Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The interpretations below are characteristic of the specific effect we usually see when each aspect appears between two people's natal charts. Most of these produce highly distinctive, easily-recognizable effects. All co-aspect interpretations were rewritten the last week of 2021 unless they have an earlier date marking last update.

They could be supplemented by two other sets of interpretations on this site. First, each of these also acts much like a two-directioned transit, so a Sun-Neptune interchange (for example) will feel like Sun transiting natal Neptune to one person and Neptune transiting natal Sun to the other person. Also, to a limited extent, each individual and the pair as a whole (to the extent they think of themselves as an actual pair) will take on a quality resembling having the same natal aspect (e.g., each of them, and the two of them together, starts acting like they have a natal Sun-Neptune aspect). Perhaps one day new co-aspect interpretations will be written that include these extra shadings. Meanwhile, you can consult the transit and natal aspect sections of the forum to supplement what is given below.

Moon co-aspects: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=244#p1634
Sun co-aspects: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=244#p1635
Mercury co-aspects: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=244#p1636
Venus co-aspects: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=244#p1637
Mars co-aspects: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=244#p1638
Outer Planet co-aspects: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=244#p1639

Here are co-aspect summary principles.

Moon-Angle Powerful attraction, sense of family. Protection, service, support.
Moon-Moon Simpatico, attunement, subconscious pattern aligned, psyches mutually open.
Moon-Sun Union (marriage), attraction, desire, fertility. Opposites fulfilling each other.
Moon-Mercury Intellect intertwined with subconsciousness. Easy communication, mutual curiosity.
Moon-Venus Love instinct, attraction, affection, tenderness, sexual surrender.
Moon-Mars Roused instincts, surging desire, turbulent passions. Festering discord, irritation.
Moon-Jupiter Friendship. Kind, caretaking, honoring, uplifting, loyal.
Moon-Saturn Favors practical over personal. Parent-child themes. Distance, sadness, hardship.
Moon-Uranus Emotional renewal, discovery, excitement. Rapidly changing conditions.
Moon-Neptune Disorienting, uncertain, flustered, baffled, confused. Embracing madness.
Moon-Pluto Enigmatic, inscrutable. Drawn to a common flame. Anomalous, defiant.

Sun-Angle Eye-catching, admiring, desiring. Heroic ideal, strength, dominance, destiny.
Sun-Sun Facing matched identities. Mutual recognition and understanding or ego conflict.
Sun-Mercury Communication, collaboration, motivated expression, mentorship.
Sun-Venus Friendship, companionship, admiration, veneration. Trusted advisor, mentor.
Sun-Mars Tumescing attention fuels ego. Physical, combative, call to action, heroic ideal.
Sun-Jupiter Respect, generosity, blessings, shared success.
Sun-Saturn Labor, struggle, mutual need. Ego-wounds.
Sun-Uranus Renewal, adventure, excitement, exploration. Electrical attraction.
Sun-Neptune Fantasy or ideal. Enchantment yet uncertainty. Indulging temptation.
Sun-Pluto Turning point, catalyzing change. Great impact.

Mercury-Angle Ensuring avenues of expression. Encouraging youthful promise. Common curiosities.
Mercury-Mercury Two minds aligned, shared curiosities, intellectual basis to relationship.
Mercury-Venus Sharing affection through mental engagement.
Mercury-Mars Mental aggression, passionate engagement, argument, criticism.
Mercury-Jupiter Admiring, respecting, promoting, endorsing, and encouraging ideas, words, abilities.
Mercury-Saturn Impeded communication, poor listening, disrespect; or critical, corrective discipline.
Mercury-Uranus Discovery, surprise, new experiences, eye-opening possibilities.
Mercury-Neptune Misunderstanding verbal communication (needs an alternative medium). Possible deception.
Mercury-Pluto Exploring things that are difficult to discuss. Making the unthinkable likely.

Venus-Angle Adoration, love, friendship, trust, pleasure.
Venus-Venus Warm, pleasant, friendly (not passionate). Similar tastes.
Venus-Mars Passion, sex attraction, chemistry. Affection + aggression.
Venus-Jupiter Love with friendship. Happiness, generosity, mutual kindness.
Venus-Saturn Limited happiness. Work pleasure. Devotion, sacrifice. Parent dynamics. Lost love.
Venus-Uranus Creative partnership. Renewal, rejuvenation. Flexible, loves fun, experimental.
Venus-Neptune Romance, pleasure fantasy. Strong emotions. Longing to be enchanted.
Venus-Pluto Initial intensity yet arm's length or flitting. Distance from connection.

Mars-Angle Great physical energy or aggression. Sex, hard work or play, attack.
Mars-Mars Collegial, productive, expending great energy, fighting in common cause
Mars-Jupiter Powerful partnerships. Energy, confidence, enthusiasm. Sexual excellence.
Mars-Saturn Industrious, laborious. Power struggles, resistance, conflict. Debt, shame, regret.
Mars-Uranus Electrical excitement. Sexually carefree. Needs space, adventure; takes risks.
Mars-Neptune Fantasies, promises, and possibilities ignite. Excitement, stirred passions.
Mars-Pluto Sex, work, stress, rage, individuality, disobedience. Enormous release of energy.

Jupiter-Angle Friendship, respect, laughter. Kindness, generosity. Mutual benefit, prospering.
Saturn-Angle Work: pragmatic, purposeful. Personal connection limited, more distant, curtailed.
Uranus-Angle Exciting, riveting, unleashing, opportunistic. Instant, electrical attraction.
Neptune-Angle Instinctive rapport. Mutually drawn together. Amorphous, little definition.
Pluto-Angle Major impact or catalyst, drawing into a larger world. Dramatic endings.
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Moon co-aspects

Post by Jim Eshelman »

PRINCIPLE: Powerful attraction, sense of family. Protection, service, support.
A powerful attraction aspect common for marriage. They feel protective toward each other, act in service to each other (supporting each other's purposes), looking after or caretaking each other, often with a feeling of family connection.
[STATS: An aspects Jung found common among married couples.]
Examples: Truman Capote & Harper Lee, Karl Mark & Frederich Engels, Karen & Richard Carpenter, Paul & Linda McCartney, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Elvis Presley & Col. Tom Parker, Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin, Gerald & Charlene Gallego, Myra Hindley & Ian Brady, Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston [both ways], Queen Consort Caroline & King George IV, Richard Alpert & Timothy Leary, Allen Ginsberg & Timothy Leary, Barack Obama & Joe Biden, Paul McCartney & George Martin, Eric Clapton & George Harrison, Donald Bradley & Cyril Fagan, JAE & Donald Bradley, JAE & Gary Duncan, Dad & JAE

PRINCIPLE: Simpatico, attunement, subconscious pattern aligned, psyches mutually open.
Strong mutual attraction and feeling comfortably "at home" with each other, broadly in tune, responding to the tone of the world similarly, and sharing like-minded interests (simpatico). Their psyches are open to each other. Empathy comes easily. Their subconscious patterns more easily align. Especially when young, we tend to herd with those with whom we have Moon-Moon connections. Though not particularly common for marriage, it is nonetheless a pleasing, connecting aspect.
Examples: Marjorie Cameron & Jack Parsons, Edward Kelley & John Dee, Eric Clapton & George Harrison, Paul & Linda McCartney, George H.W. & Barbara Bush, Julio & Ernest Gallo, John Lennon & George Harrison, John Lennon & Ringo Starr, Ringo Starr & Paul McCartney, (Ringo Starr & George Harrison), JAE & AKK

