Transits by Mars viewtopic.php?f=24&t=238#p1612
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It is recommended that only the conjunction (0°), opposition (180°), and square (90°) – and, to a lesser extent, the semi-square (45°) and sesqui-square (135°) – be considered between a transiting planet and a planet in the birth chart. (Please note that the horoscopic Angles neither make nor receive aspects, other than the conjunction. What are here termed, for convenience, the opposition and square to the Midheaven and Ascendant are, in fact, conjunctions with other angles. The nomenclature was selected for simplicity.) Under normal circumstances, an orb of no more than 1° should be allowed, with maximum concentration of the effect centered at the time the aspect is exact, and at other times, within the 1° period, when faster planets reinforce and trigger the effect with their own transiting aspects.
Within the context of Sidereal Solar and Lunar Returns (“Solunars”), wider orbs are appropriate for conjunctions, oppositions, and squares occurring in the immediate foreground; that is, proximate to the angles of the return. Usually a 5° orb is allowed in those circumstances.
Inner Planet Transits - interpretive resources
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars transits
MARS aspecting Natal MOON
OBSERVED: Irritation. Possible physical complaints; inflammation. Impulsive acts. Reactive to criticism; intolerant; argumentative; edgy. Intimate relationship problems best solved by (a) attentive communication and (b) giving vent to increased sex needs.
[Anecdote: None of the negatives and (supported by other transits) a positive, busy, never-stop day. About 20 VIP visitors converged on our office for a major meeting and (blessedly) nothing went wrong (of the hundred things that could have gone wrong). t. MA -180- s. MO]
[FAGAN: "A pain-bearing transit... may suffer some physical hurt or inconvenience.. in a forceful frame of mind and in the mood for work or action... liable to be impetuous, hasty, and prone to argument."]
MARS aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Active, aggressive, strenuous, sexual, competitive. Endurance high; but you tend to “burn both ends,” depleting energy resources. Circumstances demand immediate action; possible crisis. You can be more irritating to others; be tactful! [updated 10/3/22]
[Observations: I can't emphasize enough how often "burns the candle at both ends" and "depleted energy resources" is the PRIMARY expression of this aspect, in my day-to-day observation. Either malefic to Sun (or Sun to it) shows for me primarily as "body stuff," and I've seen much the same in others. I don't find many people noticing HAVING extra energy, just that they USE extra energy.
[FAGAN: " attack on the constitution by fevers, influenza, or other contagious diseases... tend to make the native more heated and violent than usual, more easily prone to carp, criticize, and to provoke anger and resentment in others... The odd thing about it is that the native is seemingly unaware that he is in any way different from his normal self and surprised at the way those about him resent his attitude... the native is advised to be more tactful and tender than usual, if he is to avoid its most unpleasant effects."]
MARS aspecting Natal MERCURY
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, and coarsens mental activity (thought) and mode of communication. Aggressive communication. Aggressively pursues learning and the satisfaction of curiosities.
OBSERVED: Tremendous energy to intellect and nerves. Mind flooded with ideas; creativity, originality. Busy, restless, impatient, maybe irritable, anxious. Arguments distinctly possible.
BRADLEY: "...observe how susceptible to vocally expressed anger or irritation some circumstance can make you become. Likely as not, you will do the popping off first."
[FAGAN: "The native's concepts, opinions, beliefs, and the like are assailed... His verbal or published statements come in for much criticism, and he has to think and work strenuously to defend them. Should Mars and Saturn simultaneously transit Mercury, then serious doubts and disillusionment may affect the mind, and the native may find his accepted or inherited theory of life, his creed, his philosophy, and even his religious convictions collapsing... during such transits... conversions - usually to some form of agnosticism - take place."]
MARS aspecting Natal VENUS
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, coarsens, and more aggressively pursues love and pleasure needs and attraction to beauty. Disturbs harmony. Drawn to bold, assertive people. Links aggression to love, pleasure, and social connection. (Aggressive and enflamed femininity.)
OBSERVED: Visceral, stalking. Inflames interpersonal frictions (either kind). Emotions and passions inflamed. Potentially very sexual, though gratification may be out of reach. Conscious of appearance. [Revised 9/28/24]
BRADLEY: "the native is more apt to do the mooning - and more often than otherwise, futilely, unless transiting Mars should at the same time be happily arranged with benefics in the sky, when a tumble could be in the offing"
[FAGAN: "Friendship begins to become rather frayed... Should Mars be with Saturn in transit then there is danger of a serious rift and of an erstwhile friend becoming an enemy. It is never a pleasant transit and the native will need all his forbearance to prevent an open rift... It has been responsible for many broken engagements, marriages, and, alas, broken hearts."]
MARS conjunct Natal MARS
OBSERVED: New surge of energy, ideas, effort. Decisions now made set work trends for the next two years; expect big changes soon! Physical, assertive, hard-hitting, competitive, lusty.
STATS: Mars-to-Mars [not just the conjunction] is one common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents.
MARS aspecting Natal MARS [all aspects except conjunction]
OBSERVED: Physical, energetic, strenuous. High accomplishment possible, much effort; may overextend own limits. Competition, struggle. Sexually aggressive. Neglectful of manners.
[Anecdote: Depleted energy and near physical burnout consequent to increased energy demands. t MA -180- r MA]
[Anecdote: Energy high, much accomplished, several items feel like a turning point. t MA -180- r MA]
MARS aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: High spirits, joy of life. You are more permissive with yourself. Leisure activities are pursued liberally, perhaps aggressively. Money burns a hole in your pocket or is otherwise hastened in its departure.
[FAGAN: "Serious inroads on the native's purse may occur... Money vanishes at an alarming rate in paying bills, honoring loans, and other commitments... His income and even his prestige are in jeopardy. This is a bad transit for those who occupy the seats of the mighty and they may be forced to forfeit their positions, their reputation being more or less under a cloud. Or the native may become the victim of thieves, pickpockets, confidence men, blackmailers, and the like... the possibility of fire is ever present and the greatest care should be taken against such a contingency."]
MARS aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Stuck patterns and energy logjams break free. Debts are called due and skeletons dragged out of closets: in general, your past catches up with you. This is a great time to resolve incomplete or unresolved things. Stressful; but can feel good about constructive labor. Try to struggle for rather than against something. Health may be strained. Give yourself a break! [Revised 3/20/22]
[NOTE: If one has been living in fear (labelled as such or not), a typical reaction with this transit is, "F*** fear! I'm done with it!"]
BRADLEY: "Accident statistics show a curious lack of patterns involving transits of Mars to radical Saturn... On the other hand, Mars to natal Saturn is abnormally frequent in the statistics of heart attacks, paralytic strokes, and socio-economic crises resulting from past sins and secret shames... pain from inside."
[FAGAN: "For sheer acute suffering, few transits can compare... Every vulnerable spot in the native's psychological armor seems to ache with pain... Often he feels aged, haggard, cold, despondent, lonely, miserable, lost, physically tired, and ill."]
MARS aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: You do things you usually would not do. Rebellious, active, demanding elbow room. Abrupt responses to stress. Willing to take chances; accident prone. Surprise aggression. Unexpected sex, suddenly intensified sexual energies, or stretching sexual limits.
[FAGAN: "The possibility of explosion, accidents, fires, shipwreck... are threatened... It is a dangerous time to begin any new venture, operate machinery, remove, or go on a journey... More generally it presages troubles from unexpected sources impossible to define... But the arrival of a legal demand, a stick-up, or an attempt to extort money under threats while travelling have happened..."]
MARS aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Acute excitement, stimulated emotion, drama. Vulnerable to criticism or attack; feeling intimidated. Mercilessly stabbing through illusions. Strive for clarity in any conflicts. Laughter is a miracle cure!
[Anecdote: Moderate amount of alcohol causing toxicity, severe debilitating headache. t MA -135- s NE]
[Anecdote: A pleasant, passionate, indulgent evening. t MA -180- r NE; t VE -180- r SU, -0- p MO]
[Anecdotes: Normally over the years this is my single least-favorite recurring transit, nearly always bringing anxiety approaching fear or emotional flurry from circumstances that feel, in the hour, to be threatening.
[FAGAN: "There can be no more violently devastating transits... It causes seething internal rages and excitement... A bag of nerves, the native is apt to lose his temper and destroy everything nearby."]
MARS aspecting Natal PLUTO
PRINCIPLE: Fuels and inflames the need to live authentic to one's own nature, exempt from herd expectations, governed by one's own rules and choices (rudely and roughly if necessary). Aggressive dissociation or disaffiliation from others.
OBSERVED: Anger, sex, dominance, violence or other charged issues arise. Intense need for physical expression. You may hold fast to control. Possible stress; provide yourself an escape route. [Updated 9/4/23]
[Anecdote: Several of the BTK killer's murders occurred with Mars transiting his Pluto (either at the time of the crime or in the foreground of the governing lunar returns).
[FAGAN: "...the native may get such a shock that he may take to instant flight. Sometimes treated as if he were a malefactor, he is visited by law-enforcement officers and questioned to his consternation. Or his most innocent acts are construed as being something sinister. During the stress of this transit the native should be careful of all his actions and do nothing to arouse suspicion. A segregating transit, the native may find himself alone, separated from former attachments."]
MARS aspecting Natal HAUMEA
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed what seemed less sharply defined themes but observed repeatedly "the polarity between excitement + productivity, and frustration + aggravation."]
MARS aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Coworker (who normally doesn't bother me) was invasive, disruptive, making it hard to concentrate on what I was doing. Very aggravating for a while. t MA -45- r ER]
[Anecdote: Having had to be up very early on very little sleep to do a task at work that required great concentration. On my way home, this transit was exact as I was. My body was strained, negligible sleep, I was pulling together a speech, but nothing otherwise comes to mind. t MA -0- r ER]
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Burning a lot of energy, some of it leading to useful results, some of it wasted, but there always seemed to be a reasonable pathway for future success, unlike a Saturnian effect where sometimes the answer is just “no.” Confusing feedback from the body; weird physical sensations, stuff comes and goes, hard to interpret what’s “normal” and what’s “a problem.” Highly motivated in various life areas; willingness to confront the elephant in the room in terms of stuff that needs to get done (i.e., not avoidant). Creative, though obsessive. Themes seem to be that the energy and motivation are bestowed that allow you to unfold complexity and latent matters. In doing so, it tends to be a messy “work in progress” with some successes and some dead ends, though even the dead ends seem to naturally point towards the correct path. Physically, it pushes all kinds of weird buttons and reminds us that we don’t understand the majority of what’s going on in our physical bodies sometimes.]
MARS aspecting Natal MIDHEAVEN or ZENITH
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, and coarsens the circumstances of one's life. Increases aggression. Greater necessity to meet one's power, aggression, dominance, control, independence, contrariness, and defense needs.
OBSERVED: Aggressive individualism. Ego-energies intensified and applied to personal goals. Competitive, ambitious. Possible conflict from stressing one's own importance at cost of others' sensitivities.
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, and coarsens the circumstances of one's life. Increases aggression. Greater necessity to meet one's power, aggression, dominance, control, independence, contrariness, and defense needs.
OBSERVED: Ego energies are roused. Competitive, stressing one's own needs over others'. Strife in personal life. Anger or irritability tend to be reflexive, defensive, based on old subconscious patterns.
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, and coarsens the circumstances of one's life. Increases aggression. Greater necessity to meet one's power, aggression, dominance, control, independence, contrariness, and defense needs.
OBSERVED: Assertive, competitive, physical, aggressive, irritating, willful, sexually demanding. An energetic time with possible angry conflict. Capable of accomplishment and effective action.
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, and coarsens the circumstances of one's life. Increases aggression. Greater necessity to meet one's power, aggression, dominance, control, independence, contrariness, and defense needs.
OBSERVED: Competitive; possible conflict. It's You vs. Another, with each side going all out to win! Find cooperative uses for volatile energies. In intimate pairings, S.O.S. means "Sex or Strife."
OBSERVED: Irritation. Possible physical complaints; inflammation. Impulsive acts. Reactive to criticism; intolerant; argumentative; edgy. Intimate relationship problems best solved by (a) attentive communication and (b) giving vent to increased sex needs.
