27 March 1981
Richland, WA
8 October 1980
El Cajon, CA
Initial Impressions:
1. K has an interesting configuration where a Sun-Mars-Venus conjunction is opposite a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. K is a practical, hardworking person, with a soft, hedonistic side. Describes herself as fiery (Mars-Sun conjunction), but with Mars in Pisces and the Mars-Saturn opposition, is often perceived as weak and soft.
2. K has no angular planets.
3. K's planets are all over my angles:
Sun conjunct IC 1°24'
Moon conjunct MC 1°29'
Venus conjunct IC 1°24'
Mars conjunct IC 2°44'
Jupiter conjunct MC 0°03'
Saturn conjunct MC 1°09'
Neptune conjunct AC 5°02'
4. Other aspects
O Moon oppose K Mars 4°05'

O Moon oppose K Sun 5°25'
O Moon conjunct K Saturn 5°40'
O Moon conjunct K Jupiter 6°46'
O Venus square K Uranus 4°32'
O Mars conjunct K Uranus 2°21'
O Jupiter square K Moon 4°56'
O Saturn opposite K Venus 1°44'
K Moon conjunct O Neptune 1°01'
5. Interpretation
With 7 planets on O's angles, K finds she can experience herself fully as a person in ways she's typically felt limited or unseen. Unfortunately, the experience is a bit one-sided, because while O is glad to bask in all that delightful attention, none of his planets are on her angles, his Moon is widely conjunct her Saturn, her Moon is conjunct his Neptune, and his Saturn is opposite her Venus.