PRINCIPLE: Union (marriage), attraction, desire, fertility. Opposites fulfilling each other.
This classic, archetypal aspect of union is a most common, positive interchange for marriages and other close connections. Moon-Sun signals powerful attraction and desire: Each completes the other. This interchange’s dynamics match historic patterns of male-female marriage in the West, though it has adapted, finding new expressions as relationship customs have evolved. Sun and Moon are historic root symbols of male and female, respectively: Their aspect especially shows Moon in service and support of Sun’s purposes in the world, while Sun illuminates, invigorates, and (literally or metaphorically) impregnates Moon. Sun tends to be dominant and leading in the relationship (Sun is the “top”) though with no innate sense that either party finds it unbalanced. (However, unequal power should be considered an area for the two people to address together consciously.)
[STATS: An aspect Jung found common among married couples.]
Examples: Truman Capote & Harper Lee, Joan Baez & Bob Dylan, Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones [both ways], Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette, Diana & Charles, Max & Foss Heindel, Felicia & Leonard Bernstein, Francoise & Michel Gauquelin, Col. Tom Parker & Elvis Presley, Elvis & Priscilla Presley, Edward Kelley & John Dee, Israel Regardie & Aleister Crowley, George Martin & John Lennon, George Martin & George Harrison, JAE & AKK, JEM & JAE

PRINCIPLE: Intellect intertwined with subconsciousness. Easy communication, mutual curiosity.
Communication flows easily and abundantly: They could sit and talk for hours. Often one cannot tell where one mind leaves off and the other begins. Moon is a font of information for Mercury, which engages their mutual curiosities and fuels shared inquiries.
Examples: Donald Bradley & Llewellyn George, Ian Brady & Myra Hindley, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden & Barack Obama, John Lennon & Paul McCartney, George Harrison & Eric Clapton, WD Gann & LE Johndro, Gary Duncan & JAE, Donald Bradley & Gary Duncan, Oscar Eckenstein & Aleister Crowley, Monica Lewinsky & Bill Clinton

PRINCIPLE: Love instinct, attraction, affection, tenderness, sexual surrender.
Deep mutual attraction, affection, and tenderness flow freely. Classically the aspect of lovers and heart-warming romance, Moon-Venus also marks longstanding friendship. Its most evident feature is how comfortable, at ease, and "at home" each feels around the other. Simple fun and shared pleasure come easily. Sexually, each surrenders to the other's touch, caress, and embrace. Any separation likely will be a gentle fade-away, not a split.
Examples: Harper Lee & Truman Capote, George Harrison & Eric Clapton, Linda & Paul McCartney, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette, (June Carter & Johnny Cash), Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs, Barbara & George H.W. Bush, Ernest & Julio Gallo, George Martin & John Lennon, JAE & JEM

PRINCIPLE: Roused instincts, surging desire, turbulent passions. Festering discord, irritation.
Enflamed emotions. Sexual attraction is fierce and usually satisfying all around. Moon's surging desire often leads, but Mars needs only a nudge. If each Moon aspects the other Mars, it is hard for them to be alone in the same room and keep their hands off and their clothes on. (Common for sexual relationships including marriage.) -- Passions (which may include tempers) run hot: By teasing, taunting, or even infuriating provocation, each seeks to rouse response from the other, which need not be a nice response; therefore, irritation, argument, and other forms of festering discord may result, especially when the concupiscent needs are unsated. Conflict usually appears slowly, though: Moon-Mars may long pass for deepest love, especially in the young. Disputes are likely in nonsexual relationships if they do not have the same sustained roused passion. Other expressions must then be found for the turbulent Mars energies: Some relationships are competitive, some pairs battle somebody or something else, and some, perhaps, need to be avoided entirely.
[STATS: An aspect Jung found common among married couples. Notice how it is effectively the defining interchange of the Beatles!]
Examples: Steve Allen & Jayne Meadows, Sonny & Cher, Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones, Joan Baez & Bob Dylan, George H.W. & Barbara Bush, Johnny Depp & Amber Heard, Tina & Ike Turner, Israel Regardie & Aleister Crowley, John Lennon & Paul McCartney [both ways], John Lennon & Ringo Starr, George Harrison & Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr & Paul McCartney, George Harrison & Ringo Starr, Cyril Fagan & Donald Bradley, RC Firebrace & Cyril Fagan, Matthew Quellas & JAE, Regardie & JAE

PRINCIPLE: Friendship. Kind, caretaking, honoring, uplifting, loyal.
Loyal, appreciative, persisting friendships. Each looks out for the other's well-being. Jupiter extends welcoming hospitality and shows diverse kindnesses. In many cases, Moon literally ensures Jupiter is fed. Jupiter takes steps to see that Moon is sufficiently honored, even uplifted; Moon apprecatively ensures that Jupiter is seen by others in the best light.
Examples: Harper Lee & Truman Capote, Llewellyn George & Donald Bradley, Joe Biden & Barack Obama, Cyril Fagan & RC Firebrace, Allen Ginsberg & Timothy Leary [both ways], (Richard Alpert & Timothy Leary), George Harrison & George Martin, (George Martin & John Lennon), (Ringo Starr & George Martin), Pattie Boyd & Eric Clapton, Leonard & Felicia Bernstein, Madonna & Martha Graham, JAE & Peggy Lance, Mom & Dad, JAE & Mom, (JAE & Matthew Quellas), MikeN & JAE [both ways], JAE & JEM, JAE & MS

PRINCIPLE: Favors practical over personal. Parent-child themes. Distance, sadness, hardship.
Favors the practical over the personal. Business collaborations can flourish; personal matters fare worse; and mixing them rarely works. Nor is Moon-Saturn conducive to prolonged domestic happiness. Parent-child themes structure the relationship (including passive-aggressive and resistant tactics). Saturn has most of the power and eventually brings the "no" that limits the relationship: Despite warmth and attraction, Saturn is removed, indifferent, and may be unavailable, living at a great distance, or only interested in casual contact. Enduring, loyal connection is possible but not ensured. Negative expressions include wounded pride, threatened security, distrust, depression, and loss.
Examples: Karl Mark & Frederich Engels, Gerald & Charlene Gallego [both ways], (Whitney Houston & Bobby Brown), Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin, Charles & Diana, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Donald Bradley & Llewellyn George, Edward Kelley & John Dee, Aleister Crowley & Israel Regardie, Hillary Clinton & Monica Lewinsky (4'), Cyril Fagan & Rupert Gleadow, Gary Duncan & JAE, Gary Duncan & Donald Bradley, RC Firebrace & JAE, JAE & Regardie, JAE & AKK

PRINCIPLE: Emotional renewal, discovery, excitement. Rapidly changing conditions.
Intellectual excitement lights up this never-dull relationship: They share an abundance of new, exciting ideas. The relationship, which may have begun quick as a lighting flash, will change one or both of their lives significantly. Emotional tensions may magnify other differences, though these pairings usually have surprising durability.
Examples: Karl Mark & Frederich Engels, Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones, Bob Dylan & Joan Baez, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs [both ways], (Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin), (June Carter & Johnny Cash), Barack Obama & Joe Biden, George Martin & Paul McCartney, George Martin & George Harrison, Martha Graham & Madonna, MikeN & JAE, JAE & Mom

