A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

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A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was initiated by an agreement on 17 May 1792.

But, what time for this May 17 1792 NYSE chart? Back in the 70’s when I first began my astrological studies and market research for a company, I was given a timed chart done by Louise McWhirter from a book, ‘Theory of Stock Market Forecasting’. The time was 7:52 AM LMT.

In my market research back in the 70’s, I discovered various people believed McWhirter was non-other than the legendary market guru—W.D. Gann, who I have researched thoroughly and know for a fact he was an astute astrologer. I also have seen copies of several written documents by Gann he predicted the Stock Market Crash of 1929, years before the Crash.
Some believe that “Louise McWhirter” was only an alias of famous market forecaster W. D. Gann.[8]

It dawned on me over the weekend, I never really researched McWhirter’s May 17 1792, 7:52 AM NYSE chart--so I looked closely for the first time. Since I knew with Secondary Progressions (SP) very rarely in the history of anything will you see angular hits with Secondary Progressed angles, I calculated this 1792 NYSE chart to Oct 24 1929 (the day of the crash) using Solar Arc in Long, and BINGO!!!

SP Moon 07,38 Aries (Q2)
SP Saturn 08,23 Aries
SP DSC 08,08 Aries
SP Nep 06,59 Lib
t. Sun 07,03 Lib

This chart proves to me we have with very high %, a timed chart for the NYSE. I will do more research into the past and the future.

Last edited by SteveS on Thu Mar 14, 2019 7:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A good possibility for a timed chart of the NYSE

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I just noticed something which I don’t really understand exactly what McWhirter (Gann) is doing with the Nodal Cycles in the Stock Market . Go to this same link below which I posted in my original post with this topic.

Scroll down to “Gann’s Financial Timetable” and look at the “Year’s” Graph. Note “Major Low” and the Year 2009. 2009 was the year the Market indeed made a Major Low from the 2007 mortgage crises crash. Now look at the “Major Top” years 2017 & 2018, noting 2018 appears to have already made a Major Top. Now go to the “Big Crash” section and note the years 2019 & 2020.

If we indeed do see a “Big Crash” in 2019 or 2020-- no way Trump is elected again in 2020.

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Re: A good possibility for a timed chart of the NYSE

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Louise McWhirter was not Gann under an alias. They just both used astrology and the eclipse cycles.
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Re: A good possibility for a timed chart of the NYSE

Post by SteveS »

Thanks JSAD, this helps me a-lot for deciding certain factors. Oct 24 (Thursday) & Oct 25 (Friday) 1929 the market started its collapse. Below is a link to the Oct 25, 1929 NQ2 for McWhirter’s timed Natal for the NYSE. This NQ2 absolutely nails the symbolism for the beginning collapse of the Stock Market in Oct 1929.

Oct 25 1929 NQ2 for NYSE:
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Re: A good possibility for a timed chart of the NYSE

Post by Jim Eshelman »

That's a very impressive quotidian!

I'd had a chart for NYSE for years for the same date but for noon. Your time seems more reasonable for when a market would open, though noon was not unreasonable. Oh, I just looked - the noon time also seems to have come from you. My saved notes say:
"The Buttowood Agreement" SteveS quotes Ken Bowser as saying:

On May 17, 1792, apparently at noon according to custom, under the branches of a buttonwood tree in Lower Manhattan, twenty-four traders agreed to buy and sell only to each other, government securities, bank, insurance and canal company shares. The horoscope for this agreement is responsive to transits, and while it has been rectified often, the information available to this writer confirms that the original members of the New York Stock Exchange regularly met at noon. There appears to be no reason to meddle with a horoscope calculated for that time.
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Re: A good possibility for a timed chart of the NYSE

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
That's a very impressive quotidian!
Indeed Jim! With that Oct 24 & 25 1929 NQ2 which nailed the beginning of the 1929 Stock Market Collapse, I am now convinced we have a very important timed May 17 7:52 LMT AM 1792 Chart for the NYSE, thanks to McWhirter's work. This very important personal discovery of the McWhirter NYSE Chart is coming in with my Solar Arc ME=Natal Sun-Uranus. I also now believe we can take the NQ2 charting combined with NQ2 Moon and have a high probability for projecting the beginning of the next collapse in the NYSE for 2019 or early 2020. Theoretically, this is possible with Fagan’s discovery for Quotidian charting as a technique for Sidereal Astrology. The Market is waiting for the ‘Right’ Sidereal Astrology TIME to fall apart. I sure do need your Sidereal Astrology insight for this topic-- for my memory fails me at times.

Jim, I also want to make an emphatic statement: “Gann’s Financial Timetable” provided in a link with this topic is not to be ignored! I ran across this same “Timetable” in the 80’s when I was doing intense NYSE market research with Gann’s material, but in a different format. I have done NYSE historical research with this “Timetable” and it is reliable from a cyclical standpoint. Gann derived this Timetable using the Tropical Z, but I think the Sidereal Z will produce the same table. If you understand what Gann is doing with this “Timetable” astrologically, please offer us an explanation with your keen astronomical insight.

