This planet is so slow it's almost silly to think it is personal. However I'm here to talk about when it does get personal. I've found a level of freedom from running away from my sun sign, something non astrological versed people see as Scorpio, and that I once believed was Scorpio too. However it's not the case, it's Pluto through and through. As my only hard aspect to a luminary (despite Jims theory on semi-squares, my moon ss Jupiter is less personal than even my moon trine saturn). My personality is forming to Pluto not my Sun or it's ruler, I realised this is trying to cone up with a personality list mostly my close friends told me what they saw.
[Impatient, moody, brutally honest, cares too much or not at all, violent and sexual, don't know where to draw lines, ambitious/ruthless, I either over do things or i don't don't them at all. I have to make a constant effort to not make people uncomfortable. Charming and possesive. Over protective. Jealous. Weird and odd espicaly in bursts. Wild]
I see so much in here about not knowing boundaries (look at Plutos orbit). It also moves to it's own beat.
Next the on or off, do or don't, which is how people feel about Pluto, they either believe it's something or nothing (in terms of power). Just as i believe pluto needs to habe both support and anti-support for as long as there is a battle Pluto can function in its switch like manor.
Pluto is reblious in that it doesn't care if it's a planet or not. It continues on its path. I need to become like this more, I denounce my Sun sign as my sign, but maybe I'll denounce having a singular sign altogether and just go with a planet rather than trying to convince people I'm more one way than another.
I was so Pluto crazy when I practiced tropical astrology it drove them mad, and not because I honestly thought I was this sexual enigma or dark overlords, but rather because I didn't feel as it was being done a justice. Pluto doesn't care about sex or any of that, I knew it wanted to do it's own thing and every interpretation was so varied from the next it was madness (Pluto however in retrospect doesn't mind this as it keeps it a bigger secret).
I next look at the polarity in all of the planets as each has a match (Mars to Venus for example). Pluto doesn't , it turns things on or off, in its own way it is both yin and yang, male and female, push and pull. In my own way ny mood seongs reflect this, on a daily basis my up ans downs level each other out.
This supports my next theory, Pluto doesn't make energy it simply shifts it, drawing strength from other planets to push like waves throughout a chart. Aries people being ruled by Pluto can openly be a wave conductor for Pluto physicalmy manifesting the waves Pluto makes from the stars to the earth and then they ripple through society like a fire. (Look at Freud and Hitler and the waves they still make to this day.)
I may not be an Aries but as Pluto asoects my moon my emotional waves are the thrown off by Pluto, and I could argue it is in turning up the moon that turns down my sun. However I can't rely on this to always be the case as the energy can go any direction, what I can count on is that Pluto will be the switch to the whole operation.
I think in this case I would say Pluto people are like switches on and off. They are rebellious and like to make waves, they are inherently neutral not aligning with one side or another in most cases as the waves equal out. (Note that they will probably ride the crests of the waves which is why they seem like all or nothing). I think that this up and down could make Pluto people seem bipolar and because they are like this, they would be ostracized, giving them the dark personality that many people mistakenly align with them.
Whether it's a planet or not I will always ride the waves lengths of Pluto.