[Anecdote: None of the negatives and (supported by other transits) a positive, busy, never-stop day. About 20 VIP visitors converged on our office for a major meeting and (blessedly) nothing went wrong (of the hundred things that could have gone wrong). t. MA -180- s. MO]
[FAGAN: "A pain-bearing transit... may suffer some physical hurt or inconvenience.. in a forceful frame of mind and in the mood for work or action... liable to be impetuous, hasty, and prone to argument."]
MARS aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Active, aggressive, strenuous, sexual, competitive. Endurance high; but you tend to “burn both ends,” depleting energy resources. Circumstances demand immediate action; possible crisis. You can be more irritating to others; be tactful! [updated 10/3/22]
[Observations: I can't emphasize enough how often "burns the candle at both ends" and "depleted energy resources" is the PRIMARY expression of this aspect, in my day-to-day observation. Either malefic to Sun (or Sun to it) shows for me primarily as "body stuff," and I've seen much the same in others. I don't find many people noticing HAVING extra energy, just that they USE extra energy.
[FAGAN: " attack on the constitution by fevers, influenza, or other contagious diseases... tend to make the native more heated and violent than usual, more easily prone to carp, criticize, and to provoke anger and resentment in others... The odd thing about it is that the native is seemingly unaware that he is in any way different from his normal self and surprised at the way those about him resent his attitude... the native is advised to be more tactful and tender than usual, if he is to avoid its most unpleasant effects."]
MARS aspecting Natal MERCURY
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, and coarsens mental activity (thought) and mode of communication. Aggressive communication. Aggressively pursues learning and the satisfaction of curiosities.
OBSERVED: Tremendous energy to intellect and nerves. Mind flooded with ideas; creativity, originality. Busy, restless, impatient, maybe irritable, anxious. Arguments distinctly possible.
BRADLEY: "...observe how susceptible to vocally expressed anger or irritation some circumstance can make you become. Likely as not, you will do the popping off first."
[FAGAN: "The native's concepts, opinions, beliefs, and the like are assailed... His verbal or published statements come in for much criticism, and he has to think and work strenuously to defend them. Should Mars and Saturn simultaneously transit Mercury, then serious doubts and disillusionment may affect the mind, and the native may find his accepted or inherited theory of life, his creed, his philosophy, and even his religious convictions collapsing... during such transits... conversions - usually to some form of agnosticism - take place."]
MARS aspecting Natal VENUS
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, coarsens, and more aggressively pursues love and pleasure needs and attraction to beauty. Disturbs harmony. Drawn to bold, assertive people. Links aggression to love, pleasure, and social connection. (Aggressive and enflamed femininity.)
OBSERVED: Visceral, stalking. Inflames interpersonal frictions (either kind). Emotions and passions inflamed. Potentially very sexual, though gratification may be out of reach. Conscious of appearance. [Revised 9/28/24]
BRADLEY: "the native is more apt to do the mooning - and more often than otherwise, futilely, unless transiting Mars should at the same time be happily arranged with benefics in the sky, when a tumble could be in the offing"
[FAGAN: "Friendship begins to become rather frayed... Should Mars be with Saturn in transit then there is danger of a serious rift and of an erstwhile friend becoming an enemy. It is never a pleasant transit and the native will need all his forbearance to prevent an open rift... It has been responsible for many broken engagements, marriages, and, alas, broken hearts."]
MARS conjunct Natal MARS
OBSERVED: New surge of energy, ideas, effort. Decisions now made set work trends for the next two years; expect big changes soon! Physical, assertive, hard-hitting, competitive, lusty.
STATS: Mars-to-Mars [not just the conjunction] is one common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents.
MARS aspecting Natal MARS [all aspects except conjunction]
OBSERVED: Physical, energetic, strenuous. High accomplishment possible, much effort; may overextend own limits. Competition, struggle. Sexually aggressive. Neglectful of manners.
[Anecdote: Depleted energy and near physical burnout consequent to increased energy demands. t MA -180- r MA]
[Anecdote: Energy high, much accomplished, several items feel like a turning point. t MA -180- r MA]
MARS aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: High spirits, joy of life. You are more permissive with yourself. Leisure activities are pursued liberally, perhaps aggressively. Money burns a hole in your pocket or is otherwise hastened in its departure.
[FAGAN: "Serious inroads on the native's purse may occur... Money vanishes at an alarming rate in paying bills, honoring loans, and other commitments... His income and even his prestige are in jeopardy. This is a bad transit for those who occupy the seats of the mighty and they may be forced to forfeit their positions, their reputation being more or less under a cloud. Or the native may become the victim of thieves, pickpockets, confidence men, blackmailers, and the like... the possibility of fire is ever present and the greatest care should be taken against such a contingency."]
MARS aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Stuck patterns and energy logjams break free. Debts are called due and skeletons dragged out of closets: in general, your past catches up with you. This is a great time to resolve incomplete or unresolved things. Stressful; but can feel good about constructive labor. Try to struggle for rather than against something. Health may be strained. Give yourself a break! [Revised 3/20/22]
[NOTE: If one has been living in fear (labelled as such or not), a typical reaction with this transit is, "F*** fear! I'm done with it!"]
BRADLEY: "Accident statistics show a curious lack of patterns involving transits of Mars to radical Saturn... On the other hand, Mars to natal Saturn is abnormally frequent in the statistics of heart attacks, paralytic strokes, and socio-economic crises resulting from past sins and secret shames... pain from inside."
[FAGAN: "For sheer acute suffering, few transits can compare... Every vulnerable spot in the native's psychological armor seems to ache with pain... Often he feels aged, haggard, cold, despondent, lonely, miserable, lost, physically tired, and ill."]
MARS aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: You do things you usually would not do. Rebellious, active, demanding elbow room. Abrupt responses to stress. Willing to take chances; accident prone. Surprise aggression. Unexpected sex, suddenly intensified sexual energies, or stretching sexual limits.
[FAGAN: "The possibility of explosion, accidents, fires, shipwreck... are threatened... It is a dangerous time to begin any new venture, operate machinery, remove, or go on a journey... More generally it presages troubles from unexpected sources impossible to define... But the arrival of a legal demand, a stick-up, or an attempt to extort money under threats while travelling have happened..."]
MARS aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Acute excitement, stimulated emotion, drama. Vulnerable to criticism or attack; feeling intimidated. Mercilessly stabbing through illusions. Strive for clarity in any conflicts. Laughter is a miracle cure!
[Anecdote: Moderate amount of alcohol causing toxicity, severe debilitating headache. t MA -135- s NE]
[Anecdote: A pleasant, passionate, indulgent evening. t MA -180- r NE; t VE -180- r SU, -0- p MO]
[Anecdotes: Normally over the years this is my single least-favorite recurring transit, nearly always bringing anxiety approaching fear or emotional flurry from circumstances that feel, in the hour, to be threatening.
[FAGAN: "There can be no more violently devastating transits... It causes seething internal rages and excitement... A bag of nerves, the native is apt to lose his temper and destroy everything nearby."]
MARS aspecting Natal PLUTO
PRINCIPLE: Fuels and inflames the need to live authentic to one's own nature, exempt from herd expectations, governed by one's own rules and choices (rudely and roughly if necessary). Aggressive dissociation or disaffiliation from others.
OBSERVED: Anger, sex, dominance, violence or other charged issues arise. Intense need for physical expression. You may hold fast to control. Possible stress; provide yourself an escape route. [Updated 9/4/23]
[Anecdote: Several of the BTK killer's murders occurred with Mars transiting his Pluto (either at the time of the crime or in the foreground of the governing lunar returns).
[FAGAN: "...the native may get such a shock that he may take to instant flight. Sometimes treated as if he were a malefactor, he is visited by law-enforcement officers and questioned to his consternation. Or his most innocent acts are construed as being something sinister. During the stress of this transit the native should be careful of all his actions and do nothing to arouse suspicion. A segregating transit, the native may find himself alone, separated from former attachments."]
MARS aspecting Natal HAUMEA
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed what seemed less sharply defined themes but observed repeatedly "the polarity between excitement + productivity, and frustration + aggravation."]
MARS aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Coworker (who normally doesn't bother me) was invasive, disruptive, making it hard to concentrate on what I was doing. Very aggravating for a while. t MA -45- r ER]
[Anecdote: Having had to be up very early on very little sleep to do a task at work that required great concentration. On my way home, this transit was exact as I was. My body was strained, negligible sleep, I was pulling together a speech, but nothing otherwise comes to mind. t MA -0- r ER]
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Burning a lot of energy, some of it leading to useful results, some of it wasted, but there always seemed to be a reasonable pathway for future success, unlike a Saturnian effect where sometimes the answer is just “no.” Confusing feedback from the body; weird physical sensations, stuff comes and goes, hard to interpret what’s “normal” and what’s “a problem.” Highly motivated in various life areas; willingness to confront the elephant in the room in terms of stuff that needs to get done (i.e., not avoidant). Creative, though obsessive. Themes seem to be that the energy and motivation are bestowed that allow you to unfold complexity and latent matters. In doing so, it tends to be a messy “work in progress” with some successes and some dead ends, though even the dead ends seem to naturally point towards the correct path. Physically, it pushes all kinds of weird buttons and reminds us that we don’t understand the majority of what’s going on in our physical bodies sometimes.]
MARS aspecting Natal MIDHEAVEN or ZENITH
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, and coarsens the circumstances of one's life. Increases aggression. Greater necessity to meet one's power, aggression, dominance, control, independence, contrariness, and defense needs.
OBSERVED: Aggressive individualism. Ego-energies intensified and applied to personal goals. Competitive, ambitious. Possible conflict from stressing one's own importance at cost of others' sensitivities.
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, and coarsens the circumstances of one's life. Increases aggression. Greater necessity to meet one's power, aggression, dominance, control, independence, contrariness, and defense needs.
OBSERVED: Ego energies are roused. Competitive, stressing one's own needs over others'. Strife in personal life. Anger or irritability tend to be reflexive, defensive, based on old subconscious patterns.
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, and coarsens the circumstances of one's life. Increases aggression. Greater necessity to meet one's power, aggression, dominance, control, independence, contrariness, and defense needs.
OBSERVED: Assertive, competitive, physical, aggressive, irritating, willful, sexually demanding. An energetic time with possible angry conflict. Capable of accomplishment and effective action.
PRINCIPLE: Energizes, inflames, and coarsens the circumstances of one's life. Increases aggression. Greater necessity to meet one's power, aggression, dominance, control, independence, contrariness, and defense needs.
OBSERVED: Competitive; possible conflict. It's You vs. Another, with each side going all out to win! Find cooperative uses for volatile energies. In intimate pairings, S.O.S. means "Sex or Strife."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Sun transits
SUN aspecting Natal MOON
OBSERVED: Special attention received (probably favorable) from someone whose opinion or good favor you value. Deeply personal contacts likely. A busy time. Personal concerns demand extra attention.
[Anecdote: Receiving a very positive impromptu (but solicited) performance review. Separately and concurrently, getting extra doting and practical assistance from mate. Definitely "a busy time!" t SU -180- r MO]
[Anecdote: "Busy time" was a key again: About 20 VIP visitors converged on our office for a major meeting. Very much in the spotlight and under increased scrutiny with a couple of long days of tending to their meeting needs (it went well). t SU -180- r MO]
[Anecdote: Another occasion of spontaneous kudos and appreciation (several in one day). t SU -90- SQ MO while -0- r Asc. Repeated in lighter form a few days later with t SU -0- p MO.]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time spent together. t SU-VE -90- r JU-UR, -180- s MO]
[FAGAN: "...liable to be courted or a liaison formed. But should the Sun be with Mars such advances from a stranger may prove dangerous... Generally, it means recognition by one's superiors and possibly promotion."]
SUN aspecting Natal SUN [Sidereal Solar Return]
PRINCIPLE: Reassessment and redecision with respect to identity, direction, and distinction needs. Spotlight's one's character, sense of self, and goals. Vitality (highlights health). Links ego to authority, centering attention on one's own authority (perhaps in contrast or relationship to others' authority).
OBSERVED: Happy birthday! A new cycle begins today, setting the trend for the next year. Pause to reassess your direction. Enjoy the spotlight graciously; it is your time to shine.
SUN opposite Natal SUN [Demi-SSR]
PRINCIPLE: Reassessment and redecision with respect to identity, direction, and distinction needs. Spotlight's one's character, sense of self, and goals. Vitality (highlights health). Links ego to authority, centering attention on one's own authority (perhaps in contrast or relationship to others' authority).
