Gleadow extracted, form his favorite Who Was Who volume, 301 eminent professionals in the field of law. (The titles and functions break down differently in England than in the U.S., so I suspect the aggregate of these would, in the U.S., be titled attorneys.)
Normalizing these against the entire volume from which they were extracted, there is a strong peak in Libra (< .001) and a second strong peak in Sagittarius (< .02). This couldn't be more perfect! There is a significant low in Aquarius (< .05). The cumulative Chi-square is an impressive 31.0 (much higher than the .01 level at which I stopped charting those numbers).
If we correct, instead, only for astronomical factors, we get a weaker version of the same results, with a large peak in Libra (< .001), and a lesser one in Sagittarius (< .05), with an overall Chi-square of 28.5 (still in excess of the 26-something that marks .01).
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Jim Eshelman