Here follow interpretations of progressions according to Fagan and Firebrace in their last edition of Primer of Sidereal Astrology.
I don't endorse or resist these interpretations. I realized that, except for my interpretations on SSR Moon, and the degree to which progressions and transits overlap in meaning, there were no "starter" interpretations here for progressions specifically - so I am adding these.
Progressions by Moon viewtopic.php?p=12386#p12386
Progressions by Sun viewtopic.php?p=12387#p12387
Progressions by Mercury viewtopic.php?p=12388#p12388
Progressions by Venus viewtopic.php?p=12389#p12389
Progressions by Mars viewtopic.php?p=12390#p12390
Progressions by Jupiter viewtopic.php?p=12391#p12391
Progressions by Saturn viewtopic.php?p=12392#p12392
Fagan & Firebrace on Progressions - Interpretation resources
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Progressions by Moon
P MOON - N SUNAs a general rule progressions and transits of the Moon to the planets signify the emotional actions of the native, i.e., what he does to others.
On the other hand progressions and transits of the planets to the Moon signify the reactions of the native to the actions taking place in his environment, i.e., what other people or things do to him.
Fagan/Firebrace: For both sexes, but more particularly for the female, the progression of the Moon to a configuration of the natal or progressed Sun presages a union of the sexes, generally but not always in wedlock. In the male geniture it often merely tallies with sexual intercourse. But even so, it underlines an event, however short-lived, that is not without its lasting psychological overtones. Under this progression women tend to homologate their interest in the opposite sex.
A. Marr: self-confidence, energy, ambition, honors A neutral aspect tending to self-confident starts, good business settlements if supported by benevolent or neutral planets. Also, marriage. With the assistance of Jupiter, promotions and awards. With Saturn, events such as resignations.
Fagan/Firebrace: When the progressed Moon configures the radical or progressed Mercury the native will find himself much occupied, giving talks or lectures, entering into discussions or instructing others. Under this aspect he becomes a teacher. (Note that under the aspect of Mercury to the Moon he becomes a pupil.)
A. Marr: intellect, communication, productions in speech and writing A neutral aspect producing speeches, writing, and always benevolent if with Jupiter. With Uranus, sometimes too impulsive. With Neptune, criticism, scandal.
Fagan/Firebrace: When the progressed Moon configures the radical or progressed Venus the native will make love to another. Invitations to weddings or other social gathers will occur. (The opposite aspect, progressed Venus to Moon, will tend to make him or her be wooed by another.)
A. Marr: enjoyment, love, desire to associate with others A benevolent aspect. For a man, the tendency to fall in love. To enjoy life. With Jupiter, sometimes property will be gained. With Saturn, denies wishes either by the native’s restriction or through others.
Fagan/Firebrace: This aspect finds the native intensely alive, active, dashing from place to place, and working at full stretch. In the impetuosity of his zeal he is apt to be unguarded and outspoken and say things that give offense. In extreme cases he may run up against the law of libel. He will be more belligerent than usual. Under this aspect a statesman might declare war.
A. Marr: anger, irascibility, boastfulness Mostly unfavorable. Loss of temper, leading to harmful events if supported by other planets. With Jupiter, benevolent. With Saturn, evil. Unlike Pluto, the brawls of Mars are soon over.
Fagan/Firebrace: This is an aspect which boosts the self-esteem of the native. He may be honored by those in authority by an invitation to take part in a festivity. For such an occasion the native will endeavor to be on his best behavior.
A. Marr: optimism, expansion, full satisfaction and realization Benevolent throughout. Major events are characterized by an assistant planet.
Fagan/Firebrace: A series of frustrations occur when the progressed Moon configures the radical or progressed Saturn. It often tallies with a period, often temporary, of cessation of work, enforced idleness, and loss of revenue. It synchronizes with retirement, resignation, or dismissal. A depressing period when nothing seems to thrive.
A. Marr: pessimism, fear, restriction, lack of self-confidence Very unfavorable. Dismissal, resignation, etc. Loss of relatives, friends, mourning, sorrow.
Fagan/Firebrace: Under this progression the native seeks freshness and is all for change. Shuffling off the old, he makes alterations in his life, changes in his job, removes to a new house, or travels. He is moved to do things he has never done before and which are a novelty for him. These novelties break up his old habits.
A. Marr: surprise, thrill, lucky chance, lucky accident Neutral. Benevolent with Jupiter. With Venus, sudden gains. Unfavorable if joined by Mars alone (accidents). With Saturn and/or Neptune, the sudden appearance of all sorts of serious and long-lasting troubles.
Fagan/Firebrace: Here the native will thirst for sensation and tend to indulge himself to excess or engage in unseemly conduct leading to his own mortification. The effects will be worse if Neptune is configurated with the malefics. Often the native will find himself as a visitor at a hospital, if not an inmate.
A. Marr: fantasy, confusion, fiction, humiliation, seduction Mainly unfortunate. Neptune is a true malefic in all matters which deal with reality. Neptune is the opponent of Uranus. With Mars or Venus, to be found in sex scandals, probably because of Neptune’s humiliating (mortifying) character.
Fagan/Firebrace: Under this configuration the native will avail himself of every opportunity to free himself if only temporarily, from the ties which hold him prisoner. He might, for example, buy a motor [car] to escape from the restrictions of the home. He may take a ready excuse to break up the home life. Sometimes, feeling the restrictions of law or mortality, youths may land themselves in serious trouble.
