Pluto and revealing secrets

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Pluto and revealing secrets

Post by Arena »

Yesterday my father called me to tell me that he now has the results of his DNA test to know who is/was his father. My grandmother wanted that secret not to come out until after her death. So now we know and it is, to me, one of those truths most people need to have in their life. It feels strange since it was a man from the same small town and he had a big family.

I connect this event as well as my grandmother's death with tr. Pluto near natal angle and partile trine n. Moon and perhaps also the quinc. to n. Mercury.
Last edited by Arena on Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pluto and secrets

Post by Venus_Daily »

I think one facet of Pluto may be about secrets, but it's not about the secret itself, it's more about going from a state of unknowing to a state of knowing the truth. It's Pluto's all or nothing qualities, you either live quietly in darkness or loudly in illumination, nothing in between. Secrets are one of those things where you either know a secret, or you're blissfully unaware.
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Re: Pluto and secrets

Post by Arena »

Yes, like I said, this was about revealing a secret, getting to know the hidden truth. Although this story did take a new turn just after my father called the other day. He called me back a few days later to tell me that they had read the results incorrectly and that when he took the results to someone else they had told him that it was NOT possible that he was the brother of the man that provided the DNA. So now he is doing another DNA to compare with another child of that man. So we are still in the dark about the truth to this matter.
Soft Alpaca
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Re: Pluto and revealing secrets

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Pluto has three major themes. Darkness/illumination (called secretive by many), Transformation, and then one people forget,Rebellion (different than transformation as Pluto has shown its Native how to change and guves Pluto heavy people rebel and change at will to continue to march to the sound of their own drum).

I'll give an example. Pluto taught me that life the way I saw it wasn't normal (having to be a very responsible and mature child due to unfortunate circumstance). Then it taught me or more made me change to except who I was and that things weren't ok, I got to a stable environment and went trough guidance to become more stable myself, now I choose not to do the things that my makers did I choose to listen to my own heart and I choose to spite what statistics say about my predisposition to addiction, I can do things (not just drugs) in moderation. Plutos nature is black and white but it can teach plutonic people that life isn't always this way but rather a continuum.

For the OP, the dark/illumination was discovery of the other side of the family. Next will be a change/transformation the families will probably meet and it might not be easy, but then they might grow together and rebel against there differences to become one.
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