Moon in Aries sign project

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Jim Eshelman
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Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to the Moon in Aries discussions project, which will run April 14 - May 15, 2018 (and then will remain around in case people want to revisit it in the future). Please gather your list of Moon in Aries people (especially those you know personally) and join us.

Here are Moon in Aries interpretive resources on the forum:
Primary section: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=34#p154
Cyril Fagan: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=105&p=636#p651
Garth Allen: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33#p130
Manilius: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=121#p738

My current concise summary of Moon in Aries (always subject to change) reads:
Autonomous, independent, self-sufficient, competitive. Sentiment yields to practicality; cautious with intimacy. Sexually bold, passionate, pragmatic. Assertive (pushy), efficient, decisive, contrary, opinionated (adamant certainty). Respected, easily takes charge, leads. Business instincts, opportunistic.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by mikestar13 »

OK, this my wheel house. Aries Moon 2 degree trine to Pluto. Jim's concise summary fits me well on the whole. My emotions and my sexuality tend to run to extremes.

WRT the latter, I have had a very intense drive that combined interestingly with my Pisces Sun romanticism. A true romantic who would ideally have sex eight days a week with the right lady. Yet in my current relationship, it is manifesting as a thorough diminishing. I am undertaking strict celibacy and feeling astonishingly OK with it. Partially my age of course, but mainly because I chose it freely, knowing what the situation was. Indeed I feel an intense emotional satisfaction in loving Mary the way she needs, and I'm making new discoveries in physical non-sexual intimacy. If anybody told me this would happen say five years ago, I would be convinced they were a lunatic. But just as valid a manifestation of the Moon-Pluto symbolism.

Now about my marriage, my feeling was quite different when Sue denied my sexual needs or worse corrupted them by giving charity. She was not incapable, i think I could have adapted to that. She was unwilling and it felt like something was being stolen from me. BTW, pragmatism for me does not extend to accepting charity f*****, that just feels too dishonorable. Yeah I accepted one now and again, but always felt horrible after, so unlike when it was working right. I remember that first year when there was a disparity in our drives: I was only into it eight days a week, she would have preferred nine. The normal decline with age turned turned into an express train to Nothingville. The drama surrounding the break up was Pisces, the decision to break up was Aries.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Veronica »

my daughters moon is aries 14 degrees
it is square jupiter and also uranus
it is also opposite venus

she is still very young so it is hard to really nail down some of these charateristics but I agree with what I have read so far.
I have been accutely aware of her risk taking behaviors which I have felt could not end up well for her, as well as her depressive side that has screamed out i just want to die.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Veronica »

I just was looking at my mothers chart and she as well has Moon in Aries.

Both my mom and my daughter have/had Night terrors and sleeping disorders.
My mother also played the passive suicide card very well, dying of lung cancer in 1996.

My mother fits all these key words very very well. I struggled with matching her to sexually bold, but I only knew her in her late years, so i am imagining my mom as a youth was very much like my daughter, but I didnt get to see it. I do have an evening gown of hers skin hugging emerald green silk with a plunging neckline tassles (?!? yea, tassels, they are sexy AF). She went through 10 pregnancies, misacrried four so she was pretty sexually bold.

I think I am going to get an IUD for my daughter.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

And THAT is using astrology constructively! :)

PS - Do not miss the similarity (near identity) of the Aries glyph to the shape of the uterus.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Veronica »


the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

One of my moms Traditions was making lamb for her birthday dinner (4-22-36). with mint sauce.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

My 5-year-old daughter is Pisces Sun/Aries Moon.

She is tall (46"), strong, very physically active (lots of running, fidgeting, moving). She likes boys games (currently, fart tag, ninjas, superheroes). She can get pretty grabby hugging/playing with people, and it's work teaching her to respect everyone's body (even though she has always being asked before being picked up/hugged/etc.) :lol:

She's competitive and gets frustrated if she loses. She's opinionated, and very certain. (She would often "correct" me when she was as young as two. E.g., If we had ice cream, she would insist that what we were eating was called cake, not ice cream.)

She is usually leading the preschool group roleplay adventure storyline.

Between the Pisces and Aries, she's usually selling me on one of her ideas (for extra snacks, books, etc.).

But she's also contradictory. She can be shy. Her favorite colors are red and pink. Martial and feminine.

