Pluto in Capricorn
- Jim Eshelman
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Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto enters Capricorn a few days after the next U.S. presidential inauguration, suggesting that the inauguration ties to an entirely new stage of the human condition signified by whatever we conclude Pluto in Capricorn signifies.
Pluto at 0° is at the "master point" of the Sidereal zodiac. Furthermore, nearly every lunar ingress - almost every week of the year - for about two years ahead and two years after will have a Moon-Pluto aspect for every place on Earth.
Here are historic dates of Pluto in Capricorn.
Feb 17 1277 to May 30 1277
Dec 21 1277 to Aug 27 1278
Oct 12 1278 to Mar 1 1296
Jul 19 1296 to Jan 11 1297
Jan 29 1525 to Jun 26 1525
Dec 6 1525 to Feb 16 1544
Aug 9 1544 to Dec 28 1544
Jan 28 1773 to Jul 27 1773
Dec 4 1773 to Apr 16 1791
Jun 28 1791 to Feb 17 1792
Sep 8 1792 to Dec 27 1792
Jan 26 2021 to Aug 9 2021
Nov 30 2021 to Apr 12 2039
Jul 10 2039 to Feb 16 2040
Sep 19 2040 to Dec 24 2040
Pluto at 0° is at the "master point" of the Sidereal zodiac. Furthermore, nearly every lunar ingress - almost every week of the year - for about two years ahead and two years after will have a Moon-Pluto aspect for every place on Earth.
Here are historic dates of Pluto in Capricorn.
Feb 17 1277 to May 30 1277
Dec 21 1277 to Aug 27 1278
Oct 12 1278 to Mar 1 1296
Jul 19 1296 to Jan 11 1297
Jan 29 1525 to Jun 26 1525
Dec 6 1525 to Feb 16 1544
Aug 9 1544 to Dec 28 1544
Jan 28 1773 to Jul 27 1773
Dec 4 1773 to Apr 16 1791
Jun 28 1791 to Feb 17 1792
Sep 8 1792 to Dec 27 1792
Jan 26 2021 to Aug 9 2021
Nov 30 2021 to Apr 12 2039
Jul 10 2039 to Feb 16 2040
Sep 19 2040 to Dec 24 2040
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto in Capricorn
To start the brain churning on this, I'll start with some purely theoretical considerations on what we might find.
Pluto's transits through constellations has, as its basic effect, the challenging, ripping at, ripping down of outgrown, arbitrary-seeming elements associated with a constellation; and yet, as is natural in human condition and especially mass-mind when there is such a push in one direction, there is always a counter-reaction. Pluto in Sagittarius is a great example where a basic meaning is blowing up of religion, challenging religious traditions and forms; and, while we have indeed had a very substantial cultural shift with regard to conventional religion, there has also been violent push-back, both from the religious right in our own country and in terms of religious fundamentalists around the world rising up in radical form.
The same is true with wealth inequity and other Sagittarian issues. We have everything from a new generation's dismissal of traditional ideas of "experts" in fields, in favor of crowd-sourced opinions and democratization of tastes, to the challenges and reassertions of the place of the uber-wealthy.
So Pluto is the splitter: It shows dramatic cultural divides, revolt and counter-revolt.
So, in Capricorn what might these issues be? Two or three that come to mind are related: First, the existing trend against experts and field leaders can be expected to accelerate in an assault on outside authority in all forms. Tied into this might be trends in survivalism and increased, isolative self-sufficiency. The battle of connected wider community vs. individual survivalism may be an important focal point.(The way things go, I'd expect an assault on the libertarian sort of "mind your own stuff" survivalism to be the main push here, with wider, connected community gaining the upper hand, then wider, connected community comes under attack with Pluto in Aquarius. But remember, so far this is all theory, all thinking aloud.)
This paints a picture for me of a world where people increasingly simply assume that they'll never have a guarantee of being safe and secure - from violence and cultural breakdown or from economic crisis - and living not so much in a fearful state of mind (as when Neptune was in Capricorn) but accepting it as the way of the world with increasingly limited resources. It may be the first decade or so since the last ice age when the human race has to actually address the question of how survivable this world has become.
From this I expect entirely new genres of literature weaving grand old story telling with contemporary crisis. (We don't know yet what that looks like, but we can guess.) Anything that is a "father image" comes under assault, is attacked, is taken down a peg or two, and of course retaliates and recoils.
And remember... this is all theory so far. No conclusions. Just brainstorming.
