Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

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Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by Arena »

As most of you know, I am pretty interested in the money making aspects of astrology.
See my other thread here: ... ng+aspects

Now I am looking at the synastry between Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger who rely totally on each other in the decision making process for their company and for their investments. They say that process is totally rational and emotionless (many people make decisions like that based on their emotions, but these two don't).

I am listening to this audiobook on audible: ... SL500_.jpg

So Buffet's data is from astrodatabank:
August 30, 1930, 3:00 PM, Omaha (NB) (United States)

And Munger's data is from Wikipedia so birth time is unknown (
January 1, 1924, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

First of all they are considered to have a very strong and good friendship of 60 yrs: ... money.html
The strong friendship connection is visible in their synastry:
Their Suns are in trine aspect.
M's Moon may be conj B's Venus or sextile his Sun.
M's Node is on B's Sun
M's Sun is within 5° of B's Saturn (often seen in long-lasting friendships and marriages).
M's Saturn (and possibly Moon) is on B's Nodes.
M's Venus is quinq B's Sun

Mercury for good communication and business mind:
B's Mercury is trine M's Venus and within 5° trine M's Mercury as well.
M's Mercury is on B's Ax and square his Nodes
They both have a Mercury-Saturn square in their natal charts, but their Saturns do not aspect their Mercurys.

Money making aspects with Jup involved as seen in the thread above I found that the most occurring aspects in rich people's charts are between the following planets in this order:
Jupiter - Pluto 15 Jupiter - Venus 15
Jupiter - Moon 14
Jupiter - Uranus 12 & Jupiter - Saturn 12 which of those aspects do Buffett and Munger have?
(all aspects are ecliptic and I will also count Jup-Jup)
Well, first of all, they both have some of those aspects within their own natal charts.
Their synastry shows:
Jupiter quinq Jupiter 5,23°

M's Pluto conj B's Jupiter, 2,18°
M's Venus to B's Jupiter, 5,38°
M's Moon not known.
M's Uranus sq B's Jupiter, 0,38°
M's Saturn has a 107° from B's Jupiter, which I do not count as an aspect.

B's Pluto does not aspect M's Jupiter within the 5-6° mark and neither does his Venus.
B's Moon conj M's Jupiter, 3,35°
B's Uranus trine M's Jupiter, 6,24°
B's Saturn does not aspect M's Jupiter
B's ASC is conj. M's Jupiter within 4°

Looking at their Jupiters from a tropical perspective, Buffett has an exalted one while Munger has his in domicile. (Not looking for a debate on that, just an observation).

Let me add another observation that I find quite interesting and I take that wisdom from Magi astrology society who regard Ceres as the godfather of business.
CERES, although often unethical, materialistic and selfish, Ceres is considered to be the 'little Godfather of Business'. Note: We did not formerly include Ceres in charts on the website until one of our articles when we simply explained that Ceres is very powerful, especially when it comes to business matters.
Buffet and Munger have a tight opposition to their Cereses.
Last edited by Arena on Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I think the basis of both their friendship and their collaborative success is in the simple stuff: B's Jupiter opposes M's Sun, while M's Jupiter conjoin B's Moon and squares B's Sun.

M's Sun also conjoins B's Saturn just enough to be useful, but it's distinctly wider: The Jupiter aspect is Class 1, the Saturn aspect is Class 2. Jupiter predominates. (Add Pluto to the mix - it's really M's Sun-Pluto near-partile opposition to B's Jupiter.)

Meanwhile, their malefics stay completely out of each other's way. Neither has Mars or Saturn conjunct, opposite, or square anything in the other's chart, even with wide orbs.

So bottom line, they have lots of reciprocal Good Stuff and not a whiff of Bad Stuff.
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by Arena »

Yes, having the simple stuff right and no afflictions is a good base for a good friendship. However to be so successful in business and make so much money, literally TONS of money - I think all of the above stated in my post comes into play, Jup-Moon, Jup-ASC, the Pluto-Jup, Ur-Jup and Jup-Jup.
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by SteveS »

Espectially the Jupiter-Pluto.
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:18 pm Espectially the Jupiter-Pluto.
A relationship defined by interchanges between two outer planets? I think that is highly unlikely. Unless one of the five faster planets (or an angle) is involved, it can't realistically be more than a top-off detail.
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by TheScales_BothWays »

FWIW, Buffett's Mercury semisquares Munger's Mars, partile. That's a pretty good aspect to have for decision making:
Mars tends to criticize and find fault with Mercury's ideas, and is likely to attack him verbally, if not physically. If other things are in tune, this can be excellent for creative partnerships where each finds the weaknesses of the other's ideas enabling them to "get the bugs out." It is highly stimulating on a mental level. There is much mental game-playing between them, though, and it is an essentially argumentative combination.
It seems obvious, or even necessary, that business partners should have some sort of close Mercury interaspect, yet there's not much talk about it here.

