SP chart Moon-Pluto opposition for breaking up with a friend

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Jim Eshelman
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Re: SP chart Moon-Pluto opposition for breaking up with a friend

Post by Jim Eshelman »

coolcoolwcr wrote: Sun Jul 15, 2018 8:10 pm Initially I expected this moon-pluto event to happen on 7.8 because that was the date the aspect became exact. Nothing happened at 0708. it happened a bit earlier at 7.1.p
It can express itself anytime it is within a 1° which, for a lunar progression, means a roughly two-month window. Within that, it does tend to manifest close to the date it is exact if nothing deflects it to a different date. Additionally (as you probably know) you have Moon opposite natal Pluto July 27 (when it will also be on your quotidian angles), and Moon hits the midpoint of the two Plutos July 17. These are all "hit" days.
What happened was that at 20180630 this "friend" of mine did something that {nassed} me off. Before this time our relationship was strained already. And what happened at 20180630 forced me to make my decision to break off this relationship. It was in the morning of 20180701 that I finally became firm and decided to part my ways with him.
With Moon-Pluto progression well within orb, you also had transiting Uranus conjunct natal MC within 6' - close enough that it could have been exact, if your birthtime is off by only a few seconds (less than half a minute). It was triggered in any case because that was the day of the Mercury-Uranus square, giving another layer of meaning to the Uranus transit. Then, depending on what time this occurred, it may also have been when transiting Moon zipped across it all (early afternoon).
I have checked my SNQ chart and expected angular moon-pluto was not there. Probably this is a good example to test if PSN chart works if it can put moon-pluto on angles.
I think it was the Mercury transit triggering the Uranus transit but, yes, I'd love the chance to heck.. let's take a look.

(Checking.) Using the mean way of clculating the PNR, nothing is near the angles that might be useful, even if the angles were tweaked a bit by exact calculation. ANd, of course the PNR throws off the Moon-Pluto opposition altogether, since it has your progressed Moon forward at 3° Leo.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: SP chart Moon-Pluto opposition for breaking up with a friend

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And of course I knew you would disagree with essentially everything, since that's what you do.
Jim Eshelman
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: SP chart Moon-Pluto opposition for breaking up with a friend

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

No, that's fair, because that is what you do. I don't think you have to worry about approval here. :mrgreen:
If you want to find true astrological knowledge, try not biting the hands feeding you. Although I do know you're a scorpion (not Scorpio) and we're turtles.
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: SP chart Moon-Pluto opposition for breaking up with a friend

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Take another look at your chart. I've never tried to "humiliate" you despite the way you take it. I have been a bit snarky, but that's a response in kind - you were snarky first. And I'm afraid, because of your being snarky so often, that's how people here react to you. You came here with a chip on your shoulder, daring everyone to knock it off.

What I'm saying isn't intended to humiliate you, nor am I trying to be snarky here. I think this transit has something for you to learn. I want you to take what I'm saying and look at it, and see if you can see why I'm saying this to you.

The scorpion story is here: The Scorpion and the Turtle
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Re: SP chart Moon-Pluto opposition for breaking up with a friend

Post by Jim Eshelman »

coolcoolwcr wrote: Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:13 am What strike me the most is your natal venus placement as it has a really frightening close conjunction with pluto. What's worse this planetary conjunction is squared by mars.
LOL, a frightening close Venus-Pluto conjunction? Do you consider the aspect itself frightening, or just the orb? It's a whole 0°19' wide, nothing like the 0°13' of my square <g>, which I consider one of my best features.
In the worst case you are the type that can make a spouse commit suicide.
That's pretty rude.
Your mars also sits... exactly square my asc/dsc.
Yes, that's probably the main thing you two have to juggle.
I am currently having transiting pluto in aspect to venus
Sextiles by transit really aren't worth much if anything. The main thing going on in your chart by transit is Uranus conjunct your MC (and recently Jupiter square your Ascendant). Over the next days and weeks, Mars will retrograde past the square to your Sun then Moon.
But I want to see if I can deflect this pluto transit and endure this period without much upheavel in my relationship.
Good news: You will, since the sextile transit isn't likely to have any effect at all. OTOH, Uranus on your MC can be expected to rearrange many areas of your life, including (or, especially) your point of view on them.
By the way, I have observed that an unusually high rate of active forum members have venus-pluto aspect. (including myself) Perhaps forum admin's scopio venus plus a square to pluto tends to attract such people to the forum.
I'm siure I set a tone that affects who finds the place comfortable or interesting. For example, the body of the forum isn't intended as "social media" but as a classroom (though we've recently added a space as a "social hangout" in Club Aldebaran.
Jim Eshelman
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