Mercury and Androgyny

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Avshalom Binyamin
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Mercury and Androgyny

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

I had an epiphany about Mercury this weekend, and I wanted to share it, in case it's interesting to some people (I realize that it will already have been obvious to others, but that's ok).

I have been a bit confused about the androgyny element of mercurial people for a while. It seemed like there was a Uranus strangeness going on that I couldn't quite understand. I had chalked it up to (a more Pisces-sounding) idea that mercurial people are dynamic and get bored acting out one role for too long.

But then this weekend I had an inappropriate sexual fantasy in my head, and when I investigated further I realized that the fantasy character my brain had come up with was serving as an embodiment of two disconnected areas of my consciousness--one sexual and the other definitely not sexual.

Suddenly it clicked.

Mercurial people serve as the connection between two ideas that to others might seem separate. This is the unifying theme behind transportation, communication, trade, commerce themes of Mercury.

This overlaps with Uranus, because to some, Mercury is acting as a bridge to something bizarre. It is reminiscent of Pisces, because which bridged idea is being given dominance is ever shifting. It even sounds similar to Aries, who is comfortable with deep contradiction between their ideals and their pragmatic decisions.

For the longest time, I had a hard time recognizing bisexuality (Mars-Uranus conjunction sextile to Jupiter) or androgyny in myself, because I perceived all these traditional masculine aspects (full beard, hairy body, baritone/bass voice, strong attraction to femininity). And American culture encourages men to choose to be very heterosexual and masculine, or be very homosexual and feminine. It's called bi erasure. People like Freddie Mercury are gay icons, even though he was not gay--he was bisexual.

Looking back on my life, I see all these ways I compartmentalized my sexual nature from my "innocent, normal" nature. I almost forget that I had phases in young adulthood where I wore skirts and makeup.

Mercury doesn't have to choose, or go full-bore to one side or the other, because Mercury is about being the embodiment of the connection between the two sides, and as such can only be a tourist between the two lands, and not a permanent resident.
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Re: Mercury and Androgyny

Post by Danica »

Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:13 am Aries, who is comfortable with deep contradiction between their ideals and their pragmatic decisions.
As a Solar Aries (and with both Mars and Mercury in Aries), I can say that this is definitely not true for myself - on the contrary!
Thinking about other Sun-Aries people I personally know, in two cases I can see there is some ground to assert this, but overall I would not list this as the trait of Aries Sun.
Mercury doesn't have to choose, or go full-bore to one side or the other, because Mercury is about being the embodiment of the connection between the two sides, and as such can only be a tourist between the two lands, and not a permanent resident.
Nicely framed!
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Re: Mercury and Androgyny

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I think you're onto something.

My one resistance to it (that I can find) is that Mercury is also the binary intellectual process that creates either-or thinking in the first place and sticks us with labels instead of realities.

In fact, I usually see the "androgyny" in Mercury expressing as mild cross-typing, e.g., slightly fem men, somewhat butch women - looking more like the contrary' pole was acceptable and, over time, succumbed to others' expectations of crisp definitions.

But there is also a fluidity to Mercury, a flittingness, as distinct is its forced binary quality.
Jim Eshelman
Avshalom Binyamin
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Re: Mercury and Androgyny

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

Yes, that's an interesting, and deep paradox.

Virgos always seemed so damn serious about being factually correct, and precise with language. Because it facilitates communication between different people and ideas.

To continue with the bridge analogy, they are sticklers for construction methods, and want the best and most correct bridge. And if this is achieved, there will be an easier flow of information from this weird place to that weird place. But that's a side effect of the bridge's rigid correctness at being a bridge.
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Re: Mercury and Androgyny

Post by Soft Alpaca »

If my mercury is angular (can't say with certainty if it is or isn't) I can find some of what you say true in my life. I'm a very masculine gay male [often im seen as straight] who does have a large emotional underbelly and i connect feeling to reason.

Often I am told that I go from A to belly button in 5 seconds and people can't tell how I got there. Like a small batter is in the back of my head hitting baseball's in every direction.

I can also say that even though I'm not always good at telling when I woman is physically beautiful, that amongst all people I can pick out attractive personalities.

Intresting realization that you had there op. As a person who has no Gemini [:( ] and Virgo connections it's nice to see more work done on Mercury (without it's signs).
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Re: Mercury and Androgyny

Post by Venus_Daily »

I am very tall (not freakishly), maybe 5'9 and a flat chest. Enough to intimidate men, though. My mercury is angular in Leo. My ex-bf had his Mercury angular in Tauras, he was a very small guy, boyish in person and mentality.
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