Jim, if we see new market highs going into the Autumn of 2019, we need to pay attention for possible important Top, and do our Sidereal Astrology homework. I do know this with my research into Gann’s material: Gann repeatedly said very important market tops are made in the 9th years of certain Decades. But, Gann never explained the “certain” for the Decades. Jim, another thing you and I know with your great work with Sidereal Mundane Astrology: Our 2021 Capsolar is very malefic. If Gann’s “Timetable is going to be correct for the Decade of the 2010’s with a Market Collapse beginning in 2019-20, then % are very high we will see a Major Bottom in NYSE in 2021 with malefic/negative financial news. Markets always put on major bottoms with very malefic/negative news.

If anyone knows how to take “Gann’s Financial Timetable” found in the following link-- copy and post (same format) in this topic—I sure would appreciate.

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Re: A good possibility for a timed chart of the NYSE

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, what was her source for this data? Ken B had a good argument for the traditional time; I'm curious whether there is actual historic basis for this "new" time?
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Re: A good possibility for a timed chart of the NYSE

Post by SteveS »

Jim, I simply don't know. All I remember is I traveled many places, mainly Chicago, doing intense research with Gann and the Commodities market---not the NYSE! I accumulated 2 large boxes of Gann Material which I was digging through this past weekend. I do know this: Gann was a member of the NYSE, and Gann always started his astrological radicals with the TIME of the 'First Trade' with the birth of any market. This past weekend I went to https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Business:_NYSE, and scrolled down to bottom of page and noticed a McWhiter Time for the NYSE. This jolted my memory making me think: Wait a minute, I have ran across this name in my past market research years ago—so I started digging through my Gann stuff and pulled out a NYSE chart by McWhirter—astro databank had miss spelled McWhirter name to McWhiter. Then I did an internet search for McWhirter and came-up with the link I posted. On this link it said McWhirter rectified the time to 7:52, but then I saw on the link McWhirter may have been an alias for Gann. What puzzles the hell out of me? How did a McWhirter NYSE chart get in my Gann stuff from the 80’s??? My cousin and I spent months researching a-lot of Gann material and realized Gann was definitely using Financial Astrology methods in the markets. I spent many hours on the phone and meetings in Chicago with a Mr. Jones who bought ALL of Gann’s material from Gann’s Partner in Miami when Gann passed away. I got all of my Gann Material for Jones. But, I do know the main reason I did not pay any attention to McWhirter’s NYSE chart in the 80’S: I was simply not interested in the Stock Market, only commodities.

Jim, be sure and see my next post.
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Re: A good possibility for a timed chart of the NYSE

Post by SteveS »

I am very excited to realize I have what I consider a timed birth chart of the NYSE. I have had this chart in my possession since the 80’s not realizing how I got the chart in the 80’s, but some circumstances last weekend made me realize I had hunted down this chart many years ago. Long elapses of Time can make the mind forget things, some, very important from a research standpoint.

I now want to continue doing some historical spot checking of ‘outstanding incidents’ with the NYSE correlating these ‘incidents’ back to proven techniques of Sidereal Astrology, offering further proof of a valid timed chart for the NYSE.

Here is a link discussing the largest one day drop in the entire history of the NYSE. On Oct 19 1987, the Dow lost 22% of its value. This one day has been labeled by the news media as: Black Monday.


This was the single most ‘stunning/shocking’ (Pluto) one day ‘incident’ to ever happen in the history of the NYSE. This is clearly seen in the Solar Quotidian (SQ) chart for Oct 19 1987, but before we can calculate a SQ chart we have to calculate the 1987 Sidereal Solar Return (SSR) chart for the NYSE. The 1987 SSR for the NYSE is absolutely ‘outstanding’ and defines itself as an ‘outstanding incident’ SSR by Jim’s teaching guidelines.

This 1987 NYSE SSR features a very rare Moon-Neptune Paran, probably the only Moon-Neptune Paran SSR in the entire history of the NYSE. Years ago when Jim was writing his ‘Financial Panic Report’ for the NYSE, he isolated and identified Moon-Neptune as a clear signature for financial panics. So, we clearly see with the Moon-Neptune Paran with the NYSE 1987 SSR, a ‘panic’ prophesied to occur sometime within the NYSE solar year. But when during the solar year? NYSE Oct 19 1987 (Black Monday) Solar Quotidian (SQ) timed this outstanding day incident with Pluto partile cnj the SQ, partile 135 SQ Moon.

NYSE 1987 SSR:

Moon (MC)-Neptune (DSC) Paran, for the PANIC!
Neptune partile 60 Pluto
Moon 1,24 square Mercury
Saturn partile cnj West Point in RA!

Now NYSE Oct 19 1987 Solar Quotidian (Black Monday):


SQ Pluto partile cnj SQ ASC; partile 135 SQ Moon
Saturn partile cnj Vertex axis.

