Sidereal Sun, Moon, & Mars Sign Summaries

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Jim Eshelman
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Sidereal Sun, Moon, & Mars Sign Summaries

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This information is given elsewhere on the forum, as part of more complete discussions of Sun-signs and Moon-signs (constellations). I thought it might be handy, especially for new visitors, to have one place to get a quick look. For more details, see:

Sun in TAURUS (Fertile Hub: Moon, Venus) CHARMING. DEVOTED. EROTIC.
Charming, good-hearted, tolerant, forthright. Loves peace, beauty, nature, comfort, simplicity. Devoted friend, keenly understands people. Willingly vulnerable, open; feels things powerfully. Erotic (sexually, sensually, philosophically). Deeply loving parents. Prolific in all areas of creativity.

Moon in TAURUS (Fertile Hub: Moon, Venus) REFLECTIVE. TENDER. SENSUAL.
Driven most by how they feel about things (follows the heart). Charming, affectionate, sensual, cuddly, romantically exploring. Tender, vulnerable (touchy, moody). Values harmlessness, simplicity. Brave, impassioned. Groping quest for emotional truth. Thoughtful, reflective, learns rapidly (relearns slowly). Beauty, art, entertainment.

Mars in TAURUS (Fertile Hub: Moon, Venus) ARTISTIC. ROMANTIC. PENSIVE.
Artists, musicians. Tender, responsive, humane, honest, forthright. Pensive (brooding). Powerful emotions. Romantic soul, affectionate, sensual (sexually popular, flirtatious). Mystic instincts attuned to love. Women often are tough, competitive, comfortable with assertiveness. Men may second-guess themselves (ambivalent about aggression) or war for peace.

Sun in GEMINI (Egalitarian Spoke: Mercury) REASON. PLAY. PLURALISM.
Acute nervous system. Speed, rhythm, variety (dispersion). More reason than belief. Courageous. Egalitarian; rejects forced stratification: “What’s expected” often makes no sense to them. Play, youthful; needs affection, connection; feels loneliness deeply, often alienated. Music, arts, business. Mechanical, technical.

Moon in GEMINI (Egalitarian Spoke: Mercury) CURIOUS. PLAYMATE. MULTIPLICITY.
Curious, mentally quick, talkative (charming, engaging). Needs attention, approval, inclusion. Stability from companionship (does better paired). Playful, loves games. Versatile, needs diversity, restless. Interests shift, varied, multiple, driven by shifting passions. Sensitive (intuitive, psychic), cagey, touchy, withdraws, hides.

Mars in GEMINI (Egalitarian Spoke: Mercury) BRIGHT. WRANGLING. INQUIRING.
Bright, curious, forthright, strong opinions, speaks to inform (needs to be right). Stirs conversation (debate, argument). More pragmatic than idealistic. Methodical scientific mind hones facts: can commit energy to inquiry (scientists). Strengthened by being heard; otherwise over-compensates. Humane, sides with equity and fair treatment. Substance abuse (then ingenious deceptions).

Thrives within imagination & complexity (vision; or lost in fantasy). Lives in others’ shadow; finds purpose in service & emulation. Conceive & deliver results. Persuasive, trusted, instinct for motives. Live in mystery or its resolution: create or solve puzzles. Renewed by home or sanctuary. Sensitive, moody, self-absorbed.

Moon in CANCER (Enigma Rim: Moon, Jupiter) IMAGERY. FEELING. EXPRESSION.
Feelings close to surface, comfortably expressed (sometimes overwhelm). When safe: tender, openly sensitive; otherwise cocky arrogance, moody. Generous, hospitable, loves easily, draws affection. Sympathetic listener (trusted). Exudes optimism, outward confidence. Thrives within imagination. Expressive actor (treasures privacy). Conscientious shepherd.

Breeds confidence, makes things happen (production, organization). Loyal, supportive advisor, serves effectively behind the scenes (wants to lead). Inner strength (imagination, fantasy) usually holds demons at bay; yet clings to old wounds (angry, reactive, selfish, retaliatory). Deep connection to shadow (drama, horror). Magnetic (may draw enthusiastic following), needs adoration sexually. Theater, film, literature.

