"JFK, LBJ and PSSR" (Garth Allen)

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"JFK, LBJ and PSSR" (Garth Allen)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

[From the March 1964 issue of American Astrology.]

In the November 1963 issue of American Astrology, under the pen name Leslie McIntyre, Donald Bradley became AFAIK the only astrologer to predict President Kennedy's assassination in print. In a style reminiscent of Clark Kent protecting Superman's secrets, Bradley then, in the March 1964 issue and under the pen name Garth Allen, praised and celebrated Leslie McIntyre's great success and elaborated the astrology of the event.

Under the nom de plume of Lewis Howard, Bradley had written a top-notch book on the U.S. horoscope - in the Tropical zodiac but with two important technical divergences from standard Tropical approach of the time. First, transits were considered with precession deleted (i.e., as if they were Sidereal). Second, he used the Q1 rate of secondary progressions. (The difference between Q1 and Q2 is explained in Chapter 2 of Sidereal Mundane Astrology.) This one result - the Kennedy murder - is the single outlier event that makes the Q1 seem valid. Every comparative test I've ever won has the Q2 coming out on top, and this is what Bradley reported to me in the early '70s. However, the most remarkable public astrological prediction in the 20th century was accomplished using the Q1. Dems da fax!

Garth Allen begins by praising McIntyre and pointing out that his successful prediction was based on the Tropical "LIbra-rising chart" for the U.S.A., and using what Cyril Fagan called "Bija-corrected progressions," i.e., the Q1. Without that approach to secondary progressions, the forecast would have anticipated the assassination the prior spring. Instead, "the McIntyre forecast stands as one of astrology's brightest achievements."

The USA Chart
Here is the main point, and one specifically cited in the original forecast: The U.S. chart has a Mars-Neptune square. Here, in the Tropical zodiac (orbs are identical in Sidereal), are the natal Mars and Neptune positions, and Q1 progressed Moon for each of the peacetime presidential assassinations. (I've given better calculations in brackets, since we have better resources today than in 1964.)

U.S. natal Mars 21°14' Gemini
U.S. natal Neptune 22°27' Virgo [22°25']

President shot - Prog. Moon:
Garfield - 21°21' Sagittarius [21°18' - for death, not shooting]
McKinley - 22°14' Virgo [22°10' for death]
Kennedy - 22°12' Sagittarius [22°04']

Garth Allen went on to note the two closest major transits prevailing in the national birthchart" when Kennedy was killed, in the precession-free Sidereal framework:

t. Saturn trine r. Saturn 0°09' [actually 0°06']
t. Neptune trine r. Sun 0°11'

"...the planets of loss and tears [Saturn and Neptune] were both within a fifth of one degree from exact trine to key bodies in the U.S. chart when our President was struck down by the coolest madman [see the Saturn-Neptune keywords he slipped in?] of modern times. The key bodies were, appropriately, the Sun and Saturn, and what could be more fitting than that Sun-Saturn symbolizes the death of the nation's figurehead?" He observed that the Sidereal lunar ingress closest to the Saturn-Neptune exact square had it angular in Washington. (Sun-Saturn are square in the U.S. natal chart, providing the hard aspect underbelly for this.)

A digression on interesting math I don't mention much. "Equal distances" always point us to midpoint contacts. These trine transits normally wouldn't have much more, but the fact that two aspects of the same distance-gap, occurred simultaneously tells us there is a important midpoint contact. Consider:

t. Neptune 21°42' Libra
r. Sun 21°31' Gemini
t. 23°05' Capricorn
r. Saturn 23°11' Virgo

(If you were to draw these two trines on a wheel, you'd see that the gaps between r. Saturn / t. Neptune, and r. Sun / t. Saturn look, to the eye, to be about equal. In fact, the midpoint of t. Neptune and r. Saturn is 7°07' Libra-Aries, and the midpoint of t. Saturn and r. Sun is 7°18' Libra-Aries. The midpoints are exact within 0°13'.)

Kennedy's Chart
"McIntyre" had cited Kennedy's chart, too, saying, "...in view of the grievous attack by Saturn on the President's natal trio of Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, along with Uranus square his Sun..." Garth Allen remarked that this is, "Right on the nose sidereally."

Bradley gave two double chart wheels that combined information of four charts I'll let everyone setup for themselves. (BTW, we only know Kennedy's birth time because Donald Bradley had previously gotten it from Rose Kennedy, the president's mother. He was born May 29, 1917, 3:00 PM EST, Brookline, MA. Obviously the exactly round-houred time can be taken with a small pinch of salt, though it appears to be very close.)

