Marriage (research article, Garth Allen)

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Marriage (research article, Garth Allen)

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[Marriage patterns, and society's expectations that people will marry, have changed dramatically since the 1950s. As a consequence, the same behaviors can't necessarily be expected today from people of a given character pattern. Nonetheless, I consider this article important (1) in the history of Sidereal astrology in general and (2) for insight it gives into particular character patterns that can then be generalized to other areas. As far as I know, this article might be unique, a Sidereal research piece in Horoscope magazine, which later adopted an editorial policy against Sidereal astrology because it hurt their sales figures. Notice that this article is from 1954, the year after Fagan started writing his "Solunars" column for American Astrology.]

by Garth Allen

Horoscope, June 1954

Marriage is such a commonplace convention that we usually take it as a matter of course. Even we Astrologers are wont to think of matrimony as a question of natural rather than decreed behavior, since every horoscope is accorded a house which is said to govern the individual's lot in this department of life.

But ten percent of all American men, and nine percent of the women, choose never to plight their troths to another, at least not in a socially acceptable manner. Astrologers agree with Shakespeare that "hanging and wiving go by destiny," but a statistical research into horoscopes of married people, in the effort to find the keys to the marital yen, would be a hopeless task, simply because ninety percent of the population would be represented by the cross-cut sample chosen for study.

The only sensible approach to find out the astrological reasons behind a person's desire for wedlock is to study a sizable sample of birth-charts of people who lack this bent or lack the opportunity to consummate it. Hence, this article is a public report, together with commentary, on what we found out concerning the horoscopes of confirmed bachelors. By knowing what makes a man refrain from marriage for any reason - psychological or pathological, it matters not - it follows as a logical corollary that the absence of these factors in the charts of others would have a positive bearing on the marital urge.

Unfortunately a sufficient number of accurately timed horoscopes - based upon an hour, day, month, year and place of birth - was not available. As we were limited in our source material to birth dates alone, this precluded any analysis of lunar pressures and house influences. Still the study was a fruitful one and much valuable information was harvested as a result, the reader will presently learn. To the more scientifically minded reader, we offer our apologies for having to evade many subjects - especially that of sex - which have such an important pertinence to our theme. Yet, the writer feels, the analytical reader can fill in the gaps and add to his fund of useful knowledge through inferences of his own.
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A Thousand-Plus

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A Thousand-Plus
The 1940-41 edition of Who's Who in America was carefully sifted for the given birth date of every eminent man therein listed whose biographical sketch marked the fact that he had never married and was in no way professionally or fraternally situated so that bachelorhood was obligator. Over five hundred Roman Catholic clergymen and members of Jesuit orders were excluded from our list as were over a hundred Protestant ministers. Protestant men of the cloth, of course, are usually free to take a wife; but we decided to eliminate even Doctors of Divinity from our selection inasmuch as individual consecrations in many cases may very likely have been influenced by the persistent amatrimonial undertones of theological literature in general and the Gospels in particular. After the painstaking search through every page of that huge volume was finished, we had a list of 1,011 birth dates of eminent American bachelors, all of whom were over 35 years of age and most of whom were over 60 years old.

These thousand-plus males, we were justified in assuming, made up a group of men who, up to the time that the twenty-first volume of Who's Who in America went to press, were bachelors by choice and because of a combination of personality and cultural characteristics. It is difficult to distinguish the differences between temperamental and cultural factors in this problem; but we are not concerned, in this present discussion, with anything other than the astrological peculiarities of the group as a whole.

Those astrological peculiarities are interesting and shed much new light on the integral meanings of certain planetary aspects and zodiacal positions. Because the data we had to work with, birth dates only, limited us solely to considering the positions and aspects of planets at Greenwich Mean Noon on those dates, we have no information to offer to the stickler for horoscopic detail.
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Rebuttal to Critics

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Rebuttal to Critics
There is also a vexing question as to the accuracy of the published birth dates themselves. The only attitude for the scientific researcher to take is to assume that a sufficient percentage of those individuals making up our sample told the truth as to their year of birth so that any divergences from normalcy will stand out despite the presence of an appreciable number of false dates in the array. Fortunately, so far as professions go, only two actors are represented in the list. People in show business of any kind are notorious liars about their real ages.