OBSERVED: The spotlight focuses on you – or you wonder why not! Looking forward to (or receiving) special attention from someone important to you. Life’s tides change, setting the trend for the next six months.
SUN other aspects Natal SUN
PRINCIPLE: Reassessment and redecision with respect to identity, direction, and distinction needs. Spotlight's one's character, sense of self, and goals. Vitality (highlights health). Links ego to authority, centering attention on one's own authority (perhaps in contrast or relationship to others' authority).
OBSERVED: Issues of identity, authority, and self-direction draw attention. Self-assertive, effective, maybe self-motivating. Ego may need stroking. Show how bright you are through concrete accomplishment.
[Anecdote: A utility application I wrote was rolled out firmwide with the email notice occurring just as t SU -90- r SU crossed MC.]
SUN aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: Flurry of motion and communication. Errands, phone calls, busy-ness. Need for practical solutions. Mental activity stimulated. Your ideas and words receive special attention.
[FAGAN: "...the native's work, writings, or conversation receives some attention, however small, from people of consequence. Should the Sun itself be configurated with the benefics, then the native's work will be praised and advanced; but should the Sun be configurated with the malefics it may be condemned. Generally speaking... [it] vitalizes, illuminates, and clarifies the thinking process."]
SUN aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Pleasant, probably social. Relationships draw attention, especially close friendships. Romance is playful. Domestic matters give pleasure. Indulge in something outrageous!
[Anecdote: Overwhelmed by a sense of beauty (perceived in something familiar for years that hadn't had that effect before). Later, unusually erotic love-making. t SU -0- s VE]
[Anecdote: Bought new clothes (something I rarely do and - perhaps tied to it being solar Venus - someone else was pressuring me to do it for a specific occasion). t SU -0- s. VE]
[FAGAN: "Strangers meeting about this date... are likely to become good friends and bring a new interest in life."]
SUN aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Active, energetic, aggressive, competitive, strong-willed, willing to risk. Probably accomplishing. Challenge or conflict likely. Sex drive emphatic. Energy high; but may burn out from not knowing when to quit.
[Anecdote: Unusually busy day at work, "I could have used 3 of me" feel, doing a few more things to blow off excess stress, energy drop-off at end of day. t SU -45- s. MA]
[FAGAN: "...the native may be more daring and venturesome than is his custom... juveniles have become delinquents or run away from home to seek adventure, often in foreign parts, or otherwise endeavor to escape from the domination of others, or else seek escape in speeding on the highways or in other dangerous exploits... adults have been known to enlist in the army, precipitate a military exploit, and even a coup d'etat."]
SUN aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Confident, perhaps celebrant. Others see you at your best; thus, chances for advance. Need for appreciation and acknowledgement. Share your good feelings with others.
[Anecdote: Impromptu, successful last-minute holiday 24-hour get-away. t SU -45- r. UR; t SU -45- r JU; t VE -90- r ME]
[Anecdote: Several days of tension and high stress broken like a thunderstorm with a loud and healthy argument that cleared the air. t SU -90- s JU, s Asc]
[Anecdote: Informed by boss that an important project, long pursued, had been approved and fully funded effective immediately. t SU -90- s JU]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time together. t SU-VE -90- r JU-UR, -180- s MO]
[Anecdote: Successful negotiation with IRS to significantly lower tax rate. t SU -90- r JU-UR]
[FAGAN: " of the luckiest days of the year... an excellent day to seek promotion, interview the boss, apply for a job... the boss sees only the best side of the native's setup, and being pleased with what he sees is likely to enhance the native's financial and social advantage. 'Laugh and the world laughs with you' illustrates the success of this transit."]
SUN aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Physical discomfort, heaviness. Enthusiasm blocked by self-doubts, feeling one's shortcomings (feeling inadequate, frustrated), confronting consequences of one's past. Acting against one's own interests (self-sabotage). Excellent for hard work: Dig in and do something (it will do wonders for your self-worth). [Tweaked 8/1/24]
[Anecdote: Jetlag with resulting body drag &c. t SU -0- r SA]
[Anecdote: Repeatedly (countless times) this has hit me simply as a day when my body is dragging, energy is low, and it would be easier than usual just to come to a stop; but I never do. There seems also, therefore, an endurance factor.]
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents; of incumbents + non-incumbents; and of all Presidential inaugurations.
[FAGAN: "... one of the most unlucky [days] of all... one's physical, material, and psychic disadvantages are exposed... it is so precarious to apply for a promotion or for a job... One is too conscious of one's shortcomings to be at ease... one fails to create a favorable impression... any move taken on such a date invariably ends in failure, if not calamity. Usually... the native feels disappointed, disgruntled, neglected, ignored, uncomfortable, out of sorts, oppressed, weary, and ill at ease."]
SUN aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: When life offers surprises, you accept! Desiring refreshment and renewal, you pursue the untried and stimulating. Plans change. Routine is broken. Sudden decisions may signal new paths. Heightened curiosity: You are eager and able to learn what life has to teach. [updated 8/25/22]
[Anecdote: Impromptu, successful last-minute holiday 24-hour get-away. t SU -45- r. UR; t SU -45- r. JU; t VE -90- r. ME]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time together. Definite example of sudden decisions, changed plans etc. as small things redirected our original decisions, took us into little side-ventures. t SU-VE -90- r JU-UR, -180- s MO]
[Anecdote: Successful negotiation with IRS to significantly lower tax rate. t SU -90- r JU-UR]
[FAGAN: " eventful day in an unforeseen manner... At a moment's notice the native may find himself airborne or a passenger on an express train... whatever happens, it will be a day of surprises, pleasant or unpleasant according to the attendant configurations of the other transiting bodies."]
SUN aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Mostly passive, inactive. More vulnerability, sensitivity, receptivity. Emotionally excitable; perhaps reactive or introverted. Imaginative, theatrical, surrealistic, self-indulgent.
[Anecdote: Day with unusually packed, high-pressure work schedule that, additionally, had a larger crisis appear on top of it for half a day. Support resources could find nothing wrong, mild confusion prevailed. A bit of drama. t. SU - 45- r. NE]
[Anecdote: Routine colonoscopy. t. SU - 90 - s PL, -0- r NE, -180- r SE]
[FAGAN: "...a humiliating situation such as is occasioned by a rebuke, chastisement, or the like."]
SUN aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Impactful events, somewhat critical in nature, perhaps confrontive, seem to force a decision. Possible turning point. Tendency to withdraw, pull back emotionally, perhaps flee.
[Anecdote: Routine colonoscopy. t. SU - 90 - s PL, -0- r NE, -180- r SE]
[FAGAN: "...can be most unpleasant, giving one a nasty jolt or shock, from which one does not easily recover and which one does not wish to recall... sometimes one is caught red-handed in some prohibited act, and with one's guilt exposed in the light of day, made to face the consequence. Many arrests have been made under such a transit."]
SUN aspecting Natal HAUMEA
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Not much of a clear pattern, although the “leave me alone so I can obsessively work on my passion thing” shows. There’s some separation of affection and information, or friendship and “I’m here in a role to do a job.” [Records of "depression, downcast, pessimistic" that sound like loss of psychological or physical energy. - JAE]
SUN aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Chaos in the air! Swirling juggling acts of scheduling rearrangements involving numerous VIP parties. (Notice how SSR Eris seems to refer to "chaos in the environment." It is quite different from the internal chaos of r. Eris. t SU -45- s ER]
[Anecdote: A similar feel for t Su -45- s Er but with both aspecting natal Mars exactly. My wife broke her ankle and there was the disciplined chaos of getting emergency response, handling the circumstances, destabilized practical details short-term.]
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Circumstances required me to admit that my ego was not in charge or even in possession of all of necessary details (things went much better when I accepted that). Attention on me revealed things I don’t actually understand or control, potentially leading to chaos. Misinterpreting situations, misremembering details, being displeased with sudden changes in plans (but them working out well). Stress from not wanting to relinquish control. Consciously trying to wrangle complicated issues. Plans don’t end up going as planned, other benefits result. Previous efforts wasted. Seeds planted previously sprout unexpectedly. These seem to be about the confrontation between one’s ego and expectations versus the way the world ends up working out; spotlight on you ends up revealing that you’re not fully in control in ways you thought you were.
SUN aspecting Natal MIDHEAVEN or ZENITH
PRINCIPLE: Adds vitality and spotlight to the circumstances of one's life. - Feeling greater necessity to meet the universe's demand that one forge a distinctive identity and appear as a distinct, distinguished somebody.
OBSERVED: Receiving special attention, especially from folks in authority. Emphasis on your career or life-goals as an expression of your identity to the world at large. Probable advantage. Enthusiasm, clarity.
PRINCIPLE: Adds vitality and spotlight to the circumstances of one's life. - Feeling greater necessity to meet the universe's demand that one forge a distinctive identity and appear as a distinct, distinguished somebody.
OBSERVED: Emphasis on personal, private matters. Things “close to home” (physically, psychologically) draw your attention. Strength from reflection, introspection, exploring one’s inner roots.
[Anecdote: A man who had long wanted a child learned that he and his wife were approved to adopt - he's going to be a dad. t. SU - 0- r. Nadir]
PRINCIPLE: Adds vitality and spotlight to the circumstances of one's life. - Feeling greater necessity to meet the universe's demand that one forge a distinctive identity and appear as a distinct, distinguished somebody.
OBSERVED: Identity is under focus. Self-expression is easier, more vital. Conscious of goals or desires; motivated to take action and do something. Assertive, bold, leading, maybe overbearing. A chance to shine! [updated 9/21/22]
PRINCIPLE: Adds vitality and spotlight to the circumstances of one's life. - Feeling greater necessity to meet the universe's demand that one forge a distinctive identity and appear as a distinct, distinguished somebody.
OBSERVED: Emphasis on close relationships of all types. Sociable, oriented to others in cooperation or competition. You seek attention and ratification of your importance from others. Watch the ego!
OBSERVED: Special attention received (probably favorable) from someone whose opinion or good favor you value. Deeply personal contacts likely. A busy time. Personal concerns demand extra attention.
[Anecdote: Receiving a very positive impromptu (but solicited) performance review. Separately and concurrently, getting extra doting and practical assistance from mate. Definitely "a busy time!" t SU -180- r MO]
[Anecdote: "Busy time" was a key again: About 20 VIP visitors converged on our office for a major meeting. Very much in the spotlight and under increased scrutiny with a couple of long days of tending to their meeting needs (it went well). t SU -180- r MO]
[Anecdote: Another occasion of spontaneous kudos and appreciation (several in one day). t SU -90- SQ MO while -0- r Asc. Repeated in lighter form a few days later with t SU -0- p MO.]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time spent together. t SU-VE -90- r JU-UR, -180- s MO]
[FAGAN: "...liable to be courted or a liaison formed. But should the Sun be with Mars such advances from a stranger may prove dangerous... Generally, it means recognition by one's superiors and possibly promotion."]
SUN aspecting Natal SUN [Sidereal Solar Return]
PRINCIPLE: Reassessment and redecision with respect to identity, direction, and distinction needs. Spotlight's one's character, sense of self, and goals. Vitality (highlights health). Links ego to authority, centering attention on one's own authority (perhaps in contrast or relationship to others' authority).
OBSERVED: Happy birthday! A new cycle begins today, setting the trend for the next year. Pause to reassess your direction. Enjoy the spotlight graciously; it is your time to shine.
SUN opposite Natal SUN [Demi-SSR]
PRINCIPLE: Reassessment and redecision with respect to identity, direction, and distinction needs. Spotlight's one's character, sense of self, and goals. Vitality (highlights health). Links ego to authority, centering attention on one's own authority (perhaps in contrast or relationship to others' authority).
OBSERVED: The spotlight focuses on you – or you wonder why not! Looking forward to (or receiving) special attention from someone important to you. Life’s tides change, setting the trend for the next six months.
SUN other aspects Natal SUN
PRINCIPLE: Reassessment and redecision with respect to identity, direction, and distinction needs. Spotlight's one's character, sense of self, and goals. Vitality (highlights health). Links ego to authority, centering attention on one's own authority (perhaps in contrast or relationship to others' authority).
OBSERVED: Issues of identity, authority, and self-direction draw attention. Self-assertive, effective, maybe self-motivating. Ego may need stroking. Show how bright you are through concrete accomplishment.
