Poor Boy Trump's Midnight (Mean Spirited)) Mean-PSSR Inner Wheel
Tr. 1/1/2019 12 am Wash. DC Outer Wheel
MC 12Gem41, S.Merc11Gem03 opp. S.Sat.11Gem43
Tr. Moon27Gem opp. Tr. P26Sag, Tr. Sun conj. Saturn!
With Saturn in spades Trump is likely hunkered down on keeping the govt. shut.
Trump's Gloomy New Years mean-PSSR 1/1/2019
- Constellation Member
- Posts: 124
- Joined: Mon May 15, 2017 9:47 am
Re: Trump's Gloomy New Years mean-PSSR 1/1/2019
With all that Gemini....hes probably got a bottle of scotch or two
- Jupiter Sets at Dawn
- Irish Member
- Posts: 3518
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Re: Trump's Gloomy New Years mean-PSSR 1/1/2019
Trump is tee-total. And he's not lying about that.
Re: Trump's Gloomy New Years mean-PSSR 1/1/2019

Wow! Now that blew my mind. Im impressed. I never knew that. How judgemental of me. Serves me right for making assumptions predicated by his followers, who mostly dont abstain.
A friend of mine said she met him at a party in ny in the 90s and he bought her a drink. I know she a liar anyways.....go figure
- Jupiter Sets at Dawn
- Irish Member
- Posts: 3518
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Re: Trump's Gloomy New Years mean-PSSR 1/1/2019
His being tee-total doesn't preclude his buying someone else a drink. He doesn't drink. His older brother was an alcoholic.
Re: Trump's Gloomy New Years mean-PSSR 1/1/2019
True. Though she made it out like they partied together.
It would be nice if his abstinence was more publicly known IMO. Be Best and all that.....
Im sure the liquor companies dont want it publicized much.
Learning something new everyday.
Yesterday it was how to ice a cake
It would be nice if his abstinence was more publicly known IMO. Be Best and all that.....
Im sure the liquor companies dont want it publicized much.
Learning something new everyday.
Yesterday it was how to ice a cake

Re: Trump's Gloomy New Years mean-PSSR 1/1/2019
The more you know.Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 4:54 pm Trump is tee-total. And he's not lying about that.
- Jupiter Sets at Dawn
- Irish Member
- Posts: 3518
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 7:03 pm
Re: Trump's Gloomy New Years mean-PSSR 1/1/2019
Ting. Ting. Ting. TING.
- Zodiac Member
- Posts: 318
- Joined: Wed May 10, 2017 11:09 am
Re: Trump's Gloomy New Years mean-PSSR 1/1/2019
Kurt Vonnegut wrote:"There was a fugitive who sought shelter in the home of a woman he knew. Her living room had a cathedral ceiling, which is to say it went all the way up to the roof peak, with rustic rafters spanning the air space below.
She was a widow, and he stripped himself naked while she went to fetch some of her husband's clothes. But before he could put them on, the police were hammering on the front door with their billy clubs. So the fugitive hid on the top of a rafter. When the woman let in the police, though, his oversize testicles hung down in full view.
The police asked the woman where the guy was. The woman said she didn't know what guy they were talking about. One of the cops saw the testicles hanging down from a rafter and asked what they were. She said they were Chinese temple bells. He believed her. He said he'd always wanted to hear Chinese temple bells.
He gave them a whack with his billy club, but there was no sound. So he hit them again, a lot harder, a whole lot harder. Do you know what the guy on the rafter shrieked?
He shrieked, TING-A-LING, YOU SON OF A B----!"