A. Marr: shock, end of old with new beginning, recklessness Mainly unfavorable. Without the interference of other planets, immense shock. With Jupiter, gains without one's own efforts (inheritances, legacies). With Saturn, unfortunate changes, loss of friends or relatives.
[Anecdote: Period surrounding acute concern for my cat, suspicion she had cancer, spending lot of time and money on vets. (I'm not used to progressed sextiles being so absorbing.) - p Mo -60- p Pl]
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Progressions by Sun
Fundamental changes in the native's ménage usually take place when the progressed or regressed Sun is configured with the natal Moon. These can arise from varying circumstances such as the death of a parent, a change of occupation, a removal, and so forth. In a male geniture it frequently means that at this time a woman comes to live in the domicile and takes over the management. It thus frequently indicates marriage. At this time the native usually becomes more self-conscious especially in his relationship with the opposite sex.
[Anecdote: p Sun trine r Moon 10/88-10/90 centered on the first year of launching the new spiritual training Order I had created and seeing it grow. A lot of birthing and "gardening." A month after it peaked in 10/89 was my trip to Australia and New Zealand.]
[Anecdote: Exact at my wedding to Marion. Bringing other life cycles to a fulfillment.]
[Anecdote: Danica reports, "The main theme has been: adapting to the new environment and the big life change, after moving from Serbia to Cali... The peaking time of progression (end-May 2017) was marked by an important spiritual experience, as well as couple of events of huge emotional impact (all concerning intimate one-on-one relationships)."]
[None given.]
[Anecdote: Peaking in 7/2014: I had just spent two years reworking the entire system I'd launched in 1989, building to a climax 3/2014 in which I proclaimed a new era, essentially putting my imprint on the time to come and declaring guiding themes.]
Here there can only be the conjunction which must occur before his 28th year. Usually it denotes the awakening of the mind to mental pursuits, often at the age when the native goes to school. If this aspect matures when he is adult he will at that time take a deeper interest in mental pursuits, including sometimes astronomy and astrology. He could also enter into employment.
[Anecdote: Sun conjunct progressed Mercury defined my time in college, a time of intellectual stimulation and exposure to a huge range of new topics. Partile was 10/73 (a month after I started college) through 9/74, the month I officially left by not re-enrolling.]
[Anecdote: Progressed Sun conjunct r Mercury occurred as both conjoined p Saturn. I removed myself to a work studio a few blocks from the house to work on a Mattel project for a year and have benefit of solitude, then got hired by ACS. (Partile 10/78-10/80.) During this time I entered into a new subject of interest that has been part of my life ever since, and spent every spare moment devouring it.]
[NOTE: I will have p Sun again conjunct p Mercury 2/29-8/32. One wonders what entirely new things I'll suddenly start leaning then!]
The progressed or regressed Sun must form its conjunction with the natal Venus before the 48th year. To the progressed Venus it can be later. Its conjunction with the natal Venus normally coincides with the period when the native becomes sensitive to beauty and craves for friendship and close relationship with others. Hence he will make friends, fall in love or become interested in the arts or music. At this time he becomes more conscious of his appearance and smartens his wardrobe. This is a very happy period for the native.
[Anecdote: This happened to me twice, at four-year intervals. It is difficult to see any particular manifestation the two times had in common, and especially nothing is obvious of p Sun conjunct p Venus 1/90-4/91 unless it's related to building the second year or so of the Order.]
[Anecdote: Progressed Sun conjunct r Venus (and sq r/p Pluto) was 3/93-6/95 This was one of the most spiritually intensive times of my life - in some ways, the most intensive and climactic. There were also various kinds of relationship drama brooding behind the scenes.]
When the progressed Sun forms a configuration with Mars, natal or progressed, the native becomes acutely conscious of his sex nature. This may get out of control and wild oats may be sown. It is a time when escapades may not please his seniors. He will become more boisterous and out of hand. There is a superfluous energy which he may seek to work off in vigorous games. Knowing little fear, he is capable of acts of daring. This period may lead to a greater interest in mechanical things or to joining one of the armed services.
[Anecdote: Manifestations of the 1970-75 square marked nearly all of high school plus college, including years of writing for astrology magazines, introduction to sex, marriage, and leaving Indiana for California and soon starting a 21-year relationship. Too much to really single specifics out, but a lot of "coming of age." Oh, also the only seriously athletic time of my life with four years of varsity wrestling in high school and some more in college.]
[Anecdote: A sextile in spring 1991 was a time that I joined with colleagues to form an organization to fight unjust laws affecting our profession.]
We can expect the most successful period of one's life when the progressed or regressed Sun is configured with Jupiter. This is the time that, provided only that an effort is made, success will come to the native. At college he will attain his degree, prizes will be won in sport and he will prosper in business or in his profession. Under this direction reputations are made and fortunes laid.
[Anecdote: Under p Sun square r Jupiter-Uranus, I had a paper route that gave me daily freedom to explore the world on my own, and a first taste of making a little extra money every week. Partile (counting p Jupiter) 9/64-4/68, most of the time that I had the paper routes.]
[Anecdote: The trine (10/95) was inwardly rewarding and outwardly hard, more of an "end of the road" peak from which I coasted rather than an actual victory.]