[Anecdote: A utility application I wrote was rolled out firmwide with the email notice occurring just as t SU -90- r SU crossed MC.]
SUN aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: Flurry of motion and communication. Errands, phone calls, busy-ness. Need for practical solutions. Mental activity stimulated. Your ideas and words receive special attention.
[FAGAN: "...the native's work, writings, or conversation receives some attention, however small, from people of consequence. Should the Sun itself be configurated with the benefics, then the native's work will be praised and advanced; but should the Sun be configurated with the malefics it may be condemned. Generally speaking... [it] vitalizes, illuminates, and clarifies the thinking process."]
SUN aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Pleasant, probably social. Relationships draw attention, especially close friendships. Romance is playful. Domestic matters give pleasure. Indulge in something outrageous!
[Anecdote: Overwhelmed by a sense of beauty (perceived in something familiar for years that hadn't had that effect before). Later, unusually erotic love-making. t SU -0- s VE]
[Anecdote: Bought new clothes (something I rarely do and - perhaps tied to it being solar Venus - someone else was pressuring me to do it for a specific occasion). t SU -0- s. VE]
[FAGAN: "Strangers meeting about this date... are likely to become good friends and bring a new interest in life."]
SUN aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Active, energetic, aggressive, competitive, strong-willed, willing to risk. Probably accomplishing. Challenge or conflict likely. Sex drive emphatic. Energy high; but may burn out from not knowing when to quit.
[Anecdote: Unusually busy day at work, "I could have used 3 of me" feel, doing a few more things to blow off excess stress, energy drop-off at end of day. t SU -45- s. MA]
[FAGAN: "...the native may be more daring and venturesome than is his custom... juveniles have become delinquents or run away from home to seek adventure, often in foreign parts, or otherwise endeavor to escape from the domination of others, or else seek escape in speeding on the highways or in other dangerous exploits... adults have been known to enlist in the army, precipitate a military exploit, and even a coup d'etat."]
SUN aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Confident, perhaps celebrant. Others see you at your best; thus, chances for advance. Need for appreciation and acknowledgement. Share your good feelings with others.
[Anecdote: Impromptu, successful last-minute holiday 24-hour get-away. t SU -45- r. UR; t SU -45- r JU; t VE -90- r ME]
[Anecdote: Several days of tension and high stress broken like a thunderstorm with a loud and healthy argument that cleared the air. t SU -90- s JU, s Asc]
[Anecdote: Informed by boss that an important project, long pursued, had been approved and fully funded effective immediately. t SU -90- s JU]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time together. t SU-VE -90- r JU-UR, -180- s MO]
[Anecdote: Successful negotiation with IRS to significantly lower tax rate. t SU -90- r JU-UR]
[FAGAN: " of the luckiest days of the year... an excellent day to seek promotion, interview the boss, apply for a job... the boss sees only the best side of the native's setup, and being pleased with what he sees is likely to enhance the native's financial and social advantage. 'Laugh and the world laughs with you' illustrates the success of this transit."]
SUN aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Physical discomfort, heaviness. Enthusiasm blocked by self-doubts, feeling one's shortcomings (feeling inadequate, frustrated), confronting consequences of one's past. Acting against one's own interests (self-sabotage). Excellent for hard work: Dig in and do something (it will do wonders for your self-worth). [Tweaked 8/1/24]
[Anecdote: Jetlag with resulting body drag &c. t SU -0- r SA]
[Anecdote: Repeatedly (countless times) this has hit me simply as a day when my body is dragging, energy is low, and it would be easier than usual just to come to a stop; but I never do. There seems also, therefore, an endurance factor.]
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents; of incumbents + non-incumbents; and of all Presidential inaugurations.
[FAGAN: "... one of the most unlucky [days] of all... one's physical, material, and psychic disadvantages are exposed... it is so precarious to apply for a promotion or for a job... One is too conscious of one's shortcomings to be at ease... one fails to create a favorable impression... any move taken on such a date invariably ends in failure, if not calamity. Usually... the native feels disappointed, disgruntled, neglected, ignored, uncomfortable, out of sorts, oppressed, weary, and ill at ease."]
SUN aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: When life offers surprises, you accept! Desiring refreshment and renewal, you pursue the untried and stimulating. Plans change. Routine is broken. Sudden decisions may signal new paths. Heightened curiosity: You are eager and able to learn what life has to teach. [updated 8/25/22]
[Anecdote: Impromptu, successful last-minute holiday 24-hour get-away. t SU -45- r. UR; t SU -45- r. JU; t VE -90- r. ME]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time together. Definite example of sudden decisions, changed plans etc. as small things redirected our original decisions, took us into little side-ventures. t SU-VE -90- r JU-UR, -180- s MO]
[Anecdote: Successful negotiation with IRS to significantly lower tax rate. t SU -90- r JU-UR]
[FAGAN: " eventful day in an unforeseen manner... At a moment's notice the native may find himself airborne or a passenger on an express train... whatever happens, it will be a day of surprises, pleasant or unpleasant according to the attendant configurations of the other transiting bodies."]
SUN aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Mostly passive, inactive. More vulnerability, sensitivity, receptivity. Emotionally excitable; perhaps reactive or introverted. Imaginative, theatrical, surrealistic, self-indulgent.
[Anecdote: Day with unusually packed, high-pressure work schedule that, additionally, had a larger crisis appear on top of it for half a day. Support resources could find nothing wrong, mild confusion prevailed. A bit of drama. t. SU - 45- r. NE]
[Anecdote: Routine colonoscopy. t. SU - 90 - s PL, -0- r NE, -180- r SE]
[FAGAN: "...a humiliating situation such as is occasioned by a rebuke, chastisement, or the like."]
SUN aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Impactful events, somewhat critical in nature, perhaps confrontive, seem to force a decision. Possible turning point. Tendency to withdraw, pull back emotionally, perhaps flee.
[Anecdote: Routine colonoscopy. t. SU - 90 - s PL, -0- r NE, -180- r SE]
[FAGAN: "...can be most unpleasant, giving one a nasty jolt or shock, from which one does not easily recover and which one does not wish to recall... sometimes one is caught red-handed in some prohibited act, and with one's guilt exposed in the light of day, made to face the consequence. Many arrests have been made under such a transit."]
SUN aspecting Natal HAUMEA
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Not much of a clear pattern, although the “leave me alone so I can obsessively work on my passion thing” shows. There’s some separation of affection and information, or friendship and “I’m here in a role to do a job.” [Records of "depression, downcast, pessimistic" that sound like loss of psychological or physical energy. - JAE]
SUN aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Chaos in the air! Swirling juggling acts of scheduling rearrangements involving numerous VIP parties. (Notice how SSR Eris seems to refer to "chaos in the environment." It is quite different from the internal chaos of r. Eris. t SU -45- s ER]
[Anecdote: A similar feel for t Su -45- s Er but with both aspecting natal Mars exactly. My wife broke her ankle and there was the disciplined chaos of getting emergency response, handling the circumstances, destabilized practical details short-term.]
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Circumstances required me to admit that my ego was not in charge or even in possession of all of necessary details (things went much better when I accepted that). Attention on me revealed things I don’t actually understand or control, potentially leading to chaos. Misinterpreting situations, misremembering details, being displeased with sudden changes in plans (but them working out well). Stress from not wanting to relinquish control. Consciously trying to wrangle complicated issues. Plans don’t end up going as planned, other benefits result. Previous efforts wasted. Seeds planted previously sprout unexpectedly. These seem to be about the confrontation between one’s ego and expectations versus the way the world ends up working out; spotlight on you ends up revealing that you’re not fully in control in ways you thought you were.
SUN aspecting Natal MIDHEAVEN or ZENITH
PRINCIPLE: Adds vitality and spotlight to the circumstances of one's life. - Feeling greater necessity to meet the universe's demand that one forge a distinctive identity and appear as a distinct, distinguished somebody.
OBSERVED: Receiving special attention, especially from folks in authority. Emphasis on your career or life-goals as an expression of your identity to the world at large. Probable advantage. Enthusiasm, clarity.
PRINCIPLE: Adds vitality and spotlight to the circumstances of one's life. - Feeling greater necessity to meet the universe's demand that one forge a distinctive identity and appear as a distinct, distinguished somebody.
OBSERVED: Emphasis on personal, private matters. Things “close to home” (physically, psychologically) draw your attention. Strength from reflection, introspection, exploring one’s inner roots.
[Anecdote: A man who had long wanted a child learned that he and his wife were approved to adopt - he's going to be a dad. t. SU - 0- r. Nadir]
PRINCIPLE: Adds vitality and spotlight to the circumstances of one's life. - Feeling greater necessity to meet the universe's demand that one forge a distinctive identity and appear as a distinct, distinguished somebody.
OBSERVED: Identity is under focus. Self-expression is easier, more vital. Conscious of goals or desires; motivated to take action and do something. Assertive, bold, leading, maybe overbearing. A chance to shine! [updated 9/21/22]
PRINCIPLE: Adds vitality and spotlight to the circumstances of one's life. - Feeling greater necessity to meet the universe's demand that one forge a distinctive identity and appear as a distinct, distinguished somebody.
OBSERVED: Emphasis on close relationships of all types. Sociable, oriented to others in cooperation or competition. You seek attention and ratification of your importance from others. Watch the ego!
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Venus transits
VENUS aspecting Natal MOON
OBSERVED: Pleasurable, pleasant. Affectionate (possibly sexual) attention. Cuddly, gentle, loving. You enjoy others. Tender, feelings close to surface. Stresses dismissed.
[Anecdote: An evening of a pleasant dinner, a remarkable bottle of wine, and an enchanting and romantic movie. t VE -0- r MO]
[Anecdote: Extreme indulgence of food &c. Scrumptious, knew at the time it was excessive, pleasure was high and comfortable. t VE -0- s MO]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun and enjoyment of time spent together. t SU-VE -90- r JU-UR, -180- s MO]
[Anecdote: Significant wine professional and social event with Marion (almost a dozen Veneto wines); quite enjoyable and renewing connections. t VE -90- s MO]
[FAGAN: "...pleasant... being in amiable mood and at ease, attends to his appearances and wardrobe... may visit, or be visited by, friends; or spend an enjoyable evening at the theater, or be entertained at dinner."]
VENUS aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Social, playful, feeling good about oneself. Flattering attention: affectionate, possibly sexual. Compliments (maybe gifts). Sentimental, tender; strong feelings. Close relationships feel unusually important. Pleasant entertainment (likely shared). [Updated 12/8/22]
[Anecdote: Social evening out with wife and another couple (friends) at an unusually nice restaurant. t VE -90- r SU on SNQ angles]
[Anecdote: A man who had long wanted to have a child for the birth of the son he is adopting. t VE -180- r SU 47', t VE -90- r JU 23']
VENUS aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: Communication or travel matters go smoothly, comfortably. Your words are fluid, agreeable. Learning, conversation or mental activity seem easy, pleasurable. Tensions ease.
[Anecdote: Impromptu, successful last-minute holiday 24-hour get-away. t SU -45- r. UR; t SU -45- r. JU; t VE -90- r. ME]
[Anecdote: Opening night theater tickets for La Cage aux Folles. t VE -135- s. ME]
[Anecdote: A day spent very happily and easily writing on a project. t VE -90- r. ME]
[Anecdote: Fluid, easy writing in a mostly relaxed day. t VE -90- r ME near her station (but the event was for the exact day of crossing),]
[FAGAN: "'s studies become facile, easily understood, pleasant, and enjoyable, and one's problems are soluble without difficulty. One's speech is copiously agreeable. The mind is clear, devoid of conflict, and at rest and at peace with the world. Without premeditation, one is inclined... to whistle with pleasure or burst into song. It is excellent for all Mercurian pursuits..."]
VENUS aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Playful, sociable, sensual; probably low-key, casual. Quietly pleasant rather than "wonderful under pressure." Sentimental, nostalgic. Enjoying loved ones.
[FAGAN: "...the day will be delightfully pleasant and free from friction or disturbances. The native will be treated kindly by those about him. He may be visited by well-wishers who bring him tokens of their affection and a pleasant day will be spent in their society."]
VENUS aspecting Natal MARS
PRINCIPLE: Feeling powerful, pleasure through aggression and strong action. Pleasure or personal reward are linked to one's feelings of strength and ideas usually associated with masculinity. Soothes anger.
