Neptune and Uranus

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James Condor
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Neptune and Uranus

Post by James Condor »

Neptune and Uranus have the terms fiction/non fiction in association. I’m trying to make sense of the age old ontological problem of what is defined as ‘reality’.
I can’t see microorganisms or viruses with naked eye but they have been discovered to be real and now we know. Do we need a Neptune tool? A tool or method, a scientific discovery of identifying the invisible, metaphysical, imagination. ? What makes one know something? What makes something real.
I get making up a story like fantasy Harry Potter, science fiction novel or anything like that as fiction. But science has to begin somewhere and is curious that can lead to practical application. And music maybe physical. Sound is
But what about Christianity vs quantum physics? Do some Uranians and Aquarians actually think there is a real person like god and heaven and hell where as some Neptunians don’t. And don’t Aquarian’s write fantasy novels?
I’ve met oblivious,out of touch, weird thinking people of all types, including Aquarius. I met an Aquarius who is a paranoid schizophrenic who though the FBI was after him and voices spoke to him. Is that not fiction, imagination or is is real? I’ve met some Neptune people who are math teachers
Do we know Neptune not to admit or show their true self only by comparison because we sense the opposite. Is it more of an offensive feeling not knowing where they stand which becomes personal and uncomfortable? Like a trust issue. I don’t think it’s possible anyone can be more or less true. I think people can give ‘the run around’. Ignorance. Awareness and so on too
So I get when people keep it real vs being evasive. I don’t think one is true or false. I do agree with most of the Neptune literature. But allot of it sounds like exaggerated which is ironic considering Neptune is suppose to exaggerate.
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Re: Neptune and Uranus

Post by James Condor »

Another thing about Uranus-Neptune (and even Pluto) that seems off is the zodiacal order of Aquarius (Uranus) then Pisces (Neptune) in that humans (and other animals) are first dependent (Neptune) then independant (Uranus) beginning the life cycle from birth until independence then later it’s flipped from independence to dependance in old age. So Uranus and Neptune should be dignified also in the stages between when?- Cancer, Leo, Virgo Libra Scorpio? And so on
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Re: Neptune and Uranus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You're right, to the extent that zodiacal signs "unwind" through life, Aquarius and Pisces do seem to relate to the later stages, not the earlier ones. I see a pattern pretty fundamental to the zodiacal sequence where Taurus is the ejaculation, Gemini splitting the ovum, Cancer the time in the womb, Leo the roaring out into the light, Virgo childhood and fundamental education, Libra puberty and early adolescence, Scorpio late adolescence with all its Mars phenomena, Sagittarius stepping into the world as a socialized and aspiring adult (plus higher education or parallel paths), Capricorn as Saturn Return and more the "established, working, responsible" phase of adulthood, Aquarius ad the new freedom and expanding self-definition of the "age of oppositions" and middlescence (aka mid-life crisis), Neptune as the wisdom vs. dependency phase, and Pluto as death and the transition to continuing around the circle with another ejaculation.
Jim Eshelman
James Condor
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Re: Neptune and Uranus

Post by James Condor »

I have read that before on here and I think it’s great. I’m just trying to find another link.
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Re: Neptune and Uranus

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 8:07 am You're right, to the extent that zodiacal signs "unwind" through life, Aquarius and Pisces do seem to relate to the later stages, not the earlier ones. I see a pattern pretty fundamental to the zodiacal sequence where Taurus is the ejaculation, Gemini splitting the ovum, Cancer the time in the womb, Leo the roaring out into the light, Virgo childhood and fundamental education, Libra puberty and early adolescence, Scorpio late adolescence with all its Mars phenomena, Sagittarius stepping into the world as a socialized and aspiring adult (plus higher education or parallel paths), Capricorn as Saturn Return and more the "established, working, responsible" phase of adulthood, Aquarius ad the new freedom and expanding self-definition of the "age of oppositions" and middlescence (aka mid-life crisis),]Neptune as the wisdom vs. dependency phase, and Pluto as death and the transition to continuing around the circle with another ejaculation.
so if I'm reading this correctly, Neptune/Pisces and Aries/Pluto?
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Re: Neptune and Uranus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Exactly. I should have said it that way.
Jim Eshelman
Kareem Baba
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Re: Neptune and Uranus

Post by Kareem Baba »

Is Neptune related to Polaris?
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Neptune and Uranus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Kareem Baba wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 11:37 am Is Neptune related to Polaris?
If so, I've never heard anyone allege it.

Planet attributions of fixed stars are primarily of ancient origin (with only a few modern modifications). Neptune wasn't known to the ancients. Ptolemy said that the stars in the constellation Ursa Minor (which incudes Polaris) are similar to Saturn and, to a less degree, to Venus.
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Re: Neptune and Uranus

Post by Kareem Baba »

Thanks alot for that. I didn't know such things, I've been mostly intune with Tropical astrology.
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