Pluto's transits through constellations has, as its basic effect, the challenging, ripping at, ripping down of outgrown, arbitrary-seeming elements associated with a constellation; and yet, as is natural in human condition and especially mass-mind when there is such a push in one direction, there is always a counter-reaction. Pluto in Sagittarius is a great example where a basic meaning is blowing up of religion, challenging religious traditions and forms; and, while we have indeed had a very substantial cultural shift with regard to conventional religion, there has also been violent push-back, both from the religious right in our own country and in terms of religious fundamentalists around the world rising up in radical form.
The same is true with wealth inequity and other Sagittarian issues. We have everything from a new generation's dismissal of traditional ideas of "experts" in fields, in favor of crowd-sourced opinions and democratization of tastes, to the challenges and reassertions of the place of the uber-wealthy.
So Pluto is the splitter: It shows dramatic cultural divides, revolt and counter-revolt.
So, in Capricorn what might these issues be? Two or three that come to mind are related: First, the existing trend against experts and field leaders can be expected to accelerate in an assault on outside authority in all forms. Tied into this might be trends in survivalism and increased, isolative self-sufficiency. The battle of connected wider community vs. individual survivalism may be an important focal point.
This paints a picture for me of a world where people increasingly simply assume that they'll never have a guarantee of being safe and secure - from violence and cultural breakdown or from economic crisis - and living not so much in a fearful state of mind (as when Neptune was in Capricorn) but accepting it as the way of the world with increasingly limited resources. It may be the first decade or so since the last ice age when the human race has to actually address the question of how survivable this world has become.
From this I expect entirely new genres of literature weaving grand old story telling with contemporary crisis. (We don't know yet what that looks like, but we can guess.) Anything that is a "father image" comes under assault, is attacked, is taken down a peg or two, and of course retaliates and recoils.
And remember... this is all theory so far. No conclusions. Just brainstorming.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto in Capricorn
Still brain-storming in theory, we expect the passage of Pluto through Capricorn to resemble Pluto's transit of the planets that define Capricorn best, Saturn and Mars.
Pluto aspecting a Saturn starfield can be expected to show breaking down old structures and outmoded patterns. Security may seem threatened as stable resources are challenged. There's a chance to restructure the basis of life more dynamically. It's work-oriented and obstinate, and could use a bit more play and social sharing than comes naturally to it.
From Pluto aspecting a Mars starfield we expect aggressive, angry, fiery aspects of the human condition to be unleashed. It's sexually intense - it may open the way to a new libertine era, but not necessarily a kind one. It calls on us to express fierce physical energies. Old resentments are purged, but only after they are roused first.
OK, that's the theory. I'm off to my history books now to see if I can find anything actual from the time periods Pluto has passed through Capricorn in the past. Feel free to jump in!
Pluto aspecting a Saturn starfield can be expected to show breaking down old structures and outmoded patterns. Security may seem threatened as stable resources are challenged. There's a chance to restructure the basis of life more dynamically. It's work-oriented and obstinate, and could use a bit more play and social sharing than comes naturally to it.
From Pluto aspecting a Mars starfield we expect aggressive, angry, fiery aspects of the human condition to be unleashed. It's sexually intense - it may open the way to a new libertine era, but not necessarily a kind one. It calls on us to express fierce physical energies. Old resentments are purged, but only after they are roused first.
OK, that's the theory. I'm off to my history books now to see if I can find anything actual from the time periods Pluto has passed through Capricorn in the past. Feel free to jump in!
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto in Capricorn
Impressions: A new feudalism?Feb 17 1277 to May 30 1277
Dec 21 1277 to Aug 27 1278
Oct 12 1278 to Mar 1 1296
Jul 19 1296 to Jan 11 1297
Nothing clear. It was the end of the era of the Crusades, near the end of the "middle" Middle Ages. Soon after this, by say 1300, a new direction was on the horizon in Europe. There might be a trend of people working hard to figure out how they wanted to be governed, and to try to do something about that.
Little things: Aragon was on the rise and conquered Sicily, more or les owning the western Mediterranean. Portugal was in an accelerated development of agriculture and economics.
Ah, this is interesting: Most of Marco Polo's travels between Europe and China were 1275 to 1292. This opened up new economic possibilities for east and west alike and probably changed a lot of how people did business and how Europe's commercial economies worked.
I don't know if we can expect activities to center in the same places, but this was a time when China was on a roll, with military excursions around eastern Asia including multiple assaults on Japan.