OBSERVED: Enthusiasm, playfulness, indulgence (immoderation), emotional vitality (inflamed emotions and appetites). Soothes interpersonal frictions (if unafflicted). Sexual desire and attraction (increased sexual activity). Pleasure from teasing, horseplay, other aggression. [Revised 3/9/25]
BRADLEY: "often signifies "desire directed toward the native... In other words... where romantic attractions and attachments are concerned, it is Venus which is the aggressor... frequently coincides with marriage proposals as well as date invitations to, not by, the native..."
[FAGAN: "...the native gets a certain pleasure in exercising his muscles... He may go for a walk to stretch his limbs, do a bit of gardening, or even indulge in horseplay or buffoonery or otherwise get pleasure in the infliction of force or violence."]
VENUS aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Warm, congenial, cooperative, probably social. Emphasis on pleasure. Pleasure through food, gala festivities, quality art, people. Friends may show bearing gifts.
[Anecdote: A man who had long wanted to have a child for the birth of the son he is adopting. t VE -180- r. SU 47', t. VE -90- r. JU 23']
[Anecdote: Road trip with Marion chasing a lunar return spot, much fun together, followed by tastings at four wineries in a region not explored before. (Dinner with in-laws at a favorite place the night before.) t VE -180- s. JU; but also the new lunar had Venus exactly angular.']
[Anecdote: We were both surprised how unusually good (perfect) the salmon was for dinner. t VE -135- r. JU-UR]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time together. Lovely lunch with in-laws on way back, but also beautiful desert and mountain scenery. t SU-VE -90- r. JU-UR, -180- s MO]
STATS: No U.S. President has ever been inaugurated with this aspect. (Contrast Venus-Saturn.)
[FAGAN: "...the native can be assured of gain through the thoughtfulness of friends. Through their aid he may receive an excellent appointment; or have a substantial raise in salary. Or he might be invited to assist with his talents at a carnival or bazaar, and be rewarded for his trouble... Otherwise he will be the recipient of gifts, which will afford him joy at the time."]
VENUS aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Uncomfortable feelings around love, personal appearance, sensuality. Resistant to affection or closeness. Subtle pleasure in one’s inadequacies or problems; may refuse others’ support. Loss, sadness, feeling blocked. A sense that "the party is over."
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents, and of incumbents + non-incumbents; and one of the most common at the inauguration of all Presidents. (Contrast Venus-Jupiter.)
[Anecdote: Highly pleasant, pleasurable, indulgent day with some disappointments and changing plans due to environmental factors, especially the extreme heat. t VE -90- r SA]
[Anecdote: Last day of a great vacation, exact during the hours we were on the plane home. (Literally, the party was over!) t VE -0- r SA]
[Anecdote: Quite bizarre result: My wife and I had the closest thing to "just started dating" dinner out date we've had in years with everything going splendidly (not even lingering shadow elements or fumbles). This likely arose from other concurrent aspects but is so atypical for Venus-Saturn as to warrant recording it. t VE -90- r SA]
[FAGAN: "...secret pleasure is often derived... in his own humiliation. In defeat, sweetness is often hidden. In his own shame lies a subtle masochistic delight. A friend comes to his aid in his dire need."]
VENUS aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Mental/emotional refreshment and excitement. Rejuvenation. Seeking romantic/esthetic variations; exploring new avenues of pleasure. Relationship stress possible through neglect.
[Anecdote: An extraordinary sexual experience with mate, outside of usual patterns. t VE -135- r. UR]
[Anecdote: We were both surprised how unusually good (perfect) the salmon was for dinner. t VE -135- r. JU-UR]
[Anecdote: A festive holiday party. t VE -90- s. UR]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time together. t SU-VE -90- r. JU-UR, -180- s MO]
[FAGAN: "In the process of breaking away from one's habitual routine and doing something different for a change, the native will find unexpected delights and pleasures. Journeys, entering a new home, and the like are very pleasant. Cupid may board the midnight express with the native and romance may be around the corner. Gifts prove novel and entertaining."]
VENUS aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Pursuit of pet pleasure fantasy, even though you “know better.” Indulgence. Heightened esthetics and emotions; your senses are extra sensitive. Possible uneasiness, embarrassment, or emotional confusion in sex or other relationship matters.
[Anecdote: Quietly romantic evening with mate. t VE -90- r NE-SE]
[Anecdote: Leisurely romantic day and evening with mate. t VE -90- r NE-SE.]
[Anecdote: Much time spent thinking about and doing research for our upcoming vacation destination. t VE -0- r NE, -180- r SE]
[Anecdote: A routine dinner had everything go wrong, neither food nor wine more than palatable individually (and they didn't fit). Grumpy and resigned. t VE -180- s NE]
[FAGAN: "A gift made to the native... will cause him uncontrollable excitement and delight... The value of the gift will... depend on Venus' configurations with the other transiting bodies."]
VENUS aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Key relationship decisions or turning point. Either distance and withdrawing from closeness, connection, intimacy, sex, or socializing; or dropping all barriers for a deeper connection. (Little in between.)
[Anecdote: We didn't go to a party we'd really looked forward to attending because of wife's energy levels and both of us feeling disinclined to go out. The basic tone was "social isolation" I think, but also spending time concentrating on each other instead. - t VE -90- s PL]
[FAGAN: "Like a bolt from the blue, a gift descends on the native, giving him quite a shock as it is most unexpected... For some reason or other the gift may prove quite embarrassing and unacceptable."]
VENUS aspecting Natal HAUMEA
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Few examples, but emotional starkness remains very clear. There seems to be a theme of “shut up and let me do the thing I love doing.” (One example of "miscellaneous depression.")]
VENUS aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: My wife flew to Chicago for several days, leaving the hour this was exact. I can't say it's even a disruption though - not sure if the transit is strong enough or what it's exact import might be. t VE -135- r ER]
[Anecdote: For a night we wanted to celebrate a little, we ordered food from a favorite, frequent place and chilled a bottle of bubbly. As the food arrived, they'd only sent half of it (one meal instead of two). There was a brief flurry, fluster, and distress exacerbated by busy phone lines etc. but, in the end we cancelled the first order (all charges reversed), ordered a second one (that arrived in half an hour), and split the first order while waiting. t VE -180- r ER]
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Presented with a variety of social situations as opportunities to express companionship, affection, love, and nurturing, and often reacted to these very spontaneously. (I adopted a cat from outside, abruptly, and rushed around to get everything set up to make it happen.) Pleasure from detail-oriented work. Emotions change unexpectedly; hard to predict how I will feel. Expected emotional reactions to social situations turn out to be inaccurate; one’s preconceptions are overwritten. Some effects feel similar to Venus-Pluto as in make-or-break confrontations in relationships. Poor assessment of people leads to re-evaluating one’s feelings about them.
PRINCIPLE: Soothes, harmonizes, and gives pleasure through the circumstances of one's life. - Opportunities offered to better meet one's own affection needs (to love and be loved, give and receive kindness, sex, shared pleasure, affiliation).
OBSERVED: Feeling comfortable, happy, good about oneself. Enhanced self-image. Love and pleasure are emphasized. Affection received. Excellent for social events, public appearance, shared fun.
PRINCIPLE: Soothes, harmonizes, and gives pleasure through the circumstances of one's life. - Opportunities offered to better meet one's own affection needs (to love and be loved, give and receive kindness, sex, shared pleasure, affiliation).
OBSERVED: Comfortable (peaceful). A well of feelings (probably positive) opens around intimate, personal matters. Privacy or private settings (home, family, sanctuary) give pleasure. Romance, sensuality, shared pleasure. Deep sharing possible. [Updated 12/8/22]
PRINCIPLE: Soothes, harmonizes, and gives pleasure through the circumstances of one's life. - Opportunities offered to better meet one's own affection needs (to love and be loved, give and receive kindness, sex, shared pleasure, affiliation).
OBSERVED: Harmonious surroundings, pleasure, peace. Sharing love. Relationships draw your attention: friendship, romance. Beauty is important. Sensuous, comfy, maybe ardent.
PRINCIPLE: Soothes, harmonizes, and gives pleasure through the circumstances of one's life. - Opportunities offered to better meet one's own affection needs (to love and be loved, give and receive kindness, sex, shared pleasure, affiliation).
OBSERVED: Sharing affection and pleasure. Strong emphasis on relationships and connection. Excellent for one-on-one encounters. More sociable (interactive, connecting). Cooperative, gentle, sensuous, appreciative of beauty and comfort. [Modified 2/2/25]
OBSERVED: Pleasurable, pleasant. Affectionate (possibly sexual) attention. Cuddly, gentle, loving. You enjoy others. Tender, feelings close to surface. Stresses dismissed.
[Anecdote: An evening of a pleasant dinner, a remarkable bottle of wine, and an enchanting and romantic movie. t VE -0- r MO]
[Anecdote: Extreme indulgence of food &c. Scrumptious, knew at the time it was excessive, pleasure was high and comfortable. t VE -0- s MO]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun and enjoyment of time spent together. t SU-VE -90- r JU-UR, -180- s MO]
[Anecdote: Significant wine professional and social event with Marion (almost a dozen Veneto wines); quite enjoyable and renewing connections. t VE -90- s MO]
[FAGAN: "...pleasant... being in amiable mood and at ease, attends to his appearances and wardrobe... may visit, or be visited by, friends; or spend an enjoyable evening at the theater, or be entertained at dinner."]
VENUS aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Social, playful, feeling good about oneself. Flattering attention: affectionate, possibly sexual. Compliments (maybe gifts). Sentimental, tender; strong feelings. Close relationships feel unusually important. Pleasant entertainment (likely shared). [Updated 12/8/22]
[Anecdote: Social evening out with wife and another couple (friends) at an unusually nice restaurant. t VE -90- r SU on SNQ angles]
[Anecdote: A man who had long wanted to have a child for the birth of the son he is adopting. t VE -180- r SU 47', t VE -90- r JU 23']
VENUS aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: Communication or travel matters go smoothly, comfortably. Your words are fluid, agreeable. Learning, conversation or mental activity seem easy, pleasurable. Tensions ease.
[Anecdote: Impromptu, successful last-minute holiday 24-hour get-away. t SU -45- r. UR; t SU -45- r. JU; t VE -90- r. ME]
[Anecdote: Opening night theater tickets for La Cage aux Folles. t VE -135- s. ME]
[Anecdote: A day spent very happily and easily writing on a project. t VE -90- r. ME]
[Anecdote: Fluid, easy writing in a mostly relaxed day. t VE -90- r ME near her station (but the event was for the exact day of crossing),]
[FAGAN: "'s studies become facile, easily understood, pleasant, and enjoyable, and one's problems are soluble without difficulty. One's speech is copiously agreeable. The mind is clear, devoid of conflict, and at rest and at peace with the world. Without premeditation, one is inclined... to whistle with pleasure or burst into song. It is excellent for all Mercurian pursuits..."]
VENUS aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Playful, sociable, sensual; probably low-key, casual. Quietly pleasant rather than "wonderful under pressure." Sentimental, nostalgic. Enjoying loved ones.
[FAGAN: "...the day will be delightfully pleasant and free from friction or disturbances. The native will be treated kindly by those about him. He may be visited by well-wishers who bring him tokens of their affection and a pleasant day will be spent in their society."]
VENUS aspecting Natal MARS
PRINCIPLE: Feeling powerful, pleasure through aggression and strong action. Pleasure or personal reward are linked to one's feelings of strength and ideas usually associated with masculinity. Soothes anger.
OBSERVED: Enthusiasm, playfulness, indulgence (immoderation), emotional vitality (inflamed emotions and appetites). Soothes interpersonal frictions (if unafflicted). Sexual desire and attraction (increased sexual activity). Pleasure from teasing, horseplay, other aggression. [Revised 3/9/25]
BRADLEY: "often signifies "desire directed toward the native... In other words... where romantic attractions and attachments are concerned, it is Venus which is the aggressor... frequently coincides with marriage proposals as well as date invitations to, not by, the native..."
[FAGAN: "...the native gets a certain pleasure in exercising his muscles... He may go for a walk to stretch his limbs, do a bit of gardening, or even indulge in horseplay or buffoonery or otherwise get pleasure in the infliction of force or violence."]
VENUS aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Warm, congenial, cooperative, probably social. Emphasis on pleasure. Pleasure through food, gala festivities, quality art, people. Friends may show bearing gifts.
