U.S. President - 3 grounds

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Jim Eshelman
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U.S. President - 3 grounds

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've tabulated all U.S. Presidents' planets according to the "3 grounds." This will produce different results from the simple angularity counts (which do not use as great a distance from horizon and meridian, and also include minor angles that won't show in the present list). Classic definitions: 30° lunes centered on angular, succeedent, and cadent cusps, respectively, for foreground, middleground, and background.

With a sample size of 43, and an even probability of 1/3 for each of the grounds, mean expectancy for each planet is 14.3. The 5% significance level (20-to-1) is crossed about 6 out from the mean expectancy, meaning that 8 or less, or 21 or more is highly unusual and worth particular attention.

F - 17
M - 15
B - 11
(It leans toward foreground, tapering off to background.)

F - 17
M - 13
B - 13

F - 17
M - 11
B - 15

F - 13
M - 18
B - 12

F - 14
M - 20
B - 9
(Interesting that it avoids being "too much" or "too little," almost to a technically significant level.)

F - 16
M - 15
B - 12

F - 17
M - 13
B - 13

F - 14
M - 15
B - 14

F - 15
M - 13
B - 15

F - 18
M - 12
B - 13

Overall, the distributions are remarkably even. In terms of angular planets, the U.S. has selected a diverse range of character types across it's 200+ years of history. The only two things even of real interest is the tiering of the Sun placements - a tendency toward Sun being angular and, if not foreground, then at least not background - and the tendency of Mars to avoid both the "too much" and "too little" zones. (Mars foreground has been primarily war presidents and former generals. Mars background presidents almost never went to war.)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: U.S. President - 3 grounds

Post by Jim Eshelman »

When I have a group like this, I like to look at various planet pairs - for example, in analyzing a horoscope, even more important than whether Venus or Mars is foreground is the more complex issue of whether either, neither, or both is foreground. Do we find any interesting co-angular or co-cadent combinations here?

13 presidents have both Sun and Moon foreground. They are not necessarily the most celebrity-like, though some have that trait. Madison, Van Buren, Tyler, Polk, Grant, Arthur, McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower, L Johnson, Ford, Reagan, Obama.

Five presidents have both Sun and Moon background. There is some tendency toward them personally preferring to stay out of the limelight, but this isn't a perfect match. Washington, Monroe, Jackson, Garfield, Taft.

Only Lincoln had Sun foreground and Moon background. Only F Roosevelt and Bush I have Moon foreground and Sun background.

Only three presidents have both Venus and Mars foreground: Jefferson, W Harrison, and Nixon. But only one has them both background: Benjamin Harrison.

Three have Venus foreground, Mars background: Van Buren, Tyler, and Pierce. The largest group is of those with Mars foreground and Venus background: Washington, Taylor, Fillmore, Hoover, and L Johnson.

Six presidents have had both Jupiter and Saturn foreground: Adams II, Grant, McKinley, Taft, Wilson, and Bush II. (That's one more thing Quincy and W have in common.)

Only two have Jupiter and Saturn both background: W Harrison (who barely served) and Coolidge.

Five have had Jupiter foreground, Saturn background: Hayes, T Roosevelt, Truman, Regan, and Obama. This group would be worth a significant biographical comparison. Another five have Saturn foreground, Jupiter background: Madison, Tyler, Garfield, Hoover, and Carter (among other things, a strong leaning toward presidents who served during serious economic hard times).

Four Presidents had both benefics foreground, and there is by no means a unanimity of "good times" during their terms: Polk, T Roosevelt, Truman, Bush II.

But the one president who had both benefics background served during the worst hard times in the country's history: Herbert Hoover.

Three presidents had both malefics foreground: Monroe, Taylor, Hoover. (Hoover had both malefics foreground - add Neptune - and both benefics background!)

Three had both Mars and Saturn background: Hayes, Harrison II, and Reagan.

Only three presidents had both Uranus and Neptune foreground: Hayes, Hoover, and Reagan.

Four had Uranus and Neptune both background, and it's an interesting mix: Fillmore, Coolidge, L Johnson, and Bush II. A biographical comparison should prove interesting.

Seven presidents had Uranus foreground and Neptune background. There is more than a little social impact radicalism in their natures and terms: Jackson, Harrison I, Taylor, Taft, F Roosevelt, Bush I, and Obama.

Three had Neptune foreground and Uranus background, and I think all three were steady hands during rough seas: Tyler, Lincoln, and Clinton.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: U.S. President - 3 grounds

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It's been a while since this was updated. We've had another president or two, and we've gotten better birth data here and there. As of right now, here are the "classic definition" foreground, middleground, and background placements for the 45 U.S. presidents. Probability is an even 1/3 for each ground for each planet, mean expectancy 15 per ground. (5% significant level requires 6.19 occurrences away from the mean, i.e., 9 or less vs. 22 or more.) - This relies on the best data available for each planet, whether that "best data" is excellent AA data or poor C or lower data.

F - 18 - Wilson McKinley Grant Reagan VanBuren LJohnson Biden Tyler Madison Polk Cleveland Ford Bush1 Eisenhower Arthur Obama AJohnson Lincoln
M - 17 - Taylor WHarrison Harding Hayes Nixon Fillmore QAdams Kennedy Adams Buchanan Hoover Truman Washington Pierce Trump Coolidge BHarrison
B - 10 - Taft Jefferson TRoosevelt Monroe Carter Garfield Bush2 FRoosevelt Clinton Jackson
(Though nothing is QUITE significant at the 5% level, there is tiering from foreground down to the near-significant background.)

