Saturn in Capricorn
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Saturn in Capricorn
I think it's time to start looking ahead to Saturn's residency in her own constellation, Capricorn beginning next year. Saturn in Sagittarius has been so vivid, so fundamentally defining of much that has led culture and the news for the last two years... and we aren't too far from shifting into a new game. Saturn will be in Capricorn nonstop January 31, 2020 through May 19, 2022.
Here are historic (and upcoming) periods of Saturn in Capricorn.
Mar 23 1725 to Jun 10 1725
Dec 14 1725 to Mar 6 1728
Sep 25 1728 to Nov 21 1728
Jan 22 1755 to May 1 1757
Jul 3 1757 to Jan 16 1758
Mar 10 1784 to Jun 26 1784
Dec 6 1784 to Feb 27 1787
Jan 16 1814 to Apr 15 1816
Jul 24 1816 to Jan 8 1817
Mar 1 1843 to Jul 14 1843
Nov 29 1843 to Feb 20 1846
Jan 7 1873 to Apr 3 1875
Aug 12 1875 to Dec 30 1875
Feb 19 1902 to Aug 2 1902
Nov 17 1902 to Feb 12 1905
Jan 1 1932 to Mar 23 1934
Aug 31 1934 to Dec 18 1934
Feb 9 1961 to Aug 23 1961
Nov 1 1961 to Feb 3 1964
Apr 4 1990 to Jun 4 1990
Dec 22 1990 to Mar 13 1993
Sep 22 1993 to Dec 1 1993
Jan 31 2020 to May 19 2022
Jun 20 2022 to Jan 25 2023
Here are historic (and upcoming) periods of Saturn in Capricorn.
Mar 23 1725 to Jun 10 1725
Dec 14 1725 to Mar 6 1728
Sep 25 1728 to Nov 21 1728
Jan 22 1755 to May 1 1757
Jul 3 1757 to Jan 16 1758
Mar 10 1784 to Jun 26 1784
Dec 6 1784 to Feb 27 1787
Jan 16 1814 to Apr 15 1816
Jul 24 1816 to Jan 8 1817
Mar 1 1843 to Jul 14 1843
Nov 29 1843 to Feb 20 1846
Jan 7 1873 to Apr 3 1875
Aug 12 1875 to Dec 30 1875
Feb 19 1902 to Aug 2 1902
Nov 17 1902 to Feb 12 1905
Jan 1 1932 to Mar 23 1934
Aug 31 1934 to Dec 18 1934
Feb 9 1961 to Aug 23 1961
Nov 1 1961 to Feb 3 1964
Apr 4 1990 to Jun 4 1990
Dec 22 1990 to Mar 13 1993
Sep 22 1993 to Dec 1 1993
Jan 31 2020 to May 19 2022
Jun 20 2022 to Jan 25 2023
Jim Eshelman
- Zodiac Member
- Posts: 318
- Joined: Wed May 10, 2017 11:09 am
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
A lot of these dates seem to line up roughly with the 30-year Uranus-Pluto cycles.
1873: Technology: railroads. Speculation, economic bubble, recession, protests.
1903: Technology: cars, planes.
1932: Radio, TV
1961: Dawn of computer age.
1993: Internet, cellphones, home computers
1873: Technology: railroads. Speculation, economic bubble, recession, protests.
1903: Technology: cars, planes.
1932: Radio, TV
1961: Dawn of computer age.
1993: Internet, cellphones, home computers
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Starting to collate observations from the historic record:
Catherine I, as new Empress of Russia, dominates the time. Bach's St. John Passion, St. Matthew Passion, & other important works. British pacification of Scotland. Significant development & expansion of Freemasonry. Gulliver's Travels published, instantly sells out [NOTE: This might be a critical tale of the transit.]. Royal Bank of Scotland founded. Various religious diasporas and community establishments. Copenhagen Fire of 1728 destroyed much of the city with huge cultural impact.
Various things give me the intuition that a renewal and empowerment of paganism, especially as a rebellion religion, will mark the next cycle of Saturn in Capricorn. I also think "rebellion of the earth" with land-based planetary retaliations amidst climate change.
French & Indian War (& the more global Seven Years War): British and French naval forces escalate their face-off for control of North America, French mobilize in response. British concurrently conquering India. Samuel Johnson's English dictionary published. Lisbon earthquake the same week as the Mount Katla volcano erupts in Iceland. Many alliances secured within Europe as the worlds largest empires remain in active conflict (mostly securing territories).
A period of formation of the new United States under its Articles of Confederation, especially the practical business of putting players and pieces in place and in motion, especially organization of territories and the appointing and receiving of ambassadors (and then preparation for writing the Constitution). (Treaty of Paris ending the Revolutionary War, came into effect May 12). U.S. Mint established to create common currency. It is the era of Mozart, including the opening of The Marriage of Figaro and Symphony No. 38. Botany Bay penal colony established by Britain in Australia.
NOTE: The U.S. Confederation Congress at that time resembled, in many ways, the EU today and may have some analogies.
The time of Napoleon and organized forces against him (War of the Sixth Coalition as part of the longer Napoleonic Wars) and eventually overthrow him. War of 1812 is ongoing including the burning of Washington, DC in August 1814; the war ends in February 1815. Mount Tambora erupton with devastating ecological impact including suppressing temperatures worldwide the next year with widespread crop failures and famine. Second Bank of the United States is chartered.
Several small but interesting church items in 1843, including the revelation authorizing polygamy for Mormons, failure (twice!) of the world to end as prophesied by an American preacher, Joseph Smith is murdered with consequent flux in the LDS church, a split in the Church of Scotland, and the first prophesies of the Ba'hai religion are delivered by the Prophet Bab. Dickens' A Christmas Carol published, immediately sells out [a possible myth of the transit]. England closed its debtor prisons. YMCA is founded. U.S. annexes Texas. Potato blight in Ireland triggers the Great Famine (1845-49). Manifest Destiny becomes a rallying cry furthered by President Polk. Mormon diaspora from Illinois to Utah.
Coinage Act of 1873 ended bimetallism and set the U.S. on the gold standard. Comstock Law outlawed sending lewd books through the mail. Slaves freed in Puerto Rico. American Indian Wars are in full swing during the Grant administrations. Barbed wire is invented. Panic of 1873 gets underway with the Vienna stock exchange crash (and five months later in the U.S.), starting the Long Depression. Women's Christian Temperance Union is formed. NYC annexes The Bronx. Vietnam signs treaty with France, Hawaii signs exclusive trade treaty with U.S. Bank of Spain issues first peseta banknotes. The Great Chicago Fire. Incandescent lamp patented. Democrats win a majority in the House for first time since 1860. Civil Rights Act in 1875 prohibits racial discrimination in public accommodations and jury duty. Ottoman state declares partial bankruptcy. Brigham Young University is founded. Theosophical Society is founded.
A court ends Thomas Edison's monopoly on 35 mm move film tech. The first movie theater opens in Los Angeles. Guatemala earthquake (7.5) kills 800-2,000. La Soufriere volcano erupts on St. Vincent, kills 2,000. Mt Pelee erupts killing 30K (worst of 20th C). Cuba gains independence from U.S. London School of Economics opens. A coal strike in the U.S. Australia grant most women the vote in federal elections. Target Corporation is founded. U.S. war with Philippines ends. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation established (for water resource management). Manzikert earthquake (7.0) in Turkey kills 3,500. Heppner flood. Ford Motor Company founded. Australia's Judiciary Act establishing their court system. U.S. secures rights to build Panama Canal. Miner's strikes in Colorado stir much violence. Wright brothers first fly. Iroquois Theater fire. Russo-Japanese War starts. Pucchini's Madame Butterfly debuts at La Scala. Joseph Smith announces Second Manifesto of LDS church (ending plural marriages). Aleister Crowley receives channeled Liber Legis. General Slocum fire in East River kills 1,021. Trans-Siberian Railway opens.