[Anecdote: A man who had long wanted to have a child for the birth of the son he is adopting. t VE -180- r. SU 47', t. VE -90- r. JU 23']
[Anecdote: Road trip with Marion chasing a lunar return spot, much fun together, followed by tastings at four wineries in a region not explored before. (Dinner with in-laws at a favorite place the night before.) t VE -180- s. JU; but also the new lunar had Venus exactly angular.']
[Anecdote: We were both surprised how unusually good (perfect) the salmon was for dinner. t VE -135- r. JU-UR]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time together. Lovely lunch with in-laws on way back, but also beautiful desert and mountain scenery. t SU-VE -90- r. JU-UR, -180- s MO]
STATS: No U.S. President has ever been inaugurated with this aspect. (Contrast Venus-Saturn.)
[FAGAN: "...the native can be assured of gain through the thoughtfulness of friends. Through their aid he may receive an excellent appointment; or have a substantial raise in salary. Or he might be invited to assist with his talents at a carnival or bazaar, and be rewarded for his trouble... Otherwise he will be the recipient of gifts, which will afford him joy at the time."]
VENUS aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Uncomfortable feelings around love, personal appearance, sensuality. Resistant to affection or closeness. Subtle pleasure in one’s inadequacies or problems; may refuse others’ support. Loss, sadness, feeling blocked. A sense that "the party is over."
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents, and of incumbents + non-incumbents; and one of the most common at the inauguration of all Presidents. (Contrast Venus-Jupiter.)
[Anecdote: Highly pleasant, pleasurable, indulgent day with some disappointments and changing plans due to environmental factors, especially the extreme heat. t VE -90- r SA]
[Anecdote: Last day of a great vacation, exact during the hours we were on the plane home. (Literally, the party was over!) t VE -0- r SA]
[Anecdote: Quite bizarre result: My wife and I had the closest thing to "just started dating" dinner out date we've had in years with everything going splendidly (not even lingering shadow elements or fumbles). This likely arose from other concurrent aspects but is so atypical for Venus-Saturn as to warrant recording it. t VE -90- r SA]
[FAGAN: "...secret pleasure is often derived... in his own humiliation. In defeat, sweetness is often hidden. In his own shame lies a subtle masochistic delight. A friend comes to his aid in his dire need."]
VENUS aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Mental/emotional refreshment and excitement. Rejuvenation. Seeking romantic/esthetic variations; exploring new avenues of pleasure. Relationship stress possible through neglect.
[Anecdote: An extraordinary sexual experience with mate, outside of usual patterns. t VE -135- r. UR]
[Anecdote: We were both surprised how unusually good (perfect) the salmon was for dinner. t VE -135- r. JU-UR]
[Anecdote: A festive holiday party. t VE -90- s. UR]
[Anecdote: Two-day road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time together. t SU-VE -90- r. JU-UR, -180- s MO]
[FAGAN: "In the process of breaking away from one's habitual routine and doing something different for a change, the native will find unexpected delights and pleasures. Journeys, entering a new home, and the like are very pleasant. Cupid may board the midnight express with the native and romance may be around the corner. Gifts prove novel and entertaining."]
VENUS aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Pursuit of pet pleasure fantasy, even though you “know better.” Indulgence. Heightened esthetics and emotions; your senses are extra sensitive. Possible uneasiness, embarrassment, or emotional confusion in sex or other relationship matters.
[Anecdote: Quietly romantic evening with mate. t VE -90- r NE-SE]
[Anecdote: Leisurely romantic day and evening with mate. t VE -90- r NE-SE.]
[Anecdote: Much time spent thinking about and doing research for our upcoming vacation destination. t VE -0- r NE, -180- r SE]
[Anecdote: A routine dinner had everything go wrong, neither food nor wine more than palatable individually (and they didn't fit). Grumpy and resigned. t VE -180- s NE]
[FAGAN: "A gift made to the native... will cause him uncontrollable excitement and delight... The value of the gift will... depend on Venus' configurations with the other transiting bodies."]
VENUS aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Key relationship decisions or turning point. Either distance and withdrawing from closeness, connection, intimacy, sex, or socializing; or dropping all barriers for a deeper connection. (Little in between.)
[Anecdote: We didn't go to a party we'd really looked forward to attending because of wife's energy levels and both of us feeling disinclined to go out. The basic tone was "social isolation" I think, but also spending time concentrating on each other instead. - t VE -90- s PL]
[FAGAN: "Like a bolt from the blue, a gift descends on the native, giving him quite a shock as it is most unexpected... For some reason or other the gift may prove quite embarrassing and unacceptable."]
VENUS aspecting Natal HAUMEA
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Few examples, but emotional starkness remains very clear. There seems to be a theme of “shut up and let me do the thing I love doing.” (One example of "miscellaneous depression.")]
VENUS aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: My wife flew to Chicago for several days, leaving the hour this was exact. I can't say it's even a disruption though - not sure if the transit is strong enough or what it's exact import might be. t VE -135- r ER]
[Anecdote: For a night we wanted to celebrate a little, we ordered food from a favorite, frequent place and chilled a bottle of bubbly. As the food arrived, they'd only sent half of it (one meal instead of two). There was a brief flurry, fluster, and distress exacerbated by busy phone lines etc. but, in the end we cancelled the first order (all charges reversed), ordered a second one (that arrived in half an hour), and split the first order while waiting. t VE -180- r ER]
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Presented with a variety of social situations as opportunities to express companionship, affection, love, and nurturing, and often reacted to these very spontaneously. (I adopted a cat from outside, abruptly, and rushed around to get everything set up to make it happen.) Pleasure from detail-oriented work. Emotions change unexpectedly; hard to predict how I will feel. Expected emotional reactions to social situations turn out to be inaccurate; one’s preconceptions are overwritten. Some effects feel similar to Venus-Pluto as in make-or-break confrontations in relationships. Poor assessment of people leads to re-evaluating one’s feelings about them.
PRINCIPLE: Soothes, harmonizes, and gives pleasure through the circumstances of one's life. - Opportunities offered to better meet one's own affection needs (to love and be loved, give and receive kindness, sex, shared pleasure, affiliation).
OBSERVED: Feeling comfortable, happy, good about oneself. Enhanced self-image. Love and pleasure are emphasized. Affection received. Excellent for social events, public appearance, shared fun.
PRINCIPLE: Soothes, harmonizes, and gives pleasure through the circumstances of one's life. - Opportunities offered to better meet one's own affection needs (to love and be loved, give and receive kindness, sex, shared pleasure, affiliation).
OBSERVED: Comfortable (peaceful). A well of feelings (probably positive) opens around intimate, personal matters. Privacy or private settings (home, family, sanctuary) give pleasure. Romance, sensuality, shared pleasure. Deep sharing possible. [Updated 12/8/22]
PRINCIPLE: Soothes, harmonizes, and gives pleasure through the circumstances of one's life. - Opportunities offered to better meet one's own affection needs (to love and be loved, give and receive kindness, sex, shared pleasure, affiliation).
OBSERVED: Harmonious surroundings, pleasure, peace. Sharing love. Relationships draw your attention: friendship, romance. Beauty is important. Sensuous, comfy, maybe ardent.
PRINCIPLE: Soothes, harmonizes, and gives pleasure through the circumstances of one's life. - Opportunities offered to better meet one's own affection needs (to love and be loved, give and receive kindness, sex, shared pleasure, affiliation).
OBSERVED: Sharing affection and pleasure. Strong emphasis on relationships and connection. Excellent for one-on-one encounters. More sociable (interactive, connecting). Cooperative, gentle, sensuous, appreciative of beauty and comfort. [Modified 2/2/25]
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mercury Transits
MERCURY aspecting Natal MOON
PRINCIPLE: Responding quickly and instinctively to others' curiosities and inquiries (answering the public's need to know). Intellect, quick perception, instinctive analysis, and language empower rapid social, psychological, and circumstantial adaptation.
OBSERVED: Intellectual, curious, talkative, studious. Restlessness, insomnia. Rapid data exchange.
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of U.S. Presidents.
[Anecdote: Briskly busy nonstop. t me -90- PSSR MO.
[FAGAN: ", busy alert, restless, talkative, and on the go... predominantly n a searching, inquiring, and studious mood... letters are written, libraries are visited, books are purchased... Reading or conversation stimulates the passions."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Others seek your opinion or ask you to speak. Mental matters predominate. Generally busy.
[Anecdote: A day that began with nearly 100 new emails & multiple last minute schedulings - busy busy busy and requiring unusual resource deployment charting. t ME -90- r SU (plus t ME -135- s SA).]
[Anecdote: Road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time spent together. Not Mercurial in usual ways except the travel. Recording to draw out new angle on this aspect with future events. t ME -0- r SU]
STATS: This is one of the most common transits at the of inauguration U.S. Presidents.
[FAGAN: "...the native learns some news... which affects him in some way dependent on the nature of the planet (if any) closely configurating Mercury then."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal MERCURY
Business matters, information exchange, intellectual concerns, calculations, errands.
[Anecdote: Non-stop Mercury events including upgrading a utility program I wrote, resolving several problems at work, and a profitable business call (after sitting on hold an hour and a half). t ME -0- r ME]
STATS: This is one of the most common transits at the of inauguration U.S. Presidents.
[FAGAN: "...stimulates the native to undertake a series of calculations, make fresh plans, draw up new schemes, deliver speeches, or expedite business transactions. Children will make substantial progress in their work consequent on a change of teachers or the introduction of a more suitable technique."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Words flow soothingly, expressing affection, tenderness. Pleasant conversation. Happy mood.
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of U.S. Presidents when incumbents and non-incumbents are both considered, but not so common when only non-incumbents are counted. Overall, this is one of the most common transits at the inauguration of U.S. Presidents.
[Anecdote: With my natal partile Venus-Pluto square, throughout my life Mercury's conjunctions, oppositions, and squares to the two of them have consistently meant intense communication in relationship matters - airing withholds, confronting circumstances, profound commitments - any strong, powerful, no-holds-barred communication about relationship matters (usually, but not invariably, positive).
[Anecdote: Easy day at work, no stress, had time to think much about and research our upcoming vacation destination. t ME -0- s VE]
[FAGAN: "...the native may receive news from, or concerning, a friend or relation that will cause him much pleasure. Friends may call upon him or he may be invited out by them, spending an enjoyable time in their company. But if the transiting Mercury is configured with the transiting malefics, then he may hear sad or distressing news in regard to a friend or relative. Under the impact of such a transit friendship is often broken up. Generally speaking... personal letters, greetings, or invitations from friends and well-wishers."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Irritable, intolerant. High-strung; busy mind. You may lose touch with your feelings (empathy-challenged).
BRADLEY: "other people seem to do the getting mad, to say the acid thing - and at you!"
[Anecdote: Grumbly, agitated, glad nobody is around because I'd be short-tempered. Can't focus, all sorts of tiny things going wrong, out of sorts. Part of me would secretly delight in an argument where I felt justified in eviscerating someone. t ME -0- r MA]
[Anecdote: The opposite of Bradley's observation: An unusually empathetic person said something strong that was piercing and cut deep into someone close to them, without realizing the effect. t ME -0- p MA precisely on SNQ Asc]
[FAGAN: "...such actions [acting combatively, or playfully slapping a friend on the back or indulge in some form of horseplay] tend to be premeditated and not altogether free of malice... the native may have to defend himself in a melee or the like. Should the native be addicted to sport, news of competitions, and the like, it stimulates to greater endeavors in this field."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Your ideas work to your benefit. Business draws your attention, tends to go favorably.
[Anecdote: Bonanza of books! Spent the day on the last visit ever to Bodhi Tree before it closes, walked out with over $300 of books at half price, including some new and interesting material. t ME -135- r JU&UR.]
MERCURY aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Serious-minded, not too playful. Good for concentrated mental labor. Delays, disappointments; things don't work out quite right, plans may be spoiled; feeling bummed and grumbly. Circumstances demand time that one doesn't want to give them.
