My partner and I

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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My partner and I

Post by easternsun777 »

Partner’s Birth data: Born August 25th, 1994. At 11:30am. Teaneck, NJ.

My Birth data: Born October 20th, 1990. At 4:30 pm. Boca Raton, FL.


How compatable are we in a relationship (love)?
What is are compatability in a work environment?
What factors in our chart directly hinder or help us in our relation? ( I realized this question might be answered in the first question)
Last edited by easternsun777 on Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: My partner and I

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Let me get this started with a few first impressions. It is going to be more idly meandering around the chart, especially since you wanted to see how this works. Others will probably want to get in on this thread, and I can loop back after they have a chance to weigh in. My basic approach is the one given here:

Your chart has an obvious relationship focus with Sun, Moon, and two more planets in Libra, a close Sun-Mercury-Venus conjunction, and all of this in counterpoint to your one angular planet, Mars. She, as mentioned in the other thread, is a Leo-Pisces with Jupiter acutely angular and no strong commitment to relationship as a main priority except in the sense of building social inclusion for herself (and the natural need for human connection and relationship that everyone has).

As a first impression, her chart is rather hard on you. Her Saturn is right on your Ascendant opposite her Mercury on your Descendant. The one sterling aspect from her chart to yours is her Moon opposite your Venus within half a degree. You can read about these aspects in the synastry aspect (co-aspect) interpretations given in this part of the forum, but the gist is that you area easy, almost automatic lovers who frankly love touching each other almost endlessly but, in a broader sense, she is a dominating, controlling, perhaps restricting and denying presence in your life. Moon-Venus is excellent for attraction and even sustaining a relationship; Saturn-Asc is difficult for most people to tolerate very long, though some people may appreciate and benefit from the discipline the Saturn person brings into their lives. Most of the time, though, it's a heavier weight than that.

Building on this, I'd have to do some extra math to be sure but it appears that her Saturn (just above your Ascendant) is in close mundane square to your Mars (just east of your IC). This intensifies power struggles.

Flipping this around, you are a quite beneficent force in her life - almost the opposite. Your Jupiter, in almost the exact degree of its exaltation, is on her Midheaven square her angular Jupiter. Your Sun etc. are not far above her Ascendant. You contribute advantage, opportunity, support, and generosity to her and stand to benefit her in her career and general life direction. Your Venus opposes her Moon and squares her Uranus (the flip side of before, same aspect but with more kink in it) and your Moon conjoins her Pluto (you are the moth, she's the flame; though this would be true of your chart and anyone born a few years either side).

But your Saturn closely squares her Venus. There are ways in which you spoil her fun, rain on her parade. While you likely will continue to enjoy each other, from her point of view a business relationship might seem to have the better payoff: Great benefit to her in practical ways even if it isn't as much fun. (In a business environment, it would be natural for her to be in control of practical affairs.)

Your Mars squares her Mercury exactly. This can be contentious, and that can be a good thing or a bad thing. What I've observed of this is that Mercury-Mars interchanges can be intensely sexual themselves, and I think I know why: At root, the aspect demands free-flowing, no-holds-barred communication. This, if kept clean (clean communication) can create enormous intimacy between people. However, if it is resisted or mishandled (due, for example, to lack of trust or just lack of communication skills) then it's just verbal-intellectual conflict as the underlying energy tries to express itself more awkwardly.

Another aspect I'll mention that we can't skip is her Mars only half a degree from opposite your Uranus. Anything I'd add to this would be more or less redundant of things I've said above, but you can look it up or others might want to comment on it.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: My partner and I

Post by easternsun777 »

Thank you Jim, I’ll use this synastry to further learn how to compare charts. I think most of the things you pointed out seem quite accurate, I am going to go over it with her as well as see what she thinks about it.
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