There were a considerable number of artists in the tabulation, and artists for the most part are known to be vain as a psychological compensation for carelessness in other compartments of their personalities. The greater number of bachelors, however, represent the scientific, literary, legal and medical professions. These men are virtual paragons of integrity in such matters as biographical detail. I believe it safe to say that eminent people in the sciences and professions, and most in the arts, as a rule take pride in the true number of winters they have weathered and do not attempt to conceal their real age.

In the field of astrology, there are several critics of those colleagues who base their statistical studies upon data garnered from such sources as biographical catalogues. Those voicing such criticisms err in not realizing the simple, scientific fact that a mass array of false data will invariably yield results which show normal frequencies rather than a reversal of variations which an aggregate of valid data might show. For example, if 70% of birth dates in a collection are worthless because of incorrect data, leaving only 30% of the cases actually authentic, then statistical results for the 70% portion will produce results which tend toward normal probability; but any abnormalcy of factors in the accurate 30% of the sample will assert itself and thereby raise or lower the final ratings in accordance with the truth, despite the majority of disqualifying variants.
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Two-Way Action

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Two-Way Action
Among the facts unearthed by a statistical treatment of planetary aspects on the birthdays of men who became confirmed bachelors is the distribution of aspects into significant planetary pairs. For instance, the presence of major aspects between MERCURY and JUPITER is above normal frequency, in striking contrast to the shortage of similar aspects between the planets MERCURY and SATURN. Even more divergent is the high number of MARS-NEPTUNE aspects and the lower incidence of MARS-URANUS configurations. The most impressive solar pairing is an unusually high number of SUN-URANUS aspects balanced against a significantly low number of the SUN-NEPTUNE aspects.

These two-way contrasts point to the truth that the key to horoscope delineation lies in an understanding of planetary polarities. Time and time again, through every research project so far engaged in, we have seen the phenomenon of dichotomy (division by pairs) in action. An example of this is afforded by the fact that MARS-JUPITER aspects predominate in the charts of professional athletes who represent the classical ideal of masculine personality, whereas MARS-SATURN formations characterize the horoscopes of men considered effeminate by the standards of our culture. Again, MERCURY-JUPITER contacts stand out in the comparison of charts of parents and children, but absence of MERCURY-SATURN aspects is mathematically unusual.

Aspective Dichotomies
The "Law of Aspective Dichotomies: is the secret of successful, accurate application of Astrology in everyday life as well as in professional work. This law is part and parcel of the age-old astrological tradition; it is proved valid by scientific research and is confirmed by constant painstaking observation. It depends for its effective application upon the user's adequate understanding of the fundamentals of planetary symbolism. Mere knowledge of the hundred and one things listed under the aegis of "Planet Y" is impotent as useful information unless the person understands the basic difference between the constituents in each category.
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Mercurial Aspects

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Mercurial Aspects
To understand why many men born under Mercury-Jupiter aspects stay single for life, and why Mercury-Saturn males tend to find marriage most tolerable, it is necessary to resort to those fundamentals of Astrology which stipulate that Mercury is the planet of mental attitude. Mercurial aspects qualify and modify the native attitude in accordance with the natures of the aspecting planets. It appears not to matter any great deal whether the aspect in question is classed by the textbooks as harmonious or discordant. The mere coupling of the two planets suffices to release their compounded energies in a similar manner.

People with MERCURY-JUPITER aspects in their horoscopes are possessed by a desire to assimilate new information continually, enlarge the scope of their knowledge. Consequently, they have out-reaching personalities. They tend toward optimism ad a distaste for routine and are forever postponing decisions in anticipation of lucky breaks which, miraculously, do happen, only to lead toward a renewed expectancy of the future. This is why many of them view the prospect of marriage as an obstacle to their free-wheeling sojourn through life.

