Revising this post to follow the recent revisions of my own understanding. I have never been satisfied with my own previous interps of this aspect and have never felt that I arrived at anything close to a foundational principle, but recently after looking at a much larger sample of those who have the close, hard aspects I’ve been able to see the broader themes which apply perfectly to those I know and which have tremendous predictive value for those I don’t, which I think is what we want in our notion of aspects, a clear view of the outcomes they almost always suggest for the life of the individual.
At any rate, the conclusion I’ve drawn about these aspects is more or less what Mr. E has stated, that these aspects are explicitly musical, and I’ve just taken it further. What I think Mercury-Pluto amounts to is a modification of Mercury by Pluto which results in Mercury being at its most authentic expression, which can manifest as either a musical, sporty, or inquisitive bent, with the musical being most likely. There are an extraordinary number of musically inclined individuals with this aspect and I think more likely than not that it represents either a deep, consuming interest or active participation in music in some way, either by being a singer or playing an instrument or managing a music group or owning a record store. The fundamental principle at work here I think is work through self-inspired paths. Mercury-Pluto natives don’t seem to really work for other people, and when they do it’s in an offbeat career like film or sport when music isn’t their taste. They forge careers out of the creative crucibles of their souls and some wind up becoming legendary for this reason. It’s hard to find a single Mercury-Pluto person who isn’t casually creative and interested in pursuing an atypical occupation.
Mercury-Pluto (nov 2019 update)
Mercury-Pluto (nov 2019 update)
Last edited by sotonye on Sat Nov 09, 2019 2:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Mercury-Pluto (since previous post is locked)
Want to continue to expand on the new revision as time goes on and when I’m feeling sharper than I am now