6 million unemployed in Germany. Salvadoran peasant uprising begins and is quickly squelched. January 28 Incident in China. Brave New World is published. Reconstruction Finance Corporation founded local governments and banks. Japanese intrusions into China. Lindbergh baby kidnapping. Germany's chancellor bans two paramilitary organizations due to their role in political violence. Massive Hindu vs. Muslim riots in Bombay kill thousands. In new elections, Nazis become Germany's largest elected party; Hitler begins power plays maneuvering for position. Farmers revolt in Midwest. Gandhi hunger strikes. Soviet famine kills millions from starvation. Revenue Act of 1932 raises U.S. tax rates and imposes first gas tax. FDR ELECTED U.S. PRESIDENT, targets fear as the enemy in his inaugural address. Nazi party loses ground in new election. First sulfa-based antibiotic patented. Deadly political violence in Spain. HITLER BECOMES CHANCELLOR OF GERMANY and begins to rearm Germany in secret; Nazis increase power in the next election; Hitler is soon proclaimed Dictator of Germany by legislation; anti-Jewish laws start to be enacted; Gestapo established. Prohibition is ended (21st Amendment). FDR begins "first 100 days" assault on Great Depression with a nine-day bank holiday, freezing all financial transactions and pushing through New Deal legislation; CCC, TVA, and other jobs-creating agencies formed; declares national emergency and blocks hording gold; suspends gold standard. U.S. Federal Securities Act enacted empowered SEC to oversee securities transactions. Holdomor famine-genocide in Ukraine weaponized intentional famine and starvation, killing hundreds of thousands. 66 nations meet at London Economic Conference to battle Great Depression. Eugenics sterilization legal in Germany, compulsory sterilization of those with genetic disorders. Germany withdraws from League of Nations. USSR & Afghanistan join League of Nations. Dust Bowl. Era of celebrity gangsters (Dillinger & others).
JFK NEWLY INAUGRATED, Cold War at its hottest dominates geopolitics, Kennedy & Khrushchev begin diplomacy. The Beatles perform first time at The Cavern Club the day Saturn enters Capricorn; they hit #1 on U.S. charts two days before it left and appeared on the Ed Sullivan show four days after Saturn entered Aquarius. Peace Corps established. Political destabilization many places in Africa. Yuri Gagarin is first man in space (1 orbit). Bay of Pigs Invasion (fails). Civil rights activism expands with Freedom Riders testing SCOTUS integration decision, violent conflict with KKK and local authorities. JFK commits to land on Moon within the decade. Alan Shepard & Gus Grissom sub-orbital launches. Berlin crisis, personal fallout shelters, civil defense. Alliance for Progress founded to create economic cooperation between U.S. and Latin America. European Economic Community begins to grow. [General growth of international trade alliances.] Berlin Wall constructed. Thousands of U.S. advisors sent to South Vietnam. U.N.'s World Food Program founded [notice the hunger and food security issues]. U.S. embargo against Cuba. John Glenn orbits Earth three times (other Mercury program flights occur). Modern environmental movement inaugurated with Rachel Carson publications. Telstar launched (first commercial communications satellite.) Dylan & Rolling Stones debut. Hydrogen bomb development, nuclear testing. Cuban Missile Crisis. Second Vatican Council. Gov. George Wallace emerges as a passionate voice for segregation. JFK promises a civil rights equality bill. Pope Paul VI enthroned. Zip Codes established in U.S. MLK "I have a dream" speech during March on Washington. 16th Street Baptist church bombing. South Vietnamese coup. President Kennedy assassinated. Barry Goldwater enters presidential race. LBJ announces his War on Poverty.
Tail-end of Iran-Contra affair prosecutions. West Germany and East Germany merge currency and economies, then fully reunite; post-WW II occupation ends. Hubble Space Telescope is carried into orbit. Latvia declares independence. Estonia reclaimed its pre-Soviet name and emblems. US-USSR agreement to eliminate most chemical weapons. First Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic presidential election. European Bank for Reconstruction & Development founded, an investment bank created to develop market economies. Slovenian independence referendum (88% supported independence). Generally, much rearrangement of borders and countries due to the breakup of the USSR. Gulf War I authorized by Congress and executed against Iraq in Operation Desert Storm. Dr. Jack Kevorkian barred from assisting in suicides. Rodney King beating by LAPD officers (four are indicted and tried). Comedy Central launched. Sri Lankan civil war. A few volcanic eruptions. Apartheid repealed in South Africa. Croatia and Slovenia declare independence from Yugoslavia: Ten-Day War erupts. Jeffrey Dahmer arrest and trial. Grand Jury indicts Bank of Credit & Commerce International of history's largest bank fraud (defrauding depositors). START I treaty (US-USSR) limits strategic nuclear weapons. Soviet Union officially dissolved. World Wide Web announced. Serbian aggressions start in Croatia. Croatian War of Independence. Bill Clinton enters presidential race. Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, Anita Hill testimony. Freddie Mercury dies. Soviet Union officially disbanded. Russia SFSR renames itself the Russian Federation. Cold War declared over. Bosnian War. Bosnia and Herzegovina proclaimed independence from Yugoslavia. Half a million people march on Washington to support abortion rights. Los Angeles riots (after Rodney King verdict). Ross Perot's presidential run places a close focus on business and economics. Bill Clinton elected president. Charles & Diana announce their separation. EEC eliminates trade barriers and creates a European single market. World Trade Center bombing. Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. NAFTA passes US, Canada, & Mexico legislatures.
NOTE: Check to see Saturn placements for enacting constitutional amendments. There seem to be a lot of them.
Catherine I, as new Empress of Russia, dominates the time. Bach's St. John Passion, St. Matthew Passion, & other important works. British pacification of Scotland. Significant development & expansion of Freemasonry. Gulliver's Travels published, instantly sells out [NOTE: This might be a critical tale of the transit.]. Royal Bank of Scotland founded. Various religious diasporas and community establishments. Copenhagen Fire of 1728 destroyed much of the city with huge cultural impact.
Various things give me the intuition that a renewal and empowerment of paganism, especially as a rebellion religion, will mark the next cycle of Saturn in Capricorn. I also think "rebellion of the earth" with land-based planetary retaliations amidst climate change.
French & Indian War (& the more global Seven Years War): British and French naval forces escalate their face-off for control of North America, French mobilize in response. British concurrently conquering India. Samuel Johnson's English dictionary published. Lisbon earthquake the same week as the Mount Katla volcano erupts in Iceland. Many alliances secured within Europe as the worlds largest empires remain in active conflict (mostly securing territories).
A period of formation of the new United States under its Articles of Confederation, especially the practical business of putting players and pieces in place and in motion, especially organization of territories and the appointing and receiving of ambassadors (and then preparation for writing the Constitution). (Treaty of Paris ending the Revolutionary War, came into effect May 12). U.S. Mint established to create common currency. It is the era of Mozart, including the opening of The Marriage of Figaro and Symphony No. 38. Botany Bay penal colony established by Britain in Australia.
NOTE: The U.S. Confederation Congress at that time resembled, in many ways, the EU today and may have some analogies.
The time of Napoleon and organized forces against him (War of the Sixth Coalition as part of the longer Napoleonic Wars) and eventually overthrow him. War of 1812 is ongoing including the burning of Washington, DC in August 1814; the war ends in February 1815. Mount Tambora erupton with devastating ecological impact including suppressing temperatures worldwide the next year with widespread crop failures and famine. Second Bank of the United States is chartered.
Several small but interesting church items in 1843, including the revelation authorizing polygamy for Mormons, failure (twice!) of the world to end as prophesied by an American preacher, Joseph Smith is murdered with consequent flux in the LDS church, a split in the Church of Scotland, and the first prophesies of the Ba'hai religion are delivered by the Prophet Bab. Dickens' A Christmas Carol published, immediately sells out [a possible myth of the transit]. England closed its debtor prisons. YMCA is founded. U.S. annexes Texas. Potato blight in Ireland triggers the Great Famine (1845-49). Manifest Destiny becomes a rallying cry furthered by President Polk. Mormon diaspora from Illinois to Utah.
Coinage Act of 1873 ended bimetallism and set the U.S. on the gold standard. Comstock Law outlawed sending lewd books through the mail. Slaves freed in Puerto Rico. American Indian Wars are in full swing during the Grant administrations. Barbed wire is invented. Panic of 1873 gets underway with the Vienna stock exchange crash (and five months later in the U.S.), starting the Long Depression. Women's Christian Temperance Union is formed. NYC annexes The Bronx. Vietnam signs treaty with France, Hawaii signs exclusive trade treaty with U.S. Bank of Spain issues first peseta banknotes. The Great Chicago Fire. Incandescent lamp patented. Democrats win a majority in the House for first time since 1860. Civil Rights Act in 1875 prohibits racial discrimination in public accommodations and jury duty. Ottoman state declares partial bankruptcy. Brigham Young University is founded. Theosophical Society is founded.