[Anecdote: An unwanted and very uncomfortable phone call from someone once close to me: t ME -90- r SA along with t ME -135- s VE, -45- s UR]
[Anecdote: Disappointments made me angry, which I expressed as depression, distance, brooding. (Delays from other people interfered with my ability to keep my word on a time-table commitment, and I was keenly aware of how I was inadvertently screwing over some other folks.) t ME -90- r SA along with t SU -180- s MA]
[Anecdote: computer keyboard quit working. t ME -135- s SA]
[FAGAN: "...the native may find himself in a humiliating position and must do something immediately about it. For example, he may find himself financially embarrassed, being driven to demand the payment of money owed him or the honoring of loans... Worse still, he may be forced to borrow. Should Mercury in transit be configurated with the benefics he will succeed, but his efforts will fail if it is configurated with the malefics. Manifold are the effects of Mercury's transit of Saturn, but they are invariably in some way mortifying."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Mentally quick, clever, investigative. Wants to break with routine. Discovery. Possible tension.
[Anecdote: Bonanza of books! Spent the day on the last visit ever to Bodhi Tree before it closes, walked out with over $300 of books at half price, including some new and interesting material. t ME -135- r JU&UR.]
[Anecdote: Strong evening of writing an article after review of old diaries. Several small revelations and surprises. t. ME -180- s. UR]
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents.
[FAGAN: "...the native acts in such an unexpected manner as to occasion surprise to others, often to their astonishment."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Mind deals with fantasy better than fact. Foggy thinking, strange perceptions, fascination with the surreal, confused communications, metaphysical thought.
MERCURY aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Confrontation. Decisions are called due, perhaps commitments made. Need for unambiguous answers. Stress, irritability.
[Anecdote: With my natal partile Venus-Pluto square, throughout my life Mercury's conjunctions, oppositions, and squares to the two of them have consistently meant intense communication in relationship matters - airing withholds, confronting circumstances, profound commitments - any strong, powerful, no-holds-barred communication about relationship matters (usually, but not invariably, positive).
[Anecdote: A day already scheduled for 12 hours of meetings turned hyper-Mercury both by my giving two long & well-received lectures, and another meeting turning into a 3-hour intense, positive communication with one colleague. t ME -180- s MC, t ME -90- s. PL, + misc. Venus transits.]
[Anecdote: Argumentative confrontation amidst rising tensions. t ME -0- s. PL]
MERCURY aspecting Natal HAUMEA
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: I’m struck by the stark difference between some events during which I was unshakably dispassionate and others where I was very social. There seems to be an “all-or-nothing” effect with emotional involvement; regardless, intellectual clarity is pronounced. Events aren’t surprising or confusing. Emotions are not strongly invested.]
MERCURY aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Awoke (near the hour this was exact) to find a kind of chaos on one of my forums. Discussion was wild, progressive, spinning into what felt like rockslide risks, and I rather fiercely jumped in to wrangle with it. Continued most of the day. t ME -90- s ER]
[Anecdote: Morning of restoring servers etc. at CC (after annual building power-down). One power strip went out, causing the SAN switch not to come up, and it took a while to find this. "Chaos" is too strong, but I needed to sort through a lot of data and possibilities to figure out what went wrong and then fix it. t ME -45- s ER (it was exact while this was happening)]
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Not always chaotic in the conventional sense; sometimes merely intellectually intricate. Some misunderstandings in communication. Sometimes surprises (themes of mistakes, wasted effort, wild goose chases, all as sub-themes of “I don’t know how to identify what’s important or predict the way this endeavor will go”). The mind is compelled to confront complexity and often surprised by its cohesion; a pattern holds, but the mind, not yet seeing the pattern, is overwhelmed.
PRINCIPLE: Information demanded to satisfy others' curiosities. Immediate circumstances center on intellect, perception, analysis, and voice. Opportunities to better meet one's own information needs (curiosity, gaining and sharing information, understanding and demonstrating relationships between facts).
OBSERVED: Communication, ideas, transportation and business predominate. Much motion, very busy. Professional matters particularly benefit from lucid thought and careful communication. Possible publicity.
PRINCIPLE: Information demanded to satisfy others' curiosities. Immediate circumstances center on intellect, perception, analysis, and voice. Opportunities to better meet one's own information needs (curiosity, gaining and sharing information, understanding and demonstrating relationships between facts).
OBSERVED: Contemplative; magnifies any introspective streak in you. Personal matters require attention (domestic or family concerns; deep, inner issues). Probably busy, practical, self-contained.
[Anecdote: A day already scheduled for 12 hours of meetings turned hyper-Mercury both by my giving two long & well-received lectures, and another meeting turning into a 3-hour intense, positive communication with one colleague. t ME -180- s MC, t ME -90- s. PL, + misc. Venus transits.]
[Anecdote: A nightmare disclosed very deep-seated issues. Enormous emotional force unlocked. Analysis eventually that night led to breakthrough insight and a plan. t ME -180- r MC, r. MO -0- L. MC (NB Nightmare characteristic probably triggered by Mars 0° from SLR angle.)]
PRINCIPLE: Information demanded to satisfy others' curiosities. Immediate circumstances center on intellect, perception, analysis, and voice. Opportunities to better meet one's own information needs (curiosity, gaining and sharing information, understanding and demonstrating relationships between facts).
OBSERVED: "Taking care of business." Communication, transportation, commerce, ideas. You are curious, mentally quick, analytic, discriminating, practical. Errands, phone calls, flurry of activity.
PRINCIPLE: Information demanded to satisfy others' curiosities. Immediate circumstances center on intellect, perception, analysis, and voice. Opportunities to better meet one's own information needs (curiosity, gaining and sharing information, understanding and demonstrating relationships between facts).
OBSERVED: Communication and shared mental activity emphasized, either through cooperation or competition (dialogue, exchange of information, negotiation, consultation, debate.) Mind clear, quick.
PRINCIPLE: Responding quickly and instinctively to others' curiosities and inquiries (answering the public's need to know). Intellect, quick perception, instinctive analysis, and language empower rapid social, psychological, and circumstantial adaptation.
OBSERVED: Intellectual, curious, talkative, studious. Restlessness, insomnia. Rapid data exchange.
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of U.S. Presidents.
[Anecdote: Briskly busy nonstop. t me -90- PSSR MO.
[FAGAN: ", busy alert, restless, talkative, and on the go... predominantly n a searching, inquiring, and studious mood... letters are written, libraries are visited, books are purchased... Reading or conversation stimulates the passions."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Others seek your opinion or ask you to speak. Mental matters predominate. Generally busy.
[Anecdote: A day that began with nearly 100 new emails & multiple last minute schedulings - busy busy busy and requiring unusual resource deployment charting. t ME -90- r SU (plus t ME -135- s SA).]
[Anecdote: Road trip with Marion and Kali chasing an SLR through Arizona. Strenuous from the drive but a lot of fun & enjoyment of time spent together. Not Mercurial in usual ways except the travel. Recording to draw out new angle on this aspect with future events. t ME -0- r SU]
STATS: This is one of the most common transits at the of inauguration U.S. Presidents.
[FAGAN: "...the native learns some news... which affects him in some way dependent on the nature of the planet (if any) closely configurating Mercury then."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal MERCURY
Business matters, information exchange, intellectual concerns, calculations, errands.
[Anecdote: Non-stop Mercury events including upgrading a utility program I wrote, resolving several problems at work, and a profitable business call (after sitting on hold an hour and a half). t ME -0- r ME]
STATS: This is one of the most common transits at the of inauguration U.S. Presidents.
[FAGAN: "...stimulates the native to undertake a series of calculations, make fresh plans, draw up new schemes, deliver speeches, or expedite business transactions. Children will make substantial progress in their work consequent on a change of teachers or the introduction of a more suitable technique."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Words flow soothingly, expressing affection, tenderness. Pleasant conversation. Happy mood.
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of U.S. Presidents when incumbents and non-incumbents are both considered, but not so common when only non-incumbents are counted. Overall, this is one of the most common transits at the inauguration of U.S. Presidents.
[Anecdote: With my natal partile Venus-Pluto square, throughout my life Mercury's conjunctions, oppositions, and squares to the two of them have consistently meant intense communication in relationship matters - airing withholds, confronting circumstances, profound commitments - any strong, powerful, no-holds-barred communication about relationship matters (usually, but not invariably, positive).
[Anecdote: Easy day at work, no stress, had time to think much about and research our upcoming vacation destination. t ME -0- s VE]
[FAGAN: "...the native may receive news from, or concerning, a friend or relation that will cause him much pleasure. Friends may call upon him or he may be invited out by them, spending an enjoyable time in their company. But if the transiting Mercury is configured with the transiting malefics, then he may hear sad or distressing news in regard to a friend or relative. Under the impact of such a transit friendship is often broken up. Generally speaking... personal letters, greetings, or invitations from friends and well-wishers."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Irritable, intolerant. High-strung; busy mind. You may lose touch with your feelings (empathy-challenged).
BRADLEY: "other people seem to do the getting mad, to say the acid thing - and at you!"
[Anecdote: Grumbly, agitated, glad nobody is around because I'd be short-tempered. Can't focus, all sorts of tiny things going wrong, out of sorts. Part of me would secretly delight in an argument where I felt justified in eviscerating someone. t ME -0- r MA]
[Anecdote: The opposite of Bradley's observation: An unusually empathetic person said something strong that was piercing and cut deep into someone close to them, without realizing the effect. t ME -0- p MA precisely on SNQ Asc]
[FAGAN: "...such actions [acting combatively, or playfully slapping a friend on the back or indulge in some form of horseplay] tend to be premeditated and not altogether free of malice... the native may have to defend himself in a melee or the like. Should the native be addicted to sport, news of competitions, and the like, it stimulates to greater endeavors in this field."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Your ideas work to your benefit. Business draws your attention, tends to go favorably.
[Anecdote: Bonanza of books! Spent the day on the last visit ever to Bodhi Tree before it closes, walked out with over $300 of books at half price, including some new and interesting material. t ME -135- r JU&UR.]
MERCURY aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Serious-minded, not too playful. Good for concentrated mental labor. Delays, disappointments; things don't work out quite right, plans may be spoiled; feeling bummed and grumbly. Circumstances demand time that one doesn't want to give them.
[Anecdote: An unwanted and very uncomfortable phone call from someone once close to me: t ME -90- r SA along with t ME -135- s VE, -45- s UR]
[Anecdote: Disappointments made me angry, which I expressed as depression, distance, brooding. (Delays from other people interfered with my ability to keep my word on a time-table commitment, and I was keenly aware of how I was inadvertently screwing over some other folks.) t ME -90- r SA along with t SU -180- s MA]
[Anecdote: computer keyboard quit working. t ME -135- s SA]
[FAGAN: "...the native may find himself in a humiliating position and must do something immediately about it. For example, he may find himself financially embarrassed, being driven to demand the payment of money owed him or the honoring of loans... Worse still, he may be forced to borrow. Should Mercury in transit be configurated with the benefics he will succeed, but his efforts will fail if it is configurated with the malefics. Manifold are the effects of Mercury's transit of Saturn, but they are invariably in some way mortifying."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Mentally quick, clever, investigative. Wants to break with routine. Discovery. Possible tension.
[Anecdote: Bonanza of books! Spent the day on the last visit ever to Bodhi Tree before it closes, walked out with over $300 of books at half price, including some new and interesting material. t ME -135- r JU&UR.]
[Anecdote: Strong evening of writing an article after review of old diaries. Several small revelations and surprises. t. ME -180- s. UR]
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents.
[FAGAN: "...the native acts in such an unexpected manner as to occasion surprise to others, often to their astonishment."]
MERCURY aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Mind deals with fantasy better than fact. Foggy thinking, strange perceptions, fascination with the surreal, confused communications, metaphysical thought.
MERCURY aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Confrontation. Decisions are called due, perhaps commitments made. Need for unambiguous answers. Stress, irritability.
[Anecdote: With my natal partile Venus-Pluto square, throughout my life Mercury's conjunctions, oppositions, and squares to the two of them have consistently meant intense communication in relationship matters - airing withholds, confronting circumstances, profound commitments - any strong, powerful, no-holds-barred communication about relationship matters (usually, but not invariably, positive).
[Anecdote: A day already scheduled for 12 hours of meetings turned hyper-Mercury both by my giving two long & well-received lectures, and another meeting turning into a 3-hour intense, positive communication with one colleague. t ME -180- s MC, t ME -90- s. PL, + misc. Venus transits.]