PRINCIPLE: Disorienting, uncertain, flustered, baffled, confused. Embracing madness.
These relationships seem crazy - sometimes literally crazy and obsessive. Most often, they are harmless while mad, disorienting, and uncertain. Neptune is rarely sure where he or she stands (or correctly discerns it as "nowhere"). Either can become flustered, baffled, or confused by the other, uncomfortably babbling and mortified, not knowing what to say or make of things; or may simply embrace the amorphous madness as the sanest path. Secrecy or deception may become part of a seduction, or airs and mystery central to their life together.
[NOTE: The most deeply shaming sexual experience of my life was with someone where each of us had Moon exactly opposite the other's Neptune.]
Examples: Harper Lee & Truman Capote, Charlene & Gerald Gallego, Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette, Tina & Ike Turner, Madonna & Martha Graham, Vincent & Theo Van Gogh, Nicole & OJ Simpson (0°01'), Matthew Quellas & JAE, MikeN & JAE

PRINCIPLE: Enigmatic, inscrutable. Drawn to a common flame. Anomalous, defiant.
Few people outside of this enigmatic relationship understand it. Moon and Pluto are drawn together like moths to a common flame with an edge of danger in the wind. If they form a couple, they march together to their own drummer, defying other people's rules and expectations. In fact, their pairing may serve as a break-away relationship to help them separate from existing conditions and others' control. Despite these few, epic, inscrutable relationships, most Moon-Pluto sexual encounters are one-off events.
[STATS: Many examples populate my notebooks of this aspect in marriage relationships with the husband's Pluto aspecting the wife's Moon.]
Examples: Gerald & Charlene Gallego, Foss & Max Heindel, Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin, Sonny & Cher, Monica Lewinsky & Bill Clinton (June Carter & Johnny Cash?), John Dee & Queen Elizabeth I, Aleister Crowley & Israel Regardie, John Lennon & Paul McCartney, John Lennon & George Harrison, John Lennon & Ringo Starr, Ringo Starr & Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr & George Harrison [both ways], Madonna & Martha Graham, WD Gann & LE Johndro, JAE & MS
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Sun co-aspects

Post by Jim Eshelman »

PRINCIPLE: Eye-catching, admiring, desiring. Heroic ideal, strength, dominance, destiny.
Sun “lights up the room” for Angle, appearing brilliant, shining, and eye-catching. Angle admires, and often also desires, Sun, feeling “I want that!” as if suddenly awakened to destiny. Sun impresses Angle and may fulfill a heroic ideal. Angle sees Sun as a figure of authority and strength on whom Angle can rely; therefore, Angle instinctively cedes dominance. This is a strong attraction co-aspect in the charts of marriage partners.
[STATS: An aspect Jung found common among married couples.]
Examples: Karl Mark & Frederich Engels, Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette, Diana & Charles, Joan Baez & Bob Dylan, Foss & Max Heindel [both ways], Michel & Francois Gauquelin, Ike & Tina Turer, Allen Ginsberg & Timothy Leary, Joe Biden & Barack Obama, Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin, Amber Heard & Johnny Depp, Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney & George Martin, Dad & Mom, (MS & JAE), Phyllis Seckler & JAE, Regardie & JAE, SteveS & JAE

PRINCIPLE: Facing matched identities. Mutual recognition and understanding or ego conflict.
Common for marriage and, especially, business partners, particularly those who largely share their outward-facing identity. Each person's identity takes up similar psychological space in the relationship. Positive results include an instinct for recognizing and understanding the other. Negative results arise when this is not acceptable, e.g., ego clashes or both trying to assert dominance. An ability to compromise (without pride getting bruised) is essential.
Examples: Steve Allen & Jayne Meadows, Sonny & Cher, Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gerald & Charlene Gallego, Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston, Llewellyn George & Donald Bradley, Sigmund Freud & Carl Jung, (George H.W. & Barbara Bush), Julio & Ernest Gallo, John Lennon & Ringo Starr, George Martin & Ringo Starr, (John Lennon & George Martin, Madonna & Martha Graham, Hillary Clinton & Monica Lewinsky)

PRINCIPLE: Communication, collaboration, motivated expression, mentorship.
Communication is the dominant theme. Collaboration (purposeful planning) is common. Sun impels Mercury to thought and self-expression, ignites Mercury to pursue what they want to do, oversees Mercury's training, or otherwise adopts a mentor role.
Examples: Truman Capote & Harper Lee, Marjorie Cameron & Jack Parsons, Chere & Sonny, Frederich Engels & Karl Mark, Steve Allen & Jayne Meadows [both ways], Leonard & Felicia Bernstein, George Harrison & Ringo Starr, Gary Duncan & JAE, Cyril Fagan & RC Firebrace, JAE & Mom, Grace & Robert, JAE & SteveS

PRINCIPLE: Friendship, companionship, admiration, veneration. Trusted advisor, mentor.
Solid, open, deep friendship, companionship, and camaraderie. Venus admires (loves, venerates) and honestly likes Sun, who reciprocates this flattering affection and often serves as Venus' trusted advisor. It is an excellent aspect for "taking under the wing" mentorship by Sun. Uncommon for sexual attraction or marriage.
Examples: Rosalynn & Jimmy Carter, Charles & Diana, Francoise & Michel Gauquelin, Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky, Timothy Leary & Allen Ginsberg, George Harrison & John Lennon, Paul McCartney & George Harrison, Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr, Pattie Boyd & George Harrison, Cyril Fagan & Donald Bradley, Donald Bradley & JAE, RC Firebrace & JAE, Matthew Quellas & JAE, Regardie & JAE, Dad & Mom

PRINCIPLE: Tumescing attention fuels ego. Physical, combative, call to action, heroic ideal.
Strongly physical, competitive. Common among married couples, especially as teammates or "battle buddies." Mars eggs Sun to action, to "get on with it." Mars burns with desire in Sun's presence, seeing great promise in Sun that Mars wants to support and rally. This tumescing attention naturally fuels Sun's ego. Therefore, the interchange is also common among good friends (comrades and pals), with Mars pushing Sun to match a heroic ideal. Negatively, it can be combative (in which case Sun usually wins).
[STATS: An aspect Jung found common among married couples.]
Examples: Marjorie Cameron & Jack Parsons, Bob Dylan & Joan Baez, Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones, Rosalynn & Jimmy Carter, Michel & Francoise Gauquelin, Tina & Ike Turner, Harry Thaw & Stanford White, (Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston), Donald Bradley & Llewellyn George, Elvis & Priscilla Presley, Timothy Leary & Richard Alpert, Barack Obama & Joe Biden, George Harrison & Eric Clapton, George Harrison & George Martin, (JAE & Grandmother)

PRINCIPLE: Respect, generosity, blessings, shared success.
A blessed co-aspect. The two people are likely quite successful together! Each (almost unthinkingly) looks out for the other and seeks to improve the other's situation. They respect each other and are mutually generous with time, attention, and other resources. Among marriage partners, this aspect generally means large families - or at least the wish for them.
Examples: Warren Buffet & Charlie Munger [both ways], Jack Parsons & Marjorie Cameron, John Dee & Edward Kelley, Linda & Paul McCartney, Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak, Donald Bradley & Llewellyn George, Ian Brady & Myra Hindley [both ways], Barbara & George H.W. Bush, Allen Ginsberg & Timothy Leary, Aleister Crowley & Oscar Eckenstein, John Lennon & George Harrison, Ringo Starr & George Harrison, George Martin & George Harrison, LE Johndro & WD Gann, Dad & JAE, Grace & Robert