Impression: New economies?
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto in Capricorn
The era of Henry VIII and his break with the Church of Rome - in other words, the heart of the Protestant Reformation. Lots of heads roll (literally).Jan 29 1525 to Jun 26 1525
Dec 6 1525 to Feb 16 1544
Aug 9 1544 to Dec 28 1544
Spain and France were fighting, much of it over control of Italy (The Italian Wars). A lot of instability in Italy, in fact, with the sack of Rome, seizing the pope, Florence rising up against the Medicis (replacing their rule with a republic), revolt in Genoa. Clement VII was pope, of course (for the whole Henry VIII matter, losing half the church, being temporarily overthrown, squabbles with the Medicis, and just having no idea how to handle the rising religious revolts in Germany and England). He was succeeded by Paul III who opened the Council of Trent for the purpose of dramatic reformation within the Catholic church. (But wait: That was in 1545, so the pressures built with Pluto in Capricorn but the important reformation occurred with Pluto in Aquarius.)
Yes, the Protestant Reformation was echoing all over western and central Europe during these years.
These were the main years of the work of Paracelsus, who was a passionate campaigner for reformation of medicine by the use of drugs. In one of the great overturnings of old authority that literally knocked the world off its elephant-like pedestal, Copernicus published his De revolutionibus in 1543.
Cortes was making his way through Central America, conquering and colonizing one place after another. Other names you know, like de Leon and De Soto, were in their heyday.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto in Capricorn
This, of course, is the period of the American Revolution and general founding of this country. (We're nearing the U.S. Pluto return.) 1792 was the election year between Washington's two terms, so you can see this is from just before the revolutionary war broke out through the moving away from being rebellious upstarts, toward becoming the responsible managers of the new nation.Jan 28 1773 to Jul 27 1773
Dec 4 1773 to Apr 16 1791
Jun 28 1791 to Feb 17 1792
Sep 8 1792 to Dec 27 1792
Additionally, the French Revolution began in 1789 and lasted a decade. It was (as cited earlier) a time of people figuring out afresh how they want to be governed. (Ugh, I hope that doesn't mean that the Koch brothers will get their way and we have a new constitutional convention.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto in Capricorn
I think I have a feel for this. I don't want to try to pin it down yet, but did want to start the exploration. We have two and a half years, but... might as well start looking ahead now.
When Pluto enters Capricorn in January 2021, Jupiter and Saturn will already be there. We'll have quite a year for watching outer planet behavior in Capricorn.
When Pluto enters Capricorn in January 2021, Jupiter and Saturn will already be there. We'll have quite a year for watching outer planet behavior in Capricorn.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Pluto in Capricorn
Good brainwashing Jim.
Jim wrote:
Jim wrote:
My biggest fear is another Carrington Event which occurred in 1859 with 1859 Capsolar featuring a Moon 13,53 Ari & Pluto 12,51 Ari. This Carrington Event receives little public fanfare. The Carrington Event was a World Wide Event and partile 0,90,180 Moon-Pluto in Solar Ingresses always applies to the whole world with Sidereal Solar Ingresses. If another Carrington Event occurred-- all individuals would be placed in grave danger to survive the consequences. The Modern World is definitely not prepared and will never be prepared for another Carrington Event—it would be a disaster. In 2012 another Carrington Event occurred on the Sun but fortunately the wave missed our planet. NASA notified JQ Public after this huge Sun Spot. For the past week, out of curiosity, I am again looking at all the DC Capsolars from 1790 to 2021, and eventually the rest of the Solar Ingresses for same period to see how many partile Moon-Pluto 0,90,180 aspects occurred, a total of 920 Solar Ingresses. I know this: If another Carrington was to occur in our modern world--there would be high % it would be symbolized with a 0,90,180 Moon-Pluto aspects in one of our annual Solar Ingresses, with higher % in the Master Chart of the Year--the Capsolar!
Jim wrote:
Carrington Event:
Jim wrote:
Jim Rogers, a market guy who excels with his long term (5-10 years) market predictions since the late 60’s has my upmost respect. He has moved his family out of USA to Asia because USA has become a huge debtor nation, and Asia is positioned to stay out of debt. Rogers sees Asia as the best economic situation for all kinds of long term investment. But, not many people on this forum has it within their practical means to move to Asia.Impression: New economies?
