[The following interpretations rely heavily on those in Solar and Lunar Returns by Donald Bradley. They describe what to expect from aspects between two transiting planets occurring (especially in the foreground) in a solar or lunar return.]
Transit-to-natal aspects are interpreted here:
MOON aspecting Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto
SUN aspecting Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto
MERCURY aspecting Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto
VENUS aspecting Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto
MARS aspecting Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto
JUPITER aspecting Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto
SATURN aspecting Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto
URANUS, Neptune, Pluto, Haumea, Eris mutual aspects
Transit-to-Transit Aspects in Solunar Returns
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Transit-to-Transit Moon aspects
[Based heavily on Donald A. Bradley's interpretations in Solar and Lunar Returns.]
(Desire, psychic vitality, instincts serve ego + purpose, importance as an adaptation)
Crossroads: a significant turning point, entering a new phase, reorientation. Major involvements with others (significant pairings established, marriage). Someone of singular importance takes a strong personal interest in the native. Exceedingly active and busy period. Self-assurance, pride. Enhanced self-assertion (emotional domination?).
(Intellect/perception fused with subconsciousness/emotion)
Spontaneous arousal of outside interest, curiosity, publicity, notoriety, drawing abundant attention; being much talked-about, subject to interviews or investigation (as when running office); people want one's autograph and story. Being called to express oneself, reveal information, or commit oneself (speak, answer questions, give an account of oneself, sign one's name); hence, offers, contracts, applications, questionnaires, and documents (trapped in paperwork). Receiving and responding to important communications. Necessity for travel, undertaking business activities, setting firm deadlines.
(Female essence, nurture, love instinct)
Receiving affection, romantic opportunity offered, falling in love, sensuous excitement, erotic stimulation (hungry for affection, tenderness, caressing, touching, holding; vigorously surrendering to pleasure, physical happiness). Objects of desire appear unexpectedly, cause great excitement, then vanish with the dawn. Vivid feeling responses, intense emotional life (moodiness); desire for children. Happiness, friendship, social enhancement, popularity, celebration, beautification. Music appreciation, singing, dancing, partying, responding to beauty. (STATS: Weddings, especially for men.)
(Competitive-aggressive instincts, inflamed emotions)
Circumstances arouse an inflamed emotional response, inciting anger (irritation, friction, strife, temper, intolerance, discontent, quarrels, fights) and inflaming passions (strongly sexual). Drive, feeling strength; highly competent, productive, hasty, busy); needs elbow room and freedom to act (won't be held back, wants to be left alone). Environment seems threatening, harsh, challenging, primed for things to go wrong; others seem critical, threatening, emotionally unsafe, attacking (being target of accusations, frame-ups, or revenge). Ending with wounds to lick, acts to avenge, or repair bills to pay (accidents, injuries, fire, blood, even violence). Possible sickness or physical discomfort (inflammation, fever, colds or flu; poor physical economy; muscle pains, boils, inflamed sores). (STATS: Weddings, especially for women.)
(Optimism, fortune, ambition as adaptation, family)
Circumstances give reason to be joyful, enthusiastic, optimistic, happy, good-humored. Receiving honors, elevation, opportunities, advantages, gifts (others are generous, supportive, encouraging; red carpet treatment). Heightened esteem, pride, dignity, and profit. Satisfaction of ambitions, feeling of personal specialness. One's standing is bettered (growing prosperity). Financially beneficial (money matters go well), lucky, even a miracle-worker (receipt of large sums, winning prizes, bounty). Money, investments, loans, and property require attention, usually to one's advantage. Favors candidates for public office or otherwise seeking public approval or appeal. Diplomacy and elitism prevail. Fewer adversities than usual.
(Emotional loss, survival adaptations, hardship, sadness)
Hardship, sacrifice, deprivation, disappointment, setbacks, loss, sadness, wounded pride, low confidence, regret, grief. Little incentive to gain or worldly betterment; advancement difficult, financial obligations greater. Other losses (e.g., theft), refusals, rejections; lonely, pessimistic, worried, low spirits. Relationships burdened (loss, sadness, estrangement, social disadvantage, bereavement). Others appear harsh, cold, unsupportive, unsympathetic, unresponsive, demanding; therefore, one is private, distrustful, cautious (emotional survival needs emphasized, increased security needs). Possible health problems (poor circulation, constipation, rheumatism; accidents that are crushing, bruising, breaking, falling; brain tumors, blood clots, and ulcers).
(Emotional renewal, discovery, new responses)
Emotional excitement, renewal, thrill. Freedom from convention and the ordinary (responding to variety). Rapidly changing conditions require quick adaptation and reorientation, new learning, new responses (events happen lightning quick). Changes, new directions, turning point (may be introduced to new lifestyle, unusual people and places, new adventures, shedding caution and discretion; "Look what I've been missing!," or "Where have you been all my life?"). Exploring, inquisitive, investigative, learning new things that enrapture attention. Life shows it still can surprise us beyond expectations. Emotional stress (body and mind in sustained tension; nervous strain; possible anxiety or paranoia).
(Sensitive, vulnerable, instinct to lose oneself in others)
Heightened sensitivity, vulnerability, exaggerated feeling responses (impressionable, easily wounded, psychic overload, withdraws; or attuned to others, empathic, psychic, sympathetic). Easily seduced, enchanted (deceived, exploited; plans fail). Embarrassment (shame, humiliation, ridicule, disgrace). Feeling cornered, plotted against, threatened (may be actual or fantasy). Worry, fear of rejection, frustration, anxiety, confusion, disorientation, uncertainty, mood swings, and an undermined sense of security. Danger from toxins and poisons, rancid foods, drugs, alcohol.
(Anomalous instincts, emotional eruption, purging automatic patterns)
Sharp, intensive redirection in one's life, a dramatic shift, revolt against format (encountering the unlikely, improbable, unbelievable). Experiences elicit a climactic emotional response (crisis, shock, eruption). Separation, alienation, refusal to be categorized (independent, rebellious), but feels sharp impact of others' expectations. Pressure, stress: critical eventualities force one to show one's cards and confront what has been resisted (purging automatic defense patterns, requiring naked authenticity). Being required to finally make up one's mind about something vital to one's future and well-being.
