Transits for writing the wedding ceremony

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Jim Eshelman
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Transits for writing the wedding ceremony

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Here's a great transit story from the last couple of days.

it's been my job to write our wedding ceremony. I usually do this sort of thing fast once I get going, and had ideas in mind from Marion's and my discussions, but hadn't crossed the line of actively starting. (Subconsciousness is a great gestation pod for such things.)

Friday, I sat down and cranked out a solid first draft in a short while, ran it past Marion then did some technical refinement with her Saturday morning, then put a seal on "final draft" (but for some tweaking) yesterday afternoon.

Astrological timing - purely by transits - is spectacular for this. The primary wedding aspect in my chart is the lifetime-significant progressed Sun square natal Moon that is exact to the minute on the wedding day. This last week, however, transiting Jupiter has been hitting that progressed Sun and natal Moon. Thursday and Friday were the exact days that transiting Jupiter conjoined progressed Sun and squared natal Moon.

Additionally, Friday is the day that transiting Sun touched my natal Venus-Pluto. This has always been a significant natal aspect for my relationships, and even in ordinary years the four days of the year that Sun conjoins, opposes, or squares natal Venus-Pluto usually have conditions or events significantly themed to intimate relationship.

So Jupiter to the exact Sun-Moon square + Sun to my exact Venus-Pluto square marked the point where I just sat down and cranked out most of it in a few hours. Then, Saturday at 1:10 PM I finished the (but for proofing and tweaking) final draft - it was done. Another Moon-Sun aspect had a play in that, because the Full Moon was exact and... landed right on top of my natal Venus-Pluto! (Moon's aspect to Venus-Pluto was fiercely exact.) Here is the final list:

1°53' Sco - r Venus
1°59' - r Ve/Pl
2°03' Sco - t Moon
2°06' Leo - r Pluto
2°36' Tau - t Sun
Midheaven at the time was 7° Taurus, so this had all just passed the angles.

27°12' Sco - t Jupiter
27°22' Sco - p Sun
27°24' Aqu - r Moon
28°18' Tau - SNQ Asc
Jim Eshelman
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Transits for writing the wedding ceremony

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Amazing how this stuff just works.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Transits for writing the wedding ceremony

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Among other things, today is applying for the marriage license and discovering there are some documents I didn't have at hand - all corrected now.

Anyway, transiting Venus opposes SSR Moon today. Given this SSR, that also means it's tied into some less attractive transits, but those don't hit until tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I'm within a day (for all the paperwork?) of progressed Moon trine progressed Mercury.
Jim Eshelman
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