Chart 1 was Kennedy-s PSSR - cusps for PSSR, natal planets on the inside and transits on the outside. Chart 2 was Kennedy's Anlunar, with SSR on the inside and Anlunar on the outside.
Garth Allen wrote:One glance at figure 1, the PSSR map for Dallas, is more than adequate to demonstrate astrology's effectiveness. The U.S. chart, both progression-wide and transit-wide was "ripe" for what was to transpire. And horror or horrors, to the shame of those whose business it is to protect our President in every feasible way, the President was permitted to visit a particular locality where, on the day of the visit, his natal Mars was crossing the meridian, squared by Saturn, at the same time his natal Neptune was on the Descendant.
These orbs aren't close enough for my tastes, including the transit itself; but perhaps the birthtime was slightly off and everything managed to creep within angle orbs just right. For the given birthtime, the factors he just cited are here:

r. Mars 24°51' Aries
PSSR MC 26°03' Libra
t. Saturn 23°05' Capricorn
PSSR Asc 8°02' Capricorn
r. Neptune 9°05' Cancer
GA wrote:His lunar return's Ascendant for Dallas was 18°01' Aquarius with Mars at 17°27' Scorpio, square Uranus at 15°16'Leo, his natal Sun being at 14°15' Taurus. How true rang McIntyre's warning, "November is obviously frought with perils of several varieties.

It is possible, however, for such dire circumstances to prevail in a person's charts without a disaster happening as a result. That death itself was "in the stars" for John Fitzgerald Kennedy that month, nevertheless, is shown bluntly and unquestionably in his Anlunar return chart.

There's no other way tp read the chart... Sun closely conjunct Neptune in the 1st house, woefully square Saturn within one degree of the Nadir [IC] ("the end of life"). The solar return conjunction of Mars and Uranus was elevated in the 10th house [correct, but it wasn't all that close to MC - JAE], but the more forthright "last straw" was Mars in close square to the anlunar Moon-Uranus-Pluto triple conjunction...
What he doesn't say is that the Anlunar was calculated for Washington. This is one of two good options, since he was still in Washington on November 10 when it occurred. With calculation methods available to him at the time, he had the MC a couple of degrees off, so the factors he mentioned boil down to this with better calculations:

Neptune 21°14' Libra
Saturn 22°33' Libra [1°24' from IC]
Sun 23°06' Libra
MC 24°18' Cancer (He calculated 21°55')
s. Mars 3°58' Leo
s. Uranus 7°07' Leo

Uranus 15°15' Leo
Mars 17°11' Scorpio
Moon 18°55' Leo
Pluto 19°38' Leo

For Dallas, the angles were 2°14' Libra and 4°50' Capricorn. That's not bad either, since his natal Saturn is 3°34' Cancer.
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Re: "JFK, LBJ and PSSR" (Garth Allen)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Lyndon Johnson's Chart
At the time of this writing, a birthtime was not yet available for Lyndon Baines Johnson. Not long after, Cyril Fagan learned that Johnson had been born at "daybreak," and slightly rectified the chart to 5:44 AM. (There are different meanings of "daybreak," aside from the fact that it could have been a casual reference passed through the family at a busy time - he was born at the ranch in 1908.) Sunrise had been 6:12 AM that morning, with Sun visually topping the horizon a little earlier, at 6:08 AM. Fagan's rectification took this just slightly earlier.

Garth Allen threw together a speculative chart for 2:00 AM, which we now know was way too early. (He'd gotten Marilyn Monroe to within a half hour, before the birth certificate was found, but, alas, not all such efforts prove out.) He mentioned that a chart for 4:52 AM had appeared in another astrological publication with no source information, so was probably speculation only.

Bradley's rectification used "only the single event of ascendancy to the Presidency." He rightly didn't trust "the cadency of Johnson's five planets in Leo, including the Sun and Moon in conjunction (in fact, they were all rising, not in the 3rd house as at 2:00 AM) but accepted it since, to that point in time, Johnson seemed a "quiet-spoken and folksy" man. (Not a reputation he kept! <g> It turned out that he indeed roared as an alpha-lion.)

He mentioned Lady Bird's chart, for December 22, 1912, "somewhere in Alabama." He thought that her chart ultimately "should be a cinch to rectify, since it has a close Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius in opposition to Pluto. Someone born under this configuration, it almost goes without saying, can't suddenly become the First Lady of the land without that configuration cresting over her chart angles at the time." He credited her "destiny" of becoming First Lady to an exalted Moon.

Oswald's Chart
GA wrote:One other birthdate, that of the assassin Lee Harvey Oswald., is worth comment. Born in New Orleans on October 18, 1939, Oswald's natal Mars was somewhere close to 17°20' Capricorn, its CST noon position. When he pulled the trigger with President Kennedy's head on the crosshairs of the scopesight, the Moon was at 17°03' Capricorn. Makes you wonder if there's anything to astrology, after all, doesn't it?
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Re: "JFK, LBJ and PSSR" (Garth Allen)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

For LBJ's now-known birthtime, transits were doubly Uranian, plus an interesting "gain from loss" aspect:

t. Pluto 19°50' Leo
r. Uranus 19°46' Sagittarius

t. Mercury 15°31' Scorpio
t. Uranus 15°35' Leo
r Moon 16°07' Leo

t. Jupiter 15°35' Pisces
r. Saturn 15°40' Pisces

Furthermore, for the time Fagan thought he was born, SNQ EP was 20°03' Sagittarius, conjunct that natal Uranus.