The solar progression to Saturn synchronizes with the most disappoint periods of one's life, the effects of which may leave a scar. Under the progression the native may fail to pass a test he may be passed over for promotion or rejected at an interview. He may lose his job. If a politician, he may lose an election. It is not a fortunate time for undertakings. It is a period of depression from which it may take time to recover. Under its influence the native is fearful, overly cautious and envious of the success of others because his pride has been hurt.
[Anecdote: Sun conjunct natal Saturn peaked in 1977 when I was able to work to get The New Instant Astrology out - a real feeling of "having arrived." It was partile 5/76-5/78 when I was initially building my decades-long relationship with Anna-Kria, integrating myself into Southern California astrology circles, training and working as a human sexuality counselor and in crisis intervention at a mental health clinic, though mostly not working.]
[Anecdote: Progressed Sun conjunct p Saturn occurred as both were conjunct r Mercury. I removed myself to a work studio a few blocks from the house to work on a Mattel project for a year and have benefit of solitude, then got hired by ACS. It was an important year in developing autonomy and making independent choices, which I mostly hadn't done in my early adult years. Saturn were positive steps in practical maturity, with the negatives mostly being distance from my closest people.]
This can be a period of illumination when light can break through the hardened set condition of the mind. This is the moment for the flash of genius to appear, if the native is capable of it. This progression tallies with the most inspired periods of the life when we can set ourselves free from the traditional. Many at this time break with custom and do unexpected things, and if a public figure, may well hit the headlines. He will be bent on discovering the world and exults in adventures. His inventive talent will express itself in unorthodox ways. It is a time of change.
[NOTE: Under p Sun square r Jupiter-Uranus, I had a paper route that gave me daily freedom to explore the world on my own, and a first taste of making a little extra money every week. Partile (counting p Jupiter) 9/64-10/66, including the first phase of the paper route (the time it was new and freeing and I got to explore different kinds of books in stores along the way).]
[Anecdote: The trine (8/95) was inwardly rewarding and outwardly hard, more of an "end of the road" peak from which I coasted rather than an actual victory.]
Under Neptunian influence the native's evaluation of himself increases but is largely fictitious. He is unable to see himself clearly. He may become unduly sensitive to the opinions of others. He may be the butt of ridicule and suffer severely at the hands of others in his surroundings. His overwrought imagination enhances his fears. He becomes easily agitated, worried, and flurried. Under the Neptunian influence, guilt may carry the stigma of shame or disgrace especially if Saturn also comes into the picture. The craving for sensation will be enhanced and temptation will be put in his path which he will find difficult to resist. He will dwell in a world of fantasy to the detriment of clear thinking and bad effect on his practical work.
[Anecdote: p Su co r/p Ne. This was the most miserable, and perhaps embarrassing, year of school for me (3rd grade), feeling constantly oppressed by the teacher and lost as my Mercury-Saturn mind was making the early adjustment to first organizing itself for learning. Any childhood shames I have are mostly concentrated in this year of this progression. Then, the second half was the absolute best, shining year of elementary school. (Partile 9/62-2/65: The last half overlapped p Sun sq r Jupiter-Uranus.)]
The solar direction to Pluto marks the beginning of the end of a stage of life. It can begin a new phase with success or end one with failure. Under this configuration the marriage tie may be broken and couples parted. Under it children leave home and go out into the worldto fend for themselves. It is responsible for the deaths of parents and the loss of friends. One can feel separate from others and therefore in some cases antisocial. The native may be at war with others and in mundane maps it is a promittor of actual warfare. No other planet changes the status quo as does Pluto.
[Anecdote: The sextile in summer 1964 marked the transition point between the absolute worst year of my schooling to the best, most supported year of elementary school, moving from nearly flunking out to straight A's (and great affection for the teacher). Though Sun-Neptune continued across both years, it peaked in the first year and blended with Sun to Jupiter-Uranus in the second.]
[Anecdote: Progressed Sun conjunct r Venus (and sq r/p Pluto) was 3/93-6/95 This was one of the most spiritually intensive times of my life, climactic with regard to important spiritual,-transformation work. There were also various kinds of relationship drama brooding behind the scenes. Oh, and the release of Windows 95 which changed everything!]
Fundamental changes in the native's ménage usually take place when the progressed or regressed Sun is configured with the natal Moon. These can arise from varying circumstances such as the death of a parent, a change of occupation, a removal, and so forth. In a male geniture it frequently means that at this time a woman comes to live in the domicile and takes over the management. It thus frequently indicates marriage. At this time the native usually becomes more self-conscious especially in his relationship with the opposite sex.
[Anecdote: p Sun trine r Moon 10/88-10/90 centered on the first year of launching the new spiritual training Order I had created and seeing it grow. A lot of birthing and "gardening." A month after it peaked in 10/89 was my trip to Australia and New Zealand.]
[Anecdote: Exact at my wedding to Marion. Bringing other life cycles to a fulfillment.]
[Anecdote: Danica reports, "The main theme has been: adapting to the new environment and the big life change, after moving from Serbia to Cali... The peaking time of progression (end-May 2017) was marked by an important spiritual experience, as well as couple of events of huge emotional impact (all concerning intimate one-on-one relationships)."]
[None given.]
[Anecdote: Peaking in 7/2014: I had just spent two years reworking the entire system I'd launched in 1989, building to a climax 3/2014 in which I proclaimed a new era, essentially putting my imprint on the time to come and declaring guiding themes.]