A court ends Thomas Edison's monopoly on 35 mm move film tech. The first movie theater opens in Los Angeles. Guatemala earthquake (7.5) kills 800-2,000. La Soufriere volcano erupts on St. Vincent, kills 2,000. Mt Pelee erupts killing 30K (worst of 20th C). Cuba gains independence from U.S. London School of Economics opens. A coal strike in the U.S. Australia grant most women the vote in federal elections. Target Corporation is founded. U.S. war with Philippines ends. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation established (for water resource management). Manzikert earthquake (7.0) in Turkey kills 3,500. Heppner flood. Ford Motor Company founded. Australia's Judiciary Act establishing their court system. U.S. secures rights to build Panama Canal. Miner's strikes in Colorado stir much violence. Wright brothers first fly. Iroquois Theater fire. Russo-Japanese War starts. Pucchini's Madame Butterfly debuts at La Scala. Joseph Smith announces Second Manifesto of LDS church (ending plural marriages). Aleister Crowley receives channeled Liber Legis. General Slocum fire in East River kills 1,021. Trans-Siberian Railway opens.
6 million unemployed in Germany. Salvadoran peasant uprising begins and is quickly squelched. January 28 Incident in China. Brave New World is published. Reconstruction Finance Corporation founded local governments and banks. Japanese intrusions into China. Lindbergh baby kidnapping. Germany's chancellor bans two paramilitary organizations due to their role in political violence. Massive Hindu vs. Muslim riots in Bombay kill thousands. In new elections, Nazis become Germany's largest elected party; Hitler begins power plays maneuvering for position. Farmers revolt in Midwest. Gandhi hunger strikes. Soviet famine kills millions from starvation. Revenue Act of 1932 raises U.S. tax rates and imposes first gas tax. FDR ELECTED U.S. PRESIDENT, targets fear as the enemy in his inaugural address. Nazi party loses ground in new election. First sulfa-based antibiotic patented. Deadly political violence in Spain. HITLER BECOMES CHANCELLOR OF GERMANY and begins to rearm Germany in secret; Nazis increase power in the next election; Hitler is soon proclaimed Dictator of Germany by legislation; anti-Jewish laws start to be enacted; Gestapo established. Prohibition is ended (21st Amendment). FDR begins "first 100 days" assault on Great Depression with a nine-day bank holiday, freezing all financial transactions and pushing through New Deal legislation; CCC, TVA, and other jobs-creating agencies formed; declares national emergency and blocks hording gold; suspends gold standard. U.S. Federal Securities Act enacted empowered SEC to oversee securities transactions. Holdomor famine-genocide in Ukraine weaponized intentional famine and starvation, killing hundreds of thousands. 66 nations meet at London Economic Conference to battle Great Depression. Eugenics sterilization legal in Germany, compulsory sterilization of those with genetic disorders. Germany withdraws from League of Nations. USSR & Afghanistan join League of Nations. Dust Bowl. Era of celebrity gangsters (Dillinger & others).
JFK NEWLY INAUGRATED, Cold War at its hottest dominates geopolitics, Kennedy & Khrushchev begin diplomacy. The Beatles perform first time at The Cavern Club the day Saturn enters Capricorn; they hit #1 on U.S. charts two days before it left and appeared on the Ed Sullivan show four days after Saturn entered Aquarius. Peace Corps established. Political destabilization many places in Africa. Yuri Gagarin is first man in space (1 orbit). Bay of Pigs Invasion (fails). Civil rights activism expands with Freedom Riders testing SCOTUS integration decision, violent conflict with KKK and local authorities. JFK commits to land on Moon within the decade. Alan Shepard & Gus Grissom sub-orbital launches. Berlin crisis, personal fallout shelters, civil defense. Alliance for Progress founded to create economic cooperation between U.S. and Latin America. European Economic Community begins to grow. [General growth of international trade alliances.] Berlin Wall constructed. Thousands of U.S. advisors sent to South Vietnam. U.N.'s World Food Program founded [notice the hunger and food security issues]. U.S. embargo against Cuba. John Glenn orbits Earth three times (other Mercury program flights occur). Modern environmental movement inaugurated with Rachel Carson publications. Telstar launched (first commercial communications satellite.) Dylan & Rolling Stones debut. Hydrogen bomb development, nuclear testing. Cuban Missile Crisis. Second Vatican Council. Gov. George Wallace emerges as a passionate voice for segregation. JFK promises a civil rights equality bill. Pope Paul VI enthroned. Zip Codes established in U.S. MLK "I have a dream" speech during March on Washington. 16th Street Baptist church bombing. South Vietnamese coup. President Kennedy assassinated. Barry Goldwater enters presidential race. LBJ announces his War on Poverty.
Tail-end of Iran-Contra affair prosecutions. West Germany and East Germany merge currency and economies, then fully reunite; post-WW II occupation ends. Hubble Space Telescope is carried into orbit. Latvia declares independence. Estonia reclaimed its pre-Soviet name and emblems. US-USSR agreement to eliminate most chemical weapons. First Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic presidential election. European Bank for Reconstruction & Development founded, an investment bank created to develop market economies. Slovenian independence referendum (88% supported independence). Generally, much rearrangement of borders and countries due to the breakup of the USSR. Gulf War I authorized by Congress and executed against Iraq in Operation Desert Storm. Dr. Jack Kevorkian barred from assisting in suicides. Rodney King beating by LAPD officers (four are indicted and tried). Comedy Central launched. Sri Lankan civil war. A few volcanic eruptions. Apartheid repealed in South Africa. Croatia and Slovenia declare independence from Yugoslavia: Ten-Day War erupts. Jeffrey Dahmer arrest and trial. Grand Jury indicts Bank of Credit & Commerce International of history's largest bank fraud (defrauding depositors). START I treaty (US-USSR) limits strategic nuclear weapons. Soviet Union officially dissolved. World Wide Web announced. Serbian aggressions start in Croatia. Croatian War of Independence. Bill Clinton enters presidential race. Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, Anita Hill testimony. Freddie Mercury dies. Soviet Union officially disbanded. Russia SFSR renames itself the Russian Federation. Cold War declared over. Bosnian War. Bosnia and Herzegovina proclaimed independence from Yugoslavia. Half a million people march on Washington to support abortion rights. Los Angeles riots (after Rodney King verdict). Ross Perot's presidential run places a close focus on business and economics. Bill Clinton elected president. Charles & Diana announce their separation. EEC eliminates trade barriers and creates a European single market. World Trade Center bombing. Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. NAFTA passes US, Canada, & Mexico legislatures.
NOTE: Check to see Saturn placements for enacting constitutional amendments. There seem to be a lot of them.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
During part of this transit of Saturn through Capricorn, it will be there with Pluto. Counting the upcoming periods, there have been 10 distinct periods (in three broader sets) in the last thousand years when Saturn and Pluto were in Capricorn together, and others approaching. These are: as follows:
Jan 12 1048 to Mar 27 1048
Jun 16 1048 to Jan 29 1049
Aug 27 1049 to Dec 8 1049
Mar 26 1283 to May 8 1283
Dec 8 1283 to Dec 31 1283
Jan 1 1284 to Feb 27 1286
Aug 28 1286 to Nov 20 1286
Mar 10 1784 to Jun 26 1784
Dec 6 1784 to Dec 31 1784
Jan 1 1785 to Feb 27 1787
Jan 26 2021 to Aug 9 2021
Nov 30 2021 to May 19 2022
Jun 20 2022 to Jan 24 2023
Since 1500, there have been six times that Saturn and Jupiter have been in Capricorn together, with three more such periods in the near future. These are:
Mar 1 1843 to Apr 19 1843 & Nov 28 1843 to Dec 9 1843
Feb 19 1902 to Aug 1 1902 & Nov 17 1902 to Jan 23 1903
Feb 13 1961 to Aug 23 1961 & Oct 31 1961 to Feb 28 1962
Apr 5 2020 to Jun 21 2020
Nov 24 2020 to Apr 10 2021
Sep 5 2021 to Nov 28 2021
Jan 12 1048 to Mar 27 1048
Jun 16 1048 to Jan 29 1049
Aug 27 1049 to Dec 8 1049
Mar 26 1283 to May 8 1283
Dec 8 1283 to Dec 31 1283
Jan 1 1284 to Feb 27 1286
Aug 28 1286 to Nov 20 1286
Mar 10 1784 to Jun 26 1784
Dec 6 1784 to Dec 31 1784
Jan 1 1785 to Feb 27 1787
Jan 26 2021 to Aug 9 2021
Nov 30 2021 to May 19 2022
Jun 20 2022 to Jan 24 2023
Since 1500, there have been six times that Saturn and Jupiter have been in Capricorn together, with three more such periods in the near future. These are:
Mar 1 1843 to Apr 19 1843 & Nov 28 1843 to Dec 9 1843
Feb 19 1902 to Aug 1 1902 & Nov 17 1902 to Jan 23 1903
Feb 13 1961 to Aug 23 1961 & Oct 31 1961 to Feb 28 1962
Apr 5 2020 to Jun 21 2020
Nov 24 2020 to Apr 10 2021
Sep 5 2021 to Nov 28 2021
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Distilling the primary themes from the raw data:
SHORTAGE OF LAND or SECURE SPACE: Feeling the absence of land and need for space, likely emerging in various ways from territorial acquisitions and annexations (Manifest Destiny becomes a rallying cry under Pres. Polk) to deep ecological (climate change, earth & water; mineral rights or mining conflicts) concerns to more subtle things like living space. Walls, embargos, spatial segregation (Berlin Wall, Cuban embargo, barbed wire invented, zip codes established; post-USSR and Yugoslavian splitting off of historically separate countries into autonomous nations; other breaking off of countries previously acquired by larger countries; Brexit will be official on Saturn's first day in Capricorn; secondary effect on redistricting?). - On the flip side: Apartheid repealed in South Africa.