MERCURY-SATURN people, on the other hand, are security-minded and find contentment in settling down to the routine and restrictive nature of married life. Instead of a habitual expectancy of the future windfall, they are not psychologically inclined to heed the call of adventure or the beck of Lady Luck, for they are cautious to the point where the future appears dismal to them - and will be unless they store up grain against the day of famine. In other words, while they may not be chin-dragging pessimists, there is something in their Mercury-Saturn complex which seeks insurance for their hesitant minds. Marriage - with its attendant overtones of economic responsibility - and parenthood - with its autonomic guarantees, in the average case, of security in old age - come as a natural bent to the Mercury-Saturn way of thinking.
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Martian Influences

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Martian Influences
Less obvious is the reason for the excessive number of bachelors with Mars-Neptune aspects at birth in relation to the paucity of Mars-Uranus patterns. It is easiest to understand the reason for this dichotomous condition if one realizes that individuals born under strong MARS-NEPTUNE vibrations have a tendency to take themselves too seriously. They expend a tremendous amount of energy on behalf of their ideals or, in symbolism, their visions - to the degree where eachg and every hankering becomes nearly an obsession.

There are several aspects known to Astrologers which make for emotional immaturity, but Mars-Neptune is the "spoiled brat" aspect of birth-charts. The aggressive instincts of Mars when filtered through the vagueness of Neptune behave like Stephen Leacock's rider who mounted his horse and rode off in all directions. This is why Mars-Neptune is one of the horoscope earmarks of bachelorhood. A prospective bride soon finds that she is being asked to marry not only the man but his dog and office and golf clubs and political party and alma mater and favorite comedian, and so forth as well. The life of a Mars-Neptune personality is too mixed up for many girls he would single out to share his love.

Polar in action, of course, is the expression of MARS-URANUS aspects, which are under their quota in the charts of confirmed bachelors. Men in whom Mars-Uranus vibrations are dominant are natural "altar bait." In many cases these men are the heroic type, born with a high degree of physical intelligence, to whom unattached women are attached by sensing the staying power that is then characteristic. Even though eternally on the lookout for the angles in any situation, they give the impression of clean-cut, fearless honesty.

One of the angles which has its appeal to the eye of many a Mars-Uranus male is the proprietary side of marriage, the sense of ownership of a wife. This is why relatively few Mars-Uranus men fail to hang their tags on willing women, at some time early in their adult lives. Oddly, but appropriately, aspects of Mars-Uranus are also lacking in normal numbers in the charts of fathers of four or more children. Even while of the marrying species, they do not like to surrender their rugged individualities too completely to others. Marriage and paternity to them are sufficient reassurance of their unique masculinity, but they feel there is little advantage in overplaying the part. Hence, a token number of children, rather than a carload, is par with married Mars-Uranus men.
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Solar Aspects

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Solar Aspects
For the benefit of those readers interested in the methods of our research, we will pay more detailed attention to the interesting dichotomy of Sun-Uranus and Sun-Neptune aspects in bachelors' charts. The accompanying graph dramatically shows the opposite traits of the mathematical trends in the frequency with which these planetary aspects occur in the 1,011 cases in terms of (a) orb or distance of exact major aspect and (b) mathematical probability that the observed variances did not occur by chance alone.

For each birth date the differences in the zodiacal longitudes of the Sun and Uranus at Greenwich Mean Noon were calculated, which enabled us to find the number of degrees and minutes to exact aspect the planetary pair happened to be at that hour. The same was done for the positions of the Sun and Neptune. Then a tabulation of the number of aspects in each ten-minute-of-arc category was made, starting from 0°0', which is the point of exact aspect, and thence on out to 8°59'm which was the limit of any practical orb. For instance, there were 146 Sun-Uranus aspect within 2°59', as against 108 Sun-Neptune aspects for the same span. At an orb of 3°59' there were 199 Sun-Uranus aspects, but only 152 Sun-Neptune formations.!Ansnmu2xbktaivVwqzk ... Q?e=A3wvY5