*Jim has taught if there is to be any kind of ‘stunning/shocking’ incident, we must see Pluto prominent in a Sidereal Astrology chart.
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Re: A good possibility for a timed chart of the NYSE

Post by SteveS »

Looking into the future with this chart, I see no earth shattering astrological configurations until Jan 2021. The main aspect happening on this chart is p. Uranus is partile 180 Natal Pluto which is probably a dormant ticking time bomb awaiting for sp Moon to partile cnj this p. Uranus 180 to r. Pluto in Jan 2021, but does not happen with any angles. Secondary progressed Mercury is partile cnj secondary progressed Asc in 2021, probably symbolizing media attention or increased trading activity. I certainly see no panic type depression symbolism in the future with this chart with Sidereal Astrology. My best guess, we will see in 2021 some major Uranus-Pluto changes with the NYSE with the sp Moon-Uranus Natal Pluto. This indicates to me, other than normal market corrections/activity, expect the status quo with the NYSE.

Using Solar Arcs, I do see an interesting angular aspect Ap. 8 2020:

SA ASC 5,22 Aqu 90 NATAL SUN 5,22 Tau

This SA ASC 90 NATAL SUN hit is highly symbolic of recognition/event stuff, and is the only near term (1 year) symbolic aspect possibly timing Gann’s collapsing Market “Timetable” with the years 2019-2020, but only TIME knows for sure.
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Re: A good possibility for a timed chart of the NYSE

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote from his “Financial Astrology Report” about the Financial Panic for May 10 1837—primarily pertaining to the Banking Industry/Stocks. I am going to try and find some detailed price history for the Wall Street Bank Stocks for 1836-1837.
Year: Cansolar
For New York, the prior (1836) Cansolar became the effective Chart of the Year due to the Capsolar’s dormancy. It told the banking story dramatically.
• Moon-Neptune opposition (0°02')
o Neptune is on Eastpoint (0°16')
o Moon is on Westpoint (1°02')
• Pluto square Ascendant (0°38')
Here is the 1836 New York Cansolar Chart # 1. After Jim did his Sidereal Mundane Astrology work with Financial Panics, he concluded the leading signature for financial panics is Moon-Neptune. It takes the wild speculative fever of Neptune to inflate a financial ‘Bubble,’ which always ends in a financial panic.
Note the partile Moon-Neptune 180, partile cnj the East/West point’s axis.

1: https://imgur.com/ICmW1sC

Since I now feel strongly we have an accurate timed chart for the NYSE, I wanted to spot check some of the financial panics which have historically occurred in USA with this NYSE chart related to Sidereal Astrology teachings. The Panic of 1837 occurred on May 10th. Lets look at the NYSE Sidereal Solar Return (SSR) for May 18 1836, which was the solar year for the May 10 1837 financial panic on Wall Street. And then look at the NYSE Solar Quotidian Chart for May 10 1837, the day for this Panic. I find it most interesting using Jim's Solar Return teachings!

First, Jim teaches a Sidereal Solar Return is ‘locked into collusion with its Natal Chart.’ 1836 NYSE SSR chart # 2 below, inside wheel 1836 NYSE SSR, outside wheel NYSE Natal:

2: https://imgur.com/sJaU2Nb

Note the tight SSR NYSE Venus-Jupiter cnj—with NYSE SSR Jupiter partile cnj NYSE Natal ASC. With this SSR Venus-Jupiter cnj ‘locked into collusion’ with NYSE Natal Asc for the entire solar year of 1836, we see a driving benefic force which led to this NYSE Bank Bubble which burst on May 10 1837. Also note NYSE 1836 SSR Moon at 10,32 Gem on NYSE SSR MC. This secondary progressed 1836 NYSE SSR Moon will be an important timing factor for this Panic on May 10 1837 with the May 10 1837 Solar Quotidian chart.

Chart # 3 below is the May 10th 1837 NYSE Sidereal Solar Return Quotidian (SQ), the exact day of the Panic.

Note on the day of this financial panic, May 10 1837, NYSE SSR Moon has progressed to a partile cnj to NYSE SSR Venus-Jupiter, partile cnj NYSE Natal Asc, all partile 90 NYSE SSR Pluto! Simply amazing! More solid Sidereal Astrology proof for a valid timed NYSE Birth Chart.

3: https://imgur.com/r6toYLN
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Overall, this is a pretty impressive run of charts!
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Overall, this is a pretty impressive run of charts!
Indeed Jim. I will keep looking at the historical financial panics you analyzed in your Sidereal Mundane Astrology Report pertaining to Financial Astrology.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You've got the whole original list we worked with. Recently, I compiled a list of lesser (but important) financial collapses that you might want to zip through as well. (I'll eventually be adding them to SMA once I figure how to integrate them with the others. They are slightly different kinds of events with slightly different patterns, and if I just pile them all in together they'll jumble the statistics for that kind of event. In any event, I found them quite interesting on their own.)

