Testing SLR & Demi-SLR strengths

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Testing SLR & Demi-SLR strengths

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Following the study I undertook on Solar Returns and their demis, I plan to do the same for SLRs and Demi-SLRs. Unlike Solar Returns, the pattern with Lunars has always seemed obvious in practice, but I might as well formalize the looking.

I will again use the birth data in Chapter 31 of Sidereal Mundane Astrology. It includes birth data of individuals who were directly involved in the mundane events studied in the book. I originally gathered this so people could examine the question of impact of mundane charts on individual charts. I won't use anything less than B-rated data. The events for testing will be the well-timed mundane events in the book to which they are connected.

I will tally three groups of charts: (1) SLRs for events in the first half of the Sidereal month. (2) SLRs for events in the second half of the Sidereal month. (3) Demi-SSR for events in the second half of the Sidereal month. Every chart will get a -3 to +3 rating, using the same standards of scoring as for the mundane charts. (These are given at the end of the "Working Principles" chapter in SMA.)

Here are the B-of-better birth data. I've left a few that are rated lower (Gandhi) because I have specific reasons - before calculating the charts - to think that these data is quality and accurate.

B Abraham Lincoln, 1809 Feb 12, 6:54 AM (“sunup”), Hodgenville, KY
AA Al Gore, 1948 Mar 31, 12:53 PM EST, Washington, DC
AA Buzz Aldrin, 1930 Jan 20, 2:17 PM, Glen Ridge, NJ
AA Charles Whitman, 1941 Jun 24, 1:50 AM, Lake Worth, FL
AA Christa McAuliffe, 1948 Sep 2, 10:13 PM, Boston, MA
AA Edward White, 1930 Nov 14, 6:20 AM, Fort Sam Houston, TX
AA Frank Borman, 1928 Mar 14, 7:30 PM, Gary, IN
AA Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882 Jan 30, 8:45 PM, Hyde Park, NY
AA George Moscone, 1929 Nov 24, 4:00 AM, San Francisco, CA
AA George W. Bush, 1946 July 6, 7:26 AM, New Haven, CT
AA Gerald R. Ford, 1913 Jul 14, 12:43 AM, Omaha, NE
A Harvey Milk, 1930 May 22, 1:30 AM, Woodmere, NY
A James A. Garfield, 1831 Nov 19, 2:00 AM, Orange, OH
AA James Lovell, 1928 Mar 25, 2:10 AM, Cleveland, OH
AA Jim Jones, 1931 May 13, 10:00 PM, Lynn, IN
A John F. Kennedy, 1917 May 29, 3:00 PM, Brookline, MA
AA John Glenn, 1921 Jul 18m 4:00 PM, Cambridge, OH
AA King Edward VII, 1841 Nov 9, 10:48 AM, London, England
AA King Edward VIII, 1894 Jun 23, 9:55 PM, Richmond, England
A Lee Harvey Oswald, 1939 Oct 18, 9:55 PM, New Orleans, LA
A Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929 Jan 15, 12:00 PM, Atlanta, GA
C Mohandas Gandhi, 1869 Oct 2, 7:08:11 AM , Porbandar, India
AA Neil Armstrong, 1930 Aug 5, 12:31 AM, Wapakoneta, OH
A Prince Charles, 1948 Nov 14, 9:14 PM, Buckingham Palace, England
A Princess Diana, 1961 Jul 1, 7:45 PM, Sandringham, England
AA Queen Elizabeth II, 1926 Apr 21, 2:40 AM, London, England
AA Richard M. Nixon, 1913 Jan 9, 9:35 PM, Yorba Linda, CA
AA Richard Speck, 1941 Dec 6, 1:00 AM, Kirkwood, IL
A Robert F. Kennedy, 1925 Nov 20, 3:11 PM, Brookline, MA
AA Roger Chaffee, 1935 Feb 15, 3:00 AM, Grand Rapids, MI
A Virgil “Gus” Grissom, 1926 Apr 3, 6:00 PM, Mitchell, IN
A Warren G. Harding, 1865 Nov 2, 2:30 PM, Blooming Grove, OH
A William McKinley, 1843 Jan 29, 11:32 PM, Niles, OH
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SLRs (1st half of Sidereal month)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Christa McAuliffe, 1948 Sep 2, 10:13 PM, Boston, MA
Challenger Explosion: +2
(This is always a complex event, because she was both a respected figure turned into an instant hero AND she died in a shocking explosion. The SLR occurred just a few hours before the event and had both Mars and Jupiter closely angular - Mars closer than Jupiter - and natal Saturn on MC squared by the Mars.)

