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Jim Eshelman
Are You Sirius?
Posts: 19572
Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm


Post by Jim Eshelman »

Gleadow published breakdowns for 474 people in the field of "religion" from Who Was Who 1897-1913. I don't think he gives more specific descriptions of what this means - it appears to be more than ministers/priests, but probably less than the "Bible salesmen" of a much older study.

Normalizing these against the entire volume from which they were extracted, we get one acute peak in Sagittarius, which just crosses the low .10 level. The overall score, though, is quite low.

Things don't really improve is we correct them only for astronomical factors. The cumulative Chi-square is slightly lower. There are no signs significantly varied from the mean, though Capricorn and Sagittarius are the most common.
Jim Eshelman
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