PSSR Trump Govt. Shutdown 21DEC18

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PSSR Trump Govt. Shutdown 21DEC18

Post by staragewiz »


Trump's DLR occurs same day as his mean PSSR for 21DEC1
Not sure if this is the correct way to post this Chart here.
But just in case it doesn't we have the PSSR Sun 29Tau33 DLR Moon 27Tau12 - MC 00Gem53
tr. Mars 28Aqa20- DESC 01Pices22. Trump's "Volcanic" Govt. Shutdown --A Very Angry "Man"-Child.
Angular" PSSR Sun, DLR Moon, and tr. Mars....BOOM BOOM !!!


If there's another way to do this please advise.....thanks!
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Re: PSSR Trump Govt. Shutdown 21DEC18

Post by staragewiz »

Where's he Edit Button located as i need to correct Mean PSSR date from 12DEC18 to 21DEC18?
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: PSSR Trump Govt. Shutdown 21DEC18

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

It's the little pencil at the upper right of the post (not the page) that says "edit post" when you hover your mouse over it.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: PSSR Trump Govt. Shutdown 21DEC18

Post by Jim Eshelman »

staragewiz wrote: Fri Dec 21, 2018 1:17 pm Where's he Edit Button located as i need to correct Mean PSSR date from 12DEC18 to 21DEC18?
The edit button is the pencil icon in the upper right corner of your post. (I changed this one for you.)

Yes: One angry man!

There are three separate things showing next week as outright dangerous for him. Two of the things are stable techniques, one is experimental.

1. TRUMP'S CHART. In addition to his Demi-SLR, he has Saturn transit his natal Mercury through the 27th, Pluto transit opposite SQ Moon or SQ Moon opposite SSR Pluto from 12/16 on, and Saturn conjunct SSR Ascendant and op. SSR Moon overlapping December 24 to January 1 (and one or the other in place 12/16 to 1/10).

2. MUNDANE CHART. Transiting Pluto crosses a Capsolar angle, Cansolar progressed Moon squares Saturn, and transiting Mars transits Cansolar Moon all overlapping December 26-29.

3. SUN-REGULUS CHART. This is the experimental one. There is some limited, preliminary evidence that a chart each year for Sun's conjunction with Regulus has portents about the well-being of kings and the like. This year's conjunction occurred August 23, 2018, 2:07:51 AM EDT. For Washington, Neptune and Saturn are closely angular and Moon conjoins Mars 0°06' in mundo. Moon then progresses to the exact ecliptical conjunction with Mars December 25!

These... are worth considering.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: PSSR Trump Govt. Shutdown 21DEC18

Post by staragewiz »

Amazing! Govt Shutdown 12/22/18, 12 am ,Wash. DC
tr.Moon 27Tau59 conj. Trumps n.Sun 28Tau56, opp.n.Moon 27Sco12
Sq. tr.Mars 28Aqa22 while tr.Sun conj. IC.

So, with the above aspects Trump definitely owns this fiasco!
One of countless fiascos. Will this country ever recover from all the Trump chaos?
Democracy in shatters. So sad :-(

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Jim Eshelman
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Re: PSSR Trump Govt. Shutdown 21DEC18

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You had the chart display almost perfect. Here's what I did to cause them to display (two ways to do the same thing):

1. Put in img tag (and /img to close) around the URL.

2. You do the same thing by selecting the whole URL and clicking the Insert Image button just above the composition window (it looks like a little rectangular picture, probably 9th from the left).

And yes... he owns it!
Jim Eshelman
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