What a performance! WOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRW_xO-J7JY
So authentic. They pull this off as if there is really real love between them. I know they are actors, but I am sure this one is going down in history.
I just had to look into their synastry since I've seen a few interviews with both of them and they seem to have experienced an instant connection, well they both describe it that way. Usually people who have some angle connections and/or their Sun, Moon or Venus are involved when people feel this. Nodes are also sometimes associated with it (and yes it has been shown on countless examples, look it up). They came off as very authentic on the screen. Something special is going on there. I wanted to check if it would be the typical Sun-Moon connections or perhaps Venus connections.
Lady Gaga born March 28, 1986, 9:53 AM in Manhattan, New York (NY) (United States)
Bradley Cooper born January 5, 1975, 5:09 AM in Philadelphia (PA) (United States)
First of all they have the nodal connection, his nodes on her EP/WP
A wide Sun-Sun square
His Sun sextile her Moon, her Sun wide on his IC and opposite his Pluto
His Venus&Mer square her Venus
His Moon opposite her Venus
Her Msrs tightly square his MC and they have a Mars-Uranus conj as well - so there might be a sexual chemistry / sparkle between them for real and it comes across through the screen to us

Her Mer&Jup conj are around his Jup and they square his ASC. Probably very good communication flow.
They have their Neptunes on each other's angles as well.
Their progressed charts also show some interesting connections, one of them being that their ASC/DSC have progressed into the same degree and her n. Venus squares that degree. His pr. Ven&Jup are now sq her n. Uranus. Her pr. Mars is now on his Sun.
When they first met in April 2016 and he decided to ask her to be in the movie, he was literally "blown away" by her performance and she felt an instant chemistry with him.
At that time her pr. Moon was conjunct her Uranus on his n. Mars and square his pr. Venus while his pr. Moon was on her pr. Mercury and square her pr. Mars. His pr. MC was around her n. Moon and her pr. MC conj. his n. IC.
Lots of angular contacts here and lots of chemistry contacts as well as good communication and cooperation contacts. A good match it seems.