F - 17 - Wilson McKinley Grant Jefferson Reagan Fillmore VanBuren LJohnson Tyler Polk Buchanan Hoover Ford Bush2 Eisenhower Arthur Obama
M - 14 - Harding TRoosevelt QAdams Adams Carter Truman Cleveland Bush1 FRoosevelt Trump Coolidge Clinton BHarrison AJohnson
B - 14 - Taylor Taft WHarrison Hayes Nixon Biden Kennedy Monroe Madison Garfield Washington Pierce Jackson Lincoln

F - 19 - Taylor Wilson Taft WHarrison Jefferson Reagan Nixon Fillmore LJohnson Biden Tyler Hoover Washington Bush1 Bush2 FRoosevelt Eisenhower Obama Lincoln
M - 11 - McKinley Harding QAdams Kennedy Polk Ford Pierce Trump Arthur Clinton BHarrison
B - 15 - Grant TRoosevelt Hayes VanBuren Adams Monroe Madison Carter Buchanan Garfield Truman Cleveland Coolidge AJohnson Jackson

F - 14 - WHarrison TRoosevelt Nixon VanBuren Biden Tyler Polk Garfield Truman Cleveland Bush2 Pierce Clinton Jackson
M - 17 - Wilson Taft Harding Hayes Reagan Monroe Madison Carter Ford Bush1 FRoosevelt Eisenhower Arthur Coolidge Obama AJohnson Lincoln
B - 14 - Taylor McKinley Grant Jefferson Fillmore LJohnson QAdams Kennedy Adams Buchanan Hoover Washington Trump BHarrison

F - 15 - Taylor WHarrison Nixon Fillmore LJohnson Monroe Hoover Ford Washington FRoosevelt Eisenhower Trump Arthur Clinton AJohnson
M - 18 - Wilson McKinley Harding Grant TRoosevelt QAdams Kennedy Adams Madison Carter Buchanan Garfield Truman Cleveland Bush2 Coolidge Obama Lincoln
B - 12 - Taft Jefferson Hayes Reagan VanBuren Biden Tyler Polk Bush1 Pierce BHarrison Jackson
(Still tends to favor the "not too little, not too much" middleground.)

F - 16 - Wilson McKinley Taft Grant TRoosevelt Hayes Reagan Fillmore LJohnson QAdams Polk Buchanan Truman Bush1 Bush2 Obama
M - 14 - Taylor Harding Nixon VanBuren Biden Kennedy Adams Monroe Cleveland Pierce Eisenhower Clinton BHarrison Lincoln
B - 15 - WHarrison Jefferson Tyler Madison Carter Garfield Hoover Ford Washington FRoosevelt Trump Arthur Coolidge AJohnson Jackson
(A separate study shows that those who did NOT have Jupiter foreground at birth had a remarkable tendency to have it angular in Washington.)

F - 17 - Taylor Wilson McKinley Taft Grant VanBuren Biden Tyler QAdams Kennedy Monroe Madison Carter Garfield Hoover Pierce Lincoln
M - 10 - Harding Fillmore LJohnson Buchanan Ford Bush1 FRoosevelt Arthur Clinton AJohnson
B - 18 - WHarrison Jefferson TRoosevelt Hayes Reagan Nixon Adams Polk Truman Cleveland Washington Bush2 Eisenhower Trump Coolidge BHarrison Obama Jackson
(There is some tendency to avoid the middleground.)

F - 15 - Taylor Taft WHarrison Hayes Reagan Biden Adams Hoover Washington Bush1 Pierce FRoosevelt Eisenhower Obama Jackson
M - 16 - Wilson Harding Jefferson VanBuren QAdams Kennedy Monroe Polk Buchanan Garfield Ford Bush2 Trump Arthur BHarrison AJohnson
B - 14 - McKinley Grant TRoosevelt Nixon Fillmore LJohnson Tyler Madison Carter Truman Cleveland Coolidge Clinton Lincoln

F - 15 - Harding Hayes Reagan VanBuren Biden Tyler Kennedy Adams Monroe Polk Hoover Ford Arthur BHarrison Lincoln
M - 14 - McKinley Jefferson TRoosevelt Nixon Madison Carter Buchanan Garfield Truman Cleveland Washington Pierce Eisenhower Trump
B - 15- Taylor Wilson Taft WHarrison Grant Fillmore LJohnson QAdams Bush1 Bush2 FRoosevelt Coolidge Obama AJohnson Jackson
(I'm missing one, not sure who; but, in any case, this is remarkably even.)

F - 18 - Taylor Wilson McKinley Taft WHarrison Grant Nixon QAdams Madison Garfield Hoover Washington Bush2 Pierce Arthur Coolidge BHarrison Jackson
M - 12 - VanBuren LJohnson Adams Monroe Polk Truman Cleveland Bush1 Eisenhower Clinton Obama Lincoln
B - 15 - Harding Jefferson TRoosevelt Hayes Reagan Fillmore Biden Tyler Kennedy Carter Buchanan Ford FRoosevelt Trump AJohnson

Mercury is foreground most often, followed by Sun and Pluto. Venus is foreground least often.

Mars, Sun, and Venus are most often middleground; Saturn and Mercury are middleground least often.

Saturn is most often background. Sun and Mars are least often background.
Jim Eshelman
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