Frank Borman, 1928 Mar 14, 7:30 PM, Gary, IN
Apollo 8 launch: 0

George Moscone, 1929 Nov 24, 4:00 AM, San Francisco, CA
Murder: +1
(A boring chart. Pluto manages foreground, but very widely. Background Moon is 0°02' from Saturn, though, which is hard to ignore, so I'll eek out +1 for it.)

Gerald R. Ford, 1913 Jul 14, 12:43 AM, Omaha, NE
Nixon's resignation: +2
(Ur on EP sq r Sun on MC: "suddenly president")

James A. Garfield, 1831 Nov 19, 2:00 AM, Orange, OH
Shot: +2

James A. Garfield, 1831 Nov 19, 2:00 AM, Orange, OH
Died: +2

Jim Jones, 1931 May 13, 10:00 PM, Lynn, IN
Jonestown: +3

John F. Kennedy, 1917 May 29, 3:00 PM, Brookline, MA
Murder: +3

King Edward VII, 1841 Nov 9, 10:48 AM, London, England
Coronation: -1

Lee Harvey Oswald, 1939 Oct 18, 9:55 PM, New Orleans, LA
JFK Murder (& his own): +2

Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929 Jan 15, 12:00 PM, Atlanta, GA
Murder: +1
(Strangely, it is his negative malefics that dominate the angles. The transiting planets merely show that something very surprising would happen. I might credit it with 1.5 if there were such a score, but not +2.)

Mohandas Gandhi, 1869 Oct 2, 7:08:11 AM , Porbandar, India
Murder: +3

Prince Charles, 1948 Nov 14, 9:14 PM, Buckingham Palace, England
Wedding: 0

Princess Diana, 1961 Jul 1, 7:45 PM, Sandringham, England
Wedding: +3

Princess Diana, 1961 Jul 1, 7:45 PM, Sandringham, England
Death: +2

Richard M. Nixon, 1913 Jan 9, 9:35 PM, Yorba Linda, CA
Resignation: +2

Robert F. Kennedy, 1925 Nov 20, 3:11 PM, Brookline, MA
JFK Murder: +2

Roger Chaffee, 1935 Feb 15, 3:00 AM, Grand Rapids, MI
Apollo 1 fire: +1

William McKinley, 1843 Jan 29, 11:32 PM, Niles, OH
Shot: +1
(Pluto partile Dsc gets it the point. Jupiter exactly on EP is allowed only because he lived under this specific chart, and onluy died nce the SLR came in. I'm not sure +1 is warranted, but that Pluto is pretty compelling.)
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SLRs (2nd half of the Sidereal month)

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Abraham Lincoln, 1809 Feb 12, 6:54 AM (“sunup”), Hodgenville, KY
Murder: +3 (Pluto on Asc 0°13', sq. MC 26'; r Saturn exactly setting)

Al Gore, 1948 Mar 31, 12:53 PM EST, Washington, DC
Bush v. Gore: +2
[Of particular interest: This chart has a 22' Sun-Jupiter opposition middleground. This discourages the idea that non-ground aspects, even when this close and even when involving Sun, are important. I have always tended to hold onto Fagan's idea that Sun aspects are always important in a Lunar Return, but have become increasingly doubtful of this over the years. This chart is at least one noteworthy example to consider. - Mostly it is marked by the Mercury-Uranus square on the angles. And his Saturn, and secondarily Mars and Pluto, at MC.]

Buzz Aldrin, 1930 Jan 20, 2:17 PM, Glen Ridge, NJ
Apollo XI Launch & Moon landing: +1
(The story is entirely told from is natal planets, not his SLR planets. Were any of them included, or the orbs a little closer, I would have given this +2.)

Charles Whitman, 1941 Jun 24, 1:50 AM, Lake Worth, FL
Austin Tower Shooting: +3
(An astounding chart: Mars 0°56' from IC, Pluto 1°19' from Dsc, 0°23' mundane square; Saturn 1°05 from Asc aspecting them both, plus square Moon ecliptically. And then it brings in his natal Moon-Mars-Neptune. Widely foreground Sun conjoins natal Saturn)

Edward White, 1930 Nov 14, 6:20 AM, Fort Sam Houston, TX
Apollo 1 fire: +2
(This is complicated because a new SLR occurred 7 hours after the event, and I historically have seen new SLRs effective about a day before. And the new SLR is OK, not exciting, but adequate. I gave myself the liberty of deciding how to treat this one by looking at all the charts before I started, and the study is best served by counting the old SLR, not the new one. Mars is < 2° from square Ascendant, as the main indicator.)

Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882 Jan 30, 8:45 PM, Hyde Park, NY
Death: +2
(Pluto is on WP, partile. Natal Neptune is exactly on IC.)

George W. Bush, 1946 July 6, 7:26 AM, New Haven, CT
Gore v Bush: +1
(See the trade-off of natal planets. Nothing in SLR planets at all.)

Gerald R. Ford, 1913 Jul 14, 12:43 AM, Omaha, NE
Shooting: +1
(Mix of anxiety & luck. Barely worth a point, but technically right. NOTE: On the theory that it operates where it set up, the chart is a bit harsher & more startling in DC than Sacramento, but I'm not going to change the rules for this example.)

Harvey Milk, 1930 May 22, 1:30 AM, Woodmere, NY
Murder: +1
(Mixed, but perhaps not inappropriately. Me-Ma is closer to Dsc than it looks.)

James Lovell, 1928 Mar 25, 2:10 AM, Cleveland, OH
Apollo 8 launch: +2
(Maybe leaning slightly stronger, 2.5 if I had one.)

John Glenn, 1921 Jul 18m 4:00 PM, Cambridge, OH
Friendship 7: +2
(In the absence of SLR planets angular, the magic is all in his natal planets.)

King Edward VIII, 1894 Jun 23, 9:55 PM, Richmond, England
Abdication: +1
(Jupiter is rising almost to the minute, Sun & Jupiter on Dsc. But Pluto on WP.)

Neil Armstrong, 1930 Aug 5, 12:31 AM, Wapakoneta, OH
Apollo 11 launch & Moon-landing: =1

Princess Elizabeth, 1926 Apr 21, 2:40 AM, London, England
Wedding: +3

Queen Elizabeth II, 1926 Apr 21, 2:40 AM, London, England
Coronation: 0
(Literally 0! It's a completely dead chart unless you count the overall negative partile transits of non-angular planets to her natals.)

Richard Speck, 1941 Dec 6, 1:00 AM, Kirkwood, IL
Murders: +2
(Maybe 1.5, but closer to 2 than 1. One clear correct planet, nothing else.)

Robert F. Kennedy, 1925 Nov 20, 3:11 PM, Brookline, MA
Murder: +1
(Primarily shows his success & near-Messiah quality in California.)

Virgil “Gus” Grissom, 1926 Apr 3, 6:00 PM, Mitchell, IN
Apollo 1 Fire: +1
(Mostly shows the fame & positive regard of his work, barely hints at the fire.)