Competitive, strong, proud, authority, command. Quiet dignity, nobility, elegance. Seeks to control own myth or legend. Distinctive personal style. Natural hub of attention: Holds forth (or holds court!), can "own the stage." Loyal, generous, nurtures talent, improves lives. Sexually lusty, playful. Hates weakness, hypocrisy. Realistic, pragmatic idealist.

Emotions intertwined with pride. Strong, stately, courageous. Instinctive leader or mentor. Confident, pragmatic, hard to intimidate. Dramatic but seldom pretentious. Entertaining, gregarious, delights in things. Genuinely warm but with a cool demeanor. Loyal, generous friend. Lusty, forthright, and pragmatic in love and sex.

Mars in LEO (Imperial Hub: Sun) STRONG. ARDENT. AUDACIOUS.
Strong, daring, confident (chutzpah). Refuses to be dominated or intimidated (imperious). Upbeat energy, audacious. Leaps in to help or lead (whatever is needed, including combat). Charismatic, attracts a following. Practical idealist. Observant, reads situations, acts effectively. Sexually ardent, bold, forthright (often, but not always, the aggressor).

Curious, mentally sharp, strategic, tactical, analytical, logical, scrutinizing, encyclopedic, preserves information. Favors trees over forest. Bashful yet brazen. Respectful, tolerant, sociable, serious. Courageous in word and deed. Service-minded, conscientious. Active toward social progress (rarely radical). Androgynous traits.

Moon in VIRGO (Fertile Spoke: Mercury) CURIOSITY. SERVICE. ANALYSIS.
Mentally sharp, observant, curious, fact-driven, analytical, erudite, strategic (too serious). Intuitive. Service (devoted, contributing). Respectful, expects respect. Reason wrestles with emotion (stubborn, moody, nervous, touchy, worrying). Innocent, naïve (subservient). Victimized (abuse, ridicule, betrayal). Courageous, bold (brazen).

Mars in VIRGO (Fertile Spoke: Mercury) CUNNING. SMART. EXECUTING.
Strategic, analytic, logical, calculating the odds (can be covert, manipulative, deceitful, cunning, game-playing). Very smart, curious, powerful minds (intelligence is more accessible than feelings). Easy wit and humor. Service-minded: ready to assist, help, support. Substance abuse (alcoholics). Rises to excellence in emergencies: keen instinct for correct action, sees a larger view.

Sun in LIBRA (Egalitarian Rim: Venus, Saturn) BEAUTY. ENTICEMENT. JUSTICE.
Relationship-centered. Polite, warm, affectionate (possessive, jealous). Enjoys beauty, comfort; often artistic. Appearance-conscious (vain). Entices, teases, swings between gratify vs. deny (self, others). Peace (appeasement). Justice (righting wrongs). Self-sufficient, cautious; effective survivors. Feminine thrives better than masculine. Optimistic futurist (personally, socially).

Moon in LIBRA (Egalitarian Rim: Venus, Saturn) MAGNETISM. JUSTICE. DESIGN.
Popular, polite, friendly, attractive. Passionate, determined. Emotionally efficient (private, controlling). Defiantly self-sufficient. Sexual magnetism, seductive personality. Justice (righting wrongs) cares deeply about human rights and social wrongs. Seeks agreement. Aesthetic (fine art, design). (Morbid expressions: alienation, breakdown of social adjustment.)

Mars in LIBRA (Egalitarian Rim: Venus, Saturn) SELF-SUFFICIENT. PROVOCATIVE. RIGHTING.
Independent, self-sufficient survivors (slow to ask for help). Sociable, likable, interesting, yet odd (disreputable). Persistent, determined, serious. Wants marriage without "losing" oneself (marital conflicts). Passion for social justice. Feminine thrives better than masculine. Women aggressively protect families, friends, others. Men struggle with gender expectations (some bullies). Substance abuse (poor impulse control, ego swings, self-justification).

Sun in SCORPIO (Enigma Hub: Mars) FREEDOM. COMBAT. SEX.
Strong drive, competitive (combative). Requires freedom of movement and thought. Sexually voracious. Persistent, powerful, innovative, insightful. Bold, moral courage, unbowed. Pragmatic. Thought leaders (not followers). Forthright, blunt. Wit, humor. Enjoys life. Slow to show weaknesses; collects others' weaknesses.