EARTH & WATER CRISES: "Rebellion of the earth" with land-based and water-based planetary retaliations amidst climate change. (What great beast shall rise from beneath the depths?) Unusual frequency of volcanic eruptions, significant earthquakes, and no-warning fire outbreaks. (The modern environmental movement was inaugurated with Rachel Carson publications. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation established for water resource management. Historic "Dust Bowl" conditions.). - Significant development & expansion of Freemasonry during 1720s transit. Theosophical Society founded.
HUNGER/FAMINE: Widespread crop failures. HUNGER and food-security are widespread, dominant issue in its own right. (Amalthea fed Zeus.) Numerous historic FAMINES. Related: Further crumbling of farming as a viable livelihood with consequent impact on food availability and food security overall.
-- Related/possible: ?? Peasant / farmer uprisings (or equivalent) from accelerating fear and unhappiness??
Hunger weaponized: Gandhi hunger strikes. Holdomor famine-genocide in Ukraine weaponized intentional famine and starvation, killing hundreds of thousands
Addressing hunger & deprivation: Peace Corps established, U.N.'s World Food Program founded, LBJ's War on Poverty. England closed its debtor prisons.
Overlapping themes: Volcanic eruptions may be Earth's response to global warming imbalances, which in turn suppresses crop growth. This has happened several times before when Saturn has been in Capricorn.
REBLLION RELIGIONS (often Earth-mindful): Various things give me the intuition that a renewal and empowerment of paganism, especially as a rebellion religion, will mark the next cycle of Saturn in Capricorn. (Historic migrations / diasporas per personal freedom may be literal or, more likely, manifesting more in mind-space, conceptual, etc.)
FINANCIAL: Major financial shifts have occurred with Saturn in Capricorn. These seem to be a mixture of bedrock foundations, controls, and restructurings. From the record:
BEDROCK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS and other entities intended to further money security and certainty in trade came into being. (Royal Bank of Scotland founded, U.S. Mint established to create common currency, Second Bank of the United States chartered, Bank of Spain issues first peseta banknotes, London School of Economics opens, Reconstruction Finance Corporation founded to support local governments and banks, U.S. Federal Securities Act enacted empowered SEC to oversee securities transactions, Alliance for Progress founded to create economic cooperation between U.S. & Latin America, European Economic Community begins to grow, general growth of international trade alliances, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development founded, an investment bank created to develop market economies, EEC eliminates trade barriers and creates a European single market, West Germany & East Germany merge currency & economies (then fully reunite), NAFTA passes U.S., Canada, & Mexico legislatures.) Additionally, the U.S. took various strong actions with Saturn in Capricorn to variously move on or off a gold standard.
ECONOMIC HARDSHIP that demanded response: Panic of 1873 got underway with the Vienna stock exchange crash and, five months later, in the U.S., starting the Long Depression. (Main causes seem to be an investment bubble, boom in certain industries that overextended and overbuilt, and the bill finally came due.) Ottoman state declared partial bankruptcy. 6 million unemployed in Germany paved way for Hitler. Bank of Credit & Commerce International indicted for history's largest bank fraud (defrauding depositors). - Pn the larger issue of economic and social disenfranchisement, Los Angeles riots (after Rodney King verdict).
ECONOMIC CONTROL & RESPONSE, of which the strongest examples are FDR's "first 100 days" assault on the Great Depression with a nine-day bank holiday, freezing all financial transactions and pushing through New Deal legislation; CCC, TVA, and other jobs-creating agencies formed; declares national emergency and blocks hording gold; suspends gold standard. Examples include 66 nations meeting as the London Economic Conference to battle the Great Depression and the Revenue Act of 1932 that raised U.S. tax rates and imposes first gas tax.
AFFIRMATIONS OF CAPITALISM include the failure and dismantling of the USSR and the high profile given to fiscal issues by Ross Perot's first bid for the presidency. (We will be seeing proposals that sound pretty close to Perot's over the 2020 campaign and the next two years.)
CURIOUS ASIDE: The Beatles perform first time at The Cavern Club the day Saturn enters Capricorn; they hit #1 on U.S. charts two days before it left and appeared on the Ed Sullivan show four days after Saturn entered Aquarius.
NOTE: "Cold War" is an amazing blending of Saturn + Mars words. The hottest part of the Cold War was during the Kennedy administration. Its declared end, marked by the dissolution of the USSR and fall of the Berlin Wall, all occurred with Saturn in Capricorn.
LITERATURE THAT DEFINED AN ERA: Capricorns Mozart and Dickens greatly defined their times. Dickens' A Christmas Carol, published & immediately sold out, is perhaps the archetypal tale of the passage. Also Gulliver's Travels and Brave New World.
STRUCTURALIZATION, CONSTITUTION, FORMATION: A period of formation of the new United States under its Articles of Confederation, especially the practical business of putting players and pieces in place and in motion, especially organization of territories and the appointing and receiving of ambassadors (and then preparation for writing the Constitution). Australia's Judiciary Act establishing their court system.
NOTE: The U.S. Confederation Congress at that time resembled, in many ways, the EU today and may have some analogies.
FEAR & our response to it: FDR targets fear as the enemy in his inaugural address. This also marked the Cold War's peak, the Berlin crisis, Pres. Kennedy's call for families to build personal fallout shelters, civil defense, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Antithesis: Thefirst sulfa-based antibiotic was patented. Both START treaties were signed to effect nuclear disarmament. The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act was enacted.)
"INFERIORITY": Disability and genetic bigotry (often in the form of one group finding another racial or other group inferior or threatening) has arisen many times in the past and surely will be a theme of the next two years. American Indian Wars in full swing during the Grant administration. Anti-Jewish laws in Germany including eugenics sterilization (compulsory sterilization of those with "genetic disorders"), Sri Lankan civil war. Various accelerated racial conflicts including KKK activism during the 1950-60s. As a similar exile / cast-off, Botany Bay penal colony was established by Britain in Australia (cf. Brave New World).
CIVIL LIBERTIES CONFLICTS of which the great example (compounded by other transits and aspects) was the American civil rights movement. Both extremes/sides were empowered, of which some stand-out events were: Civil rights activism expands with Freedom Riders testing SCOTUS integration decision, violent conflict with KKK and local authorities. JFK promises a civil rights equality bill. MLK "I have a dream" speech during March on Washington. 16th Street Baptist church bombing. Gov. George Wallace emerges as a passionate voice for segregation. Barry Goldwater enters presidential race. - Also, the Civil Rights Act in 1875 prohibited racial discrimination in public accommodations and jury duty.
TEMPERANCE & RESTRICTION: I don't know that this is actually a theme. Historic events are mixed: Comstock Law outlawed sending lewd books through the mail. Women's Christian Temperance Union formed. Yet prohibition was ended under Sa-Cp by the 21st Amendment.
Misc. church developments that may or may not be a trend: Several small but interesting church items in 1843, including the revelation authorizing polygamy for Mormons, failure (twice!) of the world to end as prophesied by an American preacher, Joseph Smith is murdered with consequent flux in the LDS church, a split in the Church of Scotland, and the first prophesies of the Ba'hai religion are delivered by the Prophet Bab. Joseph Smith announces Second Manifesto of LDS church (ending plural marriages). Aleister Crowley receives channeled Liber Legis.