Where solar aspects are concerned, it can be demonstrated mathematically that probabilities are equal for given degrees of inexact aspects for all Sun-planet combinations, inasmuch as the percentage of all time for the duration of given orbs is always equal if the full circle of aspects, rather than a single type of aspect, is used. (Solar conjunctions always have a higher frequency than solar oppositions, by way of example.) But when the full circle of aspects - conjunction, dexter sextile, dexter square, dexter trine, opposition, sinister trine, sinister square, sinister sextile - is used, the probabilities for any possible Sun-planet pair are the same. (This, however, is not strictly true for any nonsolar combinations except Moon-planet couplings.)

The device which tells the researcher whether the difference in numbers, such as those cited, is mathematically significant is the standard deviation, which is a yardstick measuring the probability that a thing did or did not occur the given number of times by coincidence.

Rather than burden the reader with excursions into the realm of technical complexities, we will put into understandable terms of odds what the high-peak and low-trough figures mean. The highest incidence of Sun-Uranus aspects occurs within a range of 4°19' from exact aspect. For this the number of positive standard deviations from normalcy is 2.21, which tells the scientist that the odds are 37 to 1 against pure chance being the explanation for the excessive number of Sun-Uraus aspects so close to being exact. Even more amazing is the low incidence of Sun-Neptune aspects within 3°09' of exact phase. This ratio is normalcy is a negative 2.53, which means, mathematically, that the odds are 88 to 1 that this discrepancy did not occur through the play of chance factors alone.

A scientist is concerned most with whether a measure of unusualness excess the 20 to 1 level of significance, as this tells him whether a variation is a real phenomenon or a mere chance fluctuation. As our figures far exceed this 20 to 1 limit, it goes without saying that the thing which is the common personality factor (namely, bachelorhood) of the 1,011 individuals in our sample was definitely influenced in our sample was definitely influenced by the relative positions of the Sun, Uranus and Neptune at their individual nativities. In the light of this fact, critics and opponents of Astrology had best pull in their horns.

"One's eyes are what one is; one's mouth is what one becomes" is a quotation from John Galsworthy which might easily be paraphrased by a Astrologer to read, "One's natal Sun is what one really is at heart; one's Moon is what others think one is."

Why bachelors tend to have more SUN-URANUS aspects than is normal for human beings generally, and why SUN-NEPTUNE aspects fall short of a fair quota in men who avoid matrimony is keyed directly to the astrological symbolism of these three powerful bodies. The natal Sun forever represents one's "heart of hearts" or the core of one's being. In terms of depth psychology, we may say that the other planets pertain to tribal and ancestral gods; but the solar energy is that instinct within each of us which is personally appraised by the true god of the Universe. But as the reader may not have a background of understanding in the tenets of astro-psychology, we will bypass delineative topics which may appear too far-fetched for practical worth and attempt to tell in earthy language what the innuendoes of our study night be. Let it suffice that the Sun symbolizes what one is at heart, relieving the unequipped read of the task of distinguishing love and Love!
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Perfectionism and Uranus

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Perfectionism and Uranus

SUN-URANUS aspects are the messianic aspects of horoscopes. It is difficult to conceive of birth-charts of the traditional saviors without such configurations, for Sun-Uranus aspects characterize the charts of rugged individualists, those who find it easy to renounce filial ties and those who seem to tap an exhaustless source of inner fuel for inspiration and actual sustenance. The proverbial poet starving in his garret is such a type, as is the perfectionist orchestra conducive and this tireless, painstaking sculptor who produces his status a few powdery grains per scrape. This compulsion toward perfection in itself is a deterrent to matrimony, for Sun-Uranus men tend to worship a romantic ideal which is impossible of realization in the flesh.
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Pliant Neptune

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Pliant Neptune
Opposite in many ways SUN-NEPTUNE aspects denote a pliable, adaptive sort of idealism which can attach itself to any target and make that target of the affections "the one and only." Hence, a Sun-Neptune man finds it easy to propose to whichever girl he happens to be in love with at the moment, for the girl seems to fulfill the qualifications conveniently. The qualifications, of course, are so elastic and ephemeral that no spiritual conflict arises until another infatuation allows of yet another alteration of the ideal. The familiar metaphor, "sea of matrimony," is more astrologically appropriate than we had guessed prior to making this study, inasmuch as Neptune's foremost symbol is the sea.

