My natal chart is going through a lot of turmoil and I can so clearly see/feel how the energies shifted to totally opposites from last year. I have become seasoned/experienced in the ups and downs of life, so it isn't new to me.
I tried to resist and pushed against the heaviness in the start (a few months back), and when it starts I sometimes just zone out and try to stay in a state of limbo/numbness - but when it goes on for so long (many months) I sometimes give in and just break from the pressure of heaviness or sometimes just the total lack of joy/happiness.
Since this is to describe feelings brought about by planetary energies and chemical imbalances (in my belief), I surrendered into the heaviness and I put on this song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIF4_Sm-rgQ) to just allow myself to surrender and use help to bring out the tears (usually I resist crying). This song by Jeff Buckley is one that just deeply enters my deepest feelings. The Sound of Silence is another one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgTaIOoXr3s) and Famous Blue Raincoat also brings out tears almost every time I hear it, I just feel the deep pain from that musician.
So, let's focus on the astrology that is bringing this about this time around.
Moon-Saturn, Moon-Pluto & Pluto Saturn.
Moon-Saturn in the SSR opposing n. Saturn. This is not angular in the SSR, but it is angular if you use the tropical SR. (I don't need the debate though, it's just an observation). Tropical SR shows Saturn partile SR MC and SR Moon partile opp n. Saturn. The sidereal SR just has the Moon-Saturn conjunction, but not near any angles. The sidereal SR is not descriptive of anything at all... it is not turning out in any way you would expect to see Sun, Mars and Uranus on the angles.
Progressed Moon is partile quinc n. Saturn now. (again, just an observation, I don't feel like debating the aspect).
SSR Pluto is partile n. MC and it trines n. Moon. Progr. Moon is now partile SSR Pluto and has been around transiting Pluto for a while.
Saturn & Pluto
As stated above, transiting Pluto is around my n. MC and trining n. Moon. Tr. Saturn has also been around my n. DSC and is travelling back and forth there for a while. These transits around my natal angles are not going to be over until 2020, when the planets will continue and travel over my relocated angles (if I will still be in Edinburgh) and it won't be over until 2025 with Pluto (although I think Pluto alone is very different than Moon-Pluto and Saturn-Pluto).
These energies are then fortified/strengthened by the relocated angularity of Pluto and Neptune, which I think is a deeper meaning/truth seeking/discovering aspect. What it is bringing out is a search for alternative medicine and truth of life/universe.
So this time around, it isn't just one thing, it is a combination of VERY HEAVY energies.
So what is happening in life and the psyche?
Well, not only did my grandmother and my partner's grandfather die, but those deaths were followed by other deaths, two of which are brutal murders of two very good human beings connected to either friends or family members. A son of a friend went missing in action in Syria and is most likely dead. Another was brutally murdered by his drunk brother. A young man (around 40) who is my friend's husband was hospitalised in critical condition with liver failure.
Then there is the DNA search, my father is trying to find a DNA match to bring out the truth about who is his father. The first test has turned out negative, so the search continues. But this is not a negative point, just a truth-seeking point.
In the psyche there is turmoil. It started out numb, just with a lack of joy and withdrawing from my studies. I still kept afloat and kept meeting with people but noticing the lack of deep connections. Now this is escalating into a feeling of not wanting to be around, not wanting to be in communication/touch with people, not wanting my partner to have to go through all these ups and heavy downs with me, not wanting my children to have a mother with depression...to the point that I truly believe that maybe it would be better if I am not around and a new love/person can enter their lives and bring more joy to them. I am wondering why bother about this life, what is the point really when your life won't really matter much and when you are not even capable of feeling joy. I don't even feel like organising our holidays for the summer, I don't even care much about travelling or going anywhere (unusual for me since I love travelling).
Once again I am forced to be thinking about what I would really like to do with my life and how to use it before it's over. This might turn into a positive energy after all the heaviness, especially IF I find the strength to go through it all and come out with a plan of action. But there is a big IF there.