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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

8-) I will definitely analyze em Jim. Just discovered this about the 2008 Great Recession:

Jim writes from his Financial Astrology Report pertaining to the collapse of prices in the NYSE in the Autumn of 2008 related to New York’s 2008 Cansolar :
Quarter: Cansolar
For New York, all three malefics – Neptune, Saturn, and Mars – are tightly angular, in combination with aspects that appear to show accelerated transactions and personal loss.
• Moon-Mercury opposition (0°03')
• Neptune rises (1°25')
• Saturn on Westpoint (1°56')
• Mars square Midheaven (0°58')
o Mars-Saturn conjunction (0°50' in mundo)
• Venus sets (7°57')
o Venus/Saturn midpoint on Descendant (0°18')
o Venus/Mars midpoint on Descendant (0°43')
Chart below is the 2008 NYSE Sidereal Solar Return (inside wheel), and Natal NYSE (outside wheel).
Jim, this one blows my Sidereal Astrology mind! Note SSR Mars 1,13 cnj SSR MC, but more so, note NYSE Natal Saturn-Neptune forming a Paran on the Horizon of NYSE 2008 SSR! No need to look any further—we see the same NYSE Natal Saturn-Neptune involved which was on the Horizon for the Secondary Progressed NYSE for the 1929 Collapse.

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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim teaches a Sidereal Solar Return (SSR) is ‘locked into collusion with its natal chart,’ and I have demonstrated with other chart examples in this topic this is true. Note in the b-wheel below the 2022 NYSE SSR (inside wheel), the tight cnj of SSR Mars/Neptune=Natal MC (outside wheel) with SSR Jupiter 1,19 cnj SSR Zenith.

This has high % for symbolizing a wild expansionary speculative year for the NYSE. Also, imo, good % for producing the largest correction in prices since the major bottom of 2009.


Paraphrasing McWhirter who discovered this timed NYSE chart:
McWhirter maintained that one should pay attention when a planet moves to the Asc and MC of the NYSE. Similarly, since MC of the NYSE chart was in Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune, she also thought that aspects of Neptune are important.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

The largest correction (20%) we have seen in the NYSE since the major bottom of March 2009 was beginning with the Oct 4 2018 top which was perfectly timed by NYSE Secondary (SP) Moon.

Oct 4 2018:
NYSE SP Moon 04,16 Cancer
Natal NYSE Saturn 04,32 Aries

As this correction matured to its end in late Dec 2018, it became panic- like from a psychological standpoint which was timed with a maturing NYSE SP MOON to its exact 90 to Natal (NA) Neptune:

SP NYSE Moon 05,52 Can
Na NYSE Neptune 05,52 Lib.

Without a doubt, the Master aspect of the 1792 NYSE chart is the 1,20 eclipto opposition of Saturn-Neptune or partile mundo 180 of this same aspect. When we see this NYSE Saturn-Neptune 180 appear on/near the angles of NYSE Sidereal Solar Returns or NYSE Secondary Progressed angles, or SP NYSE Moon-- Stock Market Crashes are timed!

More later---
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

More Sidereal Astrology observations with McWhirter’s NYSE Chart:

I have already established the astrological fact, this timed McWhirter NYSE chart has experienced some of its worst historical price corrections when its Natal Saturn-Neptune opposition is angular in a prominent chart, or its Natal Secondary Progressed Moon puts on hard partile aspects to its Natal Saturn-Neptune 180. Without a doubt, this Natal Saturn-Neptune 180 is the most sensitive aspect in McWhirter’s NYSE Chart for timing severe price corrections with Sidereal Astrology techniques. Also, at times, the angles of NYSE SSR’s are very sensitive to this Natal Saturn-Neptune 180.

I now would like to demonstrate how the NYSE 2007 Sidereal Solar Return (SSR) angles timed the exact monthly top in Oct 2007 for the ‘The Great Recession’ collapse of Stock Prices in 2008. Chart # 1 below is NYSE 2007 SSR. Note SSR Saturn and Neptune are angular, but it is NOT NYSE’s Natal Saturn-Neptune 180 which are angular, but still, this angular Saturn-Neptune for NYSE 2007 SSR timed during its solar year major Saturn-Neptune trouble for Dow Prices.

1: https://imgur.com/36SyeR7

Now note the link # 2 below for the last 20 years bar chart prices for the Dow. All the bars on this chart represent 1 month of the price action for the Dow. Put your cursor on the month Oct 2007 and note t. Neptune is partile 180 NYSE 2007 SSR Saturn, which timed an exact major top (14,198) in the Dow with prices collapsing to a major low in Mar 2009 (6,469).

The major Sidereal Astrology point for this post: We again see SSR angles featuring Saturn-Neptune angular symbolism calling a major top for NYSE’s 2007 solar year.

