Is Pluto homeless

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Soft Alpaca
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Is Pluto homeless

Post by Soft Alpaca »

I understand Pluto as the rebirth and connect it to Aries as of this. I also see the point of Pluto as home in Scorpio, because it fits nice, kind if like an exalted planet would if you asked me but that's beside the point. [Things that fit nice go against the chaotic nature of the universe so I have doubts there too]. However Mars is what I see in both Aries and Scorpios [tropical, sidereal,and constelational] that I seem to come across.

So yes I believe Pluto has it's place in astrology, but why can't Mars be like Venus and Mercury the other, two inner planets, and have two homes?

Pluto the seed of [re]beginning have one sign to call home in terms of domicile seems a little silly. I do agree that Pluto vs Venus seems to fit nicely [but again beware ribions and bows].

Pluto itself is so slow in orbit how can we even say a portion of the sky us it's home? Or that one sign in particular holds the keys to it?

If Pluto is in fact a d iffrent drummer, who choosrs to go in alone, like Saturn. Who can lash out if they don't have enough space. Who like a luminary can radiate [cause an amplitude] of energy aspected to it.

It's like if all the other planets are respected metals or gems stones, Pluto is quartz, an amplifier. Yet it can amplify both ways. So how can such a stone, such a celestial body have a place of utmost purity, which is as Jim likes to state it "Pluto is the exception" ?

Just late night extenstial ramblings of a Pluto Moon [and the probing angular Mercury in Scorpio].
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Is Pluto homeless

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Just another rite of passage for astrology students.
Pluto doesn't need a home.
Neither does Neptune nor Uranus.
It's just schematism.
Astrology isn't symmetrical or evenly divided or balanced.
Humans want order. Symmetry. The signs alternating male and female like around a dinner table.
But astrology isn't like that. It's messy and somebody left the crayons out in the sun so they melt into each other and run over the lines.

Pluto isn't homeless. Pluto just doesn't fit into the schemata.
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By Jove
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Re: Is Pluto homeless

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The whole thing about signs being male or female is one of the dumbest things ever conceived in astrology.
Soft Alpaca
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Re: Is Pluto homeless

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:42 pm Just another rite of passage for astrology students.
Pluto doesn't need a home.
Neither does Neptune nor Uranus.
It's just schematism.
Astrology isn't symmetrical or evenly divided or balanced.
Humans want order. Symmetry. The signs alternating male and female like around a dinner table.
But astrology isn't like that. It's messy and somebody left the crayons out in the sun so they melt into each other and run over the lines.

Pluto isn't homeless. Pluto just doesn't fit into the schemata.
I'm saying that I agree with you. I can't say Pluto is associated with Aries, it's counterintuitive. And Pluto and Scorpio doesn't fit tropical higher octave scheme and they make it for too nice in Scorpio. When things are more by nature chaotic and don't fit so nicely. In fact I think the way we practice astrology with 30 degree signs fits too nicely too.

Pluto seemingly doesn't fit in too as they can't find it's metal/stone, it's colors, it's symbolism and etc.

Pluto might travel a lot too because it wants to be isolated. It's hard to make connections when you are constantly on the move.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Is Pluto homeless

Post by Jim Eshelman »

ScarletDepths wrote: Sun Jun 10, 2018 12:10 pm I can't say Pluto is associated with Aries, it's counterintuitive.
At the risk of asking you to take something you say is intuitive and frame it in facts: Exactly how is this counter-intuitive? The essence of Aries is to be contrary, paradoxical, libertarian (especially in the don't define me sense) and (from added Sun) imperial. Sun in Aries, in particular, is contradictory, contrary, oppositional, capricious, resisting definition or limits. Moon in Aries is autonomous, independent, self-sufficient, cautious with intimacy. There are also solar traits, and there are a number of clear anti-Venus traits (as we'd expect from the sign opposite Libra), but how is the foregoing intuitively not Plutonian?
Pluto seemingly doesn't fit in too as they can't find it's metal/stone, it's colors, it's symbolism and etc.
Oh, that stuff is easy enough to make up. Doe we really need to populate such lists, though? It reduces planets to nouns instead of verbs. OK, if you want these, Pluto's metal is platinum and its stone is the diamond, its color is scintillating blinding white. (Not sure what you mean by "it's symbolism," though - what is usually meant by that has been long identified.)
Jim Eshelman
Soft Alpaca
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Re: Is Pluto homeless

Post by Soft Alpaca »

I would say Pluto is quartz for whatever it is worth Jim. Blinding white is my last favorite color I would use it on anything, again not worth that much. Or how about Plutos color is clear. Symbolism Saturn is to snakes,black cats, karma, scythe, lead etc. Again not saying it's important just that Pluto doesn't fit in many schemas and it doesn't have to.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Is Pluto homeless

Post by Jim Eshelman »

ScarletDepths wrote: Sun Jun 10, 2018 1:06 pm I would say Pluto is quartz for whatever it is worth Jim.
That's pretty earthy (Qabbalistic stone attribution Malkuth); but, as I said, I don't think these have any importance to astrology. They would have importance only in other fields that adapt astrological language for their own (different) purposes, e.g., ceremonial magick where Pluto's correspondence is to Kether.
Blinding white is my last favorite color I would use it on anything, again not worth that much.
As indicated, I gave Qabbalistic correspondences - one of the few places I think any of these have any relevance at all (i.e., not in astrology itself). But it fits as an astrological metaphor since Pluto is fundamentally the quintessential innermost non-dimensional, unconditioned, unqualified seed-flame of existence, for which a white flame too brilliant to look upon is a common symbol.
Or how about Plutos color is clear.
That's almost (symbolically) the same thing except it misses the characteristic of utterly blinding and disabling you to look upon it.
Symbolism Saturn is to snakes,black cats, karma, scythe, lead etc. Again not saying it's important just that Pluto doesn't fit in many schemas and it doesn't have to.
Sure, those are all fine Saturn symbols except they suffer from the serious problem of reducing planet ideas to nouns instead of verbs or fundamental impulses. Read the chapter in Fagan's Astrological Origins on "Thingish Thought" for an elaboration on this idea.
Jim Eshelman
Soft Alpaca
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Re: Is Pluto homeless

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Im not disagreeing btw Jim. Quartz is a known amplifier of other crystals that's why I pointed it out [it share amplification with Pluto]. The white flame is a good depiction, when you said blinding white my mind went right to light waves and I was lost. I do think it's important to learn 5he symbolism but not to define the planets by them. I think many people can't even grasp the symbols and then mess up the greater meaning of the planets.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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