For those using Solar Fire, here is a Mundoscope wheel you can use. Just drop it in your Userdata folder.
You also want a planet selection that doesn't display the Midheaven and Ascendant, or you'll get unnecessary and unwanted points. (Just create a "Displayed Points" set that matches your usual choices but excludes Midheaven and Ascendant.)
Here's how you use it: Calculate the regular horoscope. Select it in the Calculated Charts window. Press F6 to launch the Harmonics window (or click File | Harmonics, or click the Harmonics button if you have it on your toolbar). Under "Chart Type to Generate," pick "Z-Analogue Prime Vert" and click OK. (I just leave mine on that option most of the time.)
Open the resulting chart and display it with the attached wheel style (for example, click the "Wheel Style" button at right). Once you see how to do it, it's about 5 quick clicks to a Mundoscope.
Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
- Jim Eshelman
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Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
Sidereal Bob wrote:Hello Readers, Steve; the Utility of the Mundoscope can best be noted as a Locational Astrology tool. Aspects say at location of birthplace may not have importance, but when a client or individual moves from one geographical location to another, transits and inherent Aspects, as well as, mundane parans to Stars begin to take on relevence. Ken Bowser years ago when writing the column "Eye on the Nation" in American Astrology Magazine followed Pres. elect Ronald Reagan's campaign travels, and made note of his success in appearances, and of course, election as President. He made note of the Benefics following Reagan's movements, and localities through the Election process. Similarly, in another news worthy matter concerning David Caradine, I suspect he was born with the Faces angular in his chart, and that his alledged murder fits the Symbolism of Victim. Like John Lennon who was a native with the Stars the "Faces 13* Sagittarius" at RAMC, Relocation parans and transits most likely will prove to be indicators of a disgraceful end of life. And that relocation maps will prove out that the symbolism is on target for event, and location of death by mundane parans with malefic stars & transits shown in Solunars for locatility... Hope this helps. Also, get you an old Military Compass, that has a sighting glass, and you can get some maps and do dead reckoning sightings. Check the Horoscopes for locality, and notice what you can see from a good vantage point overlooking the horzon. Notice: Planetary latitudes, RA, Declination, times of rising, setting, and Culmination. Lux, Sidereal Bob.
Ps. it's good to use the computer, but best to empirically do dead reckoning Piloting Skills, and you can see how Planets with eccentric latitudes or Declinations N-S actually appear on the horizon, or are not visible while ecliptically showing they should be. Or, maybe go buy a knife or tool when Mars is exalted, 28* Capricorn angular for locality rising with benefics!
You will be surprised at the outcome, i think. lux, Sidereal Bob
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
DDonovanKinsolving wrote:Another way to understand the mundoscope is this: It's a way of placing each planet correctly and exactly in the Campanus House System. Of course, in most cases, we're concerned with angularity (strength or ease of expression) rather than house position (interpretative meaning of a house). It answers directly the question "how angular is this planet, really?" and eliminates the need for guessing or approximating, and the mental hesitation that results.SteveS wrote:Mike, the Mundoscope simply allows the eyes to convey to the mind the true celestial bodily placement relative to the angles of a chart—without doing the astronomical math.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
Sidereal Bob wrote:Hello Jim & Readers; I found the information you posted explaining Mundoscope thru Harmonics Window in the SolarFire v.6 Help-Index, and remembered what you had explained to me. Thanks Again. I am starting to go through the options in the Harmonics Window per Index, and finding it a useful learning tool. Campanus Mundoscope uses the Prime Vertical, and I can visualize translating zodiacal coordinates into R.A. (format), and onto the Prime Vertical Wheel. But, I am still struggling with Local Space, Compass Directions, Azimuth, and Zodiacal object positions. Question: Is local space just rotating the Ecliptic (zodiac) tangent to geographic chart location, and chosing cardinal point orientation (East, North, South, etc.)? Any comments on the Local Space Chart, or Local Horizon appreciated. Another question (2) concerning SolarFire v.6: can you give some advice, or instructions on copying Charts to post on this website. Most appreciated.