Also note: 2007 NYSE SSR Saturn partile cnj NYSE Natal Uranus. Ebertin for prominent Saturn-Uranus combo’s:
Irritability and inhibition, tension.
2: https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/ ... tive-chart

:shock: What did McWhirter’s Secondary Progressed (Solar Arc in Long) chart look like on Sept 15 2008 when Lehman Brother’s declared Bankruptcy-- with other Wall Street Banks having to be bailed out by the Federal Reserve from their severe loses? Link # 3 below is McWhirter’s NYSE Secondary Progressed Chart for Sept 15 2008 (inside wheel) bi-wheeled with McWhirter’s Natal NYSE (outside wheel).
*Note NYSE Natal Saturn-Neptune 180 on the Secondary Progressed Solar Arc MC-IC axis. This became partile in 2009 with the major bottom.

3: https://imgur.com/PYB7EeE

More observations later.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Its time for me to digress with my life…
Every movement in the market is the result of a natural law and of a cause which exists long before the effect takes place and can be determined years in advance. W.D. Gann, page 80, ‘How To Make Profits in Commodities Markets.’
Back in the late 70’s early 80’s I studied the Gann material very seriously and came to the conclusion: Gann took his ‘secretes’ of ‘natural law’ in the markets to his grave, so don’t waste your money on pursuing the Gann material being sold over the internet. Without Gann offering specific instructions in his paid for personal teaching classes on how to implement (see) these 'natural laws' in the market place, all of Gann's written material is basically worthless. And one would have to have the understanding of a seasoned astrologer to understand proper workings of these natural laws in the market place. My very first impulse with the field of astrology in my life came by studying Gann’s market material. My cousin who helped me with my study of the Gann material asked a co-worker (happen to be an astrologer) to look at some of Gann’s Master Time & Price Charts, and she told me the Dates on these charts were definitely dates associated with Sun Dates by dividing the calendar year into 24 Sun Dates beginning with the Vernal Point. These were seasonal sun dates, which I proved by an intense study of DAILY market(s) history, very important tops & bottoms occurred to the exact dates of these sun dates. It was a huge mystery to my mind how a ‘natural law’ could govern exact major market tops/bottoms to the exact date of these sun dates. This was the time in my life when I made a final decision to take-up the serious study of Genethlical Astrology, a time birth chart for a human being.

There was another repeating statement by Gann in his written material: Paraphrasing—"It is important to know the timed date for the first trade with any commodity.” Never in all the Gann Material I studied did Gann mention the word Astrology. Now, after my serious study of the McWhirter NYSE timed chart with Sidereal Astrology, I can now clearly see WHY Gann repeated in his work the importance of knowing the first trade of any market.

For the first time in my life, I have proved to my mind with the McWhirter NYSE Chart, and I hope to any other serious students of Sidereal Astrology; theoretically, a Sidereal Astrologer should be able to take the tool of Sidereal Astrology and see into the future any Red Flags pertaining to any type market, as long as one could secure the time of the ‘first trade,’ and this includes all Stocks. The problem: One would probably have to be a Member of the Commodity exchanges, or NYSE to secure this type of timed birth information. :( I will digress with further thoughts throughout this topic.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

So, is that what the Gann dates are? Twenty-four 15° multiples from the vernal point? I never did have a clue what they were and figured you'd tell us if anything clipped along :)

In other words, all Sun passes of 0° or 15° of the Tropical zodiac (another way to say the same thing I said above and not related to zodiacs as such)?
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote and asked:
So, is that what the Gann dates are? Twenty-four 15° multiples from the vernal point? I never did have a clue what they were and figured you'd tell us if anything clipped along :)
Yes, that is exactly what Gann’s Sun Dates are, and if my life’s path had not crossed an astrologer’s life path, I would never have discovered the truth of Gann’s Sun Dates. But, I only discovered half of this truth which pertained to a specific TIME (exact date) with the future and markets. I never discovered the truth with what Gann was doing with the ‘numbers’ with his Time & Price charts. Gann mentions several times: Major tops and bottoms occur when Time and Price ‘square-out’ with each other. What this means is Price is squaring with these Sun Dates. For a possible example: If Gann saw in the future when Time (1246 weeks) ‘squared’ with Price (1246 $) along with his other important market indicators—he KNEW the market had very high probability for a major top.

I do know this with exhausted historic daily market charts : The Dow vibrates to these Sun Dates for Major Tops and Bottoms! And since I never cracked the Price part of Gann’s ‘squaring out’, I was left with only observing when markets were making all time highs and a technical reversal occurred exactly on a Sun Date—there was high probability of a major top—which was absolutely invaluable to anyone operating in the markets. I was told by Gann’s son over the phone—his father was taught these Time & Price charts in India. These Sun Dates are nothing more than a division of the Tropical Seasons not zodiacs, and Gann was a serious student of the Bible where it was taught 'Everything has its own Season'. Gann spent an extraordinary amount of time researching in detail the price history of any given market!

So, I had to figure out a way to partly apply Gann’s knowledge in a simple practical manner when I was in charge of company pension fund and investment money. I simply looked for when markets were making new highs and used a very discipline technical procedure, and when my technical’s showed a clear reversal in price with my technical’s partile cnj these Sun Dates, I knew with high probability ‘natural law’ was ‘causing’ a Major Top. Same for Major Bottoms. On March 6 2009 (An exact Gann Sun Date) the Dow made a Major Bottom from the 2007-2008 Great Recession Stock Market Crash!