Here there can only be the conjunction which must occur before his 28th year. Usually it denotes the awakening of the mind to mental pursuits, often at the age when the native goes to school. If this aspect matures when he is adult he will at that time take a deeper interest in mental pursuits, including sometimes astronomy and astrology. He could also enter into employment.
[Anecdote: Sun conjunct progressed Mercury defined my time in college, a time of intellectual stimulation and exposure to a huge range of new topics. Partile was 10/73 (a month after I started college) through 9/74, the month I officially left by not re-enrolling.]
[Anecdote: Progressed Sun conjunct r Mercury occurred as both conjoined p Saturn. I removed myself to a work studio a few blocks from the house to work on a Mattel project for a year and have benefit of solitude, then got hired by ACS. (Partile 10/78-10/80.) During this time I entered into a new subject of interest that has been part of my life ever since, and spent every spare moment devouring it.]
[NOTE: I will have p Sun again conjunct p Mercury 2/29-8/32. One wonders what entirely new things I'll suddenly start leaning then!]
The progressed or regressed Sun must form its conjunction with the natal Venus before the 48th year. To the progressed Venus it can be later. Its conjunction with the natal Venus normally coincides with the period when the native becomes sensitive to beauty and craves for friendship and close relationship with others. Hence he will make friends, fall in love or become interested in the arts or music. At this time he becomes more conscious of his appearance and smartens his wardrobe. This is a very happy period for the native.
[Anecdote: This happened to me twice, at four-year intervals. It is difficult to see any particular manifestation the two times had in common, and especially nothing is obvious of p Sun conjunct p Venus 1/90-4/91 unless it's related to building the second year or so of the Order.]
[Anecdote: Progressed Sun conjunct r Venus (and sq r/p Pluto) was 3/93-6/95 This was one of the most spiritually intensive times of my life - in some ways, the most intensive and climactic. There were also various kinds of relationship drama brooding behind the scenes.]
When the progressed Sun forms a configuration with Mars, natal or progressed, the native becomes acutely conscious of his sex nature. This may get out of control and wild oats may be sown. It is a time when escapades may not please his seniors. He will become more boisterous and out of hand. There is a superfluous energy which he may seek to work off in vigorous games. Knowing little fear, he is capable of acts of daring. This period may lead to a greater interest in mechanical things or to joining one of the armed services.
[Anecdote: Manifestations of the 1970-75 square marked nearly all of high school plus college, including years of writing for astrology magazines, introduction to sex, marriage, and leaving Indiana for California and soon starting a 21-year relationship. Too much to really single specifics out, but a lot of "coming of age." Oh, also the only seriously athletic time of my life with four years of varsity wrestling in high school and some more in college.]
[Anecdote: A sextile in spring 1991 was a time that I joined with colleagues to form an organization to fight unjust laws affecting our profession.]
We can expect the most successful period of one's life when the progressed or regressed Sun is configured with Jupiter. This is the time that, provided only that an effort is made, success will come to the native. At college he will attain his degree, prizes will be won in sport and he will prosper in business or in his profession. Under this direction reputations are made and fortunes laid.
[Anecdote: Under p Sun square r Jupiter-Uranus, I had a paper route that gave me daily freedom to explore the world on my own, and a first taste of making a little extra money every week. Partile (counting p Jupiter) 9/64-4/68, most of the time that I had the paper routes.]
[Anecdote: The trine (10/95) was inwardly rewarding and outwardly hard, more of an "end of the road" peak from which I coasted rather than an actual victory.]
The solar progression to Saturn synchronizes with the most disappoint periods of one's life, the effects of which may leave a scar. Under the progression the native may fail to pass a test he may be passed over for promotion or rejected at an interview. He may lose his job. If a politician, he may lose an election. It is not a fortunate time for undertakings. It is a period of depression from which it may take time to recover. Under its influence the native is fearful, overly cautious and envious of the success of others because his pride has been hurt.
[Anecdote: Sun conjunct natal Saturn peaked in 1977 when I was able to work to get The New Instant Astrology out - a real feeling of "having arrived." It was partile 5/76-5/78 when I was initially building my decades-long relationship with Anna-Kria, integrating myself into Southern California astrology circles, training and working as a human sexuality counselor and in crisis intervention at a mental health clinic, though mostly not working.]
[Anecdote: Progressed Sun conjunct p Saturn occurred as both were conjunct r Mercury. I removed myself to a work studio a few blocks from the house to work on a Mattel project for a year and have benefit of solitude, then got hired by ACS. It was an important year in developing autonomy and making independent choices, which I mostly hadn't done in my early adult years. Saturn were positive steps in practical maturity, with the negatives mostly being distance from my closest people.]
This can be a period of illumination when light can break through the hardened set condition of the mind. This is the moment for the flash of genius to appear, if the native is capable of it. This progression tallies with the most inspired periods of the life when we can set ourselves free from the traditional. Many at this time break with custom and do unexpected things, and if a public figure, may well hit the headlines. He will be bent on discovering the world and exults in adventures. His inventive talent will express itself in unorthodox ways. It is a time of change.
