Jupiter in Scorpio

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Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jupiter will enter Scorpio October 15. My first impression is that it will exalt and empower anything of a Mars theme, especially power, force, military men in general (end the Jupiter in Libra #MeToo wave?). The kind of crude, forceful idea of maleness that Trump embodies at his crudest could own the day.

Or will it? As usual, we need actually to study this against past behavior.

Since 1900, here are the dates that Jupiter was in Scorpio (plus the new cycle just ahead of us).

Nov 10 1911 to Dec 5 1912
Oct 26 1923 to Nov 19 1924
Oct 10 1935 to Mar 22 1936 / Apr 29 1936 to Nov 2 1936
Jan 23 1947 to May 3 1947 / Sep 22 1947 to Feb 16 1948 / Jun 15 1948 to Oct 13 1948
Jan 1 1959 to Jun 12 1959 / Aug 26 1959 to Jan 26 1960 / Aug 4 1960 to Sep 5 1960
Dec 15 1970 to Jan 9 1972
Nov 29 1982 to Dec 25 1983
Nov 15 1994 to Dec 10 1995
Oct 31 2006 to Nov 25 2007
Oct 15 2018 to Nov 9 2019
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

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Jupiter was last in Scorpio Oct 31, 2006 to Nov 25, 2007, just before the midterms in the last half of the Bush administration. Here are some events that seem like they might be relevant from that time, besides such violent things as ongoing vehicular crashes, natural disasters, bombings, and many hundreds of piled-up deaths in Iraq.

The first event I found made me seriously laugh out loud! Almost immediately after Jupiter entered Scorpio, as soon as November 2, 2006, a Jackson Pollack painting became the most expensive painting ever sold. How's that for rewarding passion and rage?

On Nov 5, Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by hanging.
Dec 5: Fiji's military seized control of the government in a coup. (Fiji!)
Dec 11: Mexico's president mobilized the military to fight drug cartels and suppress regional violence.
Jan 4: With the new Democratic majority in the House, Nancy Pelosi is elected Speaker.
Jan 9: A new thing called an iPhone is introduced.
Jun 28: 2007 European heat wave (Greece's worst heat wave in a century): Deaths & wildfires.
Aug 4: A spacecraft called Phoenix is launched toward Mars. (Others went to Venus & Mercury.)
Aug 9: First hints of the subprime mortgage crisis that would collapse world economy a year later.
Nov 14: High Speed 1 opened from London to the Channel Tunnel.

It seems a time of great violence and violence-caused deaths, and the exaltation of aggression and force in general. (Just think of that phallic High Speed 1 train zooming into the tunnel.)
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Veronica »

Ive been thinking about this for about a week now.
Im back to work so my money will improve...Ill have it to spend on kids finally. My energy level is getting stronger and I cant wait to go hiking in the beautiful fall foliage.
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:28 pm Ive been thinking about this for about a week now.
Im back to work so my money will improve...Ill have it to spend on kids finally. My energy level is getting stronger and I cant wait to go hiking in the beautiful fall foliage.
That's a personal meaning (and, yes, this should be great for Scorpios). What, though, in terms of world impact? (This is the Mundane Astrology section.) What shifting tides and world events should we expect and predict?
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Before that, the prior period of Jupiter in Scorpio was Nov 15, 1994 to Dec 10 1995 during the first term of the Clinton administration. Notice that the OJ trial was going on through most of this, and the Yugoslav War was building to full international fury.

The first event I find, one day after the ingress (since first impressions often are most interesting with these sign transits), was a federal judge's order on November 16 temporarily blocking California from implementing Prop 187 denying most public services to illegal aliens.

Nov 28: Norwegians vote not to join the EU.
Dec 11: Russian President Boris Yeltsin ordered troops into Chechnya.
Dec 13: The trial of Etyiopian dictator Mengistu began.
Dec-Jan: Mexican Peso Crisis
Jan 1: Austria, Finland, and Sweden join the EU.
Feb 13: Bosnian Serb commanders charged with genocide & crimes against humanity
Mar 20: Sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway (killed 13, injured 5,500)
Apr 7: Samashki massacre in the Chechen War: Russian troops kill at least 250 Chechnyans.
Apr 19: Oklahoma City bombing
Apr 30: U.S. military stops funding the Internet, making it a wholly privatized system.
May 11: Over 170 countries agree to an unlimited, unconditional nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
Jun 6: A Nazi commander was extradited from Argentina to Italy.
June-July: Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq threatens to stop cooperating with international agencies
July 9: Sri Lankan Civil War conflicts mount unusually high death tolls
Jul 11: Srebrenica massacrein Bosnia.
Jul 11: Pres. Clinton announces full restoration of U.S.-Vietnam relations
Aug 4: Croatian forces launch Operation Storm which eventually ends the Republic of Serbian Karjina
Aug 24: Windows 95 is released, revolutionizing personal computers thereafter
Aug 30: NATO begins bombing campaign against Bosnian Serb targets
Se[ 10: Unibomber Manifesto published by the Post & the Times
Oct 3: OJ Simpson found not guilty
Oct 16: Million Man March organized by Nation of Islam
Nov 4: Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated
Nov 16: A U.N. tribunal convicts Karadzic & Mladic of genocide.
Nov 21: An agreement is reached to end the Bosnian War (signed 6 days after Jupiter leaves Scorpio)

It's a different war, different tyrants being held accountable, a different generational technology breakthrough, and generally different militarizations and comparative measuring of body parts; but otherwise, it's quite similar to the period 12 years later. - And the Million Man March was such an obvious conclusion to it!
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Before that, Jupiter was in Scorpio Nov 29, 1982 to Dec 25, 1983, just after the first midterms in the Reagan administration.