[Anecdote: Argumentative confrontation amidst rising tensions. t ME -0- s. PL]
MERCURY aspecting Natal HAUMEA
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: I’m struck by the stark difference between some events during which I was unshakably dispassionate and others where I was very social. There seems to be an “all-or-nothing” effect with emotional involvement; regardless, intellectual clarity is pronounced. Events aren’t surprising or confusing. Emotions are not strongly invested.]
MERCURY aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Awoke (near the hour this was exact) to find a kind of chaos on one of my forums. Discussion was wild, progressive, spinning into what felt like rockslide risks, and I rather fiercely jumped in to wrangle with it. Continued most of the day. t ME -90- s ER]
[Anecdote: Morning of restoring servers etc. at CC (after annual building power-down). One power strip went out, causing the SAN switch not to come up, and it took a while to find this. "Chaos" is too strong, but I needed to sort through a lot of data and possibilities to figure out what went wrong and then fix it. t ME -45- s ER (it was exact while this was happening)]
[Anecdotes: Mike V observed: Not always chaotic in the conventional sense; sometimes merely intellectually intricate. Some misunderstandings in communication. Sometimes surprises (themes of mistakes, wasted effort, wild goose chases, all as sub-themes of “I don’t know how to identify what’s important or predict the way this endeavor will go”). The mind is compelled to confront complexity and often surprised by its cohesion; a pattern holds, but the mind, not yet seeing the pattern, is overwhelmed.
PRINCIPLE: Information demanded to satisfy others' curiosities. Immediate circumstances center on intellect, perception, analysis, and voice. Opportunities to better meet one's own information needs (curiosity, gaining and sharing information, understanding and demonstrating relationships between facts).
OBSERVED: Communication, ideas, transportation and business predominate. Much motion, very busy. Professional matters particularly benefit from lucid thought and careful communication. Possible publicity.
PRINCIPLE: Information demanded to satisfy others' curiosities. Immediate circumstances center on intellect, perception, analysis, and voice. Opportunities to better meet one's own information needs (curiosity, gaining and sharing information, understanding and demonstrating relationships between facts).
OBSERVED: Contemplative; magnifies any introspective streak in you. Personal matters require attention (domestic or family concerns; deep, inner issues). Probably busy, practical, self-contained.
[Anecdote: A day already scheduled for 12 hours of meetings turned hyper-Mercury both by my giving two long & well-received lectures, and another meeting turning into a 3-hour intense, positive communication with one colleague. t ME -180- s MC, t ME -90- s. PL, + misc. Venus transits.]
[Anecdote: A nightmare disclosed very deep-seated issues. Enormous emotional force unlocked. Analysis eventually that night led to breakthrough insight and a plan. t ME -180- r MC, r. MO -0- L. MC (NB Nightmare characteristic probably triggered by Mars 0° from SLR angle.)]
PRINCIPLE: Information demanded to satisfy others' curiosities. Immediate circumstances center on intellect, perception, analysis, and voice. Opportunities to better meet one's own information needs (curiosity, gaining and sharing information, understanding and demonstrating relationships between facts).
OBSERVED: "Taking care of business." Communication, transportation, commerce, ideas. You are curious, mentally quick, analytic, discriminating, practical. Errands, phone calls, flurry of activity.
PRINCIPLE: Information demanded to satisfy others' curiosities. Immediate circumstances center on intellect, perception, analysis, and voice. Opportunities to better meet one's own information needs (curiosity, gaining and sharing information, understanding and demonstrating relationships between facts).
OBSERVED: Communication and shared mental activity emphasized, either through cooperation or competition (dialogue, exchange of information, negotiation, consultation, debate.) Mind clear, quick.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon Transits
MOON aspecting Natal MOON
MOON aspecting Natal SUN
[BRADLEY: "[Has] a way of attracting significant types of people to cross your path, or else momentarily makes you a center of someone's attention. Moon to natal Sun can often be taken advantage of in those common situations of life where you are ordinarily 'faint of heart' when it comes to speaking out, making requests of propositions, and bearding the lion in his den."
MOON aspecting Natal MERCURY
[BRADLEY: "...there is an outflow from inside you to the outside world... [A]bility to communicate with and influence others, by voice, pen or 'image.'"
MOON aspecting Natal VENUS
[BRADLEY: "A typical reaction... is to have a yen to go shopping. If you stay home, the mood to clean, rearrange furniture, shine mirrors, or cook a special dish, often asserts itself. It is also remarkable how often Moon to Venus will make you forget your traditional grudges and peeves, and you are able to make friendly small talk with people you can't stand at most other times."
MOON aspecting Natal MARS
PRINCIPLE: Instinctively (unthinkingly) acts aggressively, asserts strength, gratifies power needs, and expresses anger.
[BRADLEY: " tend to find fault in others or merge into a mood of just not giving a hang how the living room looks - and your culinary ambitions reach no further than a can-opener."
MOON aspecting Natal JUPITER
PRINCIPLE: Instinctively (unthinkingly) responds to social expectations, enjoyment, comfort, inclusion. Instinctive choices enhance esteem or prosperity.
[BRADLEY: "...the crystalline air of Moonlit natal Jupiter... the Jovian hours often make you do the right thing despite yourself (as a form of subconscious self-reward?). You suddenly remember what the missing ingredient is; the ideal solution to a tricky problem or touchy situation almost intuitively occurs to you; the moves you make evoke nods of approval or signs or relief. "
MOON aspecting Natal SATURN
[Anecdote: Received my first social security payment. t Mo (Cap) -90- r Sa.
[BRADLEY: "...coincide with little lapses of memory which cause later regrets. The most recent incident diarized was an instance of forgetfulness which caused a friend considerable embarrassment at her place of employment. The incident ensued at the very hour the Moon was squaring her natal Saturn - Saturn being the planet Fagan calls the planet of 'psychological discomfiture.' It is interesting that a psychologist would insist that most memory failures are unconsciously intentional as a form of self-punishment. To forgive may be divine, but to err is Saturn."
MOON aspecting Natal URANUS
[BRADLEY: "...your strong points come to the fore, usually to the chagrin of others... You can be rather foolish... apt to be too breezy of attitude, too permissive and ostrich-like in the overlooking of obvious flaws and pitfalls... your environment has something to teach you...
MOON aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
PRINCIPLE: Instinctively (unthinkingly) becomes absorbed in something (or absorbs others in it), responds to temptation, has and pursues fantasies, and gratifies the need to merge.
[BRADLEY: "...your weaknesses are in evidence, usually to the benefit of others. You can be rather foolish... almost automatically you tend to think the worst and otherwise make mountains out of molehills, or vice versa, as though subconsciously determined not to think realistically or fairly... you unwittingly try to impress your prejudices upon your environment."
MOON aspecting Natal PLUTO
[BRADLEY: " are the receiving end of an influx of communicative pressures from outside yourself... [exposed to] 'hidden persuaders'..."
moon aspecting NATAL HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
MOON aspecting Natal ERIS
(No observations yet.)
MOON conjunct aspecting Natal MIDHEAVEN or ZENITH
PRINCIPLE: Greater necessity to respond and adapt to shifting conditions, to meet the changing needs of one's physical, psychological, and social habitats. Circumstances are receptive to (and the world seems to hunger for) one's standing forth responsively.
MOON conjunct aspecting Natal ANTEMERIDIAN or NADIR
PRINCIPLE: Greater necessity to respond and adapt to shifting conditions, to meet the changing needs of one's physical, psychological, and social habitats. Circumstances are receptive to (and the world seems to hunger for) one's standing forth responsively.
MOON conjunct aspecting Natal ASCENDANT or EASTPOINT
PRINCIPLE: Greater necessity to respond and adapt to shifting conditions, to meet the changing needs of one's physical, psychological, and social habitats. Circumstances are receptive to (and the world seems to hunger for) one's standing forth responsively.
MOON conjunct aspecting Natal DESCENDANT or WESTPOINT
PRINCIPLE: Greater necessity to respond and adapt to shifting conditions, to meet the changing needs of one's physical, psychological, and social habitats. Circumstances are receptive to (and the world seems to hunger for) one's standing forth responsively.
MOON aspecting Natal SUN
[BRADLEY: "[Has] a way of attracting significant types of people to cross your path, or else momentarily makes you a center of someone's attention. Moon to natal Sun can often be taken advantage of in those common situations of life where you are ordinarily 'faint of heart' when it comes to speaking out, making requests of propositions, and bearding the lion in his den."
MOON aspecting Natal MERCURY
[BRADLEY: "...there is an outflow from inside you to the outside world... [A]bility to communicate with and influence others, by voice, pen or 'image.'"
MOON aspecting Natal VENUS
[BRADLEY: "A typical reaction... is to have a yen to go shopping. If you stay home, the mood to clean, rearrange furniture, shine mirrors, or cook a special dish, often asserts itself. It is also remarkable how often Moon to Venus will make you forget your traditional grudges and peeves, and you are able to make friendly small talk with people you can't stand at most other times."
MOON aspecting Natal MARS
PRINCIPLE: Instinctively (unthinkingly) acts aggressively, asserts strength, gratifies power needs, and expresses anger.
[BRADLEY: " tend to find fault in others or merge into a mood of just not giving a hang how the living room looks - and your culinary ambitions reach no further than a can-opener."
MOON aspecting Natal JUPITER
PRINCIPLE: Instinctively (unthinkingly) responds to social expectations, enjoyment, comfort, inclusion. Instinctive choices enhance esteem or prosperity.
[BRADLEY: "...the crystalline air of Moonlit natal Jupiter... the Jovian hours often make you do the right thing despite yourself (as a form of subconscious self-reward?). You suddenly remember what the missing ingredient is; the ideal solution to a tricky problem or touchy situation almost intuitively occurs to you; the moves you make evoke nods of approval or signs or relief. "
MOON aspecting Natal SATURN
[Anecdote: Received my first social security payment. t Mo (Cap) -90- r Sa.
[BRADLEY: "...coincide with little lapses of memory which cause later regrets. The most recent incident diarized was an instance of forgetfulness which caused a friend considerable embarrassment at her place of employment. The incident ensued at the very hour the Moon was squaring her natal Saturn - Saturn being the planet Fagan calls the planet of 'psychological discomfiture.' It is interesting that a psychologist would insist that most memory failures are unconsciously intentional as a form of self-punishment. To forgive may be divine, but to err is Saturn."
MOON aspecting Natal URANUS
[BRADLEY: "...your strong points come to the fore, usually to the chagrin of others... You can be rather foolish... apt to be too breezy of attitude, too permissive and ostrich-like in the overlooking of obvious flaws and pitfalls... your environment has something to teach you...
MOON aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
PRINCIPLE: Instinctively (unthinkingly) becomes absorbed in something (or absorbs others in it), responds to temptation, has and pursues fantasies, and gratifies the need to merge.
[BRADLEY: "...your weaknesses are in evidence, usually to the benefit of others. You can be rather foolish... almost automatically you tend to think the worst and otherwise make mountains out of molehills, or vice versa, as though subconsciously determined not to think realistically or fairly... you unwittingly try to impress your prejudices upon your environment."
MOON aspecting Natal PLUTO
[BRADLEY: " are the receiving end of an influx of communicative pressures from outside yourself... [exposed to] 'hidden persuaders'..."
moon aspecting NATAL HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
MOON aspecting Natal ERIS
(No observations yet.)
MOON conjunct aspecting Natal MIDHEAVEN or ZENITH
PRINCIPLE: Greater necessity to respond and adapt to shifting conditions, to meet the changing needs of one's physical, psychological, and social habitats. Circumstances are receptive to (and the world seems to hunger for) one's standing forth responsively.
MOON conjunct aspecting Natal ANTEMERIDIAN or NADIR
PRINCIPLE: Greater necessity to respond and adapt to shifting conditions, to meet the changing needs of one's physical, psychological, and social habitats. Circumstances are receptive to (and the world seems to hunger for) one's standing forth responsively.
MOON conjunct aspecting Natal ASCENDANT or EASTPOINT
PRINCIPLE: Greater necessity to respond and adapt to shifting conditions, to meet the changing needs of one's physical, psychological, and social habitats. Circumstances are receptive to (and the world seems to hunger for) one's standing forth responsively.
MOON conjunct aspecting Natal DESCENDANT or WESTPOINT
PRINCIPLE: Greater necessity to respond and adapt to shifting conditions, to meet the changing needs of one's physical, psychological, and social habitats. Circumstances are receptive to (and the world seems to hunger for) one's standing forth responsively.
Jim Eshelman