[NOTE: Under p Sun square r Jupiter-Uranus, I had a paper route that gave me daily freedom to explore the world on my own, and a first taste of making a little extra money every week. Partile (counting p Jupiter) 9/64-10/66, including the first phase of the paper route (the time it was new and freeing and I got to explore different kinds of books in stores along the way).]
[Anecdote: The trine (8/95) was inwardly rewarding and outwardly hard, more of an "end of the road" peak from which I coasted rather than an actual victory.]
Under Neptunian influence the native's evaluation of himself increases but is largely fictitious. He is unable to see himself clearly. He may become unduly sensitive to the opinions of others. He may be the butt of ridicule and suffer severely at the hands of others in his surroundings. His overwrought imagination enhances his fears. He becomes easily agitated, worried, and flurried. Under the Neptunian influence, guilt may carry the stigma of shame or disgrace especially if Saturn also comes into the picture. The craving for sensation will be enhanced and temptation will be put in his path which he will find difficult to resist. He will dwell in a world of fantasy to the detriment of clear thinking and bad effect on his practical work.
[Anecdote: p Su co r/p Ne. This was the most miserable, and perhaps embarrassing, year of school for me (3rd grade), feeling constantly oppressed by the teacher and lost as my Mercury-Saturn mind was making the early adjustment to first organizing itself for learning. Any childhood shames I have are mostly concentrated in this year of this progression. Then, the second half was the absolute best, shining year of elementary school. (Partile 9/62-2/65: The last half overlapped p Sun sq r Jupiter-Uranus.)]
The solar direction to Pluto marks the beginning of the end of a stage of life. It can begin a new phase with success or end one with failure. Under this configuration the marriage tie may be broken and couples parted. Under it children leave home and go out into the worldto fend for themselves. It is responsible for the deaths of parents and the loss of friends. One can feel separate from others and therefore in some cases antisocial. The native may be at war with others and in mundane maps it is a promittor of actual warfare. No other planet changes the status quo as does Pluto.
[Anecdote: The sextile in summer 1964 marked the transition point between the absolute worst year of my schooling to the best, most supported year of elementary school, moving from nearly flunking out to straight A's (and great affection for the teacher). Though Sun-Neptune continued across both years, it peaked in the first year and blended with Sun to Jupiter-Uranus in the second.]
[Anecdote: Progressed Sun conjunct r Venus (and sq r/p Pluto) was 3/93-6/95 This was one of the most spiritually intensive times of my life, climactic with regard to important spiritual,-transformation work. There were also various kinds of relationship drama brooding behind the scenes. Oh, and the release of Windows 95 which changed everything!]
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Progressions by Mercury
P MERCURY - N MOONThe progressions of Mercury appear to have the same effect as its transits... The effects of the progressions are, however longer lasting.
This transit may find the native visiting libraries or lectures in pursuit of knowledge. The progression will be of longer duration and more powerful. [He becomes a pupil.]
[NOTE: The sextile in Feb 2004 is strange. Of all the points in my adult life, this is one I would least characterize with the above description. I had recently returned to the work force with my first significant IT job at Warner Music, which may be the main fit.]
[Anecdote: Partile 10/22-2/24. A year-plus of writing enormously, rapidly, and voluminously on CSA Book 1. Concurrently is was the time of reintegrating everyone in our office back to the in-office workplace after Covid.]
...information, a letter, book, etc., may be received which will affect his work.
[Anecdote: Retrograde conjunction in 1969 (6/68-7/70) marked some of all of my formative, baseline study of astrology. (This overlapped p Mercury-Saturn.) The last month of the aspect was my first letter from Garth Allen.]
[Anecdote: Conjunction returned in mid-1996 to end of 1997, exact in April '97 a month after I began publishing the journal Black Pearl, among other projects. - In what seems unrelated to Mercury, I ended the primary relationship of my entire adult life to that point (amidst no small amount of embarrassment) and also finished winding down my law practice.]
An affectionate letter may arrive under this transit or progression. If configured simultaneously with the malefics there will be disappointments.
[Anecdote: Conjunction with progressed Venus peaked in the last days of 2000, a period when I was writing extensively and creatively, happily in a relationship, and mostly unemployed with no clear sense what I was going to do next.]
[Anecdote: Another conjunction in early 2007 showed me recently in a new job, productive in several ways, and in a separation from a long-term partner due to her health crisis. The full period was 5/2006 to 11/2007 which also included starting a new fraternal and teaching organization that lasted a few years, the job change in 10/06, the relationship change.]
This transit or progression can lead to the use of force or violence. It sometimes finds the native engaged in sport or manual work.
[Anecdote: I think all three times I was writing intensely. Square in summer '74 (essentially the whole of '74) I decided to leave college (an unusual period when schooling and I didn't get along), got such work as I could and was writing a fair bit for American Astrology.]
[Anecdote: Sextile early 2005 I had been recently installed as full head of an organization I had helped found years before, was busy with that, was going strong in my job at Warner Music. I think the sextile can be credited as status quo and stable.]
[Anecdote: Square to progressed Mars Aug 2009 was the center of a very prolific few years of writing, and well-established in my next job. (p Me-Ju trine exact 4/09 supported this.) Partile phase was 6/2008 to 10/2010, which also included Marion and me coming out as a couple. There was one highly divisive mutiny in the middle that may relate to this aspect.]
An excellent transit for seeking promotion and interviewing the manager. Good for addressing meetings. But note whether Mercury is free from afflictions.
