Mars in Taurus sign project

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Mars in Taurus sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to the Mars in Taurus discussions project, which will run May 16 - June 15, 2019 (and then will remain around in case people want to revisit it in the future). Please gather your list of Mars in Taurus people (especially those you know personally) and join us.

Here are Mars in Taurus interpretive resources on the forum:
Primary section: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=32#p116
Garth Allen: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33#p131

Mars in Taurus has similarities to and differences from Sun in Taurus. To help discern these similarities and differences, here is a link to the earlier Sun in Taurus project.

My current concise summary of Mars in Taurus (always subject to change) reads:
Artists, musicians. Tender, responsive, humane. Mystic instincts attuned to love. Sexually attractive, romantic soul, sensual (sexually popular?). Women often tough, competitive, comfortable with assertiveness. Men often second-guess themselves, perhaps a little lost, ambivalent about aggression.
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Re: Mars in Taurus sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Members of Solunars,com with Mars in Taurus include regulars By Jove and Benji, former regular Mikestar13, and occasional visitors Codename Monarch and Art Goddess.
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Re: Mars in Taurus sign project

Post by Ember Nyx »

I wish I had more friends with Mars in Taurus, but I only have one. As such, I can't make especially strong statements, but I'll try to make some statements. She's an Aquarius/Taurus.

The remarks about artistic profession are strikingly accurate - she is a professional in the field I left, live A/V event production, and is very competent and works very hard. She's very organized in her personal life despite having a really hectic and consuming career.

She is quite philosophical and very attentive to social issues. She seems more than passingly interested in the occult (and super interested in astrology in particular), but I don't know how deep that theme runs besides that.
"Women tend to be tough, competitive, comfortable with assertiveness, without compromising their tenderness." This is extremely appropriate. Very forthright and assertive while still being quite kind.

I can't speak to any of the romantic/sexual themes, since I don't know her relationship to those. I know that she's committed to the utmost to her partner, though.

I was a little intimidated by her at first when she joined the company; I thought she was just "too cool" to have any interest in talking to me. She radiates "badass." That projection formed the majority of my perception of her until I got to know her better. She actually struck up a friendship with me first, and I discovered she is a very warm person (while still, in fact, being a badass).
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Re: Mars in Taurus sign project

Post by Hannah »

My mother has Mars in Taurus (w/sun in Scorpio, moon in Pisces).

A story she told me the other day, I think, shows an example of "comfortable with assertiveness, without compromising their tenderness."

She works as a nurse manager for a wound-care clinic, where she hired a young nurse. Her first impression was that she was very shy and timid, but sweet. The first day this nurse made a mistake my mother reprimanded her harshly, and the next day the girl came into her office to apologize. She bowed to my mother while apologizing over and over again. My mom told her to never bow to her again, that if the girl wanted to express her respect, she wanted to be looked in the eyes and seen as equals. The girl is now moving onto a new life path and will be leaving her job there, before going though, she sat down with my mother to tell her how much of a mentor she was, and to thank her for teaching her how to be assertive. My mother was taken off-guard by this.

My mom is naturally artistic (she was an exceptional actress when she was younger-- she was accepted into the UCLA's acting department as a freshman), but has never pursued art as a profession. And she is very, very skilled as a cook! She truly makes the best food (in my opinion :) )

She built a 1940's Ford truck by hand. And went to college and kept a job, while being a single mom of two children.

She also has had many marriages.

Also, she does kind of play the nurse while at work and at home. When I was younger, I remember her taking on relationships with people that were in need of taking care of... alcoholics, people without jobs, people with tough upbringings... and was unfazed by the "normal" attractive elements (good looks, money, big bods, etc.) She married people that were tough, tattooed, rockstars, with troubled lives.

She is "tender, responsive.." and "humane." And has a very, very keen sense of intuition. It was hard to get away with anything in my teenage years because she could see through all of my cool, facades! And to this day, is acutely sensitive to the mother-children psychic link.
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Re: Mars in Taurus sign project

Post by Veronica »

Both my father and my exhusband have Mars in Taurus.
With my Mars in Scorpio I can see why we clashed and clicked deeply and strongly. As a female with Mars comfy in Scorpio I am sure my martian confidence was troubling to thier Mars in such a docile placement for a man.

They are both excellent artists and musicians quite naturally. My father painted Dinsey characters by hand on my childhood bedroom walls as well as spending hours and hours with me as a child drawing pictures like a book so I could color them in so building with legos.
My ex draws with geometry as a machinist in computer language and algebra. Reverse engineering objects and creating them out of a solud material. That one aspect was fascinating to me. How they both could take an image from thier mind and make it real.
They both are very muical.
My dad loves to sing and listen to all sorts of classical and oldies music. He would sing a lot of wierd songs to me as a child. My ex plays guitar and drums and sings.
My dads charming abilities were a source of embarrassment as a teen as he would seem to be openly flirting with all and sundry of the opposite sex. Even to this day at 86 he knocks the socks off his nurses. My ex has had several women friends since we split up so I suppose he is still working his charms and loving nature as he will.
Both also do have deep rooted self doubt. My father spends way to much time imo asking what did I do wrong...what could I have done...when reflecting on his childrens life choices. My father was very much bullied as a child about his looks. He also became disabled due to an acvident in the army when he was 20 and has lived a life sigmatized by that and limiting his options which I think gave rise to more feelings of self doubt in how to survive the world as a disabled veteran.
My ex has a mars venus conjunction and is uber sensitive and takes things way to personal. If the buffalo bills lost a football game it hit hard deep and personal often triggering extremely volatile behaviors marked by rage and tears.
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Re: Mars in Taurus sign project