Then, too, the Neptunian manifestation in the psychological make-up of human beings is what some may call identification. To clarify it is that mental phenomenon which enables us to project ourselves into the feelings and traits of others, and vice versa. This is done whenever we lose our selfness at a good movie or while reading a book, when we virtually merge into the story itself and laugh and cry and love along with its characters, wholly rapt in identification with personalities not really our own. An actor must have a strong natal Neptune in order to throw himself into the role he is portraying. A good attorney must also have a flair for convincing histrionics. Religious devotion, too, is usually introjective behavior, for the devotee introjects himself into the symbol of his worship, "Christ-likeness" being a familiar example.

Hence, the body of the pleasure in parenthood lies also in introjection. To produce children, which is said to be a natural desire, is to externalize a part of one's body and soul. Moreover, this is a kind of psychological warranty of immortality, both physically and spiritually, for the externalized part of one's body is meant to survive the death of the body which created it, thereby thwarting the angel of extinction. Abraham of Biblical fame may well be a symbolic Sun-Neptune type, for it was promised that his seed should be numerous as the stars of heaven and enter the Promised Land. The conclusion we must reach from the evidence is that Sun-Neptune aspects denote the urge toward self-projection as well as elasticity of the heart.

The Sun-Uranus man finds marriage a necessary evil or at least an obstacle to self-realization. The Sun-Neptune man finds the institution of marriage an especially useful device for the blossoming of his selfhood. The extreme example of Sun-Uranus's eschewal of matrimony is the objection of the historical Jesus to marriage on the grounds that matrimony has for its vey essence the individual appropriation of human beings. The idea appears to be that marital duties and pleasures, and the spouse himself or herself, come between the individual and God. But even though heaven was described as a place where there is no marrying or giving in marriage, we must not think that Jesus's objection to matrimony is an exhortation to celibacy any more than His attitude toward His own mother meant an appeal of matricide. The objection was clearly of a spiritual nature.

Centuries later Talleyrand voiced the same antimarriage sentiment when he declared that a married man with a family is capable of doing anything evil for money. Many commentators have construed this to mean that Talleyrand thought that marriage itself was a thing of evil, but that was plainly not his intent. True, the responsibilities of supporting and pleasing a wife and children may stunt a man's spiritual growth and, during stressful times, may even blind him to moral integrity. But that is no more an invulnerable reason to banish the institution than would the existence of morons be reason to close down all public schools. This merely attests to the extreme, short of becoming a hermit, to which the Sun-Uranus type of thinking leads.

The extreme to which the Sun-Neptune mode of thought can go is illustrated by polygamy. We are fortunate in knowing the birth date of one of the two-thousand plus Fundamentalist Mormons who are today in constant hot water with both church and state for their insistence on both the divine and civil right to maintain plural marriage. This good man, husband of six wives and father of twenty-eight children, was born on April 12, 1913. On that day the Sun and Neptune were in close square aspect! To him and those of like conviction, what George Bernard Shaw described as one of the evils of marriage - namely, "its detestable tradition of property in human bodies" - is not an evil at all but an obligation of believers in preparation for the millennium. Again we have an example of the Promised Land symbol with Sun-Neptune aspects.

