Wild side of Saturn

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Soft Alpaca
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Wild side of Saturn

Post by Soft Alpaca »

I came to Sidreal astrology to escape the grasps of Saturn and Capricorn, but rather I've grown to appreciate Saturn more. I was trying to fit in the Sidreal system but was skipping over Saturn aspects (a loose trine to my Sun and a tight trine to my Moon) I had thought I had established that Saturn was not my way so I wasn't even looking at it. However I made myself read Sun Saturn (eventhough Jim had previously said it probably wasn't that strong) and read Saturn moon. In tandem with my Capricorn Mars the three most expressive planets are all under the pull of similar energy.

Let me flick off the elephant in the room here, Saturn Is not nice. He is known as the original death and the "greater malefic". He is like lead and bones a burdon to wear, with a rucksack that's full of skeletons tired at the end of his scythe. He ate his kids and got banished to the depths of hell. But capable of causing destruction is what makes him so fun.

My misconceptions of Saturn. He is boring (he just acts calm), he is unemotional (Pluto has him beat), he is rigid and only likes structure (he is rigid because he is anxious and uses structure to keep his shit, I mean fragile mental state, together).

My accurate thoughts of Saturn: He is mentally worn, a lot of issues are going in up there. He's bent on survival. He is ambitious (so much that it doesn't even need to be mentioned everyone just knows). He rules the macabre and the beauty that is so bleak, death. Exalted in Scorpio and maybe unrelated Scorpio often associated with the season of fall (beginign of death) this is what Saturn reminds me off, the beginning of death.

What I didn't know, is how wild Saturn really is. He doesn't like the status quo just as Capricorn doesn't. He is actualy impulsive but wants control so he forces it, but looses it on big things. Also I didn't know the extent of Saturns mental issues, or how similar they reflected mine. In terms of anxiety and Mood issues that is.

The following is a list is from a longer list friends came up for me and I just left Saturn traits, note Cap locks are for Sun Saturn, underline for moon Saturn. Both/mix of Mars In Capricorn are normal.
(IMPATIENT, moody, ambitious/ruthless, I have to make a constant effort to not make people uncomfortable. Possessive. Over protective. Jealous(?). WERID/ODD. Wild.Anxious.)

I'd like to learn more of the wild nature of Saturn. Hear some stories of other people's Saturn side.

Also a list of things Saturn governs for reference:
Black cats (all superstitions but ravens)
All things bleak
Morbid humor
The grotesque/macabre
Music (through Capricorn)
Mental issues
Last edited by Soft Alpaca on Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Wild side of Saturn

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Saturn isn't wild.

Capricorn is wild.
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Re: Wild side of Saturn

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Noted Jim. Why is that?
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Re: Wild side of Saturn

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The archetype of Pan saturates Capricorn. There is also the Mars side. But mostly it's the sign archetype, which is independent of planetary considerations.
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Re: Wild side of Saturn

Post by Soft Alpaca »

The effects of Saturn are by very nature restraining I can see that argument, however the effects of those restraint on a person would have effects on the natives that make them wild? For example Saturn-Sun seemingly are more likely to be Violent criminals and Saturn Moon more likely to be murderers, would you not call this actions Wild? Also as a Sun/Moon Saturn person reading through the list of the traits it makes sense that the natives would have mental breaks. Saturns effects cause violence (clearly shown by statistics a lone). I can see you saying that Capricorn and Saturn are unrelated in archetype but seemingly the effects of Saturn in a person could make someone wild.

To clarify wild, Uncontrolled/unrestrained/unrestricted, especially in pursuit of pleasure; poor impulse control.
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Re: Wild side of Saturn

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Saturn is controlled, with great impulse control. There can be overcompensation and occasional need to bust out of it but, intrinsically, Saturn is controlled.

Capricorn, however, is more than Saturn. It's Mars and Rim and the Capricorn archetype. These are all dancing naked round a campfire with a weird pie nobody has ever quite heard before. "Into my loneliness comes the sound of a flute in dim groves that haunt the uttermost hills."
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Re: Wild side of Saturn

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Ok thanks for clarifying. If I was to do something like that what area of my chart would you say that stems from (don't ask but I would easily do something like that for fun).

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Re: Wild side of Saturn

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Mars in Capricorn.
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Re: Wild side of Saturn

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Do you think that Saturn aspecting both the Sun and The Moon allows for Capricorns nature to be more easily apparent/more present in my personality?
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Wild side of Saturn

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

ScarletDepths wrote: Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:55 pm Do you think that Saturn aspecting both the Sun and The Moon allows for Capricorns nature to be more easily apparent/more present in my personality?

Look at this post: http://solunars.com/viewtopic.php?f=12& ... 291#p10175 Download the PDF and don't try to skim this. It's really dense. The man who wrote it packed more facts in one sentence than are in entire articles on the web.
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Re: Wild side of Saturn

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Ok. Firstly ironicly the only reason why my mother spent so long in labor is becayse she thought she had to poop (yes she accifentky confused me with literal shit multiple times in one sitting of about 12 hours). Secondly I like the use of Freud's psychosexual stages. I don't know where this person was quiet going with them but I can say my mother let me run around with no diaper on so she wouldn't have to change it, I was independent to say the least, and it wasn't attention to me but rather to the mess I made that my mother was cincidered about. In terms of dirty things, human waste and money are the dirtiest, yet for thousands of years waste was valued to feed the masses. I grew up poor, I lost attachment to the dollar because I had none to attach too, instead I have trouble sharing food that I myself intended to eat and space (I need my room). I can say that my father left when he skipped my mom and his wedding, I was already born, they had me at 18, however I was but a year old. I mostly grew up as the parent as my mother was an addict, and my stepfather mostly in prison (note my mom had on and off periods with him so we had other unsavory men in our lives). I can also attest to the keeping busy part of the article, if I'm to exhausted to do anything I'm to exhausted to be depressed and anxious (Note not specficly about death of course).
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