Mars in Aries sign project

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Jim Eshelman
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Mars in Aries sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to the Mars in Aries discussions project, which will run April 14 - May 15, 2019 (and then will remain around in case people want to revisit it in the future). Please gather your list of Mars in Aries people (especially those you know personally) and join us.

Here are Mars in Aries interpretive resources on the forum:
Primary section: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=32#p127
Garth Allen: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33#p130

Mars in Aries has similarities to and differences from Sun in Aries. To help discern these similarities and differences, here is a link to the earlier Sun in Aries project. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=162

My current concise summary of Mars in Aries (always subject to change) reads:
Strong-willed, independent, confident. Firm in their own opinions, don't back down. Accomplishing, industrious. Knack for business, promotion, making things move. (Building & expanding organizations or industries.) Imperial (bossy?). Some have too much energy pumping through their bodies for their comfort & health.
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Re: Mars in Aries sign project

Post by Veronica »

My mother has five heavenly bodies in Aries. Both Luminaries plus the quick moving mars and mercury conjunct.

She is every single one of those qualities.
And so much more.
I could list all of the things she acomplished and it would barely scratch the surface of what that woman did with her life.
The part of her life that I was a part of consisted of her being a HomeMaker.
Thats a dying breed Imo.
She had my father. She had her mother in law and her own mother on weekends six kids...all under her care.
She grew our food.
She made our clothes
She checked our homework and studied wuth us.
When my father went to college she read all his textbooks and made sure he passed.
She read everything.
She did crosswords.
She changed the lives of everyone who knew her.
She later in life got her drivers license and a job.
She excelled at her job and touched the whole community so deeply that when she died hundreds of strangers came and paid respect and the town planted a RedBud and a Liliac Tree in her honor.

Most people reading that mars in aries description would think of a person who notably changed the witld in some hufe way.
My mom did that and when she died my family fell apart.
Good thing she gave birth to hub who has her strong work ethic and keeps things moving together.
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Re: Mars in Aries sign project

Post by Hannah »

Stanley Kubrick had Mars in Aries, and he was quite the iconoclast in film-making. I remember reading stories about his obsessive attention to the details of his movies... elements that would only be seen for seconds were well-crafted and highly detailed. He required complete control over his movies, and masterpieces were born from his industriousness.

Another example is Steve Jobs, who was also an iconoclast of his time, had a tireless attention to details, and a need to be in control of all areas of his business... in which an empire was born from.
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Re: Mars in Aries sign project

Post by Hannah »

I know three people with Mars in Aries, Danica, another friend in my social circle, and my step-father.

All three strike me as people who naturally stand apart from the crowd, and seem to have endless amount of energy and time!

One is constantly traveling, while balancing school, a job, and a growing business. He is very energetic and I have never seen him tired.

My step-father works in welding, I think? He had a rough childhood, was put in foster care at a very young age, hit by a car as a pedestrian when he was a teenager (he has injuries he lives with to this day), and has a family that has battled with an addiction to meth (including two of his kids and their mother). His sun is in Aquarius and his moon is in Scorpio. When he was a young adult he lived with a group of pagan/eco-warriors in Oxnard. They were making homemade bombs and putting them in construction equipment used to deforest areas of the San Rafael wilderness to make room for more urbanization. He is wary about modern medicine (funny, because my mom is a wound-care nurse, another Scorpio!), and would be most comfortable living on a homestead, cut off from society.

I am amazed at how much Danica gets done! Writing on these forums, reading, being a mom, working a job, etc. etc. And she also never seems to tire and is always alert and conscious, in my experience. And she very naturally has a distinctive personality and is unafraid to express her opinions openly and honestly, but I don't think I have ever seen her go out of her way to prove her opinions too firmly. I think I am mainly struck by her consuming passion, she very much so lives her word in all that she does.
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Re: Mars in Aries sign project

Post by sotonye »

My current girl has Mars in Aries, and while generally everyone seeks approval or derives some sense self worth from the things they've done or do, she in particular does all that by asserting her competence in business, her independence from the ideas and direction that others would impose on her, and her industriousness in the things expected of her to maintain relationships, and there is much willingness to put time and energy toward those she loves. She is extremely self-willed and indomitable, unlike Aries Suns and the space apart they can maintain from their actions she appears fully committed to her endeavors, even while paired she maintains her autonomy, and there is an air about her that suggests, if she is ever down, that she won't be for long.
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Re: Mars in Aries sign project

Post by Danica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:11 pm
Strong-willed, independent, confident. Firm in their own opinions, don't back down. Accomplishing, industrious. Knack for business, promotion, making things move. (Building & expanding organizations or industries.) Imperial (bossy?). Some have too much energy pumping through their bodies for their comfort & health.
I see all of this as very to-the-point for me.
There are wave-like phases of contraction and expansion - I see the Plutonian & Solar of Aries in this, the heart-pumping-alike pulsing of 'inward' and 'outward' motion; during the contraction phase, I'm focused (the background focus that directs the flow of vital energies) primarily on inner processes, and during the expansion phase primarily on action in the world.

The imperial/bossy: I've struggled against accepting this and have been expressing it unconsciously, in ways that scared and disturbed the Venusian sensibilities (mine, and others')... this Uranus transit to nat Sat-Sun has come to shake me out of the dysfunctional and outgrown pattern-layers, and I feel I'm coming to my own balance of finding a way to be (more fully, more consciously, properly owning it) all of it - the gentle & soft Jupiter-Venus and Neptune, as well as the intense, penetrating, domineering, imperial Aries Mars.
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Re: Mars in Aries sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mars in Aries examples from my Example Chart Collection:
  • Pres. Thomas Jefferson, Pres. John F. Kennedy, Pres. Gerald R. Ford, Adolf Hitler, Empress Catherine II, Sen. Bill Bradley, Princess Claire Coombs, Stacey Abrams, Omarosa Manigault
  • Chuck Berry, Mick Jagger, Liberace, Billy Joel, Julie London, Carole King, Madonna, Belinda Carlisle, Chaka Khan, Wynonna Judd, Celine Dion, Paula Abdul, Melanie C (Sporty Spice), Queen Latifah, Kesha Sebert, John Coltrane, Curt Sachs
  • Ginger Rogers, Lucille Ball, Gena Rowlands, Paula Prentiss, Linda Blair, Ally Sheedy, Lucy Lawless, Tyra Banks, Rose McGowan, Harry Houdini, Marcel Marceau, Will Rogers, Peter Fonda, Rami Malek, Jane Avril, Kenneth Anger
  • Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Degas, M.C. Escher, Balthus, Diane Arbus
  • Theo Van Gogh, Ross Perot, Steve Jobs
  • Beatrice Cenci, Cheryl Crane, Timothy McVeigh, Stephen Paddock, Valerie Solanas. Abigail Folger, JonBenet Ramsey.
  • Paul Janssen, Gustave Eiffel, Thomas Henry Huxley, Marquis de Sade, Nadya Suleman
  • Isaac Newton, Annie Besant, Swami Vivekananda, Alfred Witte
The singers often are exceptional examples of enormous physical energy and motion. Among music and actors there are quite a few significant dancers (again, the physical energy and motion themes; don't miss Jane Avril in this, or how Marcel Marceau's genius is all about motion). Essentially no astrologers of note and the scientists are atypical except for Newton.
Jim Eshelman
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