PRINCIPLE: Labor, struggle, mutual need. Ego-wounds.
Difficult but productive. Common for marriage or business partners who (if there is commitment) work hard and weather hardship together as it comes. Mutual need binds them. -- Both may struggle with feelings of discouragement, disappointment, and feeling under-appreciated. Sun eventually feels small (reduced) in Saturn's presence. In a dance of darkness and light, Saturn may drive Sun (controlling, structuring, demanding). Saturn supports and uplifts Sun but only on Saturn's terms, often seeing Sun as a resource to shape for Saturn's benefit, vacillating between treating Sun as a "golden one" to be nurtured and disrespecting Sun, minimizing Sun's importance. -- Longevity of the relationship is not ensured: They must find commitment from other dynamics or conditions. [Updated 3/19/22]
[NOTE: I have several cases on file where this aspect showed some form of business arrangement as a basis of a sexual relationship (none of these involved outright prostitution). For example: one arranged marriage; a case where someone was promoting a minor celebrity and sleeping with him; another where two people were training partners in a surrogate sex partner professional training; another where a sex partner was provided as a courtesy during a business trip. In most of these examples there was genuine affection along with the 'convenience' of the arrangement.]
Examples: Cher & Sonny, Charlene & Gerald Gallego, Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs, Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston, Max & Foss Heindel, Felicia & Leonard Bernstein, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky & Bill Clinton, Vincent & Theo Van Gogh, Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin, George Harrison & Paul McCartney, Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr, JAE & Gary Duncan, Donald Bradley & Gary Duncan, MMD & CC

PRINCIPLE: Renewal, adventure, excitement, exploration. Electrical attraction.
Sun finds Uranus exciting and riveting, one of the most interesting people ever met. Often an instant, electrical attraction strikes. The relationship, which somehow feels always new and never boring, thrives especially on exploring new things together (which may include travel). They have much fun together exploring shared interests.
Examples: Charles & Diana, Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones, Sigmund Freud & Carl Jung, Joe Biden & Barack Obama, John Lennon & Paul McCartney, John Lennon & George Harrison, George Harrison & Pattie Boyd, Donald Bradley & Cyril Fagan, JAE & Gary Duncan, JAE & RC Firebrace, RC Firebrace & Cyril Fagan, Dad & Mom, Dad & JAE, JAE & MMD

PRINCIPLE: Fantasy or ideal. Enchantment yet uncertainty. Indulging temptation.
Sun catches Neptune's fancy (or the enchantment is reciprocal). There is uneasiness; Neptune may baffle Sun. The encounter somehow makes no sense. Therefore, it works best if it does not have to make sense. In romance or sex, each finds the other to be a temptation appropriate to indulge as if ordering dessert. (Temporary conditions may provide the "appropriateness.") In non-conjugal situations, Sun nonetheless ignites some unspoken fantasy in Neptune. Many close, mutually enraptured couples have this interchange.
Examples: Marjorie Cameron & Jack Parsons, Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas, Paul & Linda McCartney, Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI, Rosalynn & Jimmy Carter, Elvis Presley & Col. Tom Parker, Paul McCartney & John Lennon, Cyril Fagan & RC Firebrace, LE Johndro & WD Gann, Grace & Robert, JAE & Regardie

PRINCIPLE: Turning point, catalyzing change. Great impact.
Sun's arrival marks a turning point in Pluto's life (whether recognized as such at the time or only seen in hindsight). They have great impact on each other. In particular, Pluto's presence catalyzes changes in Sun, often without active intent. Sun often resists this unanticipated effect and simply leaves, never to return; but in other cases, Sun embraces the transformation and stays. In any case, Pluto is aloof, enigmatic, withdrawn in privacy even when present.
Examples: Stanford White & Harry Thaw, Jack Parsons & Marjorie Cameron, Steve Allen & Jayne Meadows, Donald Bradley & Llewellyn George, Carl Jung & Sigmund Freud, Myra Hindley & Ian Brady, John Dee & Queen Elizabeth I, Israel Regardie & Aleister Crowley, John Lennon & George Martin, George Martin & Ringo Starr, Donald Bradley & JAE, RC Firebrace & JAE, Matthew Quellas & JAE, JAE & AKK, Regardie & JAE
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Mercury co-aspects

Post by Jim Eshelman »

PRINCIPLE: Ensuring avenues of expression. Encouraging youthful promise. Common curiosities.
Angle ensures that Mercury's speech, writing, or plans have a chance of expression by providing setting, means, or encouragement. Angle is enormously curious what Mercury thinks or will next say and wants to hear it (and for the world to hear it). In many cases, Angle sees youthful promise in a new voice with fresh ideas, gives them a platform, and acts as a private advisor. Mercury happily finds in Angle someone with common curiosities with whom to communicate (often intimately) or even collaborate.
Examples: Joan Baez & Bob Dylan, Karen & Richard Carpenter, Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette, Donald Bradley & Llewellyn George, Cyril Fagan & Donald Bradley, (Myra Hindley & Ian Brady), George H.W. & Barbara Bush [both ways], Aleister Crowley & Israel Regardie, Allen Ginsberg & Timothy Leary, George Harrison & John Lennon, George Martin & Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton & George Harrison, Madonna & Martha Graham, JAE & RC Firebrace, RC Firebrace & Cyril Fagan, LE Johndro & WD Gann, JAE & Dad, JAE & Mom, JAE & Regardie, JAE & AKK, JAE & MMD

PRINCIPLE: Two minds aligned, shared curiosities, intellectual basis to relationship.
Two minds align with shared curiosities and interests. Communication flows well, ideas pass easily between them. The relationship usually has a specific intellectual, educational, or advisory basis: Even emotionally intimate relationships have a quality of co-workers or lab partners.
Examples: Marjorie Cameron & Jack Parsons, Steve Allen & Jayne Meadows, Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette, John Dee & Queen Elizabeth I, Israel Regardie & Aleister Crowley, George Martin & Ringo Starr, (Ringo Starr & George Harrison), Grace & Robert

PRINCIPLE: Sharing affection through mental engagement.
Mental engagement is their way of sharing affection. Easy conversation, often light and recreational. Venus adds polish to Mercury (whose mind Venus finds adorable) or finds other ways to make Mercury "look good."
Examples: Truman Capote & Harper Lee, Elvis Presley & Col. Tom Parker, Julio & Ernest Gallo, Elvis & Priscilla Presley, Bob Dylan & Joan Baez, Johnny Depp & Amber Heard, King George IV & Queen Consort Caroline, John Dee & Edward Kelley, Matthew Quellas & JAE, JAE & MMD [both ways]

PRINCIPLE: Mental aggression, passionate engagement, argument, criticism.
Requires keen engagement (at least, a willingness for it), stirring easy, candid, flowing conversation spiced by banter, ribbing, or jesting. Otherwise, the relationship fails somehow, e.g., becomes openly contentious or one of them leaves. Argument and criticism occur in both constructive and destructive senses: At best, they are comrades at arms, critical and corrective, usefully finding flaws in each other's ideas. At worst, they contentiously find fault and tear at each other. Few equal, creative collaborations form: usually, one manages practical affairs while the other is more openly creative or productive. Mars may resist input or contribution from Mercury with warrior-like determination. One may attack the other verbally or even physically. The intense mutual need to engage stirs intimacy and often fosters a powerful sexual connection.
Examples: Marjorie Cameron & Jack Parsons, Col. Tom Parker & Elvis Presley, Ernest & Julio Gallo, OJ & Nicole Simpson, JAE & Dad, MikeN & JAE, JEM & JAE