Dec 7: The first U.S. execution by lethal injection occurs (in Texas). Talk about a scorpion's sting!
Dec 16: United Freedom Front bombing of South African Airways and IBM, both in NY state
Dec 26: Time Magazine "Man of the Year" award is given to... the computer!
Jan 1: ARPANET migration to TCP/IP is completed (i.e., the Internet as we know it was born)
Jan 3: Mount Kilauea began the slow eruption that, technically, has continued through today
Jan 19: High-ranking Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie arrested in Bolivia (charged 2/6)
Jan 28: Lotus 1-2-3 w released for the IBM PC.
Feb 19: Venezuelan Bolivar was devalued (Venezuela's Black Friday)
Feb 18: Nellie Massacre in Assam, India, over 2,000 murdered
Mar 23: Pres. Reagan first proposed the Star Wars initiative.
Apr 18: U.S. embassy bombing in Beirut
May 20: Gallo and Montagnier independently announced the discovery of the retrovirus HIV/AIDS.
Jun 18: Sally Ride becomes first American woman in space aboard Challenger
July 23: Sri Lanka Civil War begins, lasts until 2009. Anti-Tamil Black July massacre began the next day.
Sep 16: Pres. Reagan announced that GPS satellites would be available for civilian use.
Oct 4: Hooters opens its first hooters-themed restaurant.
Oct 25: U.S. troops invade Grenada.
Oct 25: The first version (under another name) of Microsoft Word is released.
Nov 2: The first minivan (a Dodge Caravan) is introduced.
Dec 17: Harrod's bombing in London by the Provisional IRA.

There continue to be instances of evil power-wielders brought to justice and, for the third time, significant breakthroughs in the realm of computers.

LATER: After sleeping on it, I think the significant computer thresholds in these various passages are examples of freedom and empowerment of the masses. It isn't about the technology per se, but about the social impact of the technology, and especially the power it represents. The release of the first minivan is the same kind of phenomenon.
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by By Jove »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:17 pmThere continue to be instances of evil power-wielders brought to justice and, for the third time, significant breakthroughs in the realm of computers.
All the war, mass murder, and terrorism is typical for Scorpio. But how do all the computer breakthroughs figure in Scorpio? - The Pluto in Scorpio period is similar with both trends.
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Jim Eshelman »

By Jove wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:58 am
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:17 pmThere continue to be instances of evil power-wielders brought to justice and, for the third time, significant breakthroughs in the realm of computers.
All the war, mass murder, and terrorism is typical for Scorpio. But how do all the computer breakthroughs figure in Scorpio? - The Pluto in Scorpio period is similar with both trends.
I don't know. That's why I find it interesting. There are very precise, significant thresholds in each of the three eras I've checked so far. Step 1 is to observe what actually occurred; step 2 is applying theory to it.
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Veronica »

The first word used to define Scorpio as a hub is Promethian. I can see how that concept would relate to break through technology.....stealing fire from the gods....something bound becoming unbound (binding is Neptunian I believe) for the honor/ nobel mankind to have.
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Veronica »

We still dont have a birth time for this man. His trial will begin soon.


I think that the crimes themselves all have a Jupiter/scorpio element and that during the trial the testimonies given will demonstrate this.

Reportedly he was an excop (quasi-military) who stalked bound raped and tormented/ tortured families and couples for the most part.

I have hope that the "victims" of these crimes, through the benelolence of the Law and legal system as well as public acknowledgement of thier wounds will be released of the pain they have carried and that the new tec. That enabled the hard working public servants to piece things together and arrest him will prove this man thought he was like god and over decades used this god complex to feed his need for power.
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Jim Eshelman »

By Jove, I've been thinking about this... some ideas have been bubbling around. My current thought is that the significant computer thresholds in these various periods are examples of freedom and empowerment of the masses. It isn't about the technology per se, but about the social impact of the technology, and especially the power it represents. The release of the first minivan is the same kind of phenomenon.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 10:24 am
By Jove wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:58 am
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:17 pmThere continue to be instances of evil power-wielders brought to justice and, for the third time, significant breakthroughs in the realm of computers.
All the war, mass murder, and terrorism is typical for Scorpio. But how do all the computer breakthroughs figure in Scorpio? - The Pluto in Scorpio period is similar with both trends.
I don't know. That's why I find it interesting. There are very precise, significant thresholds in each of the three eras I've checked so far. Step 1 is to observe what actually occurred; step 2 is applying theory to it.
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The Jupiter transit of Scorpio prior to 1982 was from December 15, 1970 to January 9, 1972. The period began with much violent destabilization. It remained a violent time worldwide.