[Anecdote: Squares in 1980 and '86 were each significant step-ups in career and income, proportionate to the time, feeling I was doing well. But, due to Mercury's turn-around station, this was a long, slow progression in partile orb from 12/78 to 2/88. Yes, I fully established myself professionally in that critical decade, going from having never had a real full-time job to having my own law practice, from ready to make my first move toward an fraternal organization and course of training to having just started to create my own (which has lasted over 30 years). The amount of training I started and finished during these years from ages 23 to 32 - in many areas - is substantial.]
[Anecdote: Trine in early 2008 marked a distinctive promotion, income increase, and greater job pleasure (it was in 1/08), and expansion to a larger world in some respects.]
Even though they may be beneficial these transits are never pleasant and may be humiliating. All transits to Saturn make one uncomfortable.
[Anecdote: I've had four conjunctions so far. March 1969 to July 1972 make no sense in terms of restriction, though much sense in terms of working hard (the hardest I've applied myself academically in my life; by the fall of '72 I became lazier, coasting because things were too easy or, rather, perhaps because this progression passed). During this time, I was academically strong, learning astrology, and had begun to write professionally for American Astrology and Spica. As high school is for most people, these were important developmental years for me.]
[Anecdote: At the next conjunction, 1994-96, my law practice was winding down (though it would take a few more years to finish) and I was somewhat looking for my next direction. Also, the release of Windows 95 turned my world inside out remarkably. I was also writing like a beast!]
[Anecdote: Spring '99 (mid-1998 to January 2000): I was unemployed mostly, working a lot of menial temp office jobs, writing a lot (including translating several ancient works in languages I pushed myself to understand), had begun online computer support projects, had my first annual visits to Microsoft, and began my first web page.]
Often occurs during removal to a new place. Surprises in the course of travel.
[NOTE: Trine late '07 had some shifting conditions to which I had to adjust. In work, I'd spent a solid year in my new job and was about to get a promotion and relocate to a different office.]
In the course of travel the native may attend a concert or visit the opera.
In some cases under this transit the native has been found to be on the run, trying to escape his obligations.
[NOTE: Square in the first half of 2007. First full year in an important new job, near my long-term partner was removed to out of state by her family due to her health, a huge amount of stuff going on. The full period was 5/2006 to 11/2007, which also included starting a new fraternal and teaching organization that lasted a few years, the job change in 10/06, the relationship change.]
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Progressions by Venus
P VENUS - N SUNThe progressions of Venus appear to have the same effects as those of Venus in transit... The student must however remember that progressions denote incidents and transits denote accidents. The effects of progressions are more protracted and enduring than those of transits.
Unless Venus is prominent in some way this transit by a rapidly moving planet may pass unnoticed. If slow in motion the native may be honored in some way by being invited to a party at which he will look his best.
Under such a transit the native may pay special attention to his wardrobe. Should Venus be with Uranus he may adopt new modes of attire. If a male he will at this time be popular with women. [Is wooed by another.]
NOTE: Trine early '92 overlaps with early time of an important friendship and romance that began in late '91.
...It can harmonize the mind, writing done at this time will be felicitous in expression.
...Love at first sight has happened under this transit. With progressions this aspect can only happen when Venus, turning retrograde, returns to its radical longitude.
NOTE: Conj 6/84. The slow progression of Venus across natal Venus-Pluto lasted from January 1981 to April 1986 when far too much happened to summarize (though one part of it was frequent redefinition of my most important relationships.
When prominent, Venus transiting Mars causes another person to be attracted to the native who may be mutually attracted. There have been hasty marriages under this transit.
[NOTE: Sextile 4/65 has no obvious meaning. Sextile 8/89 was a time my practice & an organization were going new and energetically, and I travelled to Australia & New Zealand. Square 1994=95 was a time when I was doing a lot of work with Mars energies. No unusual sexual or romantic changes under any of these, though much sexual activity with two voracious women in my life.]
Under this transit the native usually becomes the recipient of tokens of esteem and affection from admirers.
NOTE: Trine 6/75 was ironically when I left my wife, left my home state, and moved to California. Trine 11/80 was fine enough but nothing outstanding; a minor renewal of an existing relationship before again moving, this time to San Diego for two years.
Should Venus be prominent at the time, attempts by another to contact the native may be rejected. There may even be disgust at the approach.
[Anecdote: Exact conjunction 5/06 of a long-term pass. My lover of several years had suffered two strokes and was deteriorating, many internal rearrangements in my psyche at the time, her family pulled her out of state for hospitalization less than a year later.]
[NOTE: Progressed Venus conjunct progressed Saturn (in Libra, where both are dignified), due to retrogradation, has dominated much of the middle years of my adulthood, including some of the romantically happiest of my life. It ran first from Sep 2003 to Dec 2010, then from Feb 2017 to Jan 2025. (I write this a month before it expires, curious about what life will feel like without it.) These years have included a wide range of Venus experiences, including deaths of three of the most important women in my life (two of whom were long-term partners) and the active pursuit of and eventually marrying the greatest love of my life. An interesting contrast as that the years between these two periods (2010-2017) were my strongest period of writing books that were published. I suspect that concentrating on this one aspect is my best chance to articulate the exact characteristics of progressions (especially progressed-to-progressed aspects) in contrast to other kinds of planet blends.]
Romance meets the native when on an adventure.
