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Jim Eshelman
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Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to Solunars.com, the reincarnation of the Solunars.net forum which ran continuously for about ten years, since it was "born" September 3, 2007 5:54 pm, Los Angeles, CA. (The birth of the present forum was May 07, 2017 12:40 pm, Los Angeles, CA.

For those unaware, "Solunars" - the name of this domain and the title of this forum - is the title of Cyril Fagan's column introducing and forwarding Sidereal astrology, which ran in American Astrology Magazine from 1953 until his death in 1970. The name is picked to honor his pioneering work, and to proclaim the standard to which I hoped this forum might rise.

I'm hosting this forum for three primary purposes:

(1) To provide a place for education concerning Sidereal astrology.

(2) To provide a place for the intelligent and progressive discussion of Sidereal astrology.

(3) To provide standardized interpretations for Sidereal astrologers. (These have evolved over time and will continue to evolve going forward.)

As for the latter - I'm asked, every now and then, if I'm ever again going to write anything substantial about Sidereal astrological interpretation. My answer is always that it depends on how long I live. The scope of the matter (and the number of independent notebooks into which all the notes are shoved!) has always made it easy to procrastinate. Be creating a space in which ideas can remain in evolution, I'll at least be able to put forth whatever I have at any given moment. (Eventually I may move these to a companion informational web site, solunars.org.

If you are not familiar with the Sidereal zodiac and Sidereal astrology, I recommend you start with the following two articles on this site:

"A Brief Look at the Sidereal Zodiac"

"There Really Is a Zodiac"

In any case - jump in, enjoy, tell your friends - let's see where this takes us, eh?


Solunars.net born September 3, 2007 5:54 pm, Los Angeles, CA.
Solunars.com born May 07, 2017 12:40 pm, Los Angeles, CA.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com!

Post by Jim Eshelman »

When the earlier site began, my oldest continual friend at the time, Matthew Quellas, posted the following on September 10, 2007.
mquellas wrote:Greetings, Jim,

Let me add my thanks for starting this site. And personally say "It's about time!"

I'm looking forward to seeing resources presented for students at all levels, which have been relatively lacking for too long, and for a forum to discuss techniques -- pro and con -- that just aren' t used by the general astrological community.

Sidereally yours,
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com!

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I just looked at this for the first time on my phone. The new site scales to a tiny screen. Way better than the old one. I think those of you that use a browser on your phone will find this much more to your liking. Even the chart wheel immediately above fits perfectly and reads perfectly well on the phone, which would never have happened on the old site.

By the way, this post is done entirely by dictation with only a few small hand corrections, mostly for punctuation (and the rest for background noises when big vehicles sped past me).
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You will see more spammers showing up on this site than the old one. Tis is because (given that the new software has much better protections against this sort of thing), I'm experimenting with how open I can leave the registration process - to make it easier for all of you and to make it easier for others to join us.

I address these spam posts as fast as I see them, including removing them and their posts (after gathering and processing forensic data). This takes extra time, so there may come a day when the only choice is to lock down the registration process like on the old site so that I have to approve each individual registrant.

What you can do: When you see a spam post, mark it. There is an "!" button (an exclamation point) on each post that gives you the option to report it. Feel free to use that button to speed things up even more.

I apologize that you have to see any of these spam posts. It is, however, a cost of having a more open forum that more people can join more easily.

Thank you.
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim, I will try to remember to report em to help you.
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Whew, the site Is BUSY today. I don't think it's had a busier day since the first flurry if launching it.

So, of course, I was really curious what, if anything, showed in the site's birth chart. I didn't find anything particular distinctive to today, but did see some stuff I hadn't noticed before.

In particular, the site was born with a slow Mercury partile conjunct Uranus. That has gotten a lot closer in the last year. Of particular interest is that progressed Moon will oppose Mercury-Uranus between March 28 and June 23. Something important of a Mercury-Uranus nature will emerge in that three month period.
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Something important of a Mercury-Uranus nature will emerge in that three month period.
Believe me, and I know you do, I am doing a-lot of brainstorming on my end to help expand certain tools/things for Sidereal Astrology. :)
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica pointed out to me that today we had more people online on this forum than any other day: 392 at once. (You can see this number at the very bottom of the front page.)

Some (many?) of these are surely search bots and there may be other explanations, but generally "most ever" doesn't happen after the beginning days of a forum when people first all flood in at once.
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Veronica »

Being the slightly overly cautious semi paranoid person that I am, since I rejoined the forum I have kept an eye on memberships and other weird stats.

I am thrilled to see the membership has grown and I wish that all the members would become more active in sharing their insights and ideas and expierences.

The thing that really struck me is how taking the extra time to register doesnt unlock more forums but does show a commitment and support to Sidereal Astrology.

I have to say that I weighed the pros and cons of sharing my last few years online basically to the world and mostly complete strangers. I knew that I needed help, that I was in a very dark and bad place in my head and heart and that if I didnt try to work through my relationship issues and personal issues in a constructive and positive and enriching environment I was going to do bad things and end up in a very very bad way.

So I took the risk of telling my side of the stories knowing that as astrologers you could best understand my perspective and situation and best help me learn how to help myself, even though talking to you and putting my life online could hurt and embarrass and forever keep away the man I love and the people in my family.
Everyday that I write I risk somone I know by chance finding my thread and reading it and telling my whole town.
But I never cared because what I said and felt and shared was the truth and that is nothing to be ahamed of.

I think todays stats reflect the world coming to need truth, and thats what is offered here, a safe place to explore personal truths.
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by SteveS »

:) Every member who posts on this forum about their life helps me with my learning for the language expressed by Sidereal Astrology. Thanks Veronica.
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica pointed out that we had nearly a thousand visitors on the site yesterday.

It's possible that these are would-be spammers or, on the other hand, that recent Facebook posts and word of mouth has been stirring interest - in which case, welcome to the new lurkers!
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I just did the annual renewal of the domain names. I again own solunars.com, solunars.net, and solunars.org for another year.
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jim Eshelman »

(1) I own them all so nobody gets them.

(2) Yes, haven't updated it in forever, but it's a different kind of site that's still up. Go check it out,
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

I send people there all the time if they can't understand we are not Hindu/Vedic. I was just worried you'd given it up for some reason.
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've put no time on updating it.
Jim Eshelman
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Welcome to Solunars.com

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Does it need updating?