Jim wrote:
Exactly! And, Our 2021 Capsolar starts off with a very nasty bang! Mars in Aries partile cnj MC partile 90 Saturn in Capricorn. I damn sure will be in survivalist mode with little things which are within my practical control, prepping for 2021. Followed-up with a 2021 Cansolar with a rare partile Sun/Pluto=Moon. It’s the partile 0,90,180 Moon-Pluto aspects in solar ingresses which will focus time frames for possible stunning/shocking things which could damage individuals in adverse ways. Jim, I know your work does not include aspects with the Sun in Ingresses, but I am pretty sure the last thousand years of solar ingresses has never featured an ingress Solar Moon partile 0,90,180 an Ingress Sun with Pluto partile partile cnj a Cardinal point.Still brain-storming in theory, we expect the passage of Pluto through Capricorn to resemble Pluto's transit of the planets that define Capricorn best, Saturn and Mars.
My biggest fear is another Carrington Event which occurred in 1859 with 1859 Capsolar featuring a Moon 13,53 Ari & Pluto 12,51 Ari. This Carrington Event receives little public fanfare. The Carrington Event was a World Wide Event and partile 0,90,180 Moon-Pluto in Solar Ingresses always applies to the whole world with Sidereal Solar Ingresses. If another Carrington Event occurred-- all individuals would be placed in grave danger to survive the consequences. The Modern World is definitely not prepared and will never be prepared for another Carrington Event—it would be a disaster. In 2012 another Carrington Event occurred on the Sun but fortunately the wave missed our planet. NASA notified JQ Public after this huge Sun Spot. For the past week, out of curiosity, I am again looking at all the DC Capsolars from 1790 to 2021, and eventually the rest of the Solar Ingresses for same period to see how many partile Moon-Pluto 0,90,180 aspects occurred, a total of 920 Solar Ingresses. I know this: If another Carrington was to occur in our modern world--there would be high % it would be symbolized with a 0,90,180 Moon-Pluto aspects in one of our annual Solar Ingresses, with higher % in the Master Chart of the Year--the Capsolar!
Jim wrote:
I place so much confidence in Sidereal Solar Ingresses in a broad stoke way, I started planning/preparing and still preparing depending, in small ways which will do me no harm if I am wrong, with the potential for major crap occurring in 2021, which could set-off malefic manifestations for years.but... might as well start looking ahead now.
Carrington Event:
Re: Pluto in Capricorn
Great *brainstorming* 
I absolutely love your discription of the power of pluto moving into a constellation......
It gave me an image of a new you later said.
The constellations to many, if not most, are obscure ambiguous outdated and an iphone3....and pluto moving through......made me think of a show I watched about helping clean out hoarders homes....." And what is this....and this....and omg is that ....."
I had been think of the aspect and event all week actually. I had been reminded of a feeling, of fear and anger, and the illusion of things. Distopian societies sounds very pluto capricornish and the whole survival issue and the push towards that in an almost primitive fashion. But thats fear based and IMO a step back for humanity, but maybe, probably, very necessary for the latter grand potentiality of Pluto moving into Aquarius.
Id like to jump in on the new genre of literature....that is such an exciting idea for me. I actually think though that it would be more akin to an old genre, forgotten, and recycled. As Joesph Campbell would say....there is only one story......its just a new telling.
I refuse to look at this in a negative light even though the process will most likely not be an overtly positive one, or an easy one. But the best things dont come easy.
I absolutely love your discription of the power of pluto moving into a constellation......
It gave me an image of a new you later said.
The constellations to many, if not most, are obscure ambiguous outdated and an iphone3....and pluto moving through......made me think of a show I watched about helping clean out hoarders homes....." And what is this....and this....and omg is that ....."
I had been think of the aspect and event all week actually. I had been reminded of a feeling, of fear and anger, and the illusion of things. Distopian societies sounds very pluto capricornish and the whole survival issue and the push towards that in an almost primitive fashion. But thats fear based and IMO a step back for humanity, but maybe, probably, very necessary for the latter grand potentiality of Pluto moving into Aquarius.
Id like to jump in on the new genre of literature....that is such an exciting idea for me. I actually think though that it would be more akin to an old genre, forgotten, and recycled. As Joesph Campbell would say....there is only one story......its just a new telling.
I refuse to look at this in a negative light even though the process will most likely not be an overtly positive one, or an easy one. But the best things dont come easy.