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(Desire, psychic vitality, instincts serve ego + purpose, importance as an adaptation)
Crossroads: a significant turning point, entering a new phase, reorientation. Major involvements with others (significant pairings established, marriage). Someone of singular importance takes a strong personal interest in the native. Exceedingly active and busy period. Self-assurance, pride. Enhanced self-assertion (emotional domination?).
(Intellect/perception fused with subconsciousness/emotion)
Spontaneous arousal of outside interest, curiosity, publicity, notoriety, drawing abundant attention; being much talked-about, subject to interviews or investigation (as when running office); people want one's autograph and story. Being called to express oneself, reveal information, or commit oneself (speak, answer questions, give an account of oneself, sign one's name); hence, offers, contracts, applications, questionnaires, and documents (trapped in paperwork). Receiving and responding to important communications. Necessity for travel, undertaking business activities, setting firm deadlines.
(Female essence, nurture, love instinct)
Receiving affection, romantic opportunity offered, falling in love, sensuous excitement, erotic stimulation (hungry for affection, tenderness, caressing, touching, holding; vigorously surrendering to pleasure, physical happiness). Objects of desire appear unexpectedly, cause great excitement, then vanish with the dawn. Vivid feeling responses, intense emotional life (moodiness); desire for children. Happiness, friendship, social enhancement, popularity, celebration, beautification. Music appreciation, singing, dancing, partying, responding to beauty. (STATS: Weddings, especially for men.)
(Competitive-aggressive instincts, inflamed emotions)
Circumstances arouse an inflamed emotional response, inciting anger (irritation, friction, strife, temper, intolerance, discontent, quarrels, fights) and inflaming passions (strongly sexual). Drive, feeling strength; highly competent, productive, hasty, busy); needs elbow room and freedom to act (won't be held back, wants to be left alone). Environment seems threatening, harsh, challenging, primed for things to go wrong; others seem critical, threatening, emotionally unsafe, attacking (being target of accusations, frame-ups, or revenge). Ending with wounds to lick, acts to avenge, or repair bills to pay (accidents, injuries, fire, blood, even violence). Possible sickness or physical discomfort (inflammation, fever, colds or flu; poor physical economy; muscle pains, boils, inflamed sores). (STATS: Weddings, especially for women.)
(Optimism, fortune, ambition as adaptation, family)
Circumstances give reason to be joyful, enthusiastic, optimistic, happy, good-humored. Receiving honors, elevation, opportunities, advantages, gifts (others are generous, supportive, encouraging; red carpet treatment). Heightened esteem, pride, dignity, and profit. Satisfaction of ambitions, feeling of personal specialness. One's standing is bettered (growing prosperity). Financially beneficial (money matters go well), lucky, even a miracle-worker (receipt of large sums, winning prizes, bounty). Money, investments, loans, and property require attention, usually to one's advantage. Favors candidates for public office or otherwise seeking public approval or appeal. Diplomacy and elitism prevail. Fewer adversities than usual.
(Emotional loss, survival adaptations, hardship, sadness)
Hardship, sacrifice, deprivation, disappointment, setbacks, loss, sadness, wounded pride, low confidence, regret, grief. Little incentive to gain or worldly betterment; advancement difficult, financial obligations greater. Other losses (e.g., theft), refusals, rejections; lonely, pessimistic, worried, low spirits. Relationships burdened (loss, sadness, estrangement, social disadvantage, bereavement). Others appear harsh, cold, unsupportive, unsympathetic, unresponsive, demanding; therefore, one is private, distrustful, cautious (emotional survival needs emphasized, increased security needs). Possible health problems (poor circulation, constipation, rheumatism; accidents that are crushing, bruising, breaking, falling; brain tumors, blood clots, and ulcers).
(Emotional renewal, discovery, new responses)
Emotional excitement, renewal, thrill. Freedom from convention and the ordinary (responding to variety). Rapidly changing conditions require quick adaptation and reorientation, new learning, new responses (events happen lightning quick). Changes, new directions, turning point (may be introduced to new lifestyle, unusual people and places, new adventures, shedding caution and discretion; "Look what I've been missing!," or "Where have you been all my life?"). Exploring, inquisitive, investigative, learning new things that enrapture attention. Life shows it still can surprise us beyond expectations. Emotional stress (body and mind in sustained tension; nervous strain; possible anxiety or paranoia).
(Sensitive, vulnerable, instinct to lose oneself in others)
Heightened sensitivity, vulnerability, exaggerated feeling responses (impressionable, easily wounded, psychic overload, withdraws; or attuned to others, empathic, psychic, sympathetic). Easily seduced, enchanted (deceived, exploited; plans fail). Embarrassment (shame, humiliation, ridicule, disgrace). Feeling cornered, plotted against, threatened (may be actual or fantasy). Worry, fear of rejection, frustration, anxiety, confusion, disorientation, uncertainty, mood swings, and an undermined sense of security. Danger from toxins and poisons, rancid foods, drugs, alcohol.
(Anomalous instincts, emotional eruption, purging automatic patterns)
Sharp, intensive redirection in one's life, a dramatic shift, revolt against format (encountering the unlikely, improbable, unbelievable). Experiences elicit a climactic emotional response (crisis, shock, eruption). Separation, alienation, refusal to be categorized (independent, rebellious), but feels sharp impact of others' expectations. Pressure, stress: critical eventualities force one to show one's cards and confront what has been resisted (purging automatic defense patterns, requiring naked authenticity). Being required to finally make up one's mind about something vital to one's future and well-being.
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Transit-to-Transit Sun aspects
[Based in part on Donald A. Bradley's interpretations in Solar and Lunar Returns.]