Zodiacal patterns are not so variable as aspects, though not less interesting. It will be noticed from the outset that the Sun's positions now to be discussed are those in the constellations of the zodiac rather than in the ore familiar signs. This was because, as is usually the case, statistical studies give the weight of evidence to the authenticity of the sidereal zodiac rather than the tropical zodiac which is the zodiac popularly used. This is not, of course, to raise issues of validity or lack of validity, but simply to report to those interested in Astrology what unbiased scientific research has disclosed is the case.
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Zodiacal Factors

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Zodiacal Factors!Ansnmu2xbktaivVvII2 ... g?e=uPqclc

The bar chart herewith shows the relative frequencies of the Sun's position in each of the twelve zodiacal constellations at the births of the 1,011 bachelors, using the percentages of the entire male population of Who's Who as normalcy. In other words, the measurement of significance is based not upon actual numbers but upon a comparison of eminent bachelors with the entire population of famous men. This approach was deemed scientifically advisable, since the live-birth ratio over the year has a seasonal variation of its own quite apart from astrological influence's. Also there is a trend line, abnormal in itself, which differentiates the birth dates of eminent people from those of the general public. Hence, using the noted population exclusively as our criterion, we produce ratings which are not modified by such factors as high intelligence and pertain solely to the distinguishing characteristic itself - bachelorhood.

Shell & Pincers
The constellation rating highest in the number of bachelors per capita is Cancer. In the standardized tropical zodiac, most of these men are considered to be Leo natives and as such are supposed to be fond of children and prone to romance. However, this is not alarming, as researchers today are quite used to the common breaches that are found existing between popular notion and scientific fact, between stereotype and actuality. To the reader versed in astrological symbolism, tendency of men born under the constellation Cancer to remain single is but another reflection of the hard-shell motif of the symbol.

Cancer is the most acquisitive and unyielding constellation of all, if ancient readings for this zodiacal sector are to be believed. It is difficult for the sidereal Cancerian to "come out of his shell" and share a common status with someone, even a beloved wife. The tell-tale symptom of Cancerian impatience, unwillingness to wait, has thwarted many a love's rightful consummation.

Cancerian men who do marry, true to the pincers which are their symbol, often fail to find the wedded bliss as advertised because of their regretful subscription to the widespread notion that the marriage certificate is a sales receipt for merchandise purchased. A reading of The Zodiac by Roman poet Manilius, circa the time of Christ, will corroborate this interpretation. Cancer-born G.B. Shaw's harangue against the "detestable tradition of property" in marriage is echoed in Capricorn-born psychologist Alfred Adler's analysis of the reason for most marital failures: this same proprietary attitude of most married people toward their mates. There is nothing in sane nuptial vows that grants ownership to the husband - a figurative right of way, perhaps, but no standpat deed to the body, soul and spirit of the beloved. Most Cancerian men cannot see it that way.

"Marryingest" Libra
By far the most marrying constellation of the zodiac is naturally Libra. The fact that the symbol Libra has been associated most emphatically with marriage since time immemorial scores another victory for the accuracy of the sidereal zodiac as a delineative instrument. Libra instinctively seeks an amalgamation of interests with the object of its affections; hence, relatively few sidereal Librans remain single. It is Venus-ruled Libra men who view marriage as having more purpose than that of simple reproduction. They know that marriage offers connubial communion and companionship apart from any asserted strictly biological purpose, just as they know that because Nature provided us with sight and hearing for food getting and self-preservation there is no reason to outlaw art and music on ground of alleged biological intent. It is tragic that millions of otherwise sane, intelligent men and women actually consider marriage a "necessary evil." What an understanding of life and of human nature and of God these people are willfully lacking! This basic understanding is native to Libra, whose instinct for balance expresses itself in a perspective that fails to ails to see anything ridiculous about a married philosopher.
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Lonely Hearts

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Lonely Hearts
The last graph printed with this article should be of special interest to many who have wondered about the make-up of people who join so-called lonely hearts clubs. In the pursuit of research material, we were able to learn the birth dates of sixty-one male members and thirty-nine women of a West Coast "friendship society" which exists for the purpose of introducing those of opposite sex who fail to find compatible companionship elsewhere in the concourse of their lives. Matrimony, of course, is the primary intent of those who enroll.!Ansnmu2xbktaivVtOns ... w?e=NuOC95

The distribution of the sixty-one men's solar positions in the constellations is shown as bars in the chart. Notice the high incidence of Capricorn, Libra and Aries, all of which had negative ratios in the bachelor count. Even when Capricorn, Libra and Aries men lose their mates through death or divorce, they continue to seek suitable partners.