NOTE: Sextile 11/80 & 7/81, see above under Jupiter.
Pleasure comes to the native when Venus transits Neptune. He usually finds it in his hobbies and pastimes. He may receive gifts useful for these hobbies.
Under unusual circumstances a stranger seeks the companionship of the native.
[NOTE: Square 2/83, the month I quit ACS and moved back to Hollywood from San Diego. Square 1/84 probably a continuation of that rearrangement, maybe some key spiritual work. The slow progression of Venus across natal Venus-Pluto lasted from January 1981 to April 1986 when far too much happened to summarize (though one part of it was frequent redefinition of my most important relationships).]
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Progressions by Mars
P MARS - N MOONThe interpretation of the progressions follows that of the transiting planet... The effects of progressions will however last longer and be deeper.
The native will be irascible and his temper anything but docile. Sometimes there is a visit to the dentist or surgeon. Should Mars and Saturn together transit the Moon in the foreground the native is in danger of violence at the hands of others.
[NOTE: I have progressed Mars conjunct natal Moon 2038-2041, being exact a month before I turn 85. I suspect I won't outlive that progression.]
[None given.]
[Anecdote: The trine marked the years of establishing my law practice and its most successful time (before changes in the law made me decide to wind it down).]
Criticism of the native's ideas may cause him to react vigorously in their defense. Should Mars and Jupiter together transit Mercury the native will triumph. Should Mars and Saturn transit Mercury, the native will find that his ideas and theories of any kind are demolished.
Anecdote: Square 2/83 was the month I left San Diego and returned to Hollywood, with plans to start a new small business. The larger partile orb Aug '81 to Jul '84 was most of my time at ACS, my return and looking to reestablish myself, two terms as president of an international astrological organization. In hindsight I think I felt I was succeeding and learning important skills (overlapped prog. Mars-Saturn) and was becoming a bit of a jackass.
When the hot and impetuous Mars transits radical Venus, the love nature of the native becomes inflamed and he may find himself falling passionately in love. Should transiting Jupiter be also configured with Mars his overtures to another meet with success. Should Saturn be with Mars he will find himself scorned and snubbed. For the engaged or married this dual transit of the malefics is an ill omen.
[NOTE: Square in early 2004 is puzzling. It might fit best for some strained personally important (nonromantic, nonsexual) relationships at the time. The wider 2002-2006 partile period included very significant events (hard to believe so much fit into so few years) including my reinventing myself professionally with aggressive schooling and getting well established in new job, one of the most ferociously sexual periods of my life, inheriting leadership of my spiritual lineage and assuming office, a decision to end one important relationship while laying groundwork for what became a more important one, establishing a new fraternal organization that had a short life, and peaking in my job and moving on to the much better (more rewarding, more powerful) one I've had ever since. NOTE: p Mars trine r Neptune fell in the middle of all this.]
The native usually discovers he has spent more money than he can afford when Mars transits Jupiter. There is some danger of fire destroying property. If Saturn joins in, there is a danger of theft. With Uranus of losses on the stock exchange or through gambling.
NOTE: Oppositions of progressed Mars to natal Jupiter-Uranus were exact in 1961-62, only memorable event was a tonsillectomy during which I bled to death (then got better).
The most ugly of all transits is that of Mars over radical Saturn. Now the native can feel hatred. He may become unpopular and may be maligned and made to feel unwanted. He may be forced to resign from a position. He may have to submit to discipline.
Anecdote: Square in 7/79 was the start of what seemed an extremely important relationship that went sour in a few months, and I was also in a different social group. There was a lot of conflict with those closest to me (throughout 1979-80) and I sequestered myself somewhat to work.]
[Anecdote: Square to p Saturn 10/84 I was effectively fighting political battles in an organization and starting to move into more responsibility and figure out how to get things done. The full orb from Jan '83 to July '86 was a time I felt I was learning how to successfully compete in the world on multiple fronts, which amounted to learning to battle on many fronts.
Mars in transit over Uranus often causes unpleasant events occurring quite unexpectedly. Sometimes in the course of travel it is an accident formation.
NOTE: Oppositions exact in 1961-62, only memorable event was a tonsillectomy during which I bled to death. (I got better.)
This transit can cause panic and agitation from which he does not recover soon. In some way he may be driven into a corner. It is a transit of defeat.
NOTE: Trine 10/05 was mostly positive but secretive, with a new venture ready to launch and a new relationship (I can see in hindsight) starting to form as an old one broke down. Work was going well, but would turn early in the following year to up-negotiating my position and starting to look for something else.
A "shock" transit which may cause a nervous condition. In extreme cases the native may be under suspicion of offense.
[NOTE: Square in early 2004 is puzzling. It might fit best for some strained personally important (nonromantic, nonsexual) relationships at the time. The wider 2002-2006 partile period included very significant events (hard to believe so much fit into so few years) including my reinventing myself professionally with aggressive schooling and getting well established in new job, one of the most ferociously sexual periods of my life, inheriting leadership of my spiritual lineage and assuming office (there were nefarious plots about me behind the scenes, but these didn't come to a head for years), a decision to end one important relationship while laying groundwork for what became a more important one, establishing a new fraternal organization that had a short life, and peaking in my job and moving on to the much better (more rewarding, more powerful) one I've had ever since. NOTE: p Mars trine r Neptune fell in the middle of all this.]
