Moon in Aquarius sign project

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Moon in Aquarius sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to the Moon in Aquarius discussions project, which will run February 14 - March 14, 2018 (and then will remain around in case people want to revisit it in the future). Please gather your list of Moon in Aquarius people (especially those you know personally) and join us.

Here are Moon in Aquarius interpretive resources on the forum:
Primary section: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=34#p152
Cyril Fagan: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=105&p=636#p647
Garth Allen: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33#p140
Manilius: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=121#p748

My current concise summary of Moon in Aquarius (always subject to change) is:

Instinct for interconnection (all things) & breadth (diverse interests) as sources of genius. Intellectually rebellious, curious, investigative, futuristic. Science, analysis, discovery. Free spirit + social responsibility. Sexually curious; strange marital conditions. Humane: sympathetic to others’ troubles. Social idealist, reformer. Avoids “herd mind.” Occultists.
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Re: Moon in Aquarius sign project

Post by TheScales_BothWays »

Nothing much to say about this lunar placement since I only know few a lunar Aquarian, but here's my take:

- Scientific, innovative and open minds, needless to say. Gives opinions and analyses dispassionately. Deep thinkers, as all hubs are, and thus occasionally getting caught in deep strong emotions (??) Adult lunar Aqaurians are also hard workers, getting their jobs done, perfectly and as asked to.

- As what Solar Aquarians are known for, they are able to wholly accept people for whom they are. Non-judgemental when it comes to others' identities and self-expressions. Hence I consider it safe to come out as gay to lunar Aquarians (although I feel safer to come out to Solar Aquarians).

- Sexually very curious, excited and experimental, and they may have even experimented with the same sex (and I'm talking about people over here.) Some of them are charming, and popular with their desired sex. Some are also libertines and pick-up artists. (Consider Paul Janka? Born 1 June 1975.)

- Loves travelling! Alone or with groups it doesn't matter. The more the adventure, freshness, challenge and excitement, the better! Also, willing to try anything once (or twice!)

- Interested in astronomy and astrology, also needless to be said. (Although I see more Aquarians here being interested in astronomy instead.) I know a Muslim guy at school who once requested me to take a look at his chart, despite the fact that astrology is forbidden in Islam.

- Musical and vocal talent: I have noticed a good number of great Malaysian, Indian and Asian singers & composers that have the Moon in Aquarius too. One of which is Sudirman Arshad, also known as the "Elvis Presley of Malaysia." Elvis Presley is another Aquarian Moon! (Okay, his date of birth shows him being either a Capricorn or Aquarius Moon, but I honestly feel he's an Aquarius Moon, judging from his music, looks and his Wikipedia page. :) )

- They are humanitarian, they strongly care for human rights and equality, and are against elitism, corruption, etc. Their political and romantic/sexual views are sometimes seen as controversial or strongly liberal by society, (especially in Malaysia, a Leo country) with some lunar Aquarians supporting the complete abolishment of social constructs, racial privileges and royalty, and for non-Malaysians, I know a few lunar Aquariuses being in favour of communism even.

- They do not care much about superstitions, (unless there's a "science" to back it up that they find practical) and occasionally social mores. Despite this, I actually know Aquarians that are (even deeply) religious! I can sure say that their religious views are more Aquarian/Uranian. (Of course, there are atheist and agnostic lunar Aquarians for every zodiacal placement.)

- They definitely do not care about others' judgements on them either, unless its' serves them as constructive criticism. This can develop to make them appear as stubborn or even a rebel, especially to those that have conservative values/behaviours and cling on to the status quo.
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Re: Moon in Aquarius sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Scales, thanks for playing along... and welcome back. I've been noticing your absence.