(Ego & intellect, identity framed by ideas, purposeful planning)
Reinforces (intensifies) all solar indications and highlights Mercury themes, including transportation and commerce. Reliance on one's repertoire rather than originality: habit, automatic thinking and acting in accordance with existing notions one deems factual. Extraordinary outflow of self, becoming an open book to others: Moved to pen one's thoughts and say exactly what one thinks. Whatever else the chart shows gets talked about.
(Identity framed by affections; ideal of beauty)
Self-satisfaction: Identity is framed by one's affections and pleasures. Narcissistic, refracting libido toward oneself. Intensified and highlighted Venus themes. Rare for hurtful events in general.
(Male essence, heroic ideal, identity linked to power)
Identity attaches to power and combat; seeks self-satisfaction through increased aggression, sex, fighting, and destroying obstacles, limits, and opponents; provokes others (may have wounds to lick afterwards); "might makes right." Temperament is more fiery (violent, explosive, destructive); loses temper easily; takes (fearless or reckless) risks to impress others and enhance own importance (successful or not according to other indications). Inhibitions released, the animal within is unleashed, forgets or belittles civilization's more wholesome standards. At best: construction, mechanical ingenuity, spending much energy in hard work, clears the jungle. At worst: roams the jungle.
(Royal, blessed, identity linked to aspiration & recognition)
Usually positive events, with protection against deeper harm. Splendid for enhancing self, station, and purse (social and financial self-improvement). Amplifies worldly ambition: Opportunistic, craves comfort, coin, status, honors (some may pursue by devious or illegal methods). Boundless enthusiasm. Indiscriminately amiable, generous, tolerant (in a pompous way: essentially royal, imperial, and regal in viewpoint). Low sexual appetite (decentralized eroticism, complacency).
(Survival, control, discipline, self-reliance, struggle)
Focus on survival, self-reliance, struggle (financial hardship, difficulties, failures; adverse to ambitions or relationships). Primarily sad events; even happy events occur under arduous, demanding, restrictive, controlling conditions. Self-restraint: imposing discipline and limitation on oneself, restraint of feelings, self-punishment. Needs privacy and freedom from interference (reclusive). Discourteous, cantankerous, disagreeable, cranky, uncooperative, unattractive (self-neglect), bitter toward life. Insensitive to others: criticizes for petty reasons, irks others, complaints and judgements cause discomfort. Prudish and squeamish (miser, witch-burner, fiery religious conviction). Unfortunate for health and well-being (especially heart and blood pressure).
(Self-renewal, liberation, individuality)
Incites liveliness, spontaneity, and eagerness for change and variety. Yields to desires for thrill, adventure, discovery, doing forbidden things, more orgasms, relief from life's boring dullness and ordinariness (which suddenly infuse everything), and freedom from restraint, obligation, and convention. Seeks independence more than partnerships (may break off old ties). Unlocks unsuspected sides of oneself: Discovers new delights in the familiar; or needs to break from routine, travel, find more fascinating social interests, or feel thrills and adventures of youth again. Inventive, innovative, puts new ideas to work; strives to revamp routine to enable more progress.
(Ego-dissolution, fantasy, forging an ideal)
Chaotic, disorienting events and emotion swirl like a maelstrom about one. Self-delusion (neurotic flight from reality), typically a web of one's own undoing. Vulnerable to self-poisoning upset and worrisome jealousy or suspicion. May disastrously try to lie, misrepresent, glamorize, or fictionalize oneself (from desperation?). Delusions of grandeur incur ridicule from those one tries to impress with fictions, false accents, affections of aristocracy, other conceits. Feeling sinister forebodings and suspicions (thus feeling persecuted). A prisoner to one's fancies and malpractices, no matter how impractical or injurious they may be (in a masochistic, self-sacrificing way?). Laziness, depending on others (to the point of victimizing them?).
(Authentic self, solitude, eccentric, the exception)
Turning-points: Closing an old cycle and inaugurating the new: One's whole life may suddenly, dramatically change in an impactful finale. Life's wages (accountability): Bangs the gavel of inescapable reality: One has to "put up or shut up," can't talk one's way into or out of anything or laugh off consequences for one's actions. Callous distaste for social totems and taboos: Disrespects the law, authority, others' feelings, social institutions, and the importance or opinion of anybody not aligned with one's distinctive point of view. Consequences of cumulative stress: Impatient, nervously taut, may crack under the strain of being unable to strike a happy medium in anything one says, does, or thinks. (Nervous breakdowns.)
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(Ego & intellect, identity framed by ideas, purposeful planning)
Reinforces (intensifies) all solar indications and highlights Mercury themes, including transportation and commerce. Reliance on one's repertoire rather than originality: habit, automatic thinking and acting in accordance with existing notions one deems factual. Extraordinary outflow of self, becoming an open book to others: Moved to pen one's thoughts and say exactly what one thinks. Whatever else the chart shows gets talked about.
(Identity framed by affections; ideal of beauty)
Self-satisfaction: Identity is framed by one's affections and pleasures. Narcissistic, refracting libido toward oneself. Intensified and highlighted Venus themes. Rare for hurtful events in general.
(Male essence, heroic ideal, identity linked to power)
Identity attaches to power and combat; seeks self-satisfaction through increased aggression, sex, fighting, and destroying obstacles, limits, and opponents; provokes others (may have wounds to lick afterwards); "might makes right." Temperament is more fiery (violent, explosive, destructive); loses temper easily; takes (fearless or reckless) risks to impress others and enhance own importance (successful or not according to other indications). Inhibitions released, the animal within is unleashed, forgets or belittles civilization's more wholesome standards. At best: construction, mechanical ingenuity, spending much energy in hard work, clears the jungle. At worst: roams the jungle.
(Royal, blessed, identity linked to aspiration & recognition)
Usually positive events, with protection against deeper harm. Splendid for enhancing self, station, and purse (social and financial self-improvement). Amplifies worldly ambition: Opportunistic, craves comfort, coin, status, honors (some may pursue by devious or illegal methods). Boundless enthusiasm. Indiscriminately amiable, generous, tolerant (in a pompous way: essentially royal, imperial, and regal in viewpoint). Low sexual appetite (decentralized eroticism, complacency).