Re: Pluto in Capricorn
For sure: We now see the Cornavirus as a potential economic threat globally and here at home in the USA. Definitely this Virus is a major player with Jim's brainstorming in this thread as we have just witness t. Pluto enter partile conjunction to O degree Capricorn. I guess the main question is: How long will this new virus affect economically the World/USA with Pluto entering Capricorn?
I just saw heard something last night the Federal Reserve (FR) instituted: The FR has made available 1.5 trillion $ loan for the central banks in case of fast manifesting economic crises. This is frigging unbelievable, I am trying to figure out what this means, my mind is blown with this FR move! In the financial crises of 2008 I saw the FR make a 50 billion loan to help bailout the big banks on Wall Street. To put this into perspective the FR is now making a 1,500 Billion loan for central banks. WTF!!! I hope the FR is cooking up a plan with this unbelievable amt available to our central bank system as some type of measure to rescue Main Street America instead of trying to save the the elite's institutions.
Lets see how Wall Street reacts to this Federal Reserve move. If anyone sees any enlightening links to this issue, please post.
I just saw heard something last night the Federal Reserve (FR) instituted: The FR has made available 1.5 trillion $ loan for the central banks in case of fast manifesting economic crises. This is frigging unbelievable, I am trying to figure out what this means, my mind is blown with this FR move! In the financial crises of 2008 I saw the FR make a 50 billion loan to help bailout the big banks on Wall Street. To put this into perspective the FR is now making a 1,500 Billion loan for central banks. WTF!!! I hope the FR is cooking up a plan with this unbelievable amt available to our central bank system as some type of measure to rescue Main Street America instead of trying to save the the elite's institutions.
Lets see how Wall Street reacts to this Federal Reserve move. If anyone sees any enlightening links to this issue, please post.
Re: Pluto in Capricorn
Jim wrote Aug 19 2018:
More so with Pluto partile conjunct Capricorn now, we are seeing the birthing of “New economies” with the Federal Reserve and its unlimited Trillions of $ backstopping the US Economy because of the Pandemic Virus and its effects destroying old economic systems. This “new” economic way of life reminds me of the old TV Series “Twilight Zone”---we definitely have entered some type of Twilight Zone for “New economies.”Impression: New economies?
- Jim Eshelman
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- Posts: 19572
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Pluto in Capricorn - My Thesis
Pluto enters the constellation Capricorn January 26, 2021. It retrogrades back into Sagittarius for four months (August through November), then returns to Capricorn for 18 years, until 2039. After sticking its toes in the Aquarian waters a couple of times and retrograding back, its final departure of Capricorn will be December 24, 2040. For some of us, this 20-year stretch will be the last Pluto transit of our lives.
What specific conditions will Pluto in Capricorn bring, starting only a few weeks from now? Pluto sign-passages challenge, rip at, and tear down outgrown, arbitrary-seeming elements associated with a constellation; and yet, as is natural in the human condition and especially mass-mind, when there is such a push in one direction, a counter-reaction or pushback always occurs. Pluto is the splitter: It shows dramatic cultural divides, revolt and counter-revolt. In Capricorn, these will occur in new arenas.
Pluto in Capricorn's decades will be harsher than most eras, with more struggle. Our near future is dystopian: People will increasingly question whether they will ever again have guarantees of safety or security from violence, economic crisis, or cultural breakdown. Autonomous self-sufficiency is the most basic drive. The struggle for survival will absorb most of the landscape. Even if we overcome the political, social, and economic struggles that currently loom, the ecological struggle to preserve and restore the survivability of the planet will remain. Shortages of land, secure living space, and privacy accentuate territorial conflicts and fuel hunger and dwelling insecurity.
As in past cycles, Pluto in Capricorn will mean determining anew how we want to be governed. Issues of control vs. being controlled will be paramount in our societal polarizations. For example, expect increased social isolation and focus on survival, or living in anticipation of a breakdown of society (or of the survivability of a world with increasingly depleting stability and resources).
This doesn't mean that society will break down or that the world won't be survivable. It does mean that these will be the persistent questions driving the time. These questions will intensify tensions between individual survival vs. connected wider community, and between uplifted and controlling classes vs. debased and controlled classes.
Broadly, Pluto in a Saturn starfield will break down old structures and outmoded patterns. Bedrock financial institutions controlling trade and money security are challenged and reassessed. New economies (and new forms of economic possibility) will emerge, including a structural reconceiving of work, jobs, employment, and earnings.
