Sister's Final PSSR

Q&A and discussion on progressions of Sidereal Solar Returns.
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Sister's Final PSSR

Post by staragewiz »

Sister passed suddenly after a short illness.
prog. solar moon (pssr rate) 29Pi26
P.S. Mars 29PI09, Uranus 27PI09, Jupiter 27PI17
All in a close Square aspect to the East Pt.
A good symbolic description of her quick unexpected death.
Sister's Final PSSR.jpg
Don't under estimate the power of the East Pt. in Solunars.
Calculated from SSR for Residence...
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Sister's Final PSSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Eastpoint, as written in the chart, is just the way to approximate the RA square to MC. "Square to Eastpoint" appears to be meaningless; it does give the "Midequator," which is the Morinus 10th cusp, and I experimented for a while watching it; it failed miserably. So, best advice is, square to EP is nonsense (and, for that matter, conj/opp is merely a "heads up" that you should check to see if the planet is square MC in RA).

On the Moon... thanks for the example. Can you provide the SQ Moon position, please? We've been having the devil's own time getting PSSRs to show anything around here, so I'm keen to take a super-close look at this example. It looks like the event is about nine months after her birthday, so I'm guessing there is about a 2° difference.

Finally... I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Were you close?
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Sister's Final PSSR

Post by SteveS »

My condolences starage.
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