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Progressions by Jupiter
P JUPITER - N MOONJupiter, a slow-moving planet, will not make many aspects by progression during the average life. The general influence of the progressions will be found under the section on transits. The influence will, however, be deeper and longer lasting.
This is an excellent transit in every way. The health of the native will improve, he will be optimistic, popular, and fortunate.
Although nothing of significance appears to happen when Jupiter transits radical or progressed Sun, it is at this time that the seeds of enduring prosperity are sown. Seemingly insignificant jobs undertaken under such a transit may at a later time blossom into success. In accordance with his bent, it is at this time that the native may join a religious or occult society which may be even at a later time of worldly benefit to him.
Under this transit the way is paved for the native to carry out his long-cherished schemes regarding the office. It is a good time for making speeches. His mental work will flourish. As a boy he will shine at school.
The course of true love runs smoothly when Jupiter transits radical Venus. A very happy time when things run well.
The transit of Jupiter over Mars finds the native full of energy, physically fit, and indulging successfully ion sport, motoring, racing, or in any activity, even in his garden. For the professional soldier on acti e service it is excellent.
[Nothing given.]
[NOTE: My retrograding progressed Jupiter re-entered partile orb on late 2019. It will be exact in late 2029 and leave orb in 2038, so I will have it most of the rest of my life.]
Any transit to radical Saturn always carries with it the stigma of embarrassment and even humiliation. That of Jupiter is no exception. Under it the prodigal son returns, the exile is recalled, another pays his debts; all is forgiven.
The native is moved to do something completely different and excitingly novel..., such as travel to out of the way places, to undertake a lecture tour, or in general to try many things which prove entertaining and exciting.
[NOTE: My retrograding progressed Jupiter re-entered partile orb on late 2022. It will be exact in 2032 and leave orb in 2040. It continues in conjunction with progressed Uranus becoming exact in 2043 and not leaving until 2054 - so I surely will have this aspect the rest of my life.]
The native will generally get more fun out of his hobbies, indulging them in a big way... He will probably spend more money on them than he can afford. He may, for instance, join in amateur theatricals, take up golf, or learn the twist.
[NOTE: My progressed Jupiter-Neptune partile square began in mid-2020, will be exact in 2028, and will last until 2036; then, four years later in 2040, Jupiter begins to square natal Neptune. I will, therefore, have this progression most of the rest of my life.]
This transit brings relief to the hard-pressed. In one case, a blackmailer was arrested.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Progressions by Saturn
P SATURN - N MOONSaturn will rarely make aspects by progression. When it does the effect will be similar to that of the transits but more prolonged.
Under this transit not a few of the mighty fall from power. The failure of their schemes and growing opposition deflates their self-esteem and they tend to sink into a state of melancholy and inactivity. These are extreme cases such as happened with Napoleon after the retreat from Moscow and with Hitler in the bunker in Berlin. Foer the ordinary individual, distasteful changes cause him to be dispirited and depressed; in extreme cases he becomes physically ill.
If the native is wise he would be advised to hibernate and go slow when this transit is acting. Anything new that he undertakes is not likely to be a success. It is a time for holding on and not for new undertakings. Under such a transit Hitler began the war. Generally under this transit the malice of the world seems turned against the native and stumbling blocks appear in his path. It is a precarious time and he should be cautious. Business will be poor and progress retarded.
Under this transit criticism of his beliefs and theories embitters the native. Doubts assailing the mind, he feels his security in jeopardy. Unpleasant questions are disturbing and he may have to undertake uncongenial work, often in different surroundings.
[NOTE: Progressed Saturn conjoined my Mercury 1966 to 1983, being exact in 1975 just before I emigrated from Indiana to California marking a sharp shift in my life. Understanding this, therefore, would focus on how my Mercury was freed up after 1983. It's fair to say that the years 1966-1983 (the year I left ACS) were the preparatory training period of my life.]
...friends neglect the native, his sweetheart deserts him for another. His wardrobe falls into neglect. Consorting with bad companions he may visit doubtful resorts.
...the native, finding himself thwarted and pushed around, is apt to try and take it out on the weaker, such as wife and children and to act the bully. Hurting out of viciousness in battle or in sport, he meets with ill-success. Should Venus be with Saturn there may be sadistic tendencies.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Fagan & Firebrace on Progressions - Interpretation resources
Great Thread! Do we allow the same interpretations for P to N for P to P, but maybe as less potency?
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Fagan & Firebrace on Progressions - Interpretation resources
First: Why less potency? If anything, I would expect it to be more overt, less purely characterological.SteveS wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:35 am Great Thread! Do we allow the same interpretations for P to N for P to P, but maybe as less potency?
To answer the main question: I'm providing what F&F said, without necessarily agreeing or disagreeing. I would approach much differently, but haven't kept actual records (in a notebook fashion) on progressions for a long time. Speaking from theory, I'd take P-to-P more like a natal aspect coming into being, and P-to-N more like a transit - except, all of them interpreted as incidents instead of accidents.
F&F appear to be interpreting P-to-P and P-to-N identically.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Fagan & Firebrace on Progressions - Interpretation resources
In case anyone is interested: I had left this thread about half-finished years ago. I finished fleshing it out today. Its purpose is to reproduce the interpretations for progressions that Fagan and Firebrace provided in the Primer.
Jim Eshelman