I don't have my list of Aquarius Moons compiled yet, but I have a few remarks... nothing exhaustive... on what you wrote.
TheScales_BothWays wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:25 am - Sexually very curious, excited and experimental, and they may have even experimented with the same sex (and I'm talking about people over here.) Some of them are charming, and popular with their desired sex. Some are also libertines and pick-up artists.
In so liberal a vein as to be considered sexually notorious by some people, Aquarius Moons include Kenneth Anger, Hugh Heffner, Leonardo da Vinci, and Aleister Crowley. Actually, there are quite a few more that the public at large surely put in this category, e.g., Timothy Leary (who was just so relaxed about the whole thing that boundaries didn't matter much to him), J. Edgar Hoover (who was mostly into gathering scandalous information about others, but had a few "interesting" pictures and reports of himself emerge), and the top-rank music giants that are semi-notorious for their behavior. (Think Elvis... Chuck Berry... Prince... the kind of legal trouble Michael Jackson got into, which I think was mostly from his own naiveté. Woody Allen. Even the gentle Paul Foster Case got in trouble with the Golden Dawn for exchanging "meaningful looks" in temple with the woman he later married, just as King Edward VIII, known best as the Duke of Windsor, was pushed to abdication because we wanted to marry a married American.)
Loves travelling! Alone or with groups it doesn't matter. The more the adventure, freshness, challenge and excitement, the better! Also, willing to try anything once (or twice!)
I always thought that was a bit overstated, at least in my own case, though I guess I have a small following of people who track where Marion and I are going next. (I tend to think of that as more her than me.) But there are at least a few widely-travelled figures among the famous people that come to mind, even if you leave out the touring musicians. I remain unclear of this and don't see it much in people I personally know. One woman represents bands, and has travelled the world with them - again, the touring context. One woman took to travelling the world by thumb in her late teens / early 20s (I always thought it was her close Moon-Pluto - which would fit Marion, too). One woman does technical drawings or archaeological sites and goes to Egypt every couple of years for a few months, but otherwise is an utter homebody. Of course, Crowley and Leary wandered the world widely and often. Most Aquarius Moons that I know personally (that come to mind) mostly stay put, but wander widely with their minds. (Bradley was close to a recluse; Anger similarly.)
Interested in astronomy and astrology, also needless to be said. (Although I see more Aquarians here being interested in astronomy instead.)
Bradley was an amateur astronomer who contributed to the literature in that area also, and had a telescope on his roof. He expressed a wish, a couple of times, that I were an amateur astronomer, to allow me to discern various claims more discriminatingly. I did have a telescope as a kid, but never got deeply into it: Taurus Bradley liked to be outside more than I did.

And, of course, there's Gene Roddenberry! And Crowley built an entire religion around three ideas, one of which was the entirety of space experienced as his goddess.
Musical and vocal talent: I have noticed a good number of great Malaysian, Indian and Asian singers & composers that have the Moon in Aquarius too.
I assume you've seen my list that is highlighted by Elvis, Chuck, Michael, and Prince, but has a number of others, such as Frank Sinatra, Leonard Cohen, Bobby Darin, Billy Ray Cyrus, Audrey Hepburn. (Off hand I can't think of any more female examples.)

South African rocker Robbi Robb was a friend of mine, known as one of the "angry young men from South Africa" whose band, Tribe After Tribe, was a social force against apartheid, and he became notorious enough he had to leave his country.
They are humanitarian, they strongly care for human rights and equality, and are against elitism, corruption, etc. Their political and romantic/sexual views are sometimes seen as controversial or strongly liberal by society, (especially in Malaysia, a Leo country) with some lunar Aquarians supporting the complete abolishment of social constructs, racial privileges and royalty, and for non-Malaysians, I know a few lunar Aquariuses being in favour of communism even.
Examples of all of this above. Besides what I just said about Robbi, I consider Heffner primarily a civil rights figure. There is certainly a lot of our spirit that fundamentally wants to reform society, with sexual mores being one very big area - perhaps because they are so suppressive to the human spirit. Many of the music and other entertainment figures fall into this category (Anger really pushed it), along with the likes of Crowley, Heffner, Leary, Harvey Milk, my early work, etc.

But these social forces are not always liberal. There is a similar "push society the way you want it to go" in Rush Limbaugh.
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Re: Moon in Aquarius sign project

Post by TheScales_BothWays »

Thanks so much for your remarks, Jim! They add a lot to my little knowledge of this Moon placement. :D
Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:58 amMost Aquarius Moons that I know personally (that come to mind) mostly stay put, but wander widely with their minds. (Bradley was close to a recluse; Anger similarly.)
Interesting! Looks like I was actually describing my Gemini-Aquarius cousin instead and her love for travel (and a few others) and then generalised it to Aquarius Moon itself. My bad, that's a serious error. :(
Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:58 am And, of course, there's Gene Roddenberry! And Crowley built an entire religion around three ideas, one of which was the entirety of space experienced as his goddess.
That's a beautiful idea by itself, and definitely not a non-profound one. :)
Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:58 am I assume you've seen my list that is highlighted by Elvis, Chuck, Michael, and Prince, but has a number of others, such as Frank Sinatra, Leonard Cohen, Bobby Darin, Billy Ray Cyrus, Audrey Hepburn. (Off hand I can't think of any more female examples.)
Haha, yes. That is why I used the word "too" in my Asian examples.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:58 am There is certainly a lot of our spirit that fundamentally wants to reform society, with sexual mores being one very big area - perhaps because they are so suppressive to the human spirit.
I can certainly agree with this to a considerable level, partly from being a gay in a country that criminalises homosexuality, and partly with seeing how suppressive/repressive sexual mores have messed up people in many ways, in and out, deep and shallow.