Jim wrote and asked:
In other words, all Sun passes of 0° or 15° of the Tropical zodiac (another way to say the same thing I said above and not related to zodiacs as such)?
Exactly Jim! We are simple talking about our tropical calendar divided by 24 (15 degrees) seasons starting from the vernal point.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

But is it calendars - meaning, even division of days - or celestial longitude - meaning specific ecliptical longitudes? Are we looking for every 15.2 days or for any days when Sun is at Sidereal 5° or 20° of any sign?
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote and asked:
But is it calendars - meaning, even division of days - or celestial longitude - meaning specific ecliptical longitudes? Are we looking for every 15.2 days or for any days when Sun is at Sidereal 5° or 20° of any sign?
When I was doing my exhaustive research with historical daily markets, I had not discovered the Sidereal Z and was only looking at Gann's Tropical Sun Dates on one of many of his Price and Time charts. There are other Gann Charts which include other Sun Dates dividing the calendar year by 16--not 24.

But, I saw Gann price charts where he would take a trend line for a market with the longitudes of two planets and put them on graph paper and when the exact conjunction of these two planets occurred, the market would top for a large correction. I will try to isolate this part of his teachings and quote his exact words.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

All of the following Gann quoted words are from his Course on “How to Make Profits in Commodities”:
Squaring Price with Time:
This is one of the most important and valuable discoveries I have ever made, and if you stick strictly to the rule, and always watch an option when Price is squared by time with either daily, weekly, and monthly charts, you will be able to forecast the important changes in trend with greater accuracy.

Bottoms and tops change over a period of years not only because of Supply and Demand change, but because the forces or cause of price change and on account of longitude and latitude. The cycle that it is working in either forms squares or triangles which lower or raises prices according to natural laws which produce the energy that causes the price moves.

If you will take the time to go over any stock running back 10 to 30 years or its life price history, checking all the important tops and bottoms, you will see how well these past tops and bottoms geometrically predicts future important tops and bottoms, involving time and space.

We have astronomical and mathematical proof of the whys for the natural laws causing the working of geometrical angles in the market place. When you have made progress, I will give you further information on the application for these natural laws governing the marketplace.
*Gann's ‘further information on the application of these natural laws governing the marketplace’ was not given in any part of his Course Materials. This is why I quickly came to the conclusion Gann’s Courses are basically worthless. In my opinion, only an astrologer could possible glimpse certain Gann inferences which may offer pieces of Gann’s natural laws governing the marketplace. I do know this: It takes a tremendous amount of time with price history research for any market in order to set-up a possible working view of some of Gann’s natural laws governing the marketplace, and speaking from an astrologer’s point of view—there is no need to waste time on the price history of a given market—unless you have a precise timed date-hour and minute of the ‘first’ trade’ in the market you want to investigate. No different when you want to investigate the natural Sidereal Astrology laws governing the personal time for an individual-you should have an AA Birth Time.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

I will keenly be preparing for a possible very low risk/high reward market trade during the time period for the symbolism offered by this Oct 30th 2020 'outstanding incident' DSLR.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

With a double whammy of both Natal & DSLR Uranus partile cnj NYSE DSLR angles-- structured with partile 'outstanding incident' aspects, imo, I think there is high % the NYSE will experience a very volatile movement timed with the results of 2020 Prez Election, no matter which political party is the winner. Without the principles/guidelines of Sidereal Astrology with this NYSE DSLR, the timing of this possible NYSE 'outstanding event' could not have been computed.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

I will keenly be interested in the results of the Dem Primary for IOWA! If Bernie wins, I want to see if the market adjusts itself with a correction, factoring in the possibilities of socialist policies with Bernie winning Prez. IMO, even if Bernie does win Prez it won't matter unless the Dem's take the Senate. Election 2020 is going to be very exciting for me :) .
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

The 'outstanding incident' aspect symbolized in the NYSE Oct 30 DSLR is t. Uranus partile cnj DSLR MC, partile cnj Natal NYSE Venus.

Uranus symbolizes change, unexpected happenings. NYSE Venus symbolizes relationships to the NYSE, and relationships to the NYSE are stocks/investors/traders/big money interests.

As a speculative possibility, my friend and I will definitely take a trade position in the market (NYSE) on Monday Nov 2 the day before Prez election; primarily, IF Bernie Sanders is the Dem candidate vs Trump, only with Vegas odds considerably in Trumps favor. If this trade happens with Bernie unexpectedly/stunning/shocking becoming Prez, my friend and I will close-out our trade position before the NYSE closes on Wed Nov 4th, the day after the election. Personally, I think even with an unexpected (Uranus) Bernie Prez, negative reactions on the NYSE will be short lived. Regardless who is running for Prez and the winner, this NYSE DSLR is still symbolizing strong possibilities for unexpected changes in the NYSE covering the time period for the 2020 Prez election.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

