the rest, though the Jupiter and Saturn numbers are not minor. Mercury with Mars or Neptune doesn't tend to be US VP (again perhaps because of the social graces side of things).

Venus - 5
Mars - 3
Jupiter 7-
Saturn - 7
Uranus - 9
Neptune -3
Pluto - 5

Venus aspect counts are as follows. It's hard to draw strong conclusions from the Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus leads, though the low Venus-Mars occurrence is interesting - seeming to say that VPs are less passionate and visceral.

Mars - 3
Jupiter - 5
Saturn - 7
Uranus - 7
Neptune - 8
Pluto - 6

Mars aspect counts are as follows. The real stand-out is the shortage of Mars-Neptune aspects.

Jupiter - 6
Saturn - 8
Uranus - 4
Neptune -3
Pluto - 8
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Other aspects

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Jupiter aspects have one outstanding indication: There are 10 Jupiter-Pluto aspects, double or treble that of Jupiter aspects to any other planet.
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Re: U.S. Vice Presidents

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I just updated this to include Pence for the sign portions, but did not update the aspect portions.
Jim Eshelman
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