(Survival, control, discipline, self-reliance, struggle)
Focus on survival, self-reliance, struggle (financial hardship, difficulties, failures; adverse to ambitions or relationships). Primarily sad events; even happy events occur under arduous, demanding, restrictive, controlling conditions. Self-restraint: imposing discipline and limitation on oneself, restraint of feelings, self-punishment. Needs privacy and freedom from interference (reclusive). Discourteous, cantankerous, disagreeable, cranky, uncooperative, unattractive (self-neglect), bitter toward life. Insensitive to others: criticizes for petty reasons, irks others, complaints and judgements cause discomfort. Prudish and squeamish (miser, witch-burner, fiery religious conviction). Unfortunate for health and well-being (especially heart and blood pressure).
(Self-renewal, liberation, individuality)
Incites liveliness, spontaneity, and eagerness for change and variety. Yields to desires for thrill, adventure, discovery, doing forbidden things, more orgasms, relief from life's boring dullness and ordinariness (which suddenly infuse everything), and freedom from restraint, obligation, and convention. Seeks independence more than partnerships (may break off old ties). Unlocks unsuspected sides of oneself: Discovers new delights in the familiar; or needs to break from routine, travel, find more fascinating social interests, or feel thrills and adventures of youth again. Inventive, innovative, puts new ideas to work; strives to revamp routine to enable more progress.
(Ego-dissolution, fantasy, forging an ideal)
Chaotic, disorienting events and emotion swirl like a maelstrom about one. Self-delusion (neurotic flight from reality), typically a web of one's own undoing. Vulnerable to self-poisoning upset and worrisome jealousy or suspicion. May disastrously try to lie, misrepresent, glamorize, or fictionalize oneself (from desperation?). Delusions of grandeur incur ridicule from those one tries to impress with fictions, false accents, affections of aristocracy, other conceits. Feeling sinister forebodings and suspicions (thus feeling persecuted). A prisoner to one's fancies and malpractices, no matter how impractical or injurious they may be (in a masochistic, self-sacrificing way?). Laziness, depending on others (to the point of victimizing them?).
(Authentic self, solitude, eccentric, the exception)
Turning-points: Closing an old cycle and inaugurating the new: One's whole life may suddenly, dramatically change in an impactful finale. Life's wages (accountability): Bangs the gavel of inescapable reality: One has to "put up or shut up," can't talk one's way into or out of anything or laugh off consequences for one's actions. Callous distaste for social totems and taboos: Disrespects the law, authority, others' feelings, social institutions, and the importance or opinion of anybody not aligned with one's distinctive point of view. Consequences of cumulative stress: Impatient, nervously taut, may crack under the strain of being unable to strike a happy medium in anything one says, does, or thinks. (Nervous breakdowns.)
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Transit-to-Transit Mercury aspects
[Quoting, or based heavily on, Donald A. Bradley's interpretations in Solar and Lunar Returns.]
(Social engagement, play; or intellect oppose to feeling)
Pleasant social engagement, companionship, play, endearing news. Pleasure from inquiries or things learned, conversation with friends and loved ones (writing love letters, a proposal or confession of love). Conversation resolving conflict, diplomacy, negotiation. Intellectual companionship, the artistic touch, appreciation of form and design. Travel for pleasure.
(Aggressive intellect, mental & power needs combined)
Intellectual or verbal competition or conflict. Arguments, accusations, slander, libel, and jumping to conclusions with unfortunate consequences. (Little ability to reach peace.) In business, often means trouble with a customer. Vehicular accidents and other injuries while in motion. Tactical and logistical skills and capacities. Excessive nervous energy must be blown off one way or another; escape through alcohol or drugs is most common.
(Advantage of intellect, quality mind, success with words)
An advantage of intellect, success with words. Commerce, big ideas, commercial alliances, trade negotiations, diplomatic success. Favorable for business and income: fame and fortune increase relative to one's usual life status. Successful conversations and cooperation. Honor for ideas, public praising, sought by others for interview or inquiry. Offers and news make one jubilant. Advantage in legal matters. Travel enhances prestige and purse. Success usually guaranteed through mail, newspaper or Internet advertising, through interviews or applications, or through implementing new technology. (Common for weddings.)
(Ordered thought, mental labor, restricted communication)
Restrictions, delays, failures, breakdowns, or calamity relating to communication or transportation. Commerce interrupted. Making costly mistakes (often through faulty memory). Telling people off, writing or receiving embittered letters, being disagreeable after disappointments. Pessimism, sarcasm, and selfish viewpoints intrude. Sluggish mind; awkward, hesitant speech. Learning facts that make one brood.
(Mental renewal, independent mind, discovery, surprise)
Discovery, revelation, disclosure, intellectual thrills, new inventive ideas, surprise communication, and generally being startled and taken by surprise. (One's first introduction to astrology often coincides with this.) Intellectual jolts and challenges to one's mind that may damage one's whole point of view. Bares the truth in bas-relief (painful to many). May stir a sense of emergency or alarm. One dares to speak up despite the consequences. Transportation surprises (sometimes crises).
(Reason & unreason, enthrallment, deception)
Enthrallment, deception (misrepresentation); fanciful thinking, impracticality (frustration of plans). Confusion, disorientation, bad choices. Vulnerable to being deceived or misled. Others' promises are unreliable (or worse). Impairment of communication or transportation, blurting out the wrong thing (embarrassment): Guard the tongue, ignore gossip mongers (and resist obsessing about whether their whisperings are about oneself).
(Individual/outlier thought, halted mind, nervous strain)
Collision of divergent ideas, information, or communication. Circumstances cause great nervous tension, tax one's patience, and force one to face the music and take a stand. Consequences of events stun the intellect, shifting an underlying paradigm, significantly reframing how one thinks. Despite an underlying disrespect for the law, one may be backed up against a wall of convention or law and have to fight one's way out of the predicament. Under terrific nervous pressure, may be forced to sign one's name, as with a loyalty-oath or answer tough questions ("being given the third degree"). (STATS: Seems to show in SLRs for deaths of loved ones.)