Misc. possible themes (that may not be supported by enough events but are eye-catching):
Threats to children Lindbergh baby kidnapping & murder, other child kidnappings.
Abortion rights: One of many signs with related themes. This time, half a million people march on Washington to support abortion rights, at the time the largest protest ever.
"Bad boy" (misbehaving) celebrated: From the era of celebrity gangsters like Dillinger to Jack Kennedy and the Rolling Stones (and Mozart for that matter).
Reframing our ideas about death: Jack Kevorkian to Jeffrey Dahmer to Silence of the Lambs (two of which are also, I guess, examples of the food/hunger theme).
Operation Desert Storm and the first Gulf War were too large not to be a part of this, it seems, though not an exact fit.
WHAT KIND OF LEADERSHIP? By our choices we get to pick between a Hitler and a Roosevelt. Either way, a strong-willed, controversial, massively powerful figure can be expected - akin also to Catherine the Great and Napoleon in style. All of these move disproportionate power to a single executive for what, at the time, is deemed good cause for the general welfare. (President Kennedy assassinated.)
RELIEF: Era of Mozart, including the opening of The Marriage of Figaro. Arising of the Beatles. Comedy Central launched. World's first first movie theater opened.
SHORTAGE OF LAND or SECURE SPACE: Feeling the absence of land and need for space, likely emerging in various ways from territorial acquisitions and annexations (Manifest Destiny becomes a rallying cry under Pres. Polk) to deep ecological (climate change, earth & water; mineral rights or mining conflicts) concerns to more subtle things like living space. Walls, embargos, spatial segregation (Berlin Wall, Cuban embargo, barbed wire invented, zip codes established; post-USSR and Yugoslavian splitting off of historically separate countries into autonomous nations; other breaking off of countries previously acquired by larger countries; Brexit will be official on Saturn's first day in Capricorn; secondary effect on redistricting?). - On the flip side: Apartheid repealed in South Africa.
EARTH & WATER CRISES: "Rebellion of the earth" with land-based and water-based planetary retaliations amidst climate change. (What great beast shall rise from beneath the depths?) Unusual frequency of volcanic eruptions, significant earthquakes, and no-warning fire outbreaks. (The modern environmental movement was inaugurated with Rachel Carson publications. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation established for water resource management. Historic "Dust Bowl" conditions.). - Significant development & expansion of Freemasonry during 1720s transit. Theosophical Society founded.
HUNGER/FAMINE: Widespread crop failures. HUNGER and food-security are widespread, dominant issue in its own right. (Amalthea fed Zeus.) Numerous historic FAMINES. Related: Further crumbling of farming as a viable livelihood with consequent impact on food availability and food security overall.
-- Related/possible: ?? Peasant / farmer uprisings (or equivalent) from accelerating fear and unhappiness??
Hunger weaponized: Gandhi hunger strikes. Holdomor famine-genocide in Ukraine weaponized intentional famine and starvation, killing hundreds of thousands
Addressing hunger & deprivation: Peace Corps established, U.N.'s World Food Program founded, LBJ's War on Poverty. England closed its debtor prisons.
Overlapping themes: Volcanic eruptions may be Earth's response to global warming imbalances, which in turn suppresses crop growth. This has happened several times before when Saturn has been in Capricorn.
REBLLION RELIGIONS (often Earth-mindful): Various things give me the intuition that a renewal and empowerment of paganism, especially as a rebellion religion, will mark the next cycle of Saturn in Capricorn. (Historic migrations / diasporas per personal freedom may be literal or, more likely, manifesting more in mind-space, conceptual, etc.)
FINANCIAL: Major financial shifts have occurred with Saturn in Capricorn. These seem to be a mixture of bedrock foundations, controls, and restructurings. From the record:
BEDROCK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS and other entities intended to further money security and certainty in trade came into being. (Royal Bank of Scotland founded, U.S. Mint established to create common currency, Second Bank of the United States chartered, Bank of Spain issues first peseta banknotes, London School of Economics opens, Reconstruction Finance Corporation founded to support local governments and banks, U.S. Federal Securities Act enacted empowered SEC to oversee securities transactions, Alliance for Progress founded to create economic cooperation between U.S. & Latin America, European Economic Community begins to grow, general growth of international trade alliances, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development founded, an investment bank created to develop market economies, EEC eliminates trade barriers and creates a European single market, West Germany & East Germany merge currency & economies (then fully reunite), NAFTA passes U.S., Canada, & Mexico legislatures.) Additionally, the U.S. took various strong actions with Saturn in Capricorn to variously move on or off a gold standard.
ECONOMIC HARDSHIP that demanded response: Panic of 1873 got underway with the Vienna stock exchange crash and, five months later, in the U.S., starting the Long Depression. (Main causes seem to be an investment bubble, boom in certain industries that overextended and overbuilt, and the bill finally came due.) Ottoman state declared partial bankruptcy. 6 million unemployed in Germany paved way for Hitler. Bank of Credit & Commerce International indicted for history's largest bank fraud (defrauding depositors). - Pn the larger issue of economic and social disenfranchisement, Los Angeles riots (after Rodney King verdict).
ECONOMIC CONTROL & RESPONSE, of which the strongest examples are FDR's "first 100 days" assault on the Great Depression with a nine-day bank holiday, freezing all financial transactions and pushing through New Deal legislation; CCC, TVA, and other jobs-creating agencies formed; declares national emergency and blocks hording gold; suspends gold standard. Examples include 66 nations meeting as the London Economic Conference to battle the Great Depression and the Revenue Act of 1932 that raised U.S. tax rates and imposes first gas tax.
AFFIRMATIONS OF CAPITALISM include the failure and dismantling of the USSR and the high profile given to fiscal issues by Ross Perot's first bid for the presidency. (We will be seeing proposals that sound pretty close to Perot's over the 2020 campaign and the next two years.)
CURIOUS ASIDE: The Beatles perform first time at The Cavern Club the day Saturn enters Capricorn; they hit #1 on U.S. charts two days before it left and appeared on the Ed Sullivan show four days after Saturn entered Aquarius.
NOTE: "Cold War" is an amazing blending of Saturn + Mars words. The hottest part of the Cold War was during the Kennedy administration. Its declared end, marked by the dissolution of the USSR and fall of the Berlin Wall, all occurred with Saturn in Capricorn.
LITERATURE THAT DEFINED AN ERA: Capricorns Mozart and Dickens greatly defined their times. Dickens' A Christmas Carol, published & immediately sold out, is perhaps the archetypal tale of the passage. Also Gulliver's Travels and Brave New World.
STRUCTURALIZATION, CONSTITUTION, FORMATION: A period of formation of the new United States under its Articles of Confederation, especially the practical business of putting players and pieces in place and in motion, especially organization of territories and the appointing and receiving of ambassadors (and then preparation for writing the Constitution). Australia's Judiciary Act establishing their court system.
NOTE: The U.S. Confederation Congress at that time resembled, in many ways, the EU today and may have some analogies.
FEAR & our response to it: FDR targets fear as the enemy in his inaugural address. This also marked the Cold War's peak, the Berlin crisis, Pres. Kennedy's call for families to build personal fallout shelters, civil defense, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Antithesis: Thefirst sulfa-based antibiotic was patented. Both START treaties were signed to effect nuclear disarmament. The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act was enacted.)
"INFERIORITY": Disability and genetic bigotry (often in the form of one group finding another racial or other group inferior or threatening) has arisen many times in the past and surely will be a theme of the next two years. American Indian Wars in full swing during the Grant administration. Anti-Jewish laws in Germany including eugenics sterilization (compulsory sterilization of those with "genetic disorders"), Sri Lankan civil war. Various accelerated racial conflicts including KKK activism during the 1950-60s. As a similar exile / cast-off, Botany Bay penal colony was established by Britain in Australia (cf. Brave New World).
CIVIL LIBERTIES CONFLICTS of which the great example (compounded by other transits and aspects) was the American civil rights movement. Both extremes/sides were empowered, of which some stand-out events were: Civil rights activism expands with Freedom Riders testing SCOTUS integration decision, violent conflict with KKK and local authorities. JFK promises a civil rights equality bill. MLK "I have a dream" speech during March on Washington. 16th Street Baptist church bombing. Gov. George Wallace emerges as a passionate voice for segregation. Barry Goldwater enters presidential race. - Also, the Civil Rights Act in 1875 prohibited racial discrimination in public accommodations and jury duty.