I'd say the descriptions apply.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by mikestar13 »

Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:52 am My 5-year-old daughter is Pisces Sun/Aries Moon....
She's me, dipped in the fountain of youth and gender-swapped. A spot on description of five-year-old Mike (not that bad of 61-year old Mike).
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

mikestar13 wrote: Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:30 pm She's me, dipped in the fountain of youth and gender-swapped. A spot on description of five-year-old Mike (not that bad of 61-year old Mike).
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Moon in Aries people from my large Example Chart Catalogue:
  • Pres. James A. Garfield, Pres. Warren G. Harding, Pres. Bill Clinton, Pres. Joseph R. Biden Jr., Queen Elizabeth I, Konrad Adenauer, Chiang Kai-Shek, VP Kamala Harris, Charles Prince of Wales, Maximilien Robespierre, Sec. James Baker, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Rosalynn Carter, Kellyanne Conway
  • Malcolm X, Jesse Jackson, Virginia Brooks. Phyllis Lyon, Karl Marx
  • Jerry Lewis, Vincent Price, Bill Maher, Jim Bailey, Michael J. Fox, Robert Downey Jr.. Greta Garbo, Lauren Bacall, Natalie Wood, Linda Lovelace, Liz Renay, Meryl Streep, Geena Davis, Naomi Judd, Demi Moore, Giuliana De Sio, Carol Kane, Jasmine Guy, Penny Marshall, Oliver Stone, Marcel Marceau, David Brinkley
  • Burl Ives, Jim Morrison, Diana Ross, Patti Page, Celine Dion, Christine Aguilera, Sheryl Crow, John Coltrane, Giuseppe Verdi
  • Hans Christian Andersen, Washington Irving, George Sand, Virginia Woolf, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Clifford Irving, Dymphna Cusack, George R.R. Martin
  • Annie Horniman, Bobby Fischer, Jane Roberts, Monica Lewinsky
  • Carl G. Jung, Fritz Perls, B.F. Skinner, Rollo May, Dian Fossey
  • Kenneth Lay, Bernie Madoff, Imelda Marcos
  • Henri Desiré Landru, Charlene Gallego, Cheryl Crane
  • Charles Carter, Brig. R.C. Firebrace, Gary Duncan
In organizing these, I notice there is no category for artists outside of actors and a few notable singers etc. This is, however, an interesting collection of writers (and I almost added Bill Maher as a story teller to this list instead of actors). I know that several of these get the story-telling quality from their Sun-sign, but the collection is nonetheless interesting.

Among psychologists, there is the fascinating trio of Jung, Perls, and Skinner. What's most interesting to me is that their modalities are fiercely unrelated - they almost define a triangle of divergent extremes in 20th century psychological theory. Yet they are all giants in the larger field. At the moment, I see no commonality other than being psychologists and being gigantic presences.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've finished rewriting Moon in Aries - except I still have to do the summary and keywords.

But I wanted to mention something terribly interesting to me: The farther I got into Moon in Aries, the more Plutonian it got. Pluto traits were confirmed left and right and nearly all Mars traits evaporated. One could argue that the only Mars traits left are legitimately solar or anti-Venus, though it's still hard for me to shake the Mars idea from Aries Moon's firecracker sexuality, the statistical highs for substance abuse, and (something I didn't bother to mention) the tendency of so many Aries Moon women I know to have bright bottle-red hair (something exceeded only by the Scorpio Moon women I've known).

One interesting thing learned: More often than not, Libra's commitment is to stand against SOCIAL injustice, while that of Aries (at least, as a Moon-sign) is to stand against PERSONAL injustice.

Pluto for Aries becomes more persuasive for me step by step.

Once I have a chance to rework the Summary paragraph, I'll post a closing summary here but, meantime, feel free to review the outcome viewtopic.php?f=13&t=34#p154 and comment here.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've now finished Moon in Aries. (Only one more sign to go!) You can read the final here:

The three keywords are: Bold, Independent, Pragmatic

Here is the substantially rewritten (yet substantially the same) summary:
Independent, self-sufficient, stoical emotions (sentiment yields to practicality). Bold, forthright, steps up to lead. Tough, aggressive, enduring (warm, giving, contributing). Political, authoritative, values control. Contrary, opinionated (takes risk, gets in trouble). Sexually eager, passionate, practical. Business instincts, opportunistic.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by mikestar13 »

I definitely agree Aries is rather fully described by Pluto, Sun, anti-Venus, anti-Saturn Imperial Rim. Though some of the characteristics combine in ways the are very psuedo-Martian, and Mars is quite comfortable in Aries. As a Moon in Aries person, the descriptions seem quite apt to me.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by Benji »

Good morning,
I have a niece (Born March 3rd, 1979, 3:15 pm Bossier L.A.) with her moon in Aires.
She has been married three times and is currently engaged and planning a fourth. Out of her first marriage she had one son. She is self-taught in her profession (Webpage designs for apartment community’s).
Her current hobbies are car clubs, creating a YouTube channel for cosmetic tutorials (her reasoning is that she can demo, review and get them for free) and anything to do with water sports. Especially jet skis.
Personally, what I have always been impressed by, is her ability to bounce back from problems in her personal life.
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Re: Moon in Aries sign project

Post by ODdOnLifeItself »

My Daughter, Summer, has Moon in Aries.

One way I would state it is "fighting to establish oneself as separate (and contrary to) the Mother, as if in competition with her. Pushing things to a head/confrontation, rather than letting them proceed organically..."

The Moon and Aries are so contrary to one another, in ways, that it makes sense that the Moon isn't "comfortable" in this sign...
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