7 planets on my angles!

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Avshalom Binyamin
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7 planets on my angles!

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

27 March 1981
Richland, WA

8 October 1980
El Cajon, CA

Initial Impressions:
1. K has an interesting configuration where a Sun-Mars-Venus conjunction is opposite a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. K is a practical, hardworking person, with a soft, hedonistic side. Describes herself as fiery (Mars-Sun conjunction), but with Mars in Pisces and the Mars-Saturn opposition, is often perceived as weak and soft.

2. K has no angular planets.

3. K's planets are all over my angles:

Sun conjunct IC 1°24'
Moon conjunct MC 1°29'
Venus conjunct IC 1°24'
Mars conjunct IC 2°44'
Jupiter conjunct MC 0°03'
Saturn conjunct MC 1°09'
Neptune conjunct AC 5°02'

4. Other aspects

O Moon oppose K Mars 4°05' :lol:
O Moon oppose K Sun 5°25'
O Moon conjunct K Saturn 5°40'
O Moon conjunct K Jupiter 6°46'
O Venus square K Uranus 4°32'
O Mars conjunct K Uranus 2°21'
O Jupiter square K Moon 4°56'
O Saturn opposite K Venus 1°44'
K Moon conjunct O Neptune 1°01'

5. Interpretation

With 7 planets on O's angles, K finds she can experience herself fully as a person in ways she's typically felt limited or unseen. Unfortunately, the experience is a bit one-sided, because while O is glad to bask in all that delightful attention, none of his planets are on her angles, his Moon is widely conjunct her Saturn, her Moon is conjunct his Neptune, and his Saturn is opposite her Venus.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: 7 planets on my angles!

Post by Jim Eshelman »

How beautifully, fascinatingly, deliriously tragic.
Jim Eshelman
Avshalom Binyamin
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Re: 7 planets on my angles!

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

It's ironic. Astrology often reminds me of greek myths, where a character sets out to avoid a tragedy, and the steps they take are often the ones that end up precipitating the tragedy.

I'm not one who enjoys using others or leading them on. I think this person is lovely, and very much enjoy spending time with them. But now, knowing this is likely a situation that won't be ultimately happy for them, I will probably put the brakes on, and end up hurting their feelings just the same.

Well, maybe not "just the same"--I hope that's ending things early is the kind approach--though maybe there's something else I could be doing to be more considerate earlier on? I have tried the frank talk with people, pointing out the issues, linking to analysis so that people can make their own informed decisions, and they generally seem to choose to ignore my advice, continue to pursue me, and then get upset with me later.
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Re: 7 planets on my angles!

Post by Veronica »

kudos to you Av for keeping at it.
Sounds like your meeting some cool and interesting people and that is nice for you.
Dont get discouraged and just be your natural self bc that guy is really nice and has a lot to offer.
Avshalom Binyamin
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Re: 7 planets on my angles!

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

Aww thank you V! I'm not discouraged, and I'm aware I'm quite fortunate.

I've been following your story, and am reflecting the same sentiments back to you--you're a catch and I admire your emotional resiliency.
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Re: 7 planets on my angles!

Post by Veronica »

Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:09 pm Aww thank you V! I'm not discouraged, and I'm aware I'm quite fortunate.

I've been following your story, and am reflecting the same sentiments back to you--you're a catch and I admire your emotional resiliency.
Ya know Bro,
You said something to me years ago that runs through my head when Im down.
Youve never seen me, only read my words so you really had no idea what I was like IRL, but when you found out about my star placement....the things that give me my " emotional resiliency"......
You said....

And that made me laugh and cheers me up and has stayed with me all this time, so thanks for that.

And as for me bei g a catch....
Silly Av
You know you cant catch a Unicorn!!

A Unicorn has to feel safe and then it will lay its head in your lap.

But I get what your saying and thanks for saying so. Its nice to hear.
Avshalom Binyamin
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Re: 7 planets on my angles!

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You're always right! And no, you shouldn't ever be caught.

Bow-chika-wow-wow comes from the heart. I remember that conversation. We gave each other blessings for good romance in our respective parts of the world. :D
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