TEMPERANCE & RESTRICTION: I don't know that this is actually a theme. Historic events are mixed: Comstock Law outlawed sending lewd books through the mail. Women's Christian Temperance Union formed. Yet prohibition was ended under Sa-Cp by the 21st Amendment.
Misc. church developments that may or may not be a trend: Several small but interesting church items in 1843, including the revelation authorizing polygamy for Mormons, failure (twice!) of the world to end as prophesied by an American preacher, Joseph Smith is murdered with consequent flux in the LDS church, a split in the Church of Scotland, and the first prophesies of the Ba'hai religion are delivered by the Prophet Bab. Joseph Smith announces Second Manifesto of LDS church (ending plural marriages). Aleister Crowley receives channeled Liber Legis.
Misc. possible themes (that may not be supported by enough events but are eye-catching):
Threats to children Lindbergh baby kidnapping & murder, other child kidnappings.
Abortion rights: One of many signs with related themes. This time, half a million people march on Washington to support abortion rights, at the time the largest protest ever.
"Bad boy" (misbehaving) celebrated: From the era of celebrity gangsters like Dillinger to Jack Kennedy and the Rolling Stones (and Mozart for that matter).
Reframing our ideas about death: Jack Kevorkian to Jeffrey Dahmer to Silence of the Lambs (two of which are also, I guess, examples of the food/hunger theme).
Operation Desert Storm and the first Gulf War were too large not to be a part of this, it seems, though not an exact fit.
WHAT KIND OF LEADERSHIP? By our choices we get to pick between a Hitler and a Roosevelt. Either way, a strong-willed, controversial, massively powerful figure can be expected - akin also to Catherine the Great and Napoleon in style. All of these move disproportionate power to a single executive for what, at the time, is deemed good cause for the general welfare. (President Kennedy assassinated.)
RELIEF: Era of Mozart, including the opening of The Marriage of Figaro. Arising of the Beatles. Comedy Central launched. World's first first movie theater opened.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Saturn in Capricorn - my treatise
Historic patterns of Saturn's transits through Sidereal Capricorn have several clear themes that we surely will see dominated news and our lives in the three years between January 31, 2020 and January 25, 2023. These include individual and political struggles for survival and autonomy, shortages of land and secure space, the Earth retaliating against abuses of land and water, hunger and dwelling issues, vast economic (primarily financial) institutional management and restructuring especially favoring capitalism, a renewed arising of rebellion religions, a central place in our lives not just of fear but, especially, with how we manage and respond to our fear, focus on disabilities and misfortune (some supportive attention and some quite the opposite), and a choice concerning leadership that will take us through the next decade and a half.
The great cultural myth that gives voice to times Saturn has been in Capricorn is Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (among other Dickens writings), to which I suggest turning for understanding and guidance on the matter of consequences. Other great literature works that (like A Christmas Carol) arose during Saturn in Capricorn and immediately dominated the mindscape are Gulliver's Travels and Brave New World.
Most of the most obvious themes are variations on the primal need for individuals (and sometimes nations) to struggle for survival and, even more, for autonomy and self-sufficiency, the core need embodied by Saturn in our psyches. All of the primary themes are expressions of the planets Saturn and Mars and the archetypal field of the fish-tailed goat who was nanny to the future king of the gods.
SHORTAGE OF LAND or SECURE SPACE: We will feel more acutely the absence of land and need for space, emerging in various ways from territorial acquisitions and annexations to deep ecological concerns regarding climate change, earth itself, water; mineral rights or mining conflicts; but also living space and questions of how we all can continue to survive on this planet with existing resources. (Thanos may yet prove to be the avatar of the era.) Historically, we see walls, embargos, and spatial segregation such as the Berlin Wall, Cuban embargo, invention of barbed wire, zip codes established, and the post-USSR and Yugoslavian splitting off of historically separate countries into autonomous nations. It is no accident that Brexit will be official on the exact day Saturn enters Capricorn. Congressional redistricting will certainly be one of the most significant issues of 2021.
EARTH & WATER CRISES: Capricorn is symbolized by a creature half of the land, half of the sea. I expect a rebellion of the Earth with land-based and water-based planetary retaliations against destabilizing climate change. Specifically, there will be (as in the past) unusual frequency of volcanic eruptions, significant earthquakes, and no-warning fire outbreaks. Historic "Dust Bowl" conditions arose under this transit. Yet we can handle this if we will: The modern environmental movement was inaugurated with the publication of Rachel Carson's books and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation was established for water resource management - both with Saturn in Capricorn. Water and land rights and conservation will be central, dominant issues.
HUNGER/FAMINE: As in historic times, expect hunger and food-security to be major issues, including serious famine. (Mythologically, the goat Amalthea was there primarily to feed infant Zeus.) We will see a further crumbling of farming as a viable livelihood with consequent impact on food availability and food security. (In some historic times this has led to peasant or farmer uprisings from accelerating fear and unhappiness.)
Hunger may be weaponized. Divergent examples include Gandhi's hunger strikes and the Holdomor famine-genocide in Ukraine that weaponized intentional starvation to kill hundreds of thousands. We also have addressed hunger and deprivation aggressively during such times by establishing the Peace Corps, founding the U.N.'s World Food Program, LBJ's War on Poverty, and even England's final closing of its debtor prisons. We may have overlapping themes since increased volcanic eruptions may be Earth's response to global warming imbalances, which in turn suppresses crop growth. (This has happened several times in the past with Saturn in Sidereal Capricorn.)
Reading of Saturn in Capricorn over the centuries, several eras give me the intuition that Earth-mindful REBLLION RELIGIONS will thrive following the Saturn-Pluto in Sagittarius cultural withdrawal from mainstream institutional religion. This will include a renewal and empowerment of paganism for the next three years. (Historic examples of the equivalent in the past have been various religious migrations or diasporas, significant expansion of Freemasonry during the 1720s, and the Theosophical Society foundation.) Especially, there will be new efforts to encode and preserve ancient wisdom for future times.
Saturn in Capricorn has always marked times of MAJOR FINANCIAL MOVEMENTS and DEVELOPMENTS. These have not been simplistic, e.g., one cannot say that the stock market will go up or down. It places more attention on how we take control of money and commerce. Occurrences have been a mix of bedrock foundations, controls, and financial restructuring.
Bedrock financial institutions intended to further money security and certainty in trade come into being, including national banks, international economic cooperatives and trade alliances. Economic hardship existed but the main message seems to be that it demanded our response: the Panic of 1873 and Long Depression is a good example of overextending until the bill finally comes due. Six million unemployed Germans paved the way for Hitler. Long-standing economic and social disenfranchisement boiled over in the Los Angeles riots after the Rodney King verdict.
Perhaps the strongest example of economic control and response are President Roosevelt's 1933 "first 100 days" assault on the Great Depression with a nine-day bank holiday, freezing all financial transactions and pushing through New Deal legislation; CCC, TVA, and other jobs-creating agencies formed; declaring a national emergency and blocking the hording of gold (then suspending the gold standard).
More subtly, we find affirmations of capitalism, such as the failure and dismantling of the USSR and the visibility given to fiscal issues by Ross Perot's first bid for the presidency. (We will see proposals that sound pretty close to Perot's over the 2020 campaign and the two years following.)
Broader themes include STRUCTURALIZATION, CONSTITUTION, and FORMATION, such as a period of formation of the new United States under its Articles of Confederation (especially the practical business of putting players and pieces in place and in motion, especially organization of territories and the appointing and receiving of ambassadors) and Australia's Judiciary Act that established its court system. By the way, the U.S. Confederation Congress in many ways resembled the EU today and may yield insightful analogies.
Saturn in Capricorn centers attention on FEAR, especially our response to it. FDR targeted fear as the enemy in his inaugural address and lifted us to confront it. We also find the Cold War's peak during the Kennedy administration, the Berlin crisis, JFK's call for families to build personal fallout shelters, civil defense, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. In these, and more obvious examples, we have taken control to reduce the causes of fear, e.g., both START treaties to effect nuclear disarmament and the "Brady Bill" to reduce handgun violence.
Capricorn has a persistent theme of deformities and disabilities. "INFERIORITY" (so-called) will rise to higher visibility for the next three years. Disability and genetic bigotry (often in the form of one group finding another racial group inferior or threatening) has arisen many times in the past and surely will be a theme of the next two years. Consider the American Indian Wars in full swing during the Grant administration, anti-Jewish laws in Germany including eugenics sterilization (compulsory sterilization of those with "genetic disorders"), the racially split Sri Lankan civil war, and various accelerated racial conflicts including KKK activism during the 1950-60s. Remember Brave New World.