I have recently rectified Emperor Domitian's Natal Horoscope to 7AM October 24, 51AD. I plan to do a AstroBiography on him and post it when research & writing completed. The Campanus Mundoscope & Local Horizon Charts for the Emporer's birth seem to act like amplifiers of the natal Horoscope, similar to Harmonics, but with azimuth and compass directions. In plain terms, bringing to the fore the geometry of planetary configurations with significant portents in the life. Unfortunately, I don't have maps of ancient Rome locating the Emporer's Palace, and layout of the City. But should I get lucky and find such a map, I bet the katarche, radical lunar, annual lunar, solar return, and solunars for his birth, coronation, assassination, and Death in places & Royal Palaces should prove interesting, and revealing. Also, any readers with handy information on locating ancient maps of Rome, the name of the astrologer who predicted the date & time of Domitian's violent Death, or explanations of local space map appreciated. Thanks, again. lux, Sidereal Bob
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
jcjrce wrote:First of all: Hi, Derrick. More later.
I've been mentioned in this forum under 2 pseudonyms and my name, but because of Google and its threat to a professional career where interviewers don't hire astrologers, I'm using jcjrce, where the middle four letters equal clay and jake and ree... and chanso....; the outer two letters are my real initials. Thanks in advance for not mentioning my name.
Jim, I wasn't aware that "mundane" strictly referred to harmonic divisions of the "degrees" given in mundoscopes, so I apologize to SteveS for the confusion. As mentioned, I preferred the term "rotational," anyway, by which I meant "measured in clock-minutes as the earth rotates, relative to a given latitude." E.g., the Lewi example: in his fatal SSR at Tucsan, the two transiting and one natal planet all hit the angles within about four clock-minutes = one "degree" of each other. [That's the only way I use the word "degree" in referring to rotational/paran/"mundane" aspects: four minutes of rotation at a latitude equals one "degree." I used to call this a "quasi-mundoscope."]
There's a very easy way of seeing this: Look at a CCG map (cyclocartography) and draw a line through the latitude of the place. Where planets cross anywhere along that line, they are in "rotational" aspect (allowing for the fact that no CCG program corrects for precession of RA and DEC). (The words "conjunction," "square" and "opposition" aren't relevant except in that they are the only three types of aspects possible; and the word "square" is misleading in any case.) The "orb" is the distance in geographical longitude between the two CCG lines at the specified latitude. My disagreement with Jim about these aspects stems from the key statement in my article cited:
"given that they are angular in at least one pertinent return or progression"
Jim mentions a Los Angeles triple-paran in his own chart. I suggest it is weak except when angular (and probably, except when triggered by something else) in a Los Angeles return or quotidian. (There are exceptions for people with interactions in different places from their location, during the period in question.) A paran that works out on only one angle-pair will show up only one-fourth as often as, say, an ecliptical conjunction with low celestial latitude; thus, it doesn't seem to be a dominant "trait" of the person (and, as I've written, I think traits as described by astrology are "existential," i.e., not inherent).
Well, that was a lot of parentheses. I just want to add one more thing while I remember: Jim, some time back you wrote, in response to Derrick, that the civil day was more relevant than the sidereal day. You misunderstood Derrick's point, which had nothing to do with "sidereal." He was saying that the three basic units -- units that are not created via combination -- are the "sidereal" day, month, and year (rotation, lunar revolution, solar revolution). The civil day is a combination of two of those units, and therefore -- as an axiom -- is not "basic" as Derrick was defining it. By the way, Jim, you cross paths (or did in the past) with my brother David at your job now and then; he works at Warner in computers.
Where's the spell-check? I'm a terrible typist.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
Sympathy on the job front issue. Understood.jcjrce wrote:I've been mentioned in this forum under 2 pseudonyms and my name, but because of Google and its threat to a professional career where interviewers don't hire astrologers, I'm using jcjrce, where the middle four letters equal clay and jake and ree... and chanso....; the outer two letters are my real initials. Thanks in advance for not mentioning my name.