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(Social engagement, play; or intellect oppose to feeling)
Pleasant social engagement, companionship, play, endearing news. Pleasure from inquiries or things learned, conversation with friends and loved ones (writing love letters, a proposal or confession of love). Conversation resolving conflict, diplomacy, negotiation. Intellectual companionship, the artistic touch, appreciation of form and design. Travel for pleasure.
(Aggressive intellect, mental & power needs combined)
Intellectual or verbal competition or conflict. Arguments, accusations, slander, libel, and jumping to conclusions with unfortunate consequences. (Little ability to reach peace.) In business, often means trouble with a customer. Vehicular accidents and other injuries while in motion. Tactical and logistical skills and capacities. Excessive nervous energy must be blown off one way or another; escape through alcohol or drugs is most common.
(Advantage of intellect, quality mind, success with words)
An advantage of intellect, success with words. Commerce, big ideas, commercial alliances, trade negotiations, diplomatic success. Favorable for business and income: fame and fortune increase relative to one's usual life status. Successful conversations and cooperation. Honor for ideas, public praising, sought by others for interview or inquiry. Offers and news make one jubilant. Advantage in legal matters. Travel enhances prestige and purse. Success usually guaranteed through mail, newspaper or Internet advertising, through interviews or applications, or through implementing new technology. (Common for weddings.)
(Ordered thought, mental labor, restricted communication)
Restrictions, delays, failures, breakdowns, or calamity relating to communication or transportation. Commerce interrupted. Making costly mistakes (often through faulty memory). Telling people off, writing or receiving embittered letters, being disagreeable after disappointments. Pessimism, sarcasm, and selfish viewpoints intrude. Sluggish mind; awkward, hesitant speech. Learning facts that make one brood.
(Mental renewal, independent mind, discovery, surprise)
Discovery, revelation, disclosure, intellectual thrills, new inventive ideas, surprise communication, and generally being startled and taken by surprise. (One's first introduction to astrology often coincides with this.) Intellectual jolts and challenges to one's mind that may damage one's whole point of view. Bares the truth in bas-relief (painful to many). May stir a sense of emergency or alarm. One dares to speak up despite the consequences. Transportation surprises (sometimes crises).
(Reason & unreason, enthrallment, deception)
Enthrallment, deception (misrepresentation); fanciful thinking, impracticality (frustration of plans). Confusion, disorientation, bad choices. Vulnerable to being deceived or misled. Others' promises are unreliable (or worse). Impairment of communication or transportation, blurting out the wrong thing (embarrassment): Guard the tongue, ignore gossip mongers (and resist obsessing about whether their whisperings are about oneself).
(Individual/outlier thought, halted mind, nervous strain)
Collision of divergent ideas, information, or communication. Circumstances cause great nervous tension, tax one's patience, and force one to face the music and take a stand. Consequences of events stun the intellect, shifting an underlying paradigm, significantly reframing how one thinks. Despite an underlying disrespect for the law, one may be backed up against a wall of convention or law and have to fight one's way out of the predicament. Under terrific nervous pressure, may be forced to sign one's name, as with a loyalty-oath or answer tough questions ("being given the third degree"). (STATS: Seems to show in SLRs for deaths of loved ones.)
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Transit-to-Transit Venus aspects
[Quoting and party based on Donald A. Bradley's interpretations in Solar and Lunar Returns.]
(Passion, powerful feeling; affection + aggression)
Inflamed passions prevail over reason (sex impulses enkindled). May mark an encounter with one of the great loves of one's life, where "love" is understood as substantially (exclusively?) physical in origin and survival; the carnal hunger having been sated, interest expires. Depending on expectations, this can cause hurt or offense. In any case, this aspect combines pain with pleasure, may strain relationships, and might include outright cruelty (enthusiasms can overwhelm or reduce natural empathy). [Revised 9/28/24]
(Social or loving pleasure, recognition & esteem; happiness)
Happiness, recognition, enjoyment, good luck, ease, feeling that life is good. Social pleasures: love and friendship prosper (recognized or esteemed by friends), one's affairs run harmoniously; one receives gifts, celebrates, and enjoys life (perhaps in more luxuriant surroundings than usual). Usually protective against tragic disaster. (STATS: Weddings, births.)
(Love-inhibitions, sacrifice, dedication, remorse)
Difficulty, disappointment, embarrassment, or remorse in social or love matters. Emotional disappointment, spoiled fun, a sense that “the party is over.” Examples include feeling socially inadequate or inferior; loss of allies, friends, or popularity; others coldly refusing one's overtures; loss of someone loved (grief, heartbreak); revulsion of a relationship or wanting to end it; a disappointing blind date; or other heartache, despair, or deeply-felt loss in which love and separation co-exist. A noticeable lack of beauty: in particular, personal attractiveness loses its luster or becomes flawed (disfigured).
(Freedom in love, emotional renewal, birth)
Giving free play to varied, unusual pleasure and social desires. Popularity, excitement, emotional thrills, emotional renewal. Unique erotic or pleasure experiences, particularly if taboo or against social convention: Opportunistic pleasures, exploring offbeat impulses, embracing temptations normally resisted. Changing choice of companions, preferring a different social scene. Refreshed appearance, renewed wardrobe. (STATS: The single most common aspect for weddings.)
(Merging with another, fantasy, devotion)
Compelling fantasy: surrendering to temptation, come what may (resistance buckles). "Love drunk" romantic thralldom inspires to ecstasy then humiliates. Disillusionment, embarrassment. Painful social embarrassment, feeling a fool in front of others. "Hurt inside" that drives us home alone in self-pity, dazed by an unhappy turn of events. Betrayal by trusted intimates, betrayed alliances, perceived offenses.