Related to this are widespread CIVIL LIBERTIES CONFLICTS of which the great example (compounded by other transits and aspects) was the American civil rights movement. Both extremes or sides were empowered by the transit. Some stand-out events with Saturn in Capricorn include civil rights resistance activism expanding with the Freedom Riders testing a SCOTUS integration decision; violent conflict with the KKK and local authorities; JFK promised a civil rights equality bill; MLK gave his "I have a dream" speech during the March on Washington; but also the 16th Street Baptist church bombing, Gov. George Wallace emerging as a passionate voice for segregation, and Barry Goldwater entering the presidential race. (Almost a century earlier, the Civil Rights Act in 1875 prohibited racial discrimination in public accommodations and jury duty.)
WHAT KIND OF LEADERSHIP will we get? By our choices we now get to pick between a Hitler and a Roosevelt. Either way, a strong-willed, controversial, massively powerful, historically singular figure can be expected - akin also to Catherine the Great and Napoleon in style. All moved disproportionate power to a single executive for what, at the time, was deemed good cause for the general welfare.
OUR RELIEF will be in the arts and laughter. Saturn was in Capricorn for the Era of Mozart that gave The Marriage of Figaro, for the release of Duck Soup, the rising of the Beatles and the Stones, the launching of Comedy Central - and even the opening of the first movie theater. Let us return to laughter, literature, and love as our entertainment. Saturn in Capricorn is not passive - not so much about our hardship, deprivation, and fear as how we address them and strengthen ourselves for the two decades that come next: The increasingly anarchic survivalism of Pluto's transit through Capricorn 2021-2040.
The great cultural myth that gives voice to times Saturn has been in Capricorn is Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (among other Dickens writings), to which I suggest turning for understanding and guidance on the matter of consequences. Other great literature works that (like A Christmas Carol) arose during Saturn in Capricorn and immediately dominated the mindscape are Gulliver's Travels and Brave New World.
Most of the most obvious themes are variations on the primal need for individuals (and sometimes nations) to struggle for survival and, even more, for autonomy and self-sufficiency, the core need embodied by Saturn in our psyches. All of the primary themes are expressions of the planets Saturn and Mars and the archetypal field of the fish-tailed goat who was nanny to the future king of the gods.
SHORTAGE OF LAND or SECURE SPACE: We will feel more acutely the absence of land and need for space, emerging in various ways from territorial acquisitions and annexations to deep ecological concerns regarding climate change, earth itself, water; mineral rights or mining conflicts; but also living space and questions of how we all can continue to survive on this planet with existing resources. (Thanos may yet prove to be the avatar of the era.) Historically, we see walls, embargos, and spatial segregation such as the Berlin Wall, Cuban embargo, invention of barbed wire, zip codes established, and the post-USSR and Yugoslavian splitting off of historically separate countries into autonomous nations. It is no accident that Brexit will be official on the exact day Saturn enters Capricorn. Congressional redistricting will certainly be one of the most significant issues of 2021.
EARTH & WATER CRISES: Capricorn is symbolized by a creature half of the land, half of the sea. I expect a rebellion of the Earth with land-based and water-based planetary retaliations against destabilizing climate change. Specifically, there will be (as in the past) unusual frequency of volcanic eruptions, significant earthquakes, and no-warning fire outbreaks. Historic "Dust Bowl" conditions arose under this transit. Yet we can handle this if we will: The modern environmental movement was inaugurated with the publication of Rachel Carson's books and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation was established for water resource management - both with Saturn in Capricorn. Water and land rights and conservation will be central, dominant issues.
HUNGER/FAMINE: As in historic times, expect hunger and food-security to be major issues, including serious famine. (Mythologically, the goat Amalthea was there primarily to feed infant Zeus.) We will see a further crumbling of farming as a viable livelihood with consequent impact on food availability and food security. (In some historic times this has led to peasant or farmer uprisings from accelerating fear and unhappiness.)
Hunger may be weaponized. Divergent examples include Gandhi's hunger strikes and the Holdomor famine-genocide in Ukraine that weaponized intentional starvation to kill hundreds of thousands. We also have addressed hunger and deprivation aggressively during such times by establishing the Peace Corps, founding the U.N.'s World Food Program, LBJ's War on Poverty, and even England's final closing of its debtor prisons. We may have overlapping themes since increased volcanic eruptions may be Earth's response to global warming imbalances, which in turn suppresses crop growth. (This has happened several times in the past with Saturn in Sidereal Capricorn.)
Reading of Saturn in Capricorn over the centuries, several eras give me the intuition that Earth-mindful REBLLION RELIGIONS will thrive following the Saturn-Pluto in Sagittarius cultural withdrawal from mainstream institutional religion. This will include a renewal and empowerment of paganism for the next three years. (Historic examples of the equivalent in the past have been various religious migrations or diasporas, significant expansion of Freemasonry during the 1720s, and the Theosophical Society foundation.) Especially, there will be new efforts to encode and preserve ancient wisdom for future times.
Saturn in Capricorn has always marked times of MAJOR FINANCIAL MOVEMENTS and DEVELOPMENTS. These have not been simplistic, e.g., one cannot say that the stock market will go up or down. It places more attention on how we take control of money and commerce. Occurrences have been a mix of bedrock foundations, controls, and financial restructuring.
Bedrock financial institutions intended to further money security and certainty in trade come into being, including national banks, international economic cooperatives and trade alliances. Economic hardship existed but the main message seems to be that it demanded our response: the Panic of 1873 and Long Depression is a good example of overextending until the bill finally comes due. Six million unemployed Germans paved the way for Hitler. Long-standing economic and social disenfranchisement boiled over in the Los Angeles riots after the Rodney King verdict.
Perhaps the strongest example of economic control and response are President Roosevelt's 1933 "first 100 days" assault on the Great Depression with a nine-day bank holiday, freezing all financial transactions and pushing through New Deal legislation; CCC, TVA, and other jobs-creating agencies formed; declaring a national emergency and blocking the hording of gold (then suspending the gold standard).
More subtly, we find affirmations of capitalism, such as the failure and dismantling of the USSR and the visibility given to fiscal issues by Ross Perot's first bid for the presidency. (We will see proposals that sound pretty close to Perot's over the 2020 campaign and the two years following.)
Broader themes include STRUCTURALIZATION, CONSTITUTION, and FORMATION, such as a period of formation of the new United States under its Articles of Confederation (especially the practical business of putting players and pieces in place and in motion, especially organization of territories and the appointing and receiving of ambassadors) and Australia's Judiciary Act that established its court system. By the way, the U.S. Confederation Congress in many ways resembled the EU today and may yield insightful analogies.
Saturn in Capricorn centers attention on FEAR, especially our response to it. FDR targeted fear as the enemy in his inaugural address and lifted us to confront it. We also find the Cold War's peak during the Kennedy administration, the Berlin crisis, JFK's call for families to build personal fallout shelters, civil defense, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. In these, and more obvious examples, we have taken control to reduce the causes of fear, e.g., both START treaties to effect nuclear disarmament and the "Brady Bill" to reduce handgun violence.
Capricorn has a persistent theme of deformities and disabilities. "INFERIORITY" (so-called) will rise to higher visibility for the next three years. Disability and genetic bigotry (often in the form of one group finding another racial group inferior or threatening) has arisen many times in the past and surely will be a theme of the next two years. Consider the American Indian Wars in full swing during the Grant administration, anti-Jewish laws in Germany including eugenics sterilization (compulsory sterilization of those with "genetic disorders"), the racially split Sri Lankan civil war, and various accelerated racial conflicts including KKK activism during the 1950-60s. Remember Brave New World.
Related to this are widespread CIVIL LIBERTIES CONFLICTS of which the great example (compounded by other transits and aspects) was the American civil rights movement. Both extremes or sides were empowered by the transit. Some stand-out events with Saturn in Capricorn include civil rights resistance activism expanding with the Freedom Riders testing a SCOTUS integration decision; violent conflict with the KKK and local authorities; JFK promised a civil rights equality bill; MLK gave his "I have a dream" speech during the March on Washington; but also the 16th Street Baptist church bombing, Gov. George Wallace emerging as a passionate voice for segregation, and Barry Goldwater entering the presidential race. (Almost a century earlier, the Civil Rights Act in 1875 prohibited racial discrimination in public accommodations and jury duty.)