In that context, it's historically reserved to "circles of position" or equivalencies in other models - what (to broaden Fagan's use of the term) one might call "Mundoscope, whether PV or other framework." - And, since we have such a perfectly good set of terminology in "paran" and its extension (paran-conjunction, -opposition, and -square), I don't see a raeson for adapting a term that means something else to replace a perfectly good existing term.Jim, I wasn't aware that "mundane" strictly referred to harmonic divisions of the "degrees" given in mundoscopes, so I apologize to SteveS for the confusion.

I agree that they are weakER than ecliptical aspects. However, I've seen too many examples of peop,e who move to a new location and the emerging "potential parans" almost immediately begin reshaping their characters.Jim mentions a Los Angeles triple-paran in his own chart. I suggest it is weak except when angular (and probably, except when triggered by something else) in a Los Angeles return or quotidian.
Now, in theory, I'd like it to be true that the actual effect is only at the time of angularity, and that any overall emergent effect on the character and behavior is consequent to the fact that one experiences the aspect once each day and it starts seeing subconsciousness - or some such mechanism. But the observable phenomenon is, simply, that people change in conformity with this.
Besides my own case, one comes immediately to mind of a woman who relocated to Los Angeles and acquired a quarter-degree Uranus-Pluto paran-square. Besides all sorts of general "breakout behavior," her life, over many years, evolved to where she was a known cultural (social-reform) radical and her life began reshaping along those lines. She then briefly moved to San Diego where the Uranus-Pluto went out of orb and she acquired a half-degree Sun-Neptune paran-square. Within weeks - possibly days, actually - she found herself turning into a settled-in domestic and, eventually, kinda freaked at that until she moved back two hours to the north.
Was that, perhaps, a discussion of different progression rates? I don't remember the discussion, but perhaps was saying that in every comparison study I've ever seen on Q1 vs. Q2 secondary progressions (1 Sidereal Day = 1 Year vs. 1 Mean Solar [Civil] Day = 1 Year), the latter - the Q2 - clearly comes out ahead.Jim, some time back you wrote, in response to Derrick, that the civil day was more relevant than the sidereal day. You misunderstood Derrick's point, which had nothing to do with "sidereal." He was saying that the three basic units -- units that are not created via combination -- are the "sidereal" day, month, and year (rotation, lunar revolution, solar revolution). The civil day is a combination of two of those units, and therefore -- as an axiom -- is not "basic" as Derrick was defining it.
I haven't been at Warner Music Group in about three years. I'm at O'Melveny & Myers.By the way, Jim, you cross paths (or did in the past) with my brother David at your job now and then; he works at Warner in computers.
Install the following on your Windows computer to get spell check within any browser text-composition box:Where's the spell-check? I'm a terrible typist.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
FYI, I won't get back to this project for at least a couple of weeks. The eventual direction of something that gives guidance on how to jump in and start doing SMA is slightly on hold, although the current work should still be useful. I think it covers a lot of SolarFire setup pretty well, and the start of the astrological application sections, though clumsy and (I think) a little burdensome) nonetheless communicate for someone who wants to work through them. More will come in time, just not right away.
So... give the existing version of the item a try and provide feedback to make it better, if you will.
So... give the existing version of the item a try and provide feedback to make it better, if you will.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
I finally bit the bullet and purchased SF.
I tried to follow these instructions, but I'm running into some trouble. I got the Z-analog prime vert. settings to work. Then my zodiac labels are all off. So I assume that should be corrected once I apply the Mundane.wh1 chart style? When I do that, I get a blank outer wheel. Here is a screenshot:
Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?
Also, how are these files different from the thread you posted called "Mundane Data Large"?
Thank you!
I tried to follow these instructions, but I'm running into some trouble. I got the Z-analog prime vert. settings to work. Then my zodiac labels are all off. So I assume that should be corrected once I apply the Mundane.wh1 chart style? When I do that, I get a blank outer wheel. Here is a screenshot:
Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?
Also, how are these files different from the thread you posted called "Mundane Data Large"?
Thank you!
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
That's perfect! No zodiacal symbols (it's not about the zodiac - the Analogue is just a way of displaying it). All you need are each planet displayed as 0° through 30° within a given house. You're doing nothing wrong.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mundoscope wheel for Solar Fire
mundane data large I believe gives the coordinates