Active, diligent, tough, original, pragmatic. Fun-loving (loves parties, raucous, "try anything"). Humor (often wicked), story-tellers. Independent (rebellious). Beliefs unorthodox. Factually forthright, frank, bold; but cautious (non-disclosing) in private matters. Volcanic sexual needs: built pressure needs explosive release. Frequent relationship drama. Easy to anger (it passes). Gossip (sometimes vindictive).

Determined, persevering, hardworking, resourceful, passion to succeed, hard to intimidate. Loves fun, enjoys life. Sharp humor, willing to be outlandish. Most prefer some “bad boy/girl” in their character, feel it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule and stay “a little rough around the edges.” Willing to challenge control or authority. Highly sexed (high-demand sex locomotives).

Desires respect, elevation, achievement ("higher & higher," rank, excellence). Generous, hospitable. Loyal to tribe. Principled (stubborn, stiff). Easily ascends to pulpit or lectern. Right-wrong, reward-punishment: judges self & others (may fail own standards). Respects continuity of culture, social rituals, civilization's fruits. Preserves status quo, heritage, myth. Serial passions. Complacent affection.

Higher and higher (ambition, aspiring, climbing, flight). Seeks rank, leadership, respect. Gracious host, hospitality. Personal code (moral, religious, social, or rational "rightness"). Right and wrong, reward-punishment (judgmental). Enjoys civilization's fruits. Dramatic (actors). Family ties, loyal to their society (community, church, team, class, nation, race).

Passionate beliefs and interests (moral courage, persuasive). Idealist foremost (yet pragmatic). Sincere, devoted, studious (seeming diligence is love or zeal). Innovative, ambitious, strategic, exacting. Generous and encouraging expanding others' worlds. Thrives in vintage styles. Branded social identities (air of mystery or fantasy). Often identified with ideologies, -ists, & -isms.

Survival and autonomy needs foremost. Sociable; not self-disclosing. Humor, storyteller, prankish, music. Good resource manager. Struggles against tough odds. Discontent, combative, resists persuasion and conformity. Values past; defies status quo. Emotions cautious initially. Extreme libido.

Moon in CAPRICORN (Fertile Rim: Mars, Saturn) PLAYFUL. PRIMITIVE. DARK
Restless, confrontational. Resists persuasion, authority, & conformity. Sharp, unconventional mind. Socially charming; not self-disclosing. Humor, prankish, outlandish. Sexually attractive; wild libido. Identifies with the fringe, “bad boy/girl” (but essentially wholesome). Dark, grotesque, shocking, disturbing style (loves dark occult images). Vulnerable to dark moods. Often severe childhoods or early loss.

Mars in CAPRICORN (Fertile Rim: Mars, Saturn) ANIMAL. RESENTMENT, SHADOW.
Courage, strength, discontent, resistance (prefers action to complaint, combative, creates unnecessary struggle and conflict). Early resentments (over control, authority, parent issues). Sexual forthright, earthy, animal (incites others' arousal; humor raunchy and charming). Unresolved shadow, dark moods, carries past darkness. Secrets form a large role in their lives.

Scientific, analytic, inventive, pragmatic, non-dogmatic. Unconventional, provocative, controversial. Broad interests. Ignores race, class, rank. Truthful, altruistic, helping. Understands people. Solitude, alienation, undemonstrative. Haughty, unapologetic, but rarely pretentious. May not understand time.

Intelligent, curious, exploring, discovery, futurist. Eccentric, nonconforming, original, innovative, creative. Social responsibility, progressive, reformer, humane, sympathetic to others’ troubles. Broad interests, instinct for the interconnection of all things (genius). Sexually liberal (unusual marital conditions). High-strung, needs solitude. Astrology.

Powerful, practical, resourceful mind free of settled thinking, most interested in what works. Easy-going “think for themselves” rebels who sidestep automatic herd compliance. Follows own instincts more than others’ advice. Strong ideals but their “perfect” is not the foe of their “possible.” Gregarious, friendship is easy, understands people. Honest, good-hearted, reaches out. Sexually uninhibited, enthusiastic.

Sun in PISCES (Enigma Spoke: Venus, Neptune) THEATRICAL. MYSTERIOUS. ROMANTIC.
Drawn to the foreign, exotic, wondrous, theatrical, mysterious, glamorous. Wanderlust. Eros vs. moralism. Socially charming. Seeks idealistic relationships. Visionary, romantic, dreamer. Hardened personal reality, stuck patterns. Slavery-bondage. Fickle allegiance, betrayal. Drama, acting, music.

