I am copying, here at the top, all the data that was posted in this thread on the old forum. Feel free to repost, in a thread under your own name, your birth information and current location, and then I'll gradually whittle away this archival list.
SteveS wrote:Name on forum: SteveS
Birth date: Sept 20 1947
Birth time: 10:00 AM
Birth place: Albertville, Alabama
Source: Birth Certificate
Current Residence: Springville, Alabama
DDonovanKinsolving wrote:Name on forum: DDonovanKinsolving
Birth date: November 9, 1953
Birth time: 4:48 AM, EST
Birth place: Baltimore, MD
Source: birth certificate
Current residence: Tucson, AZ
Debbie wrote:Name on forum: Debbie
Birth date: July 11, 1950
Birth time: 1:17 AM
Birth place: Newark, NJ
Source: birth certificate
Current residence: Lake City, FL
StarAgeWiz wrote:Name on Forum: staragewiz
Birth Date: 05/24/1941
Birth Time: 1:36 am
Birth Place: San Mateo, California
Source: Birth Certificate
Current Residence: Salida, Colorado
jazzmazz wrote:Name on forum: jazzmazz
Birth date: 8 february 1988
Birth time: 10:03 AM
Birth location: Shumen, Bulgaria
Source: Birth certificate
Current residence: Sofia, Bulgaria
Bogdan574 wrote:For the record I guess in case my online natal charts get lost somehow...
Name: By Jove
DOB: December 18, 1990
Birth time: 3:57 PM
Birth place: NYC, New York, USA
Source: certificate
Current residence: NYC, New York, USA
gerry456 wrote:Name on forum ; gerry456
I was born in Liverpool, England, Thursday 30th January 1969 at 1740 hours.
Freya wrote:Freya
Born 6 July 1984
Place: Florence, Italy
Time 9.55 am
jamescondor wrote:Jamescondor
January 9 1984 Harvey Illinois 11:28a
Valparaiso Indiana current residence
Alexandra wrote:Alexandra
Jan 22 1969
10:36 PM
Santa Cruz, CA USA
Birth Certificate
Residence: San Jose, CA USA
Ash wrote:Name on forum: Ash (or Mike... probably going to change it eventually)
Birth date: December 20, 1989
Birth time: 10:20pm
Birth place: Ridgewood, NJ, USA
Source: birth certificate
Current residence: Hackensack, NJ, USA
Sidereal Bob wrote:I was born March 9, 1953 PST 9:18PM San Francisco, CA 122*W25' 37N47' source: Birth Certificate.