WHAT KIND OF LEADERSHIP will we get? By our choices we now get to pick between a Hitler and a Roosevelt. Either way, a strong-willed, controversial, massively powerful, historically singular figure can be expected - akin also to Catherine the Great and Napoleon in style. All moved disproportionate power to a single executive for what, at the time, was deemed good cause for the general welfare.
OUR RELIEF will be in the arts and laughter. Saturn was in Capricorn for the Era of Mozart that gave The Marriage of Figaro, for the release of Duck Soup, the rising of the Beatles and the Stones, the launching of Comedy Central - and even the opening of the first movie theater. Let us return to laughter, literature, and love as our entertainment. Saturn in Capricorn is not passive - not so much about our hardship, deprivation, and fear as how we address them and strengthen ourselves for the two decades that come next: The increasingly anarchic survivalism of Pluto's transit through Capricorn 2021-2040.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
In my natal chart...
Saturn will be transiting my second house, last time it did so i was involved in a transportation accident and couldn't walk. One of the most notable incidences.
Will history repeat itself or should i anticipate new changes?
Saturn will be transiting my second house, last time it did so i was involved in a transportation accident and couldn't walk. One of the most notable incidences.
Will history repeat itself or should i anticipate new changes?
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Salazar, hi, and welcome to the forum,Salazar wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2020 7:06 pm In my natal chart...
Saturn will be transiting my second house, last time it did so i was involved in a transportation accident and couldn't walk. One of the most notable incidences.
Will history repeat itself or should i anticipate new changes?
This thread is about the mundane (pertaining to the world, mass-scale, group-mind) level of manifestation of this configuration.
The thread you opened about your chart is a good place to post the questions and observations pertaining to your individual chart. If you have a question re Transits or Solunars, you can open a thread there, under the pertinent section.
Amate Se Mutuo Cum Corda Ardentia
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
- Jupiter Sets at Dawn
- Irish Member
- Posts: 3518
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 7:03 pm
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Think there'll be a shortage of goat cheese?
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Saturn in Capricorn - my treatise
Sahara dust clouds landing in eastern U.S. ... This Saturn in Capricorn forecast keeps paying off in spades.
Fortunately, there is no shortage of goat cheese.
Fortunately, there is no shortage of goat cheese.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:38 pm EARTH & WATER CRISES: Capricorn is symbolized by a creature half of the land, half of the sea. I expect a rebellion of the Earth with land-based and water-based planetary retaliations against destabilizing climate change. Specifically, there will be (as in the past) unusual frequency of volcanic eruptions, significant earthquakes, and no-warning fire outbreaks. Historic "Dust Bowl" conditions arose under this transit.
Jim Eshelman
- Jupiter Sets at Dawn
- Irish Member
- Posts: 3518
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 7:03 pm
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Cat was out for a couple hours this morning. He left sand in my lap while he interfered with my lunch.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Sounds like your Leo is in your Capricorn (and your lunch).Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:36 pm Cat was out for a couple hours this morning. He left sand in my lap while he interfered with my lunch.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
This dust storm is going to be very challenging for the insects birds and wildlife.
Because of the late spring the monarch butterflies held off migration. Also to note as of March 2020 the population sinxe last year was almost Half. ... 020-03-13/
Dust on fragile wings is a death sentence.
There is milkweed galor and by this time last year when I was outside I would have dozens landing on me.
They are very important pollinators here and many plants like the milkweed and in the fall golden rod rely on them for reproduction.
This dust is a very scary reality of global climate change.
Because of the late spring the monarch butterflies held off migration. Also to note as of March 2020 the population sinxe last year was almost Half. ... 020-03-13/
Dust on fragile wings is a death sentence.
There is milkweed galor and by this time last year when I was outside I would have dozens landing on me.
They are very important pollinators here and many plants like the milkweed and in the fall golden rod rely on them for reproduction.
This dust is a very scary reality of global climate change.
- Jim Eshelman
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- Posts: 19572
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Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Fed Sets Stage for Longer Periods of Lower Interest Rates ... owell.html
This, I think, is a significant turning point: In my above analysis and forecast of Saturn in Sidereal Capricorn (published here and elsewhere in January), I found that, beyond being just a period of economic hardship, Saturn in the constellation Capricorn has coincided with periods of significant monetary structural and management changes. It places more attention on how we take control of money and commerce, including a mix of bedrock foundations, controls, and financial restructuring. Above, I gave historic examples across the last couple of centuries, that included Pres. Roosevelt's 1933 "first 100 days," 66 nations meeting as the London Economic Conference to battle the Great Depression, the creation of bedrock financial institutions intended to further money security (national banks, international economic cooperatives, trade alliances), etc.
In the same fashion, the Federal Reserve has now completed the first full review of its money management approach in history and just announced a fundamental restructuring of its approach going forward. This might (just might) be the single most important money story of the year. ... owell.html
This, I think, is a significant turning point: In my above analysis and forecast of Saturn in Sidereal Capricorn (published here and elsewhere in January), I found that, beyond being just a period of economic hardship, Saturn in the constellation Capricorn has coincided with periods of significant monetary structural and management changes. It places more attention on how we take control of money and commerce, including a mix of bedrock foundations, controls, and financial restructuring. Above, I gave historic examples across the last couple of centuries, that included Pres. Roosevelt's 1933 "first 100 days," 66 nations meeting as the London Economic Conference to battle the Great Depression, the creation of bedrock financial institutions intended to further money security (national banks, international economic cooperatives, trade alliances), etc.
In the same fashion, the Federal Reserve has now completed the first full review of its money management approach in history and just announced a fundamental restructuring of its approach going forward. This might (just might) be the single most important money story of the year.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Jim wrote:

I agree! So far, it appears to me the Federal Reserve has done a good deed with their measures in reducing economic damage to the corporate system (NYSE). But the real test imo, will the Federal Reserve be able to hold the economic system together in face of some pretty bad Sidereal Mundane Astrology symbolism this autumn? On the other hand, DC politics has done a lousy job for the working people since the end of July, imo. I see the potential for a swarm of small company bankruptcies on the horizon, but could be dead wrong depending on monetary policy in the near future. Its always the small pay check to pay check working public that gets hit hard economically in troubled economic times.This might (just might) be the single most important money story of the year.

- Jim Eshelman
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- Posts: 19572
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Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Christmas Tree shortages (due to Oregon's seedling crop doing badly this year).
That's actually a Saturn in Capricorn story LOL!
That's actually a Saturn in Capricorn story LOL!
Jim Eshelman
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
I never will forget when your wrote before Covid Saturn in Capricorn historically brought shortages. An understatement IMHO.
- TheScales_BothWays
- Sidereal Field Agent
- Posts: 551
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Re: Saturn in Capricorn
There are reports of a global potato shortage, though most coverage centres on fast-food chains, and it may be a supply chain issue rather than a literal potato shortage. Even Malaysian McDonald's outlets are affected.
Wikipedia states that the Great Famine of Ireland began in 1845, when Saturn was in Capricorn. Though the worst year, 1847, had Saturn in Aquarius.
It makes sense, the potato being one of the many tubers, which all grow beneath the earth. ... ly-chains/ ... shortages/
Wikipedia states that the Great Famine of Ireland began in 1845, when Saturn was in Capricorn. Though the worst year, 1847, had Saturn in Aquarius.
It makes sense, the potato being one of the many tubers, which all grow beneath the earth. ... ly-chains/ ... shortages/
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
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Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Starch and root-crop shortage. Fascinating!
BTW, McD's here just introduced "free fries Fridays" so I doubt they're short. But worldwide this could be a bigger thing.
BTW, McD's here just introduced "free fries Fridays" so I doubt they're short. But worldwide this could be a bigger thing.
Jim Eshelman
- Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Here in Omaha they're having trouble getting fries and ketchup packets and so on brought in. There's plenty of the stuff, but no way to get it here.
Some franchise owners are getting together and sending out convoys of their wife's minivans to bring stuff in from warehouses states away.
Some franchise owners are getting together and sending out convoys of their wife's minivans to bring stuff in from warehouses states away.
- TheScales_BothWays
- Sidereal Field Agent
- Posts: 551
- Joined: Tue May 09, 2017 7:42 am
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Saturn is in the final degree of Capricorn. There are reports of a baby formula shortage in the US.
Capricorn rules the chest according to the Libra-Head model, and some connect Capