This is easy. It's a straight 9th Harmonic or (more conveniently) you can get to it with another option.
1. Start with the calculated birth chart.
2. OPTIONAL: Make a copy of the birth chart with equal house from the Moon on Ascendant. This will allow the Navamsa to be displayed that way also. Right-click on the chart, pick Edit, then Copy & Edit Chart. When the data entry form appears, under House System select "Moon on 1st" and then click OK.
3. With this chart selected, click Chart, click "Harmonics, Transforms & Analogues" [you can do the same by pressing F6, or using the Harmonics button on the toolbar], pick Harmonic Chart, put a 9 in the Harmonic field, and click OK.
4. This gives the Navamsa chart.
I like to keep my "Harmonics, Transforms & Analogues" set on Z-Analogue Prime Vertical so that I can get a Mundoscope with a single click. Therefore, I prefer a different approach. Instead of step 3 above, click Chart, then click Vedic, pick "Vedic D9 Navamsa" from the list, then click OK. Unless you use other vargas, you can leave this option permanently set there. It is also launched by the square Vedic icon on the toolbar.
The Novien is trickier because it starts the harmonic resolution from 0° Taurus, not 0° Aries. Therefore, you have to trick it. The method is to calculate a fake intermediate chart (once you do a little one-time setup, the whole thing takes less than 30 seconds).
First, you have to create a fake zodiac.
Click Preferences | Edit Settings | Zodiac. (There are other, easier ways to get there, depending on how you have SF set up.) Under Ayanamsa, select the SVP 0° option. Then, in the blank under it ("SVP on 1st January 1900"), put in the following: 19°Pi59'23''
What is this weird number? It's the actual mean SVP for 1/1/1900, plus an additional 13°20'. Why add 13°20'? Because it is 1/9 of 120° or, more simply, it's a trick to fool the program into thinking the zodiac starts at 0° Taurus for the purposes of the Navamsa.
Once you have created this fake zodiac, save your settings, exit the program, go back in and make sure it's still there - so that you'll have it for the future. You've done all the hard stuff!
The method of calculating a Novien is now exactly the same as for calculating a Navamsa with one exception: In step 2, right-click the birth chart to copy and edit (afstest way: Ctrl+Insert), and in the data entry form make two changes: First, change House System to "Moon on 1st" like before. Second, change Zodiac to SVP 19°Pi59'23''. Then click Ok.
The resulting chart is a fake chart. Don't start interpreting it! <vbg> It has one use, and that is to calculate the Novien. All you have to do is select it, and do a Navamsa on it (Chart | Vedic, like above). After you get the Novien, delete the fake chart so you aren't tempted to keep it around

That's it!