PRINCIPLE: Admiring, respecting, promoting, endorsing, and encouraging ideas, words, abilities.
Jupiter is predisposed to hear what Mercury has to say in the best possible way, admiring and respecting Mercury's words, abilities, and creations. Jupiter supports or promotes Mercury however possible depending on the type of their relationship, e.g., by sponsorship, endorsement, bringing business to Mercury, or, more personally, by encouragement, praise, and enthusiasm.
Examples: Paul & Linda McCartney, Charles & Diana [both ways, his Mercury closer], Queen Consort Caroline & King George IV, Monica Lewinsky & Bill Clinton [both ways], Vincent & Theo Van Gogh, Aleister Crowley & Israel Regardie, Allen Ginsberg & Timothy Leary, John Lennon & Ringo Starr, George Harrison & Ringo Starr, Donald Bradley & JAE, JAE & Regardie, MS & JAE, Grace & Robert

PRINCIPLE: Impeded communication, poor listening, disrespect; or critical, corrective discipline.
Communication (especially emotional communication) goes poorly. In the worst cases, Saturn's ears remain closed to Mercury's ideas or hears them in the worst light, often shutting them out ("I don't want to hear any more of that!") and showing little respect. In the best cases, Saturn is usefully critical and corrective of Mercury's thoughts and words, providing drill and discipline. Saturn's poor listening often makes Mercury hesitant to share thoughts or feelings. Misunderstanding, awkwardness, and (in more extreme cases) distrust can result.
Examples: Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas, Nicole & OJ Simpson, John Dee & Edward Kelley, Israel Regardie & Aleister Crowley, Timothy Leary & Allen Ginsberg, JAE & Mom, JAE & Dad [+ Mars], JAE & Donald Bradley

PRINCIPLE: Discovery, surprise, new experiences, eye-opening possibilities.
Uranus opens Mercury to new experiences, novel ideas, and eye-opening possibilities. Mercury usually is fascinated by Uranus, open to and eager for almost anything Uranus suggests. Captivating possibilities can be of almost any type, including new ideas, business opportunities, travel adventures, romance, entertainment, or more.
Examples: Karl Mark & Frederich Engels, Elvis Presley & Col. Tom Parker, King George IV & Queen Consort Caroline, Israel Regardie & Aleister Crowley, Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin, Martha Graham & Madonna, LE Johndro & WD Gann, Cyril Fagan & Donald Bradley, Donald Bradley & JAE, MS & JAE

PRINCIPLE: Misunderstanding verbal communication (needs an alternative medium). Possible deception.
Misunderstanding, miscues, and missed clues are likely if verbal communication is their sole language. Words often fail to have the same meaning for both of them. For each to feel clearly understood, they need a second channel of communion (empathy, music, vision, sensuality, sex, a shared private language). Both are sensitized to pick up on more subtle clues from each other (if they will). Mercury anchors the side of reason while stirring the unreasonable in Neptune. Rarely is hard science or logic what draws or holds them together. Possible deception. Many such pairs have been collaborators investigating psychic phenomena or strange states of perception.
Examples: Marjorie Cameron & Jack Parsons, Foss & Max Heindel, Tina & Ike Turner, Charles & Diana, Timothy Leary & Allen Ginsberg, John Lennon & Ringo Starr, MikeN & JAE, JAE & MMD, MS & JAE

PRINCIPLE: Exploring things that are difficult to discuss. Making the unthinkable likely.
Most with this interchange fail to connect, remain silent around each other, or have sparse communication across a distance. -- However, those who close this gap can explore strange, wonderful, outlier ideas together, particularly on topics difficult to discuss with others. “Difficult to discuss” is the central theme: the rest depends on whether (and how long) they successfully bridge the difficulty. Curiosity intensifies. Pluto’s ideas shake Mercury’s thinking, unlocking unconventional thoughts and making the unthinkable seem likely. -- Distance grows as their shared passion fades, or disrupting events alienate and break off communication. What once seemed a lifelong connection times out.
Examples: Harper Lee & Truman Capote, (Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak), Nicole & OJ Simpson, Paul McCartney & John Lennon, George Harrison & Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr & George Harrison, George Martin & George Harrison, George Harrison & Pattie Boyd, LE Johndro & WD Gann, Matthew Quellas & JAE, JAE & SteveS
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Venus co-aspects

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PRINCIPLE: Adoration, love, friendship, trust, pleasure.
Venus adores Angle. Love, friendship, and trust are immediate, moving, and deep (especially with Venus on the horizon). They easily share pleasure, fun, and good feelings. Venus will do anything for Angle. Even friendships last long. Arguably the most powerful and important aspect of connection, this is also the most common interchange for marriage.
[STATS: The most common co-aspect between charts of married couples in Jung's study.]
Examples: Marjorie Cameron & Jack Parsons, Karen & Richard Carpenter, Joan Baez & Bob Dylan, Sonny & Cher, Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones, Paul & Linda McCartney, Gerald & Charlene Gallego [both ways], Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston, Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky, Joe Biden & Barack Obama, (Queen Elizabeth I & John Dee), George Harrison & Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton & George Harrison, Paul McCartney & George Martin, George Harrison & Ringo Starr, WD Gann & LE Johndro, Donald Bradley & Gary Duncan, Mom & Dad, Matthew Quellas & JAE, JAE & Regardie, JAE & SteveS [both ways, wide], JAE & JEM, JAE & MMD

PRINCIPLE: Warm, pleasant, friendly (not passionate). Similar tastes.
Warm, pleasant, friendly, though not passionate. (Other aspects are necessary for passion.) Possible playmates, enjoying similar people and activities or sharing aesthetic tastes (depending on Venus' sign placements). Few married couples sport this pairing: It is a surprisingly minor co-aspect.
Examples: Marjorie Cameron & Jack Parsons, Johnny Depp & Amber Heard, Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs, George Martin & Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr & George Harrison, LE Johndro & WD Gann, JAE & VC

PRINCIPLE: Passion, sex attraction, chemistry. Affection + aggression.
A passionate, sensuous, sexy aspect - not much more and rarely less. Sexual attraction is enormous: Usually, a good time is had by all. Venus commonly issues the invitation, actively wanting Mars physically, though interest is reciprocal. Even non-sexual relationships have chemistry and often closeness, though these relationships need a shared passion to thrive. Frisky antics or shared horseplay come naturally.
Examples: Charlene & Gerald Gallego, George H.W. & Barbara Bush, George Harrison & John Lennon, John Lennon & George Martin, (Ringo Starr & John Lennon), Pattie Boyd & Eric Clapton, Mom & Dad, JAE & MMD, JAE & MS [both ways]

PRINCIPLE: Love with friendship. Happiness, generosity, mutual kindness.
A happy connection founded on generosity and mutual kindness. Favoring warmth, appreciation, and love with friendship, it adds stability (and sometimes many children) to a marriage. Gift-giving and hospitality are common. They simply like each other and can work gracefully and cooperatively as partners in a shared undertaking (therefore, excellent for coworkers).
Examples: Truman Capote & Harper Lee, Karen & Richard Carpenter, Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette, (Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs), Foss & Max Heindel, Sigmund Freud & Carl Jung, George H.W. & Barbara Bush, Timothy Leary & Allen Ginsberg, Richard Alpert & Timothy Leary, John Lennon & George Harrison, George Harrison & Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr & Paul McCartney, LE Johndro & WD Gann, Dad & Mom, AKK & JAE, MS & JAE, JAE & MMD, JAE & Phyllis Seckler, JAE & SteveS