Post by Benji »

I can only speak for my self on this. (Sun-Aries, Moon-Sag and Mar-Taurus). I don’t know of any others with Mars in Taurus personally.
Quote: Men often doubt or second-guess themselves, perhaps seem a little lost (ambivalent about aggression). [STATS: not powerful]
I err on the side of caution. Some think it is weak and maybe it is? It is just hard to take being ugly with someone back.
Quote: Responsive (intellectually or emotionally). Humane. [STATS: humane]
Friends and relatives have told me on more than a few occasions that I am open minded and I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt to a fault. I never really know what kind of day someone is having so I tend to cut them some slack.
Quote: Mystic instincts are attuned to love. [STATS: mystical]
Relationship come and go. People always make me smile when they say that they are looking for there Prince or Princess Charming. It is realistic to see that Nothing is permanent, except possibly Divine Love.
Quote: Very sexually attractive, romantic soul, sensual, often with a remarkable diversity of partners. [STATS: sensual but not romantic]
I agree with this, I am a flirt and It has gotten me in a lot of trouble from time to time ;)
Quote: Very sexually attractive, romantic soul, sensual, often with a remarkable diversity of partners. [STATS: sensual but not romantic]
The diversity of partners doesn't fit me. I flirt and am friendly with everyone but, it doesn't mean I am going to sleep with them.

Hope this help and I will add to it, when more comes to mind.
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Re: Mars in Taurus sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Examples of Mars in Taurus from my Example Chart Catalogue:
  • Emperor Augustus, Queen Elizabeth I, PM Cecil Rhodes, Duce Benito Mussolini, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Pat Nixon, Eva Braun
  • Marion Davies, Mary Astor, Bette Davis, Susan Strasberg, Bettie Page, Polly Bergen, Phyllis Diller, Tuesday Weld, Anne Baxter, Meryl Streep, Catherine Deneuve, Helen Mirren, Uma Thurman, Mila Jovovich, Lauren Hutton, Penny Marshall, Loni Anderson, Carmen Electra, Giuliana De Sio, Amber Tamblyn, Mindy Kaling, Lisa Edelstein, Bonnie Langford, Marion Cotillard, Nina Hartley, Dennis Hopper, Hal Holbrook, Keir Dullea, Antonio Banderas, Jerry Springer, Sydney Pollack
  • Lena Horne, Aretha Franklin, Mary Wilson, Joan Jett, Tanya Tucker, JoJo, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Page, Anna Moffo
  • Anatole France, George Sand, Louisa May Alcott, Herman Melville, Arthur Conan Doyle, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Erica Jong, Gwendolyn Brooks, Christine Angot
  • St. Teresa of Avila, Blesséd Elena Aiello, Marjoe Gortner, Tammy Faye Bakker, John L. Lewis, Angela Davis, Martin Luther King, Billie Jean King, Bernie Madoff, Kenneth Lay, Julio Gallo, Gen. Jeb Stuart, Neil Armstrong, Raphael of Urbino, Salvador Dali, Sally Ride
  • Mark David Chapman, O.J. Simpson
  • Alexander Fleming, Jean Piaget, Guglielmo Marconi, George Baxter, Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Bertrand Russell, Wilhelm Gesenius
  • Starhawk, Augusta Foss Heindel, Dane Rudhyar, Linda Goodman
Many of the usual categories are sparse, including political leaders and astrologers (the latter leaning more philosophical); but also few murderers. But the placement is especially strong with singers and in literature, and of course actors where there are stunning examples in the collection. (Also a strange presence of religious evangelists, including some converts that are mingled into other categories.)
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Re: Mars in Taurus sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Moved here from another thread:
By Jove wrote: Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:21 am
[Mars in Taurus] men often doubt or second-guess themselves, perhaps seem a little lost (ambivalent about aggression). [STATS: not powerful]
That's fascinating because it seems I sublimate a lot of my aggressive feelings into art. Friends who played my music when I was in college complained it was too aggressive. Even my therapist thought my writing ideas were too dark.
James Condor wrote: Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:55 am Jove, do you go back and forth about how aggressive to be when approaching an attractive girl or when acting a certain way towards competition? Like sometimes you keep what you're more aggressive feelings hid to and you justify mentally why. Or you replay it later mentally, and perhaps doubt why you didn't get more assertive? Are you thinking, well, I don't want to be a jerk, or that isn't polite, respectful, fair, if I act this way or that?

Mars is more about action. It is physical. An aggression scale. Dancing, sport, sex, physical assertion. Writing is more soul, spirit, ego, self reflection, expression. Mars can be seen in writing style. Depends on the subject matter. Listening to music is more passive then active. Taste in music and art might seems Venusy. How you respond to music might show more of character. How you play an instrument would show more Mars.

Music was aggressive how? Writing is dark how? Jazz can be aggressive.
I have a Mars in Taurus friend who claims things get dark when he is home, alone, no plans, feeling alone, whatever. He is not a dark person. He often feel a deep lack and physiologically responds a certain way. He feels low mostly because he sets high standards which he doesn't always meet and isn't where he wants to be in life.
Jim Eshelman
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