But constellations which rate above average in bachelors per capita - such as Gemini, Cancer and Sagittarius - have few representatives in the rank and file of the club in question, proving that our interpretation of the other statistics is valid. That Capricorn should be represented by no less than eleven of the total or sixty-one lonely men is hardly surprising to the Astrologer. The ancients allocated the planet Saturn as regent of this constellation, since many of thoe born under it appeared to thrive on emotional privation. It is rare to find a sidereal Capricorn who is truly happy with his lot in life so members of this zodiacal group are natural fodder for the various fellowships operated by and for none but the lonely heart.
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Re: Marriage (research article, Garth Allen)

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jamescondor wrote:If I hadn't seen this article I would guess Sun-Neptune to be high in bachelors since Sun in Pisces is high in bachelors.
When you look at the sign distributions, it seems clear that it's the Jupiter factor running through Sun-signs that makes for low scores. That's what I think is happening with Pisces. Pisces is also a sign known for living "the good life," pretty unemcumbered. Neptune itself is very attachment-driven (read Bradley's Kid Gloves article on Neptune for a tour of all the marriage metaphors that are Neptune keywords).
Mars-Uranus description of ownership of partner needs to be explained to me because the opposite would seem true in theory.
Think 1950s culture and values. His mention of "altar bait" refers to Mars-Uranus being the kind of man who "gets a good girl in trouble." At the time, that almost guaranteed a wedding.
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Re: Marriage (research article, Garth Allen)

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jamescondor wrote:Nice. Okay I get that. It's nice when communication works like this in having this info from another perspective I would maybe not have though of, because well, I didn't.
What makes sense now too is Jupiter being a part of Pisces which previously I hadn't committed to. And to see that an actual marriage is just that, mars-uranus maybe high in divorce. Idk. But I see.
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Re: Marriage (research article, Garth Allen)

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jamescondor wrote:Nice. Okay I get that. It's nice when communication works like this in having this info from another perspective I would maybe not have though of, because well, I didn't.
What makes sense now too is Jupiter being a part of Pisces which previously I hadn't committed to. And to see that an actual marriage is just that, mars-uranus maybe high in divorce. Idk. But I see.
When I see Cancer, Sagittarius, and Pisces as the highest on the graph, the first thing that strikes me is, "Oh, these are the three constellations with Jupiter dignity."

On the Mars-Uranus (now that I'm at a full computer and can copy and paste and scroll better), the "get her in trouble" point I was making is part of what was being alluded to in a sentence very early in the article. It is almost a buried remark, but (in the social clime of the time) says volumes. Bradley wrote, "To the more scientifically minded reader, we offer our apologies for having to evade many subjects - especially that of sex - which have such an important pertinence to our theme. Yet, the writer feels, the analytical reader can fill in the gaps and add to his fund of useful knowledge through inferences of his own."
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Re: Marriage (research article, Garth Allen)

Post by johnwilliams140197 »

why is it necessary to check compatibility with your partner before marriage?
It is crucial to check compatibility with your partner before marriage because astrology provides valuable insights into the dynamics of a relationship. By analyzing the birth charts of both individuals, we can assess the compatibility of their personalities, values, and life goals.

Astrology examines various aspects such as the placement of planets, their interactions, and the alignment of the stars at the time of birth. This information helps us understand how two individuals may interact and relate to each other in a long-term commitment like marriage.

Checking compatibility through astrology allows couples to gain insights into potential areas of harmony or conflict within their relationship. It helps them identify strengths they can build upon and challenges they may need to address. This knowledge enables couples to make informed decisions and work on their relationship consciously. You should talk to an astrologer for checking the compatibility of your marriage.
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Re: Marriage (research article, Garth Allen)

Post by SteveS »

Well put johnwilliams!
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