(Outlier relationship, emotional-sexual intensity)
Emotional turning points. Climaxes, turning points, or precedents in the social, emotional, or sexual life; figuratively elopement, divorce, or both! Examples include one's first tangible erotic experiments, marriage, or birth of a child; a confrontation or show-down with a friend or romantic partner; or any "no looking back" juncture in an important relationship or in one's relationship to one's social or sexual life.
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(Passion, powerful feeling; affection + aggression)
Inflamed passions prevail over reason (sex impulses enkindled). May mark an encounter with one of the great loves of one's life, where "love" is understood as substantially (exclusively?) physical in origin and survival; the carnal hunger having been sated, interest expires. Depending on expectations, this can cause hurt or offense. In any case, this aspect combines pain with pleasure, may strain relationships, and might include outright cruelty (enthusiasms can overwhelm or reduce natural empathy). [Revised 9/28/24]
(Social or loving pleasure, recognition & esteem; happiness)
Happiness, recognition, enjoyment, good luck, ease, feeling that life is good. Social pleasures: love and friendship prosper (recognized or esteemed by friends), one's affairs run harmoniously; one receives gifts, celebrates, and enjoys life (perhaps in more luxuriant surroundings than usual). Usually protective against tragic disaster. (STATS: Weddings, births.)
(Love-inhibitions, sacrifice, dedication, remorse)
Difficulty, disappointment, embarrassment, or remorse in social or love matters. Emotional disappointment, spoiled fun, a sense that “the party is over.” Examples include feeling socially inadequate or inferior; loss of allies, friends, or popularity; others coldly refusing one's overtures; loss of someone loved (grief, heartbreak); revulsion of a relationship or wanting to end it; a disappointing blind date; or other heartache, despair, or deeply-felt loss in which love and separation co-exist. A noticeable lack of beauty: in particular, personal attractiveness loses its luster or becomes flawed (disfigured).
VENUS-URANUSGarth Allen, AAM 6/56 wrote:Venus-Saturn aspects in solunar returns have as one of their most applicable keywords, "disfigurement." At least this seems to hold true in most cases showing a strong formation of these transiting planets in the foreground of a return chart. "Social inferiority" or "emotional disappointment" might seem to be more adequate key phrases, but under analysis of actual situations, the disfigurement motif seems to underlie most incidents of embarrassment and feelings of despair.
This motif is not dominant in the picture of Venus to natal Saturn, or Saturn to natal Venus transits, which have definite meanings of their own. We are speaking here of strictly transiting aspects which happen to occur in outstanding positions in solunars. A Venus-Saturn configuration has been found to be the usual fare in the solar returns of women who subsequently have to undergo breast amputations during the year. The experience often means a psychological ordeal far more formidable than the surgery itself... Likewise, Venus-Saturn aspects in the foreground of the charts of adolescents have pointed to severe attacks of acne... We have the data for several surviving fire victims and were astonished to learn, on calculating their returns for the dreadful event of being badly burned, that there were Venus-Saturn patterns to match the necessary Mars indices in each wheel. It is clear from this that Venus-Saturn influences denote physical disfigurement from all causes, including those from burn scars... In lunar returns the disfigurement, if and however it occurs, is apt to be shorter-lived.
...those statistical tallies we did on the lunar returns of Joe Louis, for the dates and places of his sixty victorious pro bouts, come to mind. It came as no surprise when we learned that Mars and Neptune were seldom in the foreground of these charts. The peculiar thing was that transiting Saturn was often in the foreground of the Brown Bomber's lunars in contrast to the fact that his natal Saturn behaved the reverse, tending to avoid the angles. The obvious is often so elusive. A tabulation of the distances between transiting Venus and Saturn in the sixty maps shows that there are 27 major aspects between them within an orb of 6°, whereas 16 is the normal expectancy. Significantly, 19 of these are within less than 3° from exact aspect, against a mathematical probability of 8. Ever see a boxer the morning after? If so, you were witnessing a living, breathing demonstration of Venus=Saturn in action.
(Freedom in love, emotional renewal, birth)
Giving free play to varied, unusual pleasure and social desires. Popularity, excitement, emotional thrills, emotional renewal. Unique erotic or pleasure experiences, particularly if taboo or against social convention: Opportunistic pleasures, exploring offbeat impulses, embracing temptations normally resisted. Changing choice of companions, preferring a different social scene. Refreshed appearance, renewed wardrobe. (STATS: The single most common aspect for weddings.)
(Merging with another, fantasy, devotion)
Compelling fantasy: surrendering to temptation, come what may (resistance buckles). "Love drunk" romantic thralldom inspires to ecstasy then humiliates. Disillusionment, embarrassment. Painful social embarrassment, feeling a fool in front of others. "Hurt inside" that drives us home alone in self-pity, dazed by an unhappy turn of events. Betrayal by trusted intimates, betrayed alliances, perceived offenses.
(Outlier relationship, emotional-sexual intensity)
Emotional turning points. Climaxes, turning points, or precedents in the social, emotional, or sexual life; figuratively elopement, divorce, or both! Examples include one's first tangible erotic experiments, marriage, or birth of a child; a confrontation or show-down with a friend or romantic partner; or any "no looking back" juncture in an important relationship or in one's relationship to one's social or sexual life.
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Transit-to-Transit Mars aspects
[Based partly on Donald A. Bradley's interpretations in Solar and Lunar Returns.]
(Exalted strength, ambition, achievement)
Competitive victory, achievement, sexual enthusiasm, and buoyant excessiveness are all possible. Most typically economic crisis, trouble through money: One way or another (some self-originated, some from outside circumstances), one ends up poorer, e.g., wasteful spending, excessive generosity, poor investments, theft, or falling prey to schemes. (Can mark greedily pursuing money or power through illegal ways.)
(Struggle, survival, domination, harm)
Expect hardship: It is severe, brutal, destructive, and hurtful (even vicious and harmful), requiring struggle. Ordinarily: accidents, delays, and other threats and obstacles. Something breaks. Survival is harder. Trouble from "dirty linen" being exposed or other consequences of past actions coming due. Best advice may be to lay low and avoid even familiar risks for a while. (Pay more attention to diet to minimize cardio-vascular risks.)