Warren G. Harding, 1865 Nov 2, 2:30 PM, Blooming Grove, OH
Death: +2

William McKinley, 1843 Jan 29, 11:32 PM, Niles, OH
Died: +1
(Pluto partile Dsc gets it the point. Jupiter exactly on EP is allowed only because he lived under this specific chart, and onluy died nce the SLR came in. I'm not sure +1 is warranted, but that Pluto is pretty compelling.)
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Abraham Lincoln, 1809 Feb 12, 6:54 AM (“sunup”), Hodgenville, KY
Murder: +2 (Neptune on IC 0°15' atop r Venus 04'; Su-Ju-Ur T in fore)

Al Gore, 1948 Mar 31, 12:53 PM EST, Washington, DC
Bush v. Gore: +2

Buzz Aldrin, 1930 Jan 20, 2:17 PM, Glen Ridge, NJ
Apollo XI Lunch & Moon Landing: +2
(Resembles SLR, similar natal planets mostly, but adds the clear signal of transiting Sun closely angular.)

Charles Whitman, 1941 Jun 24, 1:50 AM, Lake Worth, FL
Austin Tower Shooting: +2
(Mars 1° from Dsc, but with Venus and Jupiter next. Quite good, but not as good as the full SLR.)

Edward White, 1930 Nov 14, 6:20 AM, Fort Sam Houston, TX
Apollo 1 fire: 0
(I can read this either way. It seems to speak most to the plans for the flight.)

Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882 Jan 30, 8:45 PM, Hyde Park, NY
Death: +3
(For cause of death, this is perfect! Mars near-partile IC. Uranus partile WP. Ma-Ur sq 1.5°. Natal Pluto sets.)

George W. Bush, 1946 July 6, 7:26 AM, New Haven, CT
Bush v Gore: +2
(Pluto is mere minutes from WP, conj Sun on WP.)

Gerald R. Ford, 1913 Jul 14, 12:43 AM, Omaha, NE
Shooting: +3
(Bingo! Mars-Neptune-Moon-Sun-Mercury, is exactly right.)

Harvey Milk, 1930 May 22, 1:30 AM, Woodmere, NY
Murder: +3
(A perfect chart: Do not fail to see it as a mundoscope.)

James Lovell, 1928 Mar 25, 2:10 AM, Cleveland, OH
Apollo 8 launch: 0

John Glenn, 1921 Jul 18m 4:00 PM, Cambridge, OH
Friendship 7: -2
(Though there were problems, this chart is horribly negative. Nothing saves it.)

King Edward VIII, 1894 Jun 23, 9:55 PM, Richmond, England
Abdication: +1

Neil Armstrong, 1930 Aug 5, 12:31 AM, Wapakoneta, OH
Apoillo 11 launch & Moon-landing: +2

Princess Elizabeth, 1926 Apr 21, 2:40 AM, London, England
Wedding: +1
(Probably 1.5, but I can't justify +2.)

Queen Elizabeth II, 1926 Apr 21, 2:40 AM, London, England
Coronation: +2
(The planets aren't as closely angular as I'd like, but they are pretty much exactly the planets we want to see.)

Richard Speck, 1941 Dec 6, 1:00 AM, Kirkwood, IL
Murders: +1

Robert F. Kennedy, 1925 Nov 20, 3:11 PM, Brookline, MA
Murder: +1

Virgil “Gus” Grissom, 1926 Apr 3, 6:00 PM, Mitchell, IN
Apollo 1 fire: +2
(Doubled-up Venus-Neptune is somewhat appropriate, not great; but Neptune conjunct his Saturn on IC s3als the deal.)

Warren G. Harding, 1865 Nov 2, 2:30 PM, Blooming Grove, OH
Death: +3

William McKinley, 1843 Jan 29, 11:32 PM, Niles, OH
Died: +2
(t Jupiter from the SLR is gone, and though natal Jupiter is up, it's afflicted. Main feature is Moon at MC squared by Mars, thebacke-away and afflicted Jupiter - losing his protection. Gets one more point than the SLR. Natal Pluto [squared by Saturn] widely foreground.)
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Re: Testing SLR & Demi-SLR strengths

Post by Jim Eshelman »

What's most fascinating and pleasing to me about this list is that there are virtually no bad charts in the entire set. This is a contrast to the Solar Returns, which I've long considered too general to be "zero-in" techniques.

