I just ran a list of all Saturn-Pluto conjunctions for the last thousand years and find that, during that time, Saturn conjunct Pluto occurred in Sagittarius only once, on January 3, 1518. (The next one is January 12, 2020.) - During the same time, it occurred in Gemini (the opposite constellation) eight times.
In the thousand years before that, it appeared in Sagittarius only twice, on December 22, 280 AD and December 25, 1015.
These would, perhaps, be three interesting periods to investigate.
Saturn-Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
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Saturn-Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Saturn-Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius
January 3, 1518
I'm not sure if this is boring or exciting, but I notice that in the months leading up to 1518, the main issues were worries over Muslim invaders and negotiating trade deals with China.
The more things change...
But the really big thing soon before, on October 31, 1517 when both were in Sagittarius and they were in rather wide conjunction, was that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to a Wittenberg church door, starting a ferocious phase of the Protestant Reformation. (Note the religious issues that combine assault, reformation, and fealty to principles, etc.)
Nothing big happened that I can find in the first half of 1518. In the last half of the year was a treaty securing some social stability and peace in Western Europe and an insane "dance mania" overwhelming people in Strasbourg.
I'm not sure if this is boring or exciting, but I notice that in the months leading up to 1518, the main issues were worries over Muslim invaders and negotiating trade deals with China.
The more things change...
But the really big thing soon before, on October 31, 1517 when both were in Sagittarius and they were in rather wide conjunction, was that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to a Wittenberg church door, starting a ferocious phase of the Protestant Reformation. (Note the religious issues that combine assault, reformation, and fealty to principles, etc.)
Nothing big happened that I can find in the first half of 1518. In the last half of the year was a treaty securing some social stability and peace in Western Europe and an insane "dance mania" overwhelming people in Strasbourg.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Saturn-Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius
December 25, 1015.
History remembers a number of shifts and changes among kings, but I'm not sure it's more than in any other year of that broad time. But in a strange comparison to the Strasbourg mania mentioned above, in the summer of 1015 a Norwegian earl outlawed berserkers, soldiers who fought in an induced trance-like fury.
History remembers a number of shifts and changes among kings, but I'm not sure it's more than in any other year of that broad time. But in a strange comparison to the Strasbourg mania mentioned above, in the summer of 1015 a Norwegian earl outlawed berserkers, soldiers who fought in an induced trance-like fury.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Saturn-Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius
December 22, 280 AD
I don't see anything distinctive in 280-281. There is some instability in the Roman Empire, but it wasn't unique to these years.
I don't see anything distinctive in 280-281. There is some instability in the Roman Empire, but it wasn't unique to these years.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Saturn-Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius
I have been thinking about this up-coming Saturn-Pluto cnj too, but more related to the stock market than along the lines your mind is seeing with history. But, if this Saturn-Pluto cnj manifests directly with China trade-it will definitely affect the markets. I will be particularly interested in this Saturn-Pluto cnj if I see new significant highs in the DOW close to this cnj, because this Saturn-Pluto will partile 90 McWhirter's NYSE Moon. Even if we don't get new highs--this might be the timing signal for another significant correction. Could time a frame for some type of 'shocking' shortages. This cnj also falls close to Trump's vertex axis I think-- so this cnj could be involved in a direct type Saturn-Pluto incident fundamentally causing Trump losing election in 2020.
- Jim Eshelman
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- Posts: 19572
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Re: Saturn-Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius
Trump has enough Saturn-Pluto coming in the next few months - in his SLR - to bury an elephant.
Meanwhile, I posted this on Facebook (on a mundane astrology page) last week:
Meanwhile, I posted this on Facebook (on a mundane astrology page) last week:
BTW, as I'm sure you (Steve) know better than most of us, the devastating weather cross the south - from Texas to Alabama, and now turning from Georgia up to New England - is surely one of the the Canlunar's contributions to all of this.Attached below are two ingresses occurring about now. The first is the Canlunar (Moon's Sidereal Cancer ingress) that occured April 12, 7:16 PM EDT in Washington. It lasts one week. The second is the Arisolar (Sun's Sidereal Aries ingress) that will occur April 15, 2:17 AM EDT. (Because of a dormant Cancer ingress in July, this Arisolar lasts six months, until mid-October.)
Both of them have the Saturn-Pluto conjunction closely angular, defining most of what the charts have to say. I think it likely that the Canlunar is kicking off the six months this week, but that the bigger effects probably don't fully engage until Monday when the Arisolar is active. But, between early Monday and late Friday (when the Canlunar expires), their overlap probably will pop the cork on Saturn-Pluto conditions for the U.S. in general and in Washington in particular.
My forecast for the six months of the Arisolar (published a few weeks ago) says:Being ever the optimist, my forecast for the Canlunar week (April 12-19) says:It is a chart of great severity. Saturn rises within 0°02' in Washington. Pluto is 2°34' below Ascendant, so that Saturn conjoins Pluto within 2°32' in mundo. Together, Saturn and Pluto are PVP square Moon, with Moon-Saturn partile. With SATURN RISING so closely, expect loss and deprivation, whether of property or human life. Expect the stock market to falter, the economy to narrow, and banks to be in trouble. Damage from natural disasters increases. Foremost, with Moon-Saturn-Pluto, cruelty rises as hearts harden and sadness spreads like a dark cloud. Saturn-Pluto brings dramatic hardships, sometimes with an apocalyptic sense of irrevocable loss or separation. Moon-Saturn means sacrifice, loss, and sadness. Moon-Pluto, intensifying the rest, emphasizes separation, alienation, and departures. The emotional impact of genocide matches these aspects, though of course other physical outcomes are possible.The Canlunar... is potentially devastating. Saturn (0°53') and Pluto (2°10') straddle IC, their midpoint 0°38' from the angle. Both square Sun (which squares MC), the Sun-Pluto square being a tight 0°22'. SATURN-PLUTO is harsh and savage, with a characteristic sense of irrevocable loss. With Sun's importance (by angularity and an 0°08' square to Moon) and close Sun-Pluto and Sun-Saturn aspects, this will be a week that deeply damages the presidency of Donald Trump... With Sun so strong, the three most common historic scenarios are: (1) a direct assault on the person and office of the president; (2) a high-impact assault on the United States originating from outside the country, targeting the government; or (3) a natural disaster that requires significant government intervention. Other specific events are possible, of course... Transiting Saturn and ingress Pluto cross [Capsolar Quotidian] MC together Apr 13-14, then transiting Pluto on Apr 16. Ingress Sun-Uranus cross an angle Apr 17-18.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Saturn-Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius
Jim wrote:
Yep, our power went off yesterday evening for several hours--no big deal--we are use to power outages in our rural area which is the last areas to be repaired. I have a neighbor who is a lineman (many years) for Alabama Power Co, and he told me in rural areas in South a new problem has developed never before see by power companies on such a wide scale. The South as well as other parts of the nation has had so much rain--tress along rural road ways root system is so saturated with water---wind gusts are blowing tress down across rural power lines and road ways. He said this situations is stressing the power companies with man power to repair. Never have I seen so much rain this past winter continuing into the spring. When it rains is indeed literally pours buckets similar to monsoons. We have a-lot of springs around my place and never have I seen the spring reservoirs so high with water.BTW, as I'm sure you (Steve) know better than most of us, the devastating weather cross the south - from Texas to Alabama, and now turning from Georgia up to New England - is surely one of the the Canlunar's contributions to all of this.