Once again, thanks so much! Can't wait for your deeper inspection into Aquarius Moon in this thread. 😄
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Re: Moon in Aquarius sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've just done a significant update on the Aquarius Moon page - please visit it - and finished my tight summary based on current data. Here it is:
Instinct for interconnection (all things) & breadth (diverse interests) as sources of genius. Intellectually rebellious, curious, investigative, futuristic. Science, analysis, discovery. Free spirit + social responsibility. Sexually curious; strange marital conditions. Humane: sympathetic to others’ troubles. Social idealist, reformer. Avoids “herd mind.” Occultists. Space, astronomy, astrology, sci fi, etc.
This doesn't mean we're done. There's still a lot of work to do. But I think I got us closer. Please dive in, we have most of the Aquarius month still ahead of us.
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Re: Moon in Aquarius sign project

Post by Danica »

Lunar Aquariuses I know:

M.A. - university professor, teaches Logic & Philosophy of Nature; eccentric, charismatic (Sun Leo), great sense of humor, a big heart, but often feared by students for being scathing on exams.

B.R. - mystic, magician, artist, astrologer; free spirited philosophy, but in practice overall tending to go with "safe choices" (Sun Taurus)

N.K. - life-coach, interested (and learned & experienced) in various mystical & magical traditions; a prominently free-thinker; sarcastic; very loyal as a friend (both Luminaries in Aquarius)

M.M.K. - a weirdo in his surrounding, practitioner & promoter of the Solar Yoga (the highest stadium of which is the ability to live without food, and use only solar light & prana for sustaining the body); the middle M in his name stands for a name he gave himself and contains the word cyber (- he lives in a non-English language area) (Sun Cancer)

A.J. - a sibling of mine, black sheep in the family, for her total disregard of moral norms of the environment; she was like this from early age, and with a determination that she'll go her own way and do whatever she pleases; multilingual; connected with shady characters, and people "on the border of the law"; when she started bringing money to the house, and investing into repairing & improving it, family started to threat her with respect :) (Sun Capricorn)

I.S. - a designer, works with clothing; started her own business; also a black sheep in her family; was studying astrology & tarot for a while (I don't know if she still does); unconventional ideas, but in practice goes with the "normal" and accepted; very proud (Sun Cancer, but angular and sq Ur)

R.P. - a retired elementary school P.E. teacher; interested in philosophy and mysticism, but never went into practical exploration of mystical practices (and explicitly is against anything magic-related), too rational for that; considers himself very open-minded, but actually has quite fixed opinions; declares as atheist; is tolerant of others' different views and approaches to life (not judgmental) (Sun Aqu too)

M.B. - a warm, openhearted person, single mom of two daughters whom she raised into admirable young human beings; has a remarkable respect for every single person she interacts with, be it a beggar or someone high-placed on social ladder; compassionate, without pity in it; one of the most balanced and dignified people I know. (Sun Leo)

L.B. - a fighter & survivor (by her own description of self), has defeated a malignant tumor; strong will; open-minded to learn everything, but in practice chooses the safety of known (despite being dissatisfied with it) over venturing into the risky unknown. (Sun Capricorn)

A.G. - a single mom of two boys; androgynous person, open-minded, free-spirited, traveled a lot throughout life, multilingual; prone to pairing with dysfunctional and/or abusive partners; very intelligent; prominently non-judgmental; a good, loyal friend. (Sun Sagittarius; Ve in Sco partile sq Moon)

T.P. - a Reiki practitioner (healer & initiator), hatha-yoga teacher, interested in esoteric traditions of east & west, a single mom; mild nature, supportive, wants to help and looks for ways to do it in a subtle, non-intrusive manner; an exotic, out-of-the ordinary person in her environment. (Sun Pisces)
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Re: Moon in Aquarius sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You have weird friends <vbseg>.

Seriously, thanks: These are great notes.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Moon in Aquarius sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Done. I've finished the full rewrite of Aquarius Moon. The summary isn't greatly changed because it had already been significantly rewritten partway through this thread, and the substantial rewrite on the body of the interpretation didn't require much change in the summary.

The three keywords are: Holistic, Futuristic, Eccentric

The full interpretation is: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=34#p152

Here is the revised summary:
Breadth (diverse interests) and instinct for interconnection (all things) as sources of genius. Intelligent, curious, exploring, discovery, futurist. Eccentric, nonconforming, original, innovative, creative. Social responsibility, progressive, reformer, humane, sympathetic to others’ troubles. Sexually liberal (unusual marital conditions). High-strung, needs solitude. Astrology.
Jim Eshelman
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