PRINCIPLE: Limited happiness. Work pleasure. Devotion, sacrifice. Parent dynamics. Lost love.
Work relationships thrive better than emotional ones. Saturn limits Venus' happiness or pleasure. Work (including creative partnerships) can prosper, work itself giving pleasure. Or Venus may sacrifice happiness from devotion, duty, or service, as in caretaking Saturn. Though rarely a close aspect for intimate relationships, it can bring commitment and perseverance that may secure happiness. Parent-child dynamics commonly play out. It may signify unrequited or lost love or friendship, which leaves a long, sad shadow on one or both lives. Venus especially may feel alone, excluded, or neglected. Saturn may resist closeness or find perverse pleasure in its own inadequacies, refusing solace or intimacy.
Examples: Truman Capote & Harper Lee, Felicia & Leonard Bernstein, Karen & Richard Carpenter, Myra Hindley & Ian Brady, John Lennon & Paul McCartney, John Lennon & George Harrison, (Paul McCartney & George Martin), (George Harrison & Eric Clapton), WD Gann & LE Johndro, Mom & JAE, JAE & Grandmother, JAE & RC Firebrace, Matthew Quellas & JAE

PRINCIPLE: Creative partnership. Renewal, rejuvenation. Flexible, loves fun, experimental.
Electrical and fresh, this relationship approaches friendship, love, sex, play, and other pleasure on its own terms, creatively and flexibly. In fact, the two may forge a creative partnership in whatever interests they share. Uranus brings renewal, rejuvenation, and excitement to Venus, especially in love and pleasure. Venus sees Uranus as outside the norm and far more interesting than all the rest. Both feel fun-loving and experimental, perhaps flirtatious and a little wicked, and surely ready to ignore social convention and what others think of them. (Stretching social boundaries may cause tension and emotional strain or force domestic rearrangement.)
Examples: Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs, John Lennon & Paul McCartney, George Martin & Ringo Starr, Pattie Boyd & George Harrison, AKK & JAE, MS & JAE, Robert & Grace

PRINCIPLE: Romance, pleasure fantasy. Strong emotions. Longing to be enchanted.
An aspect of romance and fantasy. Emotions run strong. Venus embodies Neptune's pleasure fantasies. Each indulges in the other, longing to be enchanted. Even non-sexual relationships seem like romance (or "bromance") as idealized friendships. Typically, the relationship is wrapped in a backstory (mingling fact and fiction) that invites frequently revisiting the past. Either can fluster or embarrass the other (friendly or hostile depending on the overall mix of the charts). Venus-Neptune adds a shared willingness to overlook "the little stuff" to ease rough edges of a mostly sound relationship. If things sour, they still tend to return to each other even when they "know better."
Examples: Harry Thaw & Stanford White, Truman Capote & Harper Lee, Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter, Joan Baez & Bob Dylan, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Myra Hindley & Ian Brady, Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin, Nicole & OJ Simpson, George Harrison & John Lennon, Ringo Starr & Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr & George Harrison, Joe Biden & Barack Obama, Cyril Fagan & Donald Bvradley, (Donald Bradley & Gary Duncan), MS & JAE [both ways

PRINCIPLE: Initial intensity yet arm's length or flitting. Distance from connection.
Initial intensity can be impactful, making this seem an important relationship - at least, for a short while. However, these connections usually feel arm's length emotionally and rarely last long or seem important in hindsight. Without high-chemistry aspects, these two may miss connecting with each other altogether.
Examples: Priscilla & Elvis Presley, June Carter & Johnny Cash, John Dee & Edward Kelley, JAE & VC
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Mars co-aspects

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PRINCIPLE: Great physical energy or aggression. Sex, hard work or play, attack.
Together, they expend great physical energy, usually as open physical aggression taking many forms: sex, hard work or play, Mars physically attacking Angle, or the two attacking someone else together. Mars drives Angle hard. Some pairs eventually develop bitter antipathy (most do not). Angle may respond to Mars' strength and virility, stirring intense admiration or arousal. Mars liberally unleashes sex force with Angle, usually as a wholly physical act that ignites a comparable response.
Examples: Harper Lee & Truman Capote, Karl Marks & Frederich Engels, Charlene & Gerald Gallego, Elvis & Priscilla Presley, Felicia & Leonard Bernstein, Martha Graham & Madonna, Charles & Diana, Queen Consort Caroline & King George IV, OJ & Nicole Simpson, Robert Blake & Bonny Lee Bakley, Edward Kelley & John Dee, George Harrison & John Lennon, Barack Obama & Joe Biden, Dad & Mom, JAE & Dad, JAE & AKK

PRINCIPLE: Collegial, productive, expending great energy, fighting in common cause.
Colleagues, teammates, and productive partnerships: They bear down hard to get the job done, working in common cause (sports, combat, shared enterprise), expending great energy together (often physical labor). The aspect is more collegial than connubial, uncommon for sexual connections but serviceable for physical release as needed. Rarely antagonistic, it more commonly shows energies aligned. Though competition, ego-challenges, dominance, and other machismo rituals are compatible with the aspect, such relationships are likely too divisive to stick - perhaps explaining their rarity.
Examples: Harper Lee & Truman Capote [partile conj.], Charlene & Gerald Gallego, Rosalynn & Jimmy Carter, Joan Baez & Bob Dylan, Foss & Max Heindel, Tina & Ike Turner, Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs, Ringo Starr & Paul McCartney, (Cyril Fagan & Donald Bradley), Donald Bradley & Gary Duncan, Matthew Quellas & JAE, JAE & SteveS, JAE & Grandmother

PRINCIPLE: Powerful partnerships. Energy, confidence, enthusiasm. Sexual excellence.
Powerful partnerships with energy, confidence, enthusiasm, and competitive advantage. In particular, Jupiter enhances Mars' confidence in Mars' strength and physical excellence (for sports, war, business), and may directly improve Mars' capabilities in some area. In sex, they are lusty and immoderate: Jupiter exalts and celebrates Mars' sexual vigor and encourages bold aggression; Mars fuels Jupiter's enjoyment of life. (It seems so easy between them.) - With other afflictions to Jupiter, Mars may cost Jupiter money or other resources, though usually the two grow stronger together, not weaker.
Examples: Truman Capote & Harper Lee, Rosalynn & Jimmy Carter, Johnny Cash & June Carter, Whitney Houston & Bobby Brown, Amber Heard & Johnny Depp, Julio & Ernest Gallo, John Lennon & Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr & George Martin, (Paul McCartney & George Martin), JAE & Donald Bradley, Cyril Fagan & RC Firebrace