Along with their mutual Sun-Jupiter interchanges, and Munger's Jupiter to Buffett's Moon, Munger's Jupiter also partile semisquares Buffett's Venus. These Jupiter exchanges all look very very good for friendship, and for collaborative success, as Jim pointed out earlier.

B's Mercury also semisquares M's Neptune, and the former's Saturn semisquares the latter's Mars too, but the orbs are 1º43' and 1º50' respectively (for Munger's noon chart). IMO, these orbs are a little too wide for synastry, even though we generally use a 2º orb for the 45º and 135º aspects. I'd consider these two contacts as close calls.

Generally I've been noticing significant nodal connections between people who are key to each others' lives. For example, former Malaysian PM Najib's North Node conjuncts his lawyer's Mercury, for his current trials on his corruption scandals. Undoubtedly, this is a significant trial for Najib, and his lawyer's Mercury conjunct his North node seems very fitting.

Buffett's Sun-Neptune conjuncts, and his Moon squares, Munger's north node, and Munger's Mercury widely squares Buffett's nodes. Correct me if squares to the nodes aren't valid or as commonly used.

P.S. states that Warren Buffett was born on 3.00PM under standard time. Solar fire also uses standard time for Omaha on his date of birth. But my phone's basic chart-calculating app (and this website) both show that daylight savings was operative in Omaha during 1930.

JSAD, do you know whether was Omaha under daylight savings during 1930?

I'm asking this because if Buffett was born on 3.00PM under daylight savings, he would have his Mercury-Mars right on his angles. Combined with Saturn aspecting them and trining his Sun, and his close Sun-Moon square in Leo-Scorpio, his chart looks like a very strategic, exacting, demanding, successful military officer's chart instead, and I can see how that would help in a field like business.
Last edited by TheScales_BothWays on Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

TheScales_BothWays wrote: Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:27 pm P.S. states that Warren Buffett was born on 3.00PM under standard time. Solar fire also uses standard time for Omaha on his date of birth. But my phone's basic chart-calculating app (and this website) both show that daylight savings was operative in Omaha during 1930.
JSAD, do you know whether was Omaha under daylight savings during 1930?
I'm pretty sure it wasn't.
Omaha Time Capsule from the World Herald
January 30, 1967: Gov. Norbert Tiemann said Nebraska should adopt daylight saving time so the state “can be in step with the rest of the nation.” “Nebraska cannot stand alone,” Tiemann said. “I know there are segments of our economy that will suffer because of daylight saving time,” he said, “but conversely there are people in the economy today who are suffering as a result of Nebraska's not being on daylight saving time.”
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by TheScales_BothWays »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:49 pm I'm pretty sure it wasn't.
I see. Thanks though. :)
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

The legislature last year seriously (seriously!) considered a bill to repeal Daylight Savings Time.
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by Arena »

Scales, look at the post I posted at the top.
Mercury for good communication and business mind:
B's Mercury is trine M's Venus and within 5° trine M's Mercury as well.
M's Mercury is on B's Ax and square his Nodes
They both have a Mercury-Saturn square in their natal charts, but their Saturns do not aspect their Mercurys.
Sorry, but to me any aspects called "semi" are not in my books.

Yes, Buffett has his Mercury on MC, but his Mars is not angular. However, his Jupiter is around his WP.
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
A relationship defined by interchanges between two outer planets? I think that is highly unlikely. Unless one of the five faster planets (or an angle) is involved, it can't realistically be more than a top-off detail.
Yes Jim, I mistakenly was thinking and posting about Buffet's natal 1,06 90 Jupiter-Uranus, with Jupiter being close to his WP, instead of his relationship comparison of Jup=Pl with his colleague. I see Jupiter and Venus being angular which is good planetary symbolism for his benefic wealth.
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Arena wrote: Wed Aug 15, 2018 11:37 pm Yes, Buffett has his Mercury on MC, but his Mars is not angular. However, his Jupiter is around his WP.
Revisiting this thread and noticed this.

Omaha was on Central Standard Time when he was born. He does indeed have Mars angular, while Mercury is quite cadent. The correct chart for 3:00 PM has 1°44' Sagittarius rising and 25°05' Virgo on MC. Foreground planets are:

+3°24' Eris on IC
-4°28' Venus on MC
-4°58' Mars on Dsc
+5°06' Uranus on IC
-7°18' Saturn on Asc

This gives mundane aspects among foreground planets of:

Venus-Mars sq. 0°30'
Mars-Saturn op. 2°20'
Venus-Saturn sq. 2°50'

The last is quite interesting, since Venus-Saturn is one of the two strongest markers for horoscopes of the uber-wealthy and Buffet - using only ecliptical aspects - doesn't have one. But he has a strong, foreground mundane aspect between them. (The mundoscope also makes his Jupiter-Pluto conjunction a little closer - brings it back to at least Class 2.)