IF Bernie Sanders wins Prez with a Dem Senate there will be high probability the DOW will experience its largest 1-3 day drop in its history, but will quickly bounce back with the economy OK.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Good time to buy at the bottom. (But I'm worried about 2021 in general, including the market but also tye social fabric.)
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

I am more worried about the social fabric than the markets. I don't see any angular Neptune in the SMA charts to symbolize a market panic, which normally precedes a slow destruction of the economy. But that 2021 Capsolar is certainly cause for worry on many levels.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Noel Tyl (RIP), one of my main Solar Arc teachers, writes from his book: "Solar Arcs, Astrology's Most Successful Predictive System":
It is safe to say that nothing vitally important in life development occurs without angular contact—or contact with the Sun or Moon. Angles are crucial.
On election day Nov 3 2020, Solar Arc NYSE ASC is arc to 05,57 Aqu, partile 90 NYSE Natal Sun at 05,22 Tau. This Solar Arc hit with an NYSE Angle (ASC) and Sun occurs only once every 90 years. Sun-Asc tones have much to do with:
My friend and I will be keenly interested if this possible NYSE Recognition will be brought to the forefront of the World with the Nov 3 Prez election.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Only IF the NYSE keeps stair casing to new market highs all the way to April 2020, the April 8 'outstanding incident' DSLR may time a sharp drop in the market. This DSLR is nasty with Mars 1,42 cnj ASC partile 90 Uranus for the 'outstanding incident'. Also there is a mundo 0,15 direct midpoint of Mars/Saturn=ASC.

April 8 NYSE DSLR:
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

I am looking for some possible market downward action to begin with NYSE's DSLR April 8. Just noticed there is a full moon April 7 (Supermoon) falling partile Trump's Natal Jupiter and partile on the NYSE Zenith-Nadir axis. I am hoping to see Trump do what he is good at---boasting :roll: about how well the markets are doing for a possible market top April-6-7.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Very rarely is Wall Street caught with BIG unexpected news. If Bernie become Prez only with Trump at high favorite betting odds to come later on election day to win second term, there is high probability you will see a totally unexpected (Uranus) stunning/shocking (Pluto) fast move to the downside the night/day after election results are known with follow through to the downside the remainder of election week. The opposite happen when Trump was unexpectedly/stunningly/shockingly elected Prez in 2016--the market finished-up app 900 pts the night/day after 2016 election results and has since steadily marched upward in a tremendous Bull Market. But, markets always fall faster and harder in Bear Markets. The higher markets go up in Bull Markets--the harder faster they drop after Bull Moves. It has always been a natural law for this to happen with contrasting Bull/Bear markets.

BTW, I am beginning to see Technical Distribution Patterns in the markets, smart money quietly taking profits! The NYSE is the smartest most accurate predictor of the future of anything I have ever encountered in my life, as at one time in my life a student of markets. Smart Money usually always knows the important news long before the Public and are positioned accordingly. I can only guess the market (smart money) may be in the early stages of discounting negative news either related to the Corno-Virus or maybe this 2020 Election. But, if betting favorite odds for Trump winning vs Bernie as Prez remain low as they are now, the markets may be getting spooked by what they see happening in the Dem Primaries with Bernie?
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by derrick1QM »

SteveS, thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Derick.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

The only news which will begin to convince me the Corona Virus is not a serious global threat is if the DOW only closes on a monthly chart above the all-time high at 29,951 made on Feb 12 2020, by the end of 2020 :( .
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

On Feb 13 2020, 1 day after the all time high (so far) in the DOW at 29,551, I wrote:
BTW, I am beginning to see Technical Distribution Patterns in the markets, smart money quietly taking profits! The NYSE is the smartest most accurate predictor of the future of anything I have ever encountered in my life, as at one time in my life a student of markets. Smart Money usually always knows the important news long before the Public, and are positioned accordingly. I can only guess the market (smart money) may be in the early stages of discounting negative news either related to the Corno-Virus or maybe this 2020 Election.
I was alerted to watch closely with my technical analysis of markets this time frame months ago, but only if the market was making new all time highs. WHY? Because of my great respect for Solar Arc Principles involving the angles of a proven reliable Chart, as well as closely watching Solar Arc angular hits involving the Sun & Moon positions of a reliable Chart. I noted there was only one main Solar Arc to occur in 2020, and that was an exact hit of Solar Arc Asc 90 NYSE Sun (5,22) Tau. But, the main way I was able to zero-in on Feb-12-13 2020 to be able to write the above post on Feb 13-- is the following written by Charles EO. Carter, a serious author/student of Astrology:
If at any time that a directional body or angle is in aspect to another by direction, either of these bodies forms an aspect by transit with either of two directional bodies or angle, then this transit will excite the direction into immediate operation.
*A Direction is the name applied to a Solar Arc in the context of Carter's above quoted words:

Here is a link for a monthly chart of the DOW: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/indexde ... /fi-a6qja2

* Look closely at this monthly chart. Note on Feb 18 the DOW began its free fall descent with collapsing prices. This just so happens to be when t. Sun entered a partile orb 90 NYSE Sun. What we see here is t. Sun (5 Aqu) exciting this Solar Arc (Direction) with Natal NYSE Sun (5,22 Tau) into immediate operation---which for right now I am allowing 75 % probability for a beginning of a new Bear Market to last years! Of course we will see sharp counter moves to the upside with the market's volatility.