PRINCIPLE: Industrious, laborious. Power struggles, resistance, conflict. Debt, shame, regret.
Though present for positive, constructive relationships, this aspect is most common in struggling, conflicted relationships and those that cause discomfort, conflict, or damage around them or end with regrets. Industrious work-based collaborations have the best chance thrive. Personal, intimate relationships suffer most. Sexual energies are nonetheless fierce and may feel forbidden, dangerous, defiant, or brutish. -- Even positive relationships have uneven power distribution (power struggles, conflict of wills). Necessary efforts to set this aright stir open conflict. Saturn undercuts Mars' strength and confidence, acting as the "no," resisting and frustrating Mars' efforts to demand and push. The relationship is prone to incompletions, withheld communication, and even shame that one must live with or confront. When there is a single survivor, they often feel a posthumous duty or debt.
[NOTE: Regarding a very important personal relationship where we had a partile Mars-Saturn square: As I've seen in other Mars-Saturn interchanges, there was no shortage of sexual energy, but all seem to have a bit of the forbidden, dangerous, or defiant (even brutish) about them. Despite good intentions and good skills, over the years there was an increased element of inequality. Communication withholds increased in a misguided effort to avoid unhappiness and conflict; these hurt the relationship. Perhaps most importantly, when we weren't fighting with each other, our conjoint presence often caused conflict around us and stirred people to discomfort and upset - probably because, if we were denying that expression ourselves, then it was going to find another avenue to express itself in our lives. Advice: For best effect, one must keep communication utterly clean and open despite short-term costs; be sensitive to the fact that there is a tendency for both to hurt, both to force their way through it, and one or both to come out of it thinking you "didn't get your due." Maybe find something to fight against or fight for as a team.]
Examples: Truman Capote & Harper Lee, Frederich Engels & Karl Mark, Sonny & Cher, Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston, Diana & Charles, Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin, Ian Brady & Myra Hindley, (Theo & Vincent Van Gogh), Israel Regardie & Aleister Crowley, Allen Ginsberg & Timothy Leary, George Martin & Paul McCartney, George Martin & George Harrison, Eric Clapton & George Harrison, RC Firebrace & JAE, Dad & Mom, Dad & JAE, Erin & JAE, JAE & MS

PRINCIPLE: Electrical excitement. Sexually carefree. Needs space, adventure; takes risks.
These relationships flourish best when both have plenty of independent space for matters that interest them and their own initiatives. Given that, expect electrical excitement while the relationship lasts (whether briefly or for a lifetime). Too much restriction by either party makes the relationship unworkable or intolerable. Sex (often unexpected at first) satisfies best when carefree, enthusiastic, uncommitted, and adventurous. -- Mars especially excites Uranus and makes possible (has the means for) what Uranus wants most (whether in career, adventure, or orgasms). Both are bold regarding risks and experimentation.
Examples: Rosalynn & Jimmy Carter, Michel & Francoise Gauquelin, Myra Hindley & Ian Brady, Israel Regardie & Aleister Crowley, Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin, George Martin & Paul McCartney, George Martin & George Harrison, Madonna & Martha Graham, Eric Clapton & Pattie Boyd, (JAE & Gary Duncan), JAE & RC Firebrace

PRINCIPLE: Fantasies, promises, and possibilities ignite. Excitement, stirred passions.
Neptune tempts Mars to indulge fantasies with passion. Mars sets Neptune's heart aflutter with previously undreamt possibilities or Neptune is enamored with Mars' promise. Excitement, stirred passion, and magnetic attraction ignite. If the relationship ends, Neptune is more vulnerable to wounding based on unfulfilled possibilities; yet, extraordinary positive relationships (romantic or collaborative) also have this aspect, bringing great energy to shared dreams. Promises are dangled more by their chemistry or the setting than by the participants, so there may be promises unfulfilled but rarely promises broken.
[NOTE: In theory, this interchange could be deeply hurting, humiliating, and threatening, arousing fear. One might expect betrayals, disloyalty, and dishonesty. Yet, at least in ordinary cases, this does not occur. Imagination is enflamed (erotically or otherwise) and future possibilities dangled (often sincerely). There may be regrets, but no more than any other relationship; in fact, in cases observed, usually there are fewer. If Neptune carries an aftermath wound, it is nearly always unintentional.]
Examples: Karen & Richard Carpenter, Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas, Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter, Johnny Cash & June Carter, Tina & Ike Turner, Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs, Carl Jung & Sigmund Freud, Ernest & Julio Gallo, SteveS & JAE, (Joe Biden & Barack Obama), (Queen Elizabeth I & John Dee) JAE & VC

PRINCIPLE: Individuality, disobedience. Enormous release of energy. Sex, work, stress, rage.
Mars refuses subservience to Pluto, usually quietly but as overt disobedience if necessary. Both need to chart their own course free of others’ expectations and control. This aspect requires an enormous release of energy, often physically. Potent feral energies build, needing frequent (often explosive) dis-charge. Sexual relationships provide opportunities to “keep the peace” with explosions of a mutually satisfying kind. Others dive into driven, physically demanding work (with accumulating pressures that may need an escape route). Anger can rage unless that force is otherwise safely discharged. Only the most extreme cases are violent, brutal, and destructive.
NOTE: Remarkable teams in the music industry probably arise from physical demands, high stress, enormous creative energies, and perhaps a rebel spirit.
Examples: Israel Regardie & Aleister Crowley, Richard & Karen Carpenter, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Paul & Linda McCartney, Paul McCartney & John Lennon, Ringo Starr & John Lennon, Ringo Starr & Paul McCartney [both ways], Ringo Starr & George Harrison, Martha Graham & Madonna, Edward Kelley & John Dee, JAE & Dad, JAE & Mom, JAE & Gary Duncan, MMD & JAE [both ways]
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Outer planet co-aspects

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PRINCIPLE: Friendship, respect, laughter. Kindness, generosity. Mutual benefit, prospering.
These two prosper together. Business alliances are common (to mutual benefit). Especially, Jupiter is kind, generous, or hospitable to Angle to a significant respect, improving the quality of Angle's life and endeavors (or it is reciprocal). Friendship, respect, laughter, and good times together come easily. Even after difficulties, they preserve thinking well of each other.
Examples: Harper Lee & Truman Capote, Frederich Engels & Karl Mark, Karen & Richard Carpenter, Linda & Paul McCartney, Ike & Tina Turner, Diana & Charles, Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette, Aleister Crowley & Israel Regardie, Julio & Ernest Gallo, Nicole & OJ Simpson, John Dee & Queen Elizabeth I, John Lennon & George Harrison, Ringo Starr & George Harrison, George Martin & George Harrison, Martha Graham & Madonna, WD Gann & LE Johndro, RC Firebrace & JAE, Cyril Fagan & RC Firebrace, JAE & Dad, MikeN & JAE, (JEM & JAE), JAE & AKK, JAE & MS, Robert & Grace

PRINCIPLE: Work: pragmatic, purposeful. Personal connection limited, more distant, curtailed.
Mutual work or a practical purpose (a shared task) thrives best; personal connection exists to serve that. Even intimate relationships are ultimately pragmatic, lasting only as long as they remain serviceable. Saturn draws a line or keeps distance: Consequently, even when both people value the relationship, it usually falls short of what it might have been. Eventual wandering apart is common.
Examples: Truman Capote & Harper Lee [both ways], Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs, Carl Jung & Sigmund Freud, Michel & Francoise Gauquelin, King George IV & Queen Consort Caroline, Robert Blake & Bonny Lee Bakley, (Aleister Crowley & Israel Regardie), John Lennon & George Harrison, Ringo Starr & George Harrison, Eric Clapton & Pattie Boyd, June Carter & Johnny Cash, JAE & RC Firebrace, JAE & Regardie, Dad & JAE, JAE & Mom, JAE & AKK, JAE & VC