Moon in PISCES (Enigma Spoke: Venus, Neptune) IMAGINATION. ACTOR. EXPLORER.
Distinctive characters, actors in a personal legend, oriented and secure within its familiarity. Satiates senses, excites imagination, fascinated with the unknown and enchanting (explorers), relishes having a secret side. Seeks storybook relationships. Faith (spiritual), optimism, inspiring, motivating, yet haunted. Aesthetic, drawn to the fanciful. Music, artistic. Eros vs. morality.

Mars in PISCES (Enigma Spoke: Venus, Neptune) SURGING. ARTISTIC. DELVING.
Artistic temperament more than scientific. Sensitive, broodingly moody, inflamed imagination, surging into temptation, pursing depths and heights. Vivid drama, vibrant fantasy, socially engaging, entertaining. On a mission (advocate, enthusiast, rouses others, moves minds). Rarely caught feeling helpless (speaks up, strikes back, plans or plots). Looks under the covers at things most people prefer to leave hidden (death, atypical or abnormal sexuality, occultism, psychological mysteries).

Independent, self-sufficient, stoical emotions (sentiment yields to practicality). Bold, forthright, steps up to lead. Tough, aggressive, enduring (warm, giving, contributing). Political, authoritative, values control. Contrary, opinionated (takes risk, gets in trouble). Sexually eager, passionate, practical. Business instincts, opportunistic.

Moon in ARIES (Imperial Rim: Sun, Pluto) BOLD. INDEPENDENT. PRAGMATIC.
Autonomous, independent, self-sufficient, competitive. Sentiment yields to practicality; cautious with intimacy. Sexually bold, passionate, pragmatic. Assertive (pushy), efficient, decisive, contrary, opinionated (adamant certainty). Respected, easily takes charge, leads. Business instincts, opportunistic.

Strong-willed, independent, tough, confident, ambitious, enterprising, industrious, accomplishing. Drive and persistence, often with great energy. Knack for building or expanding in business, flair for promotion. Controlling, bossy. Unyielding opinions, no backing down. Hits “enough is enough” limit (needs release or to strike back). A few have too much energy pumping through their bodies for their well-being.
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Re: Sidereal Sun & Moon Sign Summaries

Post by SteveS »

Good :idea: Jim.
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Re: Sidereal Sun & Moon Sign Summaries

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 7:30 amGood :idea: Jim.
This might be useful for your current project :)
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Re: Sidereal Sun & Moon Sign Summaries

Post by SteveS »

Indeed, at least I can easily get a direct link to anyone interested in Sidereal Astrology.
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Sun-sign bullets

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This post pertains to the marketing of Sidereal astrology, but also has other secondary education advantages. - Neither my work nor this site can at all be characterized as "Sun-sign astrology" - if anything, given the multi-framework ways we've uncovered charts need to be examined (at least horoscope vs. mundoscope plus aspects between multiple frameworks), some astrologers certainly think we lean in the "too hard" direction.

Regardless... one is never going to own the heart and soul of astrology-loving people in the general population until they can grasp theirs and others' identifies through Sun-sign descriptions that require no work, little thought, glib summation. This is, in fact, a thoroughly valid approach since, for abut 70-80% of people, a simple Sun-sign description by itself catches a significantly large portion of what they are, where they come from, and how they seem. (I was just reminded of this marketing practicality this week when one friend, quite bright and deeply exposed to broad esotericism, was quite insistent at being not bothered with any technicalities, and just wanted a two or three line summation of what somebody was like. The tone of what was expected seemed much like what popular Tropical "street astrology" offers - what I like to call PopTrop.)

In our wine business, when we bring tasting events into people's homes, each wine is summarized by three crisp descriptor words. It's primarily marketing, of course, but marketing (when authentic) is also communication and education. Three words are easy to remember and use. I glanced over the summaries above and realized it's pretty easy to boil each Sun-sign down to a similar trio. I want words that, together, are representative of the full flavor of the Sun-sign, that are understandable, where each word speaks on its own & implies much more than it immediately says if you think about - in short, is the start of a conversation and elaboration - and essentially creates a brand for each sign, a persuasive descriptor. And, when in doubt of whether to use Word A or Word B, I should pick the one that denizens of that Sun-sign would themselves more quickly identify with (e.g., would Geminis more identify with the PLAY or EGALITARIAN parts of their nature? - easily the PLAY!).