(Aggressive independence, will-force, daring (sexually uninhibited))
Primarily rebellious: uproots old interests & connections. Radical life-changes: forcibly reshaping things more to one's liking (instead of letting them take their natural course). Great productivity and industry. Impulse toward outlandish mischief, daring deeds, or heroic stunts, such as flooring the accelerator. (Surprise attacks, life's "bombshells.")
(Forging reality, dramatic aggression, frustrated gratification)
Toxic either to the body or psyche. Most commonly magnified emotions (from dread to terror), amplified perception of threat: anxious, fearful, anticipating danger or misfortune (often fantasized). Feeling vulnerable to abuse, attack, betrayal; one's soft spots are exposed (any neurotic tendencies amplified); feeling the ground fall out from under one’s feet. Increasing risk of treachery, sabotage, other betrayal, poisoned relationships, public ridicule, scandal. Possibly health-debilitating: extreme reactions to drugs, chemicals, tainted food, or other toxins. Enthusiastic surrender to temptation (e.g. heightened holiday spirits and indulgence) have stronger consequences than usual. (Common for fires with consequent terror or injury.)
(Forced or blocked power, belligerent individuality)
One is forced to stand accountable for one's actions (with swift, unapologetic consequences); otherwise, to take unusual initiative amidst urgent events (air of crisis or emergency). Suspenseful, tense. Unprecedented force (possible aggression, belligerence, or attack). Consequences of cumulative stresses. (STATS: Slightly frequent for weddings.)
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(Exalted strength, ambition, achievement)
Competitive victory, achievement, sexual enthusiasm, and buoyant excessiveness are all possible. Most typically economic crisis, trouble through money: One way or another (some self-originated, some from outside circumstances), one ends up poorer, e.g., wasteful spending, excessive generosity, poor investments, theft, or falling prey to schemes. (Can mark greedily pursuing money or power through illegal ways.)
(Struggle, survival, domination, harm)
Expect hardship: It is severe, brutal, destructive, and hurtful (even vicious and harmful), requiring struggle. Ordinarily: accidents, delays, and other threats and obstacles. Something breaks. Survival is harder. Trouble from "dirty linen" being exposed or other consequences of past actions coming due. Best advice may be to lay low and avoid even familiar risks for a while. (Pay more attention to diet to minimize cardio-vascular risks.)
(Aggressive independence, will-force, daring (sexually uninhibited))
Primarily rebellious: uproots old interests & connections. Radical life-changes: forcibly reshaping things more to one's liking (instead of letting them take their natural course). Great productivity and industry. Impulse toward outlandish mischief, daring deeds, or heroic stunts, such as flooring the accelerator. (Surprise attacks, life's "bombshells.")
(Forging reality, dramatic aggression, frustrated gratification)
Toxic either to the body or psyche. Most commonly magnified emotions (from dread to terror), amplified perception of threat: anxious, fearful, anticipating danger or misfortune (often fantasized). Feeling vulnerable to abuse, attack, betrayal; one's soft spots are exposed (any neurotic tendencies amplified); feeling the ground fall out from under one’s feet. Increasing risk of treachery, sabotage, other betrayal, poisoned relationships, public ridicule, scandal. Possibly health-debilitating: extreme reactions to drugs, chemicals, tainted food, or other toxins. Enthusiastic surrender to temptation (e.g. heightened holiday spirits and indulgence) have stronger consequences than usual. (Common for fires with consequent terror or injury.)
(Forced or blocked power, belligerent individuality)
One is forced to stand accountable for one's actions (with swift, unapologetic consequences); otherwise, to take unusual initiative amidst urgent events (air of crisis or emergency). Suspenseful, tense. Unprecedented force (possible aggression, belligerence, or attack). Consequences of cumulative stresses. (STATS: Slightly frequent for weddings.)
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Transit-to-Transit Jupiter aspects
[Based heavily on Donald A. Bradley's interpretations in Solar and Lunar Returns.]
(Striving for success, earning one's place, gain & loss)
Income delayed or diminished, or financial demands increase. Gain from perseverance and effort: Money received is earned, not from wins, gifts, or windfalls (perhaps hard-earned under circumstances that make the effort seem not worthwhile; winning by losing or losing by winning). Retirement, indebtedness, voluntary self-denial, religious awareness.
(Progress, achievement through atypical paths, surprising luck)
Success and achievement (often through atypical paths)! Surprising wins, windfalls, or runs of luck (unexpected economic improvement). Sudden honors or favorable reviews bring joy and profit. Formerly blocked avenues of opportunity now stand open. Progress, invention.
(Social idealism, faith & belief, unreasoning optimism).
Unreasoned optimism (faith, religious themes). Social idealism, cohesiveness. Disillusionment (misplaced optimism), exploitation, cheating (may become the victim of a swindle or tricked into a "sucker" agreement). Enthusiasm may soar to sublime heights, then amount to little. Indulgence in entertainment (and other entertainment themes).
(Outlier ambition, extraordinary achievement or fall, singular)
Turning a corner, reversing the tide, recovery (correcting what's wrong). Shifting circumstances regarding career, finance, and prestige stunningly make or break one's reputation, uplift or debase one's station, or reverse economic conditions (fortune or ruin), perhaps forcing issues into the light for all to see and judge.
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(Striving for success, earning one's place, gain & loss)
Income delayed or diminished, or financial demands increase. Gain from perseverance and effort: Money received is earned, not from wins, gifts, or windfalls (perhaps hard-earned under circumstances that make the effort seem not worthwhile; winning by losing or losing by winning). Retirement, indebtedness, voluntary self-denial, religious awareness.
(Progress, achievement through atypical paths, surprising luck)
Success and achievement (often through atypical paths)! Surprising wins, windfalls, or runs of luck (unexpected economic improvement). Sudden honors or favorable reviews bring joy and profit. Formerly blocked avenues of opportunity now stand open. Progress, invention.
