Primary Directions - one theory

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Jim Eshelman
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Primary Directions - one theory

Post by Jim Eshelman »

There is one theory of Primary Directions I have had for almost 40 years. It's the only one I can think of that makes logical sense to me. (That doesn't mean it's right, of course! It's just a theory.)

Until now, I haven't had a reasonable way to test it. Now we do, so I thought I'd mention it. The tool is the new spreadsheet requested by me and created by Derek, which you can download here:

Here is the theory (just a theory): Primary directions are solely mundane aspects formed by the primary (that is, rotational) motion of the Earth; and these aspects are formed along the prime vertical. If the natal chart is completely fixed as to planet positions, but the angles continue to rotate (at some value approximating 1°/year), then the new mundoscope positions make aspects to the birth mundoscope positions.

As always, there is the theory of "Exactly how much does this rotate a year, if it's approximately 1°/year." It makes no sense to me (speaking theoretically) that this would move at a different rate than the "primary" angles that we use with Secondary Progressions. Work done here in recent years has convinced me that the correct rate is to move the Midheaven by the Solar Arc rate in longitude, and derive the Ascendant therefrom. I'll start with that as a working theory.

CALCULATION is simplicity itself with the spreadsheet referenced in the above link.

1. Create the spreadsheet for your own natal planets (or those of whatever chart you want).

2. Put the LST, obliquity, SVP, and latitude of your natal chart in the fields atop the MAIN tab. (This gives natal mundoscope positions. Copy them down if you like.)

3. To calculate the planets for any other date, just change the LST to the directed (progressed) LST - that's it! To calculate the progressed LST, calculate a Secondary Progressed chart using "SA in Long" for the chart angle progression (if you want to test the same rotational rate I'm testing).

That's it!
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First event - left Indiana

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Let's test this for a few events. (Remember, this is the first time in my life I've been able to test this theory. It may come to nothing.)

Here, from the spreadsheet, is my natal mundoscope:

Mon 6 26 45
Sun 1 19 19
Mer 2 14 34
Ven 2 29 32
Mar 4 27 40
Jup 11 2 54
Sat 2 11 2
Ura 11 2 33
Nep 1 27 33
Plu 11 28 19

For the date that I left my home state of Indiana, left my wife, boarded an airplane for the first time, and permanently relocated to California where I flowered as an adult and have spent the rest of my life, my progressed RAMC was 107°48'. (For some reason, Solar Fire does not give this value as the LST of the progressed chart. If this system is valuable, I'll make this step easier. For now, I divide 107.8° by 15 and get 7:11.12. I type this into the spreadsheet as the LST, and get the following primary direction placements:

Mon 6 9 15
Sun 1 2 24
Mer 1 26 58
Ven 2 11 30
Mar 4 7 13
Jup 10 11 56
Sat 1 22 53
Ura 10 11 40
Nep 1 10 16
Plu 11 10 53

I now look for aspects between these and the natal mundoscope.

d Pluto -90- r Saturn +09'
d Sun -60- r Uranus +09'
d Sun -60- r Jupiter +30'
d Venus -0- r Saturn -28'
d Mercury -0- r Neptune +35'
d Uranus -120- r Saturn -38'
d Mercury -90- r Mars +42'
d JUpiter -120- r Saturn -54'

I'm quite taken by that directed Venus conjunction with natal Saturn! It's a singular description of the event that is unlike anything any other chart shows. The fact that it was still applying by almost half a degree is consistent with the fact that my wife visited a few months later, after a week we decided to get a divorce, and she proceeded with it as agreed. - Some of the other aspects are quite appropriate also, and, for a single shot event, it's a pretty good result. (The closest aspect is Venus' companion, Pluto, also aspecting the Saturn.)

As an aside, these angles also produce, by pure longitude, p. MC square r Sun 0°10' applying.

Directed planets, over time, form new aspects with each other. The only ones within half a degree that doesn't exist in the natal are:

Venus tr. Uranus 10'
Venus tr. Jupiter 26'
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Second event - major romantic relationship began

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The second event I will check is the singular event that turned a friendship into the major romance and partnership of my life. Primary directed mundoscope positions are:

Mon 5 9 3
Sun 12 7 16
Mer 1 4 1
Ven 1 18 54
Mar 3 7 37
Jup 9 10 50
Sat 12 29 21
Ura 9 10 43
Nep 12 16 5
Plu 10 12 25

d Pluto -120- r Saturn -23'
d Venus -0- r Sun +25'
d Saturn -0- Asc +39'

Again, a Venus aspect is a real stand-out, conjoining my Sun, though we can't miss Saturn on the progressed Ascendant (which would have been there anyway, or course).

Directed planets, over time, form new aspects with each other. The only one within half a degree that doesn't exist in the natal is:

Sun sq. Mars 21'
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Third event - vision of calling

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Finally (for now) the event - a spiritual revelation - that set me at once on the path of my primary life work of the last 30 years.

Mon 5 27 36
Sun 12 22 16
Mer 1 17 13
Ven 2 1 41
Mar 3 24 34
Jup 9 28 45
Sat 1 12 54
Ura 9 28 32
Nep 1 0 18
Plu 10 29 24

Aspects to natal planets include:

d Moon tr. r Neptune -03'
d Pluto tri. r Venus +08'
d Uranus sex. r Pluto -13'
d Neptune conj. Asc -18'
d Jupiter sex. r Pluto -26'
d Moon op. r Pluto +43'
d Neptune sex. r Venus -46'
d Venus sq. r Uranus +52'
d Uranus tr. r Neptune -59'

These aspects are starkly different from the others, and their distinctions are definitely suitable for this kind of event. The Moon aspects alone are stunning in nature (and one of them is the closest of the set).

Direct-to-direct (half a degree) that doesn't appear in the natal (note that Moon-Uranus exists, but is wider than the half degree I've been allowing for these mutual): There are none.
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Re: Primary Directins - one theory

Post by Jim Eshelman »

These aren't bad. One might even say they were pretty good - as good as we might expect from directions. More work needs to be done, but I leave this here as breadcrumbs.
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Donald Trump - election night

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Donald Trump's primary directions for election night were as follows:

Mon 2 20 18
Sun 8 21 53
Mer 9 7 43
Ven 9 24 21
Mar 10 27 2
Jup 12 20 22
Sat 9 21 56
Ura 8 17 14
Nep 12 8 40
Plu 10 9 55

Aspects to natal planets include the following (other than the Mars, these aren't at all bad!):

d Neptune -0- r Pluto -06'
d Mars -180- r Moon -19'
d Mars -60- r Mars -35'
d Moon -0- r Jupiter -38'
d Jupiter -60- r Jupiter -42'
d Mercury -60- r Pluto +51'

Aspects directed-to-directed, not existing in the natal (only one)
Moon-Jupiter sex. 04'
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Re: Primary Directins - one theory

Post by SteveS »

Jim, do we already have a thread (topic) strictly about Solar Arc Directions. I have a book by Ebertin titled "Directions," Co-Determinants of Fate, about Solar Arcs and I thought I would open-up a topic about Solar Arcs.
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Re: Primary Directins - one theory

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:00 am Jim, do we already have a thread (topic) strictly about Solar Arc Directions. I have a book by Ebertin titled "Directions," Co-Determinants of Fate, about Solar Arcs and I thought I would open-up a topic about Solar Arcs.
Not a separate thread (at least, not recently). Go ahead and start one in the "Misc. on Transits & Progressions" forum.

That's a good book. Other Ebertin books show off his use of solar arcs well, but that one is quite devoted to it.
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Re: Primary Directins - one theory

Post by SteveS »

Will do Jim--thanks.
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