Some other Venus-Saturn examples with enormous wealth include Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, John D. Rockefeller, Jackie Onassis, Thomas Edison, Donald Trump, Grace Kelly, Julio Gallo, several heirs and heiresses (including monarchs and royal and aristocratic heirs), and other people who were extremely wealthy for their time and place like George Washington and Ben Franklin - not to mention a whole page full of well-paid celebrities.
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by Arena »

Just a quick reminder.

Buffett still has his Jupiter as the most angular planet on the EP. And he has a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, which turned out to be the highest count for the wealthy people studied in this thread. ... money#p600
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Re: Synastry - Buffett & Munger making tons of money

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Arena wrote: Fri Dec 03, 2021 4:55 am Just a quick reminder.

Buffett still has his Jupiter as the most angular planet on the EP. And he has a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, which turned out to be the highest count for the wealthy people studied in this thread. ... money#p600
Yes, his Jupiter is on WP widely at 2°34', and his Pluto is even stronger by its square to MC.

And yes, Jupiter-Pluto is the other aspect (pretty much equal with Venus-Saturn) that stands out in this 'enormous wealth' category. Buffet's Jupiter-Pluto isn't close but it's certainly acceptable.

My only point in the above post was to identify that, while Buffet had seemed the isolated example without a strong Venus-Saturn aspect, he actually has one - a foreground mundane square under 3°. But, as you've pointed out, his Jupiter aspects are remarkable.

Jupiter is his sixth-strongest planet after Venus, Pluto, Mars, Uranus, and Saturn. (Actually, Sedna and Eris are his two most closely angular planets but I'm leaving them out for now - his aspectarian becomes quite a mob scene with them added, though I'm very taken with his Mercury-Eris opposition; and Sedna is deeply in the mix of his financial planets.) Here's the output from TMSA without them:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
Mo 11Sc31'56" 03S20 +12°45' 242°43' 24S29 138°34' +11°59' 342°13'  36%  
Su 12Le58'27" 00S00 + 0°58' 158°29' 09N02 237°55' +42°57' 227°41'  10%  
Me 09Vi37'16" 02S56 + 0°42' 181°56' 04S03 201°08' +42°33' 248°33'  19%  
Ve 28Vi44'39" 01S36 + 1°03' 200°13' 10S15 176°26' +38°26' 274°28'  95% F
Ma 07Ge44'04" 00N08 + 0°37'  91°38' 23N34 297°46' + 4°24' 184°58'  93% F
Ju 19Ge52'47" 00S06 + 0°11' 104°49' 22N39 288°58' +12°52' 193°35'  81% F
Sa 11Sg34'12" 00N35 - 0°01' 275°48' 22S46 114°35' - 6°39'   7°19'  86% F
Ur 20Pi59'13" 00S42 - 0°02'  13°51' 05N10   4°51' -43°28'  84°55'  93% F
Ne 09Le40'47" 00N39 + 0°02' 155°37' 10N51 242°26' +42°26' 225°53'  13%  
Pl 26Ge34'44" 00S01 + 0°01' 112°01' 21N54 284°02' +17°35' 198°06'  93% F
    Class 1 Aspects          Class 2 Aspects         Class 3 Aspects     
Mo sq Su 01°27' 96%       Su sx Ma 05°14' 49%       Mo oc Ve 02°13' 43% 
Mo sx Me 01°55' 93%       Su oc Pl 01°24' 77%       Su sx Ju 06°54' 14% 
Mo sq Ne 01°51' 93%       Ju op Sa 06°16' 46%M      Ve op Ur 07°45' 38% 
Mo oc Pl 00°03'100%       Ju co Pl 04°31' 72%M                          
Su oc Ve 00°46' 93%       Ur sq Pl 05°36' 42%                           
Su tr Sa 01°24' 96%       Ne oc Pl 01°54' 58%                           
Su co Ne 01°48' 95%M                                                    
Me sq Ma 01°53' 93%                                                     
Me sq Sa 01°57' 93%                                                     
Ve sq Ma 00°30'100%M                                                    
Ve sq Sa 02°50' 85%M                                                    
Ve sq Pl 02°10' 91%                                                     
Ma op Sa 02°20' 92%M                                                    
Ma sx Ne 01°57' 93%                                                     
Ju sq Ur 01°06' 98%                                                     
Sa tr Ne 01°53' 93%
Jim Eshelman
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