(Social idealism, faith & belief, unreasoning optimism).
Unreasoned optimism (faith, religious themes). Social idealism, cohesiveness. Disillusionment (misplaced optimism), exploitation, cheating (may become the victim of a swindle or tricked into a "sucker" agreement). Enthusiasm may soar to sublime heights, then amount to little. Indulgence in entertainment (and other entertainment themes).
(Outlier ambition, extraordinary achievement or fall, singular)
Turning a corner, reversing the tide, recovery (correcting what's wrong). Shifting circumstances regarding career, finance, and prestige stunningly make or break one's reputation, uplift or debase one's station, or reverse economic conditions (fortune or ruin), perhaps forcing issues into the light for all to see and judge.
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Transit-to-Transit Saturn aspects
[Based heavily on Donald A. Bradley's interpretations in Solar and Lunar Returns.]
(Autonomy, ingenuity, harsh reality, constraint vs. freedom)
Breaks up stable conditions, disrupts the status quo, stressful. Bubble-bursting, uncomfortable disclosures or a forced confrontation with harsh reality. Mental conflict or ambivalence causes tension and inconsistent, foolish actions to one's detriment (pulled between opposites, e.g., freedom-restriction, change vs. status quo, independence-safety, needing to get out). May abandon civilized principles, hoping to obtain objectives by any means fair or foul.
(Material vs. immaterial, tenuous boundaries, renunciation, asylum)
Worry, anxiety, fear, dread, grief, loss, suspicion, jealousy (scandal): fears the worst about health and circumstances. Drained physical and psychological vitality with consequent emotional turbulence and intensified, exaggerated negativity; distracted mind, wounded health (mental, emotional, or physical weakening). Toxic, insidious, paralyzing. Removal, resignation, abdication, exile, deportation, firing, sacrifice, renunciation.
(Solitary survival, agnostic, realism, hardship)
Harsh loss, separation, hardship, shock. Feeling irrevocable loss. Shouldering unwanted burdens. Worries anticipate a climax in life. One becomes calloused, bluntly saying exactly one's sentiments. (Falls and concussions, especially if Mars is strong.)
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(Autonomy, ingenuity, harsh reality, constraint vs. freedom)
Breaks up stable conditions, disrupts the status quo, stressful. Bubble-bursting, uncomfortable disclosures or a forced confrontation with harsh reality. Mental conflict or ambivalence causes tension and inconsistent, foolish actions to one's detriment (pulled between opposites, e.g., freedom-restriction, change vs. status quo, independence-safety, needing to get out). May abandon civilized principles, hoping to obtain objectives by any means fair or foul.
(Material vs. immaterial, tenuous boundaries, renunciation, asylum)
Worry, anxiety, fear, dread, grief, loss, suspicion, jealousy (scandal): fears the worst about health and circumstances. Drained physical and psychological vitality with consequent emotional turbulence and intensified, exaggerated negativity; distracted mind, wounded health (mental, emotional, or physical weakening). Toxic, insidious, paralyzing. Removal, resignation, abdication, exile, deportation, firing, sacrifice, renunciation.
(Solitary survival, agnostic, realism, hardship)
Harsh loss, separation, hardship, shock. Feeling irrevocable loss. Shouldering unwanted burdens. Worries anticipate a climax in life. One becomes calloused, bluntly saying exactly one's sentiments. (Falls and concussions, especially if Mars is strong.)
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Transit-to-Transit other aspects
(Clash of realities, social revision, myth)
Reality-altering events, often psychologically disruptive, overflowing the bounds of conventional thinking and expectations. This aspect often stimulates psycho-spiritual evolution, or at least stirs very altered states of consciousness.
(Authentic, singularly unique, revolution, transformation)
Overthrows existing frameworks: Unstable, revolutionary, revising, remapping, anti-establishment. Dismantles current structures, making way for substantial changes in one's life.
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(Conception, world-forging, surreal, Tao)
Heightened, surreal, reality-altering emotion to the point of technical insanity combined with mind-halting, senses-stunning events that are inherently decisive and separative. Consciousness altering; in many cases this precipitates into the circumstances of one's life, reframing them as well.
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
[Insufficient information for firm conclusions so far. Preliminary data primarily focuses on major disruptions and circumstances that are hard to wrap one's mind around.]
(No observations thus far.)
(Clash of realities, social revision, myth)
Reality-altering events, often psychologically disruptive, overflowing the bounds of conventional thinking and expectations. This aspect often stimulates psycho-spiritual evolution, or at least stirs very altered states of consciousness.
(Authentic, singularly unique, revolution, transformation)
Overthrows existing frameworks: Unstable, revolutionary, revising, remapping, anti-establishment. Dismantles current structures, making way for substantial changes in one's life.
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(Conception, world-forging, surreal, Tao)
Heightened, surreal, reality-altering emotion to the point of technical insanity combined with mind-halting, senses-stunning events that are inherently decisive and separative. Consciousness altering; in many cases this precipitates into the circumstances of one's life, reframing them as well.
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
(No observations thus far.)
[Insufficient information for firm conclusions so far. Preliminary data primarily focuses on major disruptions and circumstances that are hard to wrap one's mind around.]
(No observations thus far.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Transit-to-Transit Aspects in Solunar Returns
Over the last few days, I've heavily reworked every aspect in this thread. Previously, it simply contained quoted passages from Bradley's Solar & Lunar Returns plus a few extra notes. Now, I've boiled down the Bradley material to a quintessence, then incorporated a few SLR notes, what we've learned from Sidereal mundane astrology, and other things in my mind, so that we have more straightforward interpretation paragraphs for interpreting transit-to-transit planets in solar and lunar returns, i.e., aspects between return planets themselves.
Enjoy. Let me know how these work when you apply them in your chart work.
Enjoy. Let me know how these work when you apply them in your chart work.
Jim Eshelman