These are not necessarily a final word - they may evolve - but I'm trying to get it as "right" as possible the first time so that we can start building this brand identification with Sidereal astrology in our casual conversations with all the people in our lives. Let's start actively replacing PopTrop with SidePride. :) - Your thoughts?

TAURUS (May 15-Jun 14) Charming. Devoted. Erotic.
GEMINI (Jun 15-Jul 15) Reason. Play. Égalité.
CANCER (Jul 17-Aug 16) Imagination. Emulation. Mystery.
LEO (Aug 17-Sep 16) Centricity. Dignity. Perfection.
VIRGO (Sep 17-Oct 16) Strategic. Analytical. Innocent.
LIBRA (Oct 17-Nov 15) Beauty. Entices. Justice.
SCORPIO (Nov 16-Dec 15) Freedom. Combative. Sexual.
SAGITTARIUS (Dec 16-Jan 14) Quality. Heritage. Tribe.
CAPRICORN (Jan 15-Feb 12) Independent. Discontent. Wild.
AQUARIUS (Feb 13-Mar 14) Scientific. Unconventional. Inclusive.
PISCES (Mar 15-Apr 13) Theatrical. Mysterious. Romantic.
ARIES (Apr 14-May 13) Contrary. Libertarian. Imperial.

PS - I've updated the "standard calendar dates" for the current median birth year. Most people now alive in the U.S. in particular were born centered on 1980 (and it's a leap year, normalizing the four-year variation cycle). For now, I'll use the above 1980 dates for sign ingresses. These can vary about a day from year to year, and permanently shift one day forward every 72 years.

PPS - As I continue to work with these, a couple of things stand out. First, the summaries are strikingly (almost starkly) aligned with the ruling and exalted planets. This wasn't planned. These words were derived simply from boiling down the five-line summaries above. In boiling it down, all sorts of other stuff fell away as quite secondary to, or included in, these three ideas. The more it was quintessentialized, the more the root planetary ideas appeared.

Second, polarities are keenly useful in these sets. It's a most valuable mental exercise to think your way through the three words for each pair of opposing signs, e.g., how Taurus' Charming, Devoted, Erotic stands against the opposing Scorpio Freedom, Combative, Sexual. These are interesting alone, but also disclose a lot of character in the ways that new traits are disclosed (new ways of understanding polarities) fro the opposites. For example, just as Virgo is Innocence, the essential presentation of Pisces is NOT innocent! Pisces is about maintaining & indulging Mystery, while Virgo is about diving into Mystery to de-mystify it. Cancer is emulative, and Capricorn resists conformity. Leo's dignity stands against Aquarius' unconventionality (which isn't inherently undignified, but doesn't place the same value on insisting on dignity) - they are nearly Dignity-Indignity. Leo's centricity is a pretty perfect complement to Aquarius' inclusiveness, Leo's quest for perfection standing against Aquarius' acceptance of life's imperfections. Libra is a tease, Aries is straightforward; Libra places as much value on being agreeable for its own sake as Aries does on being contrary for its own sake. - That's just off the cuff. There's a lot to discover in these polarities.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Sidereal Sun, Moon, & Mars Sign Summaries

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This could be a nice card or half-sheet of paper for you to had out at your classes, perhaps.
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Re: Sidereal Sun, Moon, & Mars Sign Summaries

Post by SteveS »

Exactly my thoughts Jim. :) And for every other member on this forum doing their part to spread your work on Sidereal Astrology. :)
James Condor
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Re: Sidereal Sun, Moon, & Mars Sign Summaries

Post by James Condor »

Initially impressed by the condensed and found them both accurate and surprising. Some are standard, Cancer-Emulate, Aries-Contrary, Libra-Beauty, ect. Accurate. Others are surprisingly new to me Aries-Libertarian, Imperial, Libra-Tease, Gemini Egalite, Aquarius-Inclusive, Capricorn-Wild. I wonder how many people, a panel, would decide on these. I wish I was apart of a team, panel, on the matter. Like scientifically. For example, a team of x amount of sidereal astrologers doing experiments and concluding Capricorn is wild
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Re: Sidereal Sun, Moon, & Mars Sign Summaries

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Thanks, James. - The larger lists of sign traits in the sign interpretation threads of course need continued review. The four-line summaries of those at the very top of this thread are reduced from the larger list - one would hope that they wouldn't have any new information, and would just be a repackaging (tightening). The three-word bullets are then a tighter version of those four-line summaries, linguistic reductions that don't give any new information on the signs, but just try to say the same thing in three words.