Anything father-themed comes under assault, is attacked or is taken down a peg or two, and of course retaliates. Ancient grievances and resentments arise with new vitality (providing new opportunities to confront and resolve them, or merely to fight). Society's entire relationship to aging and the aged necessarily change (with life lasting longer amidst economic uncertainty).
Ancient astrologers related Capricorn to chemistry. Pluto's 16th Century passage of Capricorn was the era of Paracelsus' passionate campaign to reform medicine by introducing drugs. We stand today on the threshold of a new revolution of pharmacology with dramatic new approaches that, over the next 10 to 20 years, will leave behind pre-21st Century medicine with finality.
What specific conditions will Pluto in Capricorn bring, starting only a few weeks from now? Pluto sign-passages challenge, rip at, and tear down outgrown, arbitrary-seeming elements associated with a constellation; and yet, as is natural in the human condition and especially mass-mind, when there is such a push in one direction, a counter-reaction or pushback always occurs. Pluto is the splitter: It shows dramatic cultural divides, revolt and counter-revolt. In Capricorn, these will occur in new arenas.
Pluto in Capricorn's decades will be harsher than most eras, with more struggle. Our near future is dystopian: People will increasingly question whether they will ever again have guarantees of safety or security from violence, economic crisis, or cultural breakdown. Autonomous self-sufficiency is the most basic drive. The struggle for survival will absorb most of the landscape. Even if we overcome the political, social, and economic struggles that currently loom, the ecological struggle to preserve and restore the survivability of the planet will remain. Shortages of land, secure living space, and privacy accentuate territorial conflicts and fuel hunger and dwelling insecurity.
As in past cycles, Pluto in Capricorn will mean determining anew how we want to be governed. Issues of control vs. being controlled will be paramount in our societal polarizations. For example, expect increased social isolation and focus on survival, or living in anticipation of a breakdown of society (or of the survivability of a world with increasingly depleting stability and resources).
This doesn't mean that society will break down or that the world won't be survivable. It does mean that these will be the persistent questions driving the time. These questions will intensify tensions between individual survival vs. connected wider community, and between uplifted and controlling classes vs. debased and controlled classes.
Broadly, Pluto in a Saturn starfield will break down old structures and outmoded patterns. Bedrock financial institutions controlling trade and money security are challenged and reassessed. New economies (and new forms of economic possibility) will emerge, including a structural reconceiving of work, jobs, employment, and earnings.
Anything father-themed comes under assault, is attacked or is taken down a peg or two, and of course retaliates. Ancient grievances and resentments arise with new vitality (providing new opportunities to confront and resolve them, or merely to fight). Society's entire relationship to aging and the aged necessarily change (with life lasting longer amidst economic uncertainty).
Ancient astrologers related Capricorn to chemistry. Pluto's 16th Century passage of Capricorn was the era of Paracelsus' passionate campaign to reform medicine by introducing drugs. We stand today on the threshold of a new revolution of pharmacology with dramatic new approaches that, over the next 10 to 20 years, will leave behind pre-21st Century medicine with finality.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto in Capricorn
Today Pluto retreats into Sagittarius for one last time before handing Pluto over to Capricorn for the long-haul on November 30.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto in Capricorn
And, as of this morning, Pluto is back in Capricorn for the duration - until spring 2039 when it first tiptoes into Aquarius.
Jim Eshelman
- Sidereal Field Agent
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Re: Pluto in Capricorn
Is Pluto in Capricorn corresponding to all of the backlash and boycotts seen with budlight, target, and now Chick FIL A? Where Sagittarius was more about status quo and satisfying the elites, Capricorn very much embodies rebellion and resistance. I wonder if Pluto may have some affinity for this sign.
I just thought to myself, this reminds me of the Boston tea party, and sure enough. Pluto was at 0 degrees Capricorn for the Boston tea party. We're going to see am internal revolution, aren't we?
I just thought to myself, this reminds me of the Boston tea party, and sure enough. Pluto was at 0 degrees Capricorn for the Boston tea party. We're going to see am internal revolution, aren't we?
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto in Capricorn
Kenneth Bowser today released a new article on Pluto in Capricorn. It's excellent: It focuses on the near future in particular by showing how the symbolism speaks directly to what's happening right now. ... -capricorn ... -capricorn
Jim Eshelman
Re: Pluto in Capricorn
Ken Bowser wrote:

That would happen if Trump dissolved Congress, ignored the Supreme Court and dared people who disagree with his policy to do something about it.