Dec 16: Ethiopia declared a state of emergency: In the Ethiopian county of Eritrea, an organized independence movement was fighting to break free.
Dec 17: Protests in Poland: the Polish Protests of 1970 due to spiking of food & other living costs. Martial law was imposed on this date. Food prices are frozen for two years.
Dec 22: Libyan Revolutionary Council nationalized all foreign banks in Libya.
Dec 23: World Trade Center North Tower in NYC is topped off, making it the world's tallest building.
Dec 29: Pres. Nixon signs OSHA into law.
Dec 31: Paul McCartney sues to dissolve The Beatles.

Jan 2; Cigarette ads are barred in the U.S.
Jan 12: All in the Family debuts, introducing 9 years of Archie Bunker.
Jan 18: More Polish strikes demand (and get) the resignation of their Interior Minister.
Jan 25: Charles Manson & Family are convicted of the Take-LaBianca murders, later sentenced to death.
Feb 8: The NASDAQ stock market index debuts.
Feb 13; South Vietnam and U.S. invade Laos.
Feb 28: Evel Knievel jumps 19 cars to set a new world record.
Mar 26: East Pakistan (later renamed Bangladesh) became independent from Pakistan.
Apr 1: U.K. lifts all restrictions on gold ownership.
Apr 19: U.S.S.R. launches the first space station, Salyut 1.
Apr 20: SCOTUS rules that student busing may be ordered to force racial desegregation.
Apr 24: Gigantic protest marches against Vietnam War in Washington (500K) and San Francisco (125K).
Jun 13: NY Times begins to publish The Pentagon Papers.
Jun 17: Pres. Nixon declares a "war on drugs." SCOTUS rules for NYT Jun 30.

Jul 3: Jim Morrison is found dead (or so they want us to think).
Jul 5: 26th Amendment lowers U.S. voting age from 21 to 18.
Jul 10: Gloria Steinem gave her pivotal Address to the Women of America
August: Race riots in Camden, NJ. Violence in North Ireland accelerates, British send more troops.
Aug 1 - George Harrison's Concert for Bangladesh invents the celebrity benefit concert.
Aug 15: Pres. Nixon removes the U.S. from the gold standard (halts conversion of dollars to gold).
Oct 21: Nixon nominates Powell and Rehnquist to the Supreme Court.
Nov 10: Khmer Rouge forces attack Phnom Penh, Cambodia and its airport. Then things get worse...
Nov 15: Intel releases the world's first microprocessor.
Nov 23: Mainland China (Republic of China) takes over Taiwan's "China" seat at the U.N.
Dec 3: Indo-Pakistani War begins with Pakistan's preemptive attacks on Indian airbases.
Dec 18: U.S.S.R. launches the world's largest hydroelectric plant in Krasnoyarsk.

Jan 4: The HP-35, the first scientific hand-held calculator, is launched.
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Before that, Jupiter was in Scorpio back and forth for three periods:
January 1, 1959 to June 12, 1959
August 26, 1959 to January 26, 1960
August 4, 1960 to September 5, 1960

The tone gets immediately set on the first day by Castro sending Batista scurrying!

Jan 1: Batista fled Havana as Castro's troops approached.
Jan 3: Alaska becomes the 49th state.
Jan 4: Che Guevara, Cienfuegos, and their troops entered Havana. Castro arrives Jan 6.
Jan 6: U.S. recognizes the Castro government in Cuba.
Jan 8: Charles de Gaulle is inaugurated first president of the French Fifth Republic
Jan 12: Motown Records is founded.
Feb 3: The Day the Music Died...
Mar 9: Barbie debuts from Mattel.
Mar 10: The Tibetan Uprising erupts in Lhasa: China attempts to arrest the Dalai Lama.
Mar 17: The young Dalai Lama escapes Tibet for India.
Apr 9: NASA introduces the Mercury Seven, its premiere (and somewhat celebrity) astronauts.
Apr 25: St. Lawrence Seaway opened to shipping.

Sep 12: Bonanza appears (in color!)
Sep 26: First large military movement of the Vietnam War.
Oct 2: The Twilight Zone premiers.
Jan 2: Sen. John Kennedy announces his candidacy for president.

Aug 6: Castro nationalized American & foreign-owned property in Cuba in response to U.S. embargo
Aug 9: Laos' government overthrown in a coup.
Aug 11: Chad becomes independent from France (a lot of Africa is breaking off independently)
Aug 17: A band recently renamed The Beatles starts a 48-night residency in Hamburg.
Aug 7: Gary Powers (U-2 pilot) trial begins in Moscow. Sentenced Aug 19.
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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by By Jove »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:12 pm By Jove, I've been thinking about this... some ideas have been bubbling around. My current thought is that the significant computer thresholds in these various periods are examples of freedom and empowerment of the masses. It isn't about the technology per se, but about the social impact of the technology, and especially the power it represents. The release of the first minivan is the same kind of phenomenon.
Veronica said something similar with "Promethean". It certainly seems makes sense. A lot of it seems to be about access to information/knowledge, which fits with the whole Prometheus theme.
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