How these were derived was described earlier in this thread here:
Perhaps it would be helpful if I said more about how some of them were derived?

Having previously determined that Sun in Gemini can be summarized correctly thus:
Acute nervous system. Speed, rhythm, variety (dispersion). More reason than belief. Courageous. Egalitarian; rejects forced stratification: “What’s expected” often makes no sense to them. Play, youthful; needs affection, connection; feels loneliness deeply, often alienated. Music, arts, business. Mechanical, technical.

I then just reduced these four lines to the three words REASON, PLAY, ÉGALITÉ.

Other words can be picked, of course. Different writers would make different word choices. A lot of these choices were made as an effort to express something that would take one sentence (or many sentences) in a single word. One reason they are new to you is that this exact language hasn't been used before - rather, the longer, multi-sentence descriptions have been used.

Egalite for Gemini was one of the toughest to come up with, one of the last I wrote. One of the two most driving characteristics of Gemini is an innate rejection of external expectations and stratifications. They find these foreign, alien, unnatural (or at least a bother). Socially, Gemini is pluralist, inclusive, and democratic, rejecting stratification, aristocratic entitlement, or other standards of intrinsic human inequality. And so on.

By the time all of this got to the four-line summaries above, this had been reduced to, "Egalitarian; rejects forced stratification: 'What’s expected' often makes no sense to them." So my new challenge was how to take this idea and put it in ONE WORD. There was no English word that hit exactly the right note. "Egalitarian" (without further comment) is much more expressive of the Aquarius spin, for example (and it misses the distinctive Gemini flavor of being anti-Sagittarian in motive). I almost used "democratic," and thought it tepid and inspecific. So, though I didn't want to leave the English language, the French word egalite is immortalized in the themes of the French Revolution and generally known to English speaker as expressive of that exact anti-royalist populist liberty and social equality I wanted to convey.

Libertarian wasn't picked for Aries to mean (for example) that one is registered with the Libertarian Party, but as descriptive of that exact Aries Sun tone that independently bridges the usual dualities with paradox, e.g., can't be described either as liberal or conservative alone. This one word covers perhaps a fourth of all the sentences used to describe Aries Sun. (In the four-liners above, this was summarized as "Seeks liberty, resists definition or limits. Practical, resourceful," etc., but I was also keeping the longer traits list in mind.)

Imperial is not new: Aries has long been considered an emperor type. (I ws recently reminded of a Garth Allen distinction of the Mars signs, that Scorpio likes to fight while Aries likes to boss.)

I wanted a different word for Libra than tease, not because it's wrong but because I thought it would be misunderstood - because most people use "tease" to mean "withhold," whereas I using it to mean "temporarily withhold, then [usually] deliver!" Libra has a major pattern, that pervades much of their life and character, of entice, deny, gratify. It's how they treat their own and a partner's pleasure. It's how they write, give a speech or a performance, fight, engage in their employment. If you observe Libras, you can find many places where this exact sequence of entice, deny, gratify is played out. I summarized this in the word "tease.

And so forth.

Also, remember (as written above) that these words were not intended to be a final word, but rather a first word - a way to start a conversation. These three words would expand into many words. I could meet you at a party, learn your birthdate, and go, "Oh, you're a Sagittarius: You're all about quality, heritage, and your tribe, right?" And then we're off on a conversation that can go a hundred ways.
James Condor wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:35 am I wonder how many people, a panel, would decide on these. I wish I was apart of a team, panel, on the matter. Like scientifically. For example, a team of x amount of sidereal astrologers doing experiments and concluding Capricorn is wild
Well, golly, that's what we do here all the time. You're describing the parameters these come from. The "panel" you're already on (to the extent you choose to participate) are the monthly conversations on observations about Sun (and now Moon) in the constellations.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Sidereal Sun, Moon, & Mars Sign Summaries

Post by James Condor »

Ah, indeed