But more importantly for me and my close friends/family: With my past market experience in reading the truth of matters related to fundamental news in the media which at time moves markets, I take very seriously the market insiders are taking this Coronavirus very seriously for long-term implications for the NYSE, in lieu of the recent historical bearish moves in the NYSE! The DOW close Friday Feb 29 at 25,409, over 4,000 pts down from its all time high at 29,551 made on Feb 12 2020.

If any members on this forum wants to monitor their own major Solar Arc Life Developments with serious astrological intent, I highly recommend a serious study of Noel Tyl (RIP--you taught me much) book Solar Arcs.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

There is no doubt in my technical market mind we have high probability that the 11 year Bull Market in NYSE has ended with a major all time high market top Feb 12 pertaining to this Solar Arc ASC partile 90 NYSE Sun, excited by t. Sun partile cnj Solar Arc Asc Feb 18, partile 90 NYSE Sun. The Solar Arc NYSE Asc 90 NYSE Sun is a once in 360 life time Solar Arc hit, historically, a very rare Solar Arc event for the NYSE.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

So it passed the tests of ending the WEEK down and the MONTH down. What other thresholds does it have to pass to qualify as a confirmed technical top.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote and asked:
So it passed the tests of ending the WEEK down and the MONTH down. What other thresholds does it have to pass to qualify as a confirmed technical top.
There are two: 1: Market cannot close over Feb 12 high 29,551 on any monthly chart during rest of 2020. 2: The market closes below the 2019 close on the last trading day of 2020 vs last trading day in 2019. I will have to check and post later these yearly numbers. If # 2 happens, we get a YEARLY reversal which is a nail in the coffin for a protracted Bear Market.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

I wrote:
If # 2 happens, we get a YEARLY reversal which is a nail in the coffin for a protracted Bear Market.
On 12/31/2019, the last trading day of 2019, the DOW closed at 28,538. Thursday 12/31/2020 is the last trading day for 2020. If the DOW closes below 28,538 on the last trading day in 2020, technically it confirms a YEARLY reversal, which will be another technical confirmation the 11 year Bull Market has ended. Yearly volume #'s will be important. Never in my entire life have I seen such fast moving volatile daily moves I witness last week with heavy volume (# of shares traded). Heavy volume at the beginning of Bear markets has historically always been a very strong technical indicator for major long term reversals of trends.

Astrologically speaking, I am convinced this McWhirter Chart for the NYSE is an accurate timed chart. I am tempted to slightly tweak the time of this chart by what I witness with the t. Sun exciting the Solar Arc Asc and Natal Sun into immediate operation for the beginning of the collapse in prices, but I will not out of my respect for the unknown research McWhirter did to get this timed Chart for the NYSE. I need to read her book and post how she determined the time of day for this chart. I strongly suspect she uncovered the actual time of day the very first traded share occurred on May 17, 1792 for the NYSE.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

2/3 of the USA economy is built on two simple words, Consumer spending. If a pandemic of the C-19 Virus develops in the USA, which IMO I don't think has a Sidereal Mundane Astrology possibility until 2021, the USA economy will collapse unless DC has a plan in place to bailout Main Street (the average working person & small business). I have never known of a bailout for Main Street in the history of USA, but that doesn't mean its not possible.

Yesterday, after the market closed, DC started discussions about possible ways to protect Main Street. Overnight futures markets reacted favorably to these discussions. Lets see if this stops the free fall with Wall Street prices for at least a consolidation for a few weeks with falling NYSE prices.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

I wrote this morning:
Yesterday, after the market closed, DC started discussions about possible ways to protect Main Street. Overnight futures markets reacted favorably to these discussions. Lets see if this stops the free fall with Wall Street prices for at least a consolidation for a few weeks with falling NYSE prices.
NYSE finished up 1,167 pts. So far the market likes what it hears coming out of DC, but nothing by law yet. Lets see how long last nights bottom holds at app 23,100.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

I am seeing the Federal Reserve panic. IMO, I think they are trying to prevent the nation from going into a full-blown Depression :cry: , so far its not working by the reactions on Wall Street. Last Friday, they had an auction on their 30 year T-bills- bonds and no one in the World bid on any of these Bonds. I think we are close to seeing major rule changes in the Nation's banking system.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

I think they're just trying to keep Trump from freaking out and firing all of them, which he was making noise about right up till they lowered the interest rate. He wanted 0% and grumbled about that till he caught on they were buying back bonds.
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Re: A timed chart for the May 17 1792 NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

I am seeing % price swings in the DOW not seen since the beginning of the Great Depression in 1929! The Federal Reserve has fired all their bullets to hold the financial systems together. I am calling it--we are headed for another Great Depression. :(
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