SLRs for 1st half of Sidereal month (19)
+3: 4 (21%)
+2: 8 (42%)
+1: 4 (21%)
0: 2 (11%)
-1: 1 (5%)
-2: 0 (0%)
-3: 0 (0%)
Average: 1.6

Though not a bad score, I expected better. One can say it rounds to 2 rather than 1 and, in any case, isn't bad. What is most impressive, of course, is that 84% are descriptive, and 63% are quite good.

SLRs for 2nd half of Sidereal month (20)
+3: 3 (15%)
+2: 7 (35%)
+1: 8 (40%)
0: 1 (5%)
-1: 1 (5%)
-2: 0 (0%)
-3: 0 (0%)
Average: 1.5

These scale just a little lower, the successful ones flowing a little more toward +1, and so the average is a hair lower. This may be because another chart layer is competing. But we have 90% descriptive and half the whole list is quite good.

Demi-SLRs for 2nd half of Sidereal month (20)
+3: 4 (20%)
+2: 9 (45%)
+1: 4 (20%)
0: 2 (10%)
-1: 0 (0%)
-2: 1 (5%)
-3: 0 (0%)
Average: 1.6

These scores are more reminiscent of the SLR scores for the first half of the month, and slightly better than the SLR scores for these same events in the second half of the month. Notice that the "bulge" is at +2, without so many dropped down to +1. So far as we can draw conclusions, we conclude that both the SLR and Demi-SLR are valid in the second half of the month, with the Demi being slightly better.
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Re: Testing SLR & Demi-SLR strengths

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Finally, to refine that final conclusion, I want to compare the SLR and Demi-SLR side by side for those events in the last half of the Sidereal month, by seeing how often one has a better score than the other.

The outcome is... the Demi-SLR is the better chart a little more often than the full SLR in the last half of the Sidereal month. They aren't that far apart. But, if you need to trust just one, you should trust the Demi-SLR if you want to be correct more often than not.

Full SLR is better
Abraham Lincoln +3 / +2
Charles Whitman +3 / +2
Edward White +2 / 0
James Lovell +2 / 0
John Glenn +2 / -2
Princess Elizabeth +3 / +1
Richard Speck +2 / +1

They are about the same
Al Gore +2 / +2
King Edward VIII +1 / +1
Robert F. Kennedy +1 / +1

Demi-SLR is better
Buzz Aldrin +1 / +2
Franklin Roosevelt +2 / +3
George W. Bush +1 / +2
Gerald R. Ford +1 / +3
Harvey Milk +1 / +3
Neil Armstrong -1 / +2
Queen Elizabeth II 0 / +2
Virgil “Gus” Grissom +1 / +2
Warren G. Harding +2 / +3
William McKinley +1 / +2

The full SLR is better seven times, the Demi-SSR is better ten times, and they are about the same three times.

Of the 7 times the full SLR is better, the Demi is neutral or wrong three times - almost half. Of the 10 times the Demi is better, the full SLR is wrong twice. These are pretty similar: If we had relied ONLY on the full SLR for these 20 events, we would have been out-and-out wrong 10% of the time, though we might not have been as right as possible. If we had relied ONLY on the Demi-SLRs, we would have been outright wrong 15% of the time, but would have been "righter" more often when we were right.

Conclusion: The Demi-SLR is a powerful chart and, in the last half of the month, is somewhat more powerful than the full SLR. Both, however, are valid concurrently.
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Re: Testing SLR & Demi-SLR strengths

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim for your detailed analysis.
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Re: Testing SLR & Demi-SLR strengths

Post by Ember Nyx »

This is VERY timely for me! I'm tabulating pretty much everything for myself for the next year, and I have a lot of challenging SLRs followed by really positive DSLRs, in sequence... this is lovely to hear :)
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