PRINCIPLE: Exciting, riveting, unleashing, opportunistic. Instant, electrical attraction.
Each finds the other exciting and riveting. Uranus opens new paths and opportunities for Angle. Often an instant, electrical attraction strikes (and rarely wears off). Especially, Angle is most taken with Uranus. Romantically, even when long-term connection grows, longevity probably was not on Uranus' mind when starting. Rather, one of them (usually Uranus) moves on an opportunity or change of circumstances for the excitement. Each feels somehow unleashed.
Examples: Marjorie Cameron & Jack Parsons, Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI, Priscilla & Elvis Presley [both ways], Nicole & OJ Simpson, John Dee & Edward Kelley, Aleister Crowley & Israel Regardie [both ways], Allen Ginsberg & Timothy Leary, George Martin & Paul McCartney, George Martin & Ringo Starr [both ways], Madonna & Martha Graham, Donald Bradley & JAE, Mom & Dad, JAE & Dad, SteveS & JAE, JAE & AKK, JAE & MS, Grace & Robert

PRINCIPLE: Instinctive rapport. Mutually drawn together. Amorphous, little definition.
A positive contact favoring excellent long-term friendships, partners, and collaborations. Instinctive rapport, mutually drawn (flowing) together. Even troubled pairings often persist once formed ("I can't quit you"). Professional connections often are in Neptunian fields such as music, creative arts, acting, or occultism. Romantic relationships (whether close or casual) have surprisingly little definition or certainty: Neptune often has little clarity on where things stand, few clear defining labels or boundaries, and uncertainty that definitions are a constant.
Examples: Harper Lee & Truman Capote, Steve Allen & Jayne Meadows, Cher & Sonny, Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas, Linda & Paul McCartney, Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston, George Harrison & Pattie Boyd, Eric Clapton & Pattie Boyd, Donald Bradley & Llewellyn George, Foss & Max Heindel, Theo & Vincent Van Gogh, John Dee & Edward Kelley, Queen Elizabeth I & John Dee, John Lennon & Paul McCartney, John Lennon & Ringo Starr, Ringo Starr & Paul McCartney [both ways], RC Firebrace & Cyril Fagan, WD Gann & LE Johndro, Matthew Quellas & JAE, JAE & Dad, JAE & AKK, JAE & VC

PRINCIPLE: Major impact or catalyst, drawing into a larger world. Dramatic endings.
Pluto makes a major (perhaps life-altering) impact on Angle, either a brief blow or as a long-term catalyst. (Most of these relationships are flitting. A few exceptional ones are not.) Unless brief, these relationships have similar high-impact effect through dramatic endings, as by separation, alienation, or an unusually poignant death. Angle often draws Pluto from obscurity into a larger world. Pluto, as an outsider, may upset Angle's apple cart in unexpected ways.
Examples: Karen & Richard Carpenter, Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI, Amber Heard & Johnny Depp, Robert Blake & Bonny Lee Bakley, Sigmund Freud & Carl Jung [both ways], Col. Tom Parker & Elvis Presley, Elvis & Priscilla Presley, Monica Lewinsky & Bill Clinton, Eric Clapton & George Harrison, Pattie Boyd & George Harrison [both ways], Nicole & OJ Simpson, Edward Kelley & John Dee [both ways], LE Johndro & WD Gann, JAE & SteveS, Mom & Dad, Grandmother & JAE, Regardie & JAE [both ways], JAE & JEM
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Post by Lance »

Is there a reason that the outer planets co-aspects are limited to discussion of the angles?

For example, there's no listing for Saturn conjunct Pluto.
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Lance wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:11 am Is there a reason that the outer planets co-aspects are limited to discussion of the angles?

For example, there's no listing for Saturn conjunct Pluto.
Yes: I didn't want to feed the idea that those are planet-to-planet aspects are of any importance in chart comparisons.

You can, though, use transit interpretations if such an aspect is partile (as part of an overall assessment of such transits).
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 6:58 pm Over the last week, I've rewritten all the Sun interchanges extensively, many of them from the bottom up. I've made numerous changes (marked with dates) in other entries and have added examples to more or less everything (mostly from the "Synastry Examples of the Famous" forum, but then adding several personal examples to help me in the rewrites).

I'll gradually work through rewriting all the others.
I've now finished all the Moon aspects. With Sun and Moon aspects both done, the most important of these are newly available. (I'll continue to work on the others.)

This feels like a significant path of discovery. In basic ways, the root meanings of the co-aspects remains as it was thought to be; though, in some significant ways there are differences. Nearly all the interpretations feel completely new to me, as if I didn't know any of this before.
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

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The rewrite is complete. I've reworked all of these interpretations - the first significant rewrite of this synastry material since the 1970s. I've also added brief "principle" summaries on the initial post and above each interpretation. (Using these on sample charts in recent weeks, I find they're much better - standing on their own - than I expected.)

A majority of these interpretations had the correct core idea all along, though they all needed extensive rewrite. A few brought big surprises and completely turned my head around.

While over 90% of why people want to do synastry is for sex and marriage, I found that gathering a solid base of non-sexual, non-marriage pairs made it easier to see a wider range of human response. These have served the rewrite very well, I think. (I have used famous and private examples, the majority of which are not listed on these pages.)

Hopefully they will prove interesting and useful to you.
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

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While packaging this material for the Handbook (HOSNI) today, I did a lot of rewrite on the interpretations. Probably nothing that really alters the meaning much, but some significant restructuring of language and flow of ideas, and some clarifications.

If you haven't looked at these synastry co-aspects in a while, it might be worth a review.
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
While over 90% of why people want to do synastry is for sex and marriage, I found that gathering a solid base of non-sexual, non-marriage pairs made it easier to see a wider range of human response. These have served the rewrite very well, I think. (I have used famous and private examples, the majority of which are not listed on these pages.)
I can certainly understand where you are coming from Jim when I focus-in on the synastry between me and my Nephew. We are true friends with each other.
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

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I apologize if I'm missing this from elsewhere on the forum, but what kinds of aspects and orbs are preferred here? Are octiles admitted?
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mike V wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2024 2:04 am I apologize if I'm missing this from elsewhere on the forum, but what kinds of aspects and orbs are preferred here? Are octiles admitted?
That takes a whole chapter to answer (it will take three chapters to answer in Vol II of the big book). I think I've never written it in full other than in the long thread about designing the multiple reports TM will need. For example, this could include (depending on conditions and the layer of the analysis) as far out as Class III aspects or even (selectively) aspects only by sign.

Nonetheless... to fib a bit and pretend it's this simple... we're talking about hard aspects only and it does some that excluding octiles is a mistake. As always, closer is more important than wider, and luminaries should generally be given one further aspect class than non-luminaries.

I reduced this to broad commonsense principles on page 84 of Handbook of Sidereal Natal Interpretations, which I think you have.
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Post by Ember Nyx »

I do indeed have that, thank you for the tl;dr. Synastry is one of my weakest areas. I was just curious, looking up synastry between myself and a new friend, and it occurred to me that I was winging it much more than I was comfortable with, despite the closest aspects being very obvious (Moon-Moon, Sun-Pluto, Neptune-Angle; the rest is just flavoring)
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

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Jim, would you include parallels and contra-parallels (within 1°orb) as hard aspects?

If so, do you think it would be best to just consider the parallels?
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sharla wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2024 6:13 am Jim, would you include parallels and contra-parallels (within 1°orb) as hard aspects?

If so, do you think it would be best to just consider the parallels?
I've never been able to find any value at all in parallels or contras. I have no evidence at all that they are legitimate aspects at all.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Post by Sharla »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2024 6:16 am
Sharla wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2024 6:13 am Jim, would you include parallels and contra-parallels (within 1°orb) as hard aspects?

If so, do you think it would be best to just consider the parallels?
I've never been able to find any value at all in parallels or contras. I have no evidence at all that they are legitimate aspects at all.
I think you are probably right. I'm sure there's more than enough to go on just from the major aspects.
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