His SSR for Dallas had natal Pluto about 1° from MC. Relocate it to DC, and natal Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn were the closest to angles - these describe well his first days in his new job, I'm sure. Saturn and Sun-Neptune were also tightly on the angles of his SLR for Dallas - it's very nearly Kennedy's final Anlunar in effect, though a quarter day earlier.
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Re: "JFK, LBJ and PSSR" (Garth Allen)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Garth Allen wrote:One glance at figure 1, the PSSR map for Dallas, is more than adequate to demonstrate astrology's effectiveness... the President was permitted to visit a particular locality where, on the day of the visit, his natal Mars was crossing the meridian, squared by Saturn, at the same time his natal Neptune was on the Descendant.
These orbs aren't close enough for my tastes, including the transit itself; but perhaps the birthtime was slightly off and everything managed to creep within angle orbs just right. For the given birthtime, the factors he just cited are here:

r. Mars 24°51' Aries
PSSR MC 26°03' Libra
t. Saturn 23°05' Capricorn
PSSR Asc 8°02' Capricorn
r. Neptune 9°05' Cancer
I'm surprised how close these calculations are, compared to the best we can do today. Here are updated numbers:

r. Mars 24°50' Aries
PSSR MC 26°10' Libra
t. Saturn 23°05' Capricorn
PSSR Asc 8°11' Capricorn
r. Neptune 9°05' Cancer

I wondered if transiting Saturn was on EP; it is not. Above is pretty much the whole story.

This got me wondering if there was a birth time for which we would have a better optimal fit for all of these positions. Here is where that took me:

r. Mars 24°50' Aries within 1° of IC means an IC no later than 25°50' and no earlier than 23°50'. Since transiting Saturn is not in partile orb square Mars, it seems likely it is in partile orb of aspecting PSSR MC, which means the angle has to be no later than 24°05' and no earlier than 22°05'.

For both of these to be true, the PSSR MC would need to be no earlier than 23°50'23" Libra, and no later than 24°04'59" Aries - a 0°15' difference which brings the possible time down to within about one minute of time.

At this point, I need to refine the event location as better than "Dallas." The shooting occurred at 32N46'45", 96W48'31". This leaves (to the minute) MC unchanged, and shifts Ascendant only 01'.

With a calculated PSSR clock time of 11:07:04 PM (the time on May 30, 1963 for which the PSSR was calculated), an MC of 23°50'23" Libra gives a time of 10:57:43 PM (0:09:21 earlier); a PSSR MC 24°04'59" Aries gives a calculated time of 10:58:42 (0:08:22 earlier). Sun's daily motion on his SSR date and birthdate were identical, 57'31", so we can apply these times directly to his birth time. For a given time of 3:00 PM, this one PSSR example suggests he was born no more than 9m 21s earlier, and no later than 8m 22s earlier. To round minutes, they suggest a birth time of 2:51 PM.

This gives him a Gemini MC instead of Cancer - MC 28°03' Gemini, Asc 24°39' Virgo, EP 1°39' (exactly opposite Jackie's Moon).

This gives a strange progressed angle pattern for his death - I think it's a fit, but I admit it's debatable. It is that natal Jupiter is within a degree of Descendant at the time he died, which was an event that essentially immortalized him. Similarly, progressed Sun was conjunct natal MC. The SNQ (Q2) has natal Jupiter 27' from Ascendant, square progressed Uranus (18' from angle). It's not decisive, but it's interesting.
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Re: "JFK, LBJ and PSSR" (Garth Allen)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

(The above was a thread harvested in May 2017 from the old site. With this present post, I move back into present time.)

The Neo-PSSR (i.e., by apparent solar rate) gave the following, as listed above:

r. Mars 24°50' Aries
PSSR MC 26°10' Libra
t. Saturn 23°05' Capricorn
PSSR Asc 8°11' Capricorn
r. Neptune 9°05' Cancer

However, the mean rate PSSR (or it's very close approximation, using the PSN rate) gives:

27°00' Aries r Mercury
27°30' Aries s Mercury
28°17' Libra PSSR MC
0°08' Aquarius r Uranus

9°05' Cancer r Neptune
10°41' Capricorn PSSR Asc

23°05' Capricorn t Saturn
23°26' Capricorn PSSR EP

26°17' Leo PSSR Moon
26°18' Scorpio t Mars

27°13' Scorpio t Venus

I think it is better, and does not require a revision of the birth time.

Also, the SQ was quite decisive:

24°48' Leo SQ Moon
26°18' Sco t Mars
26°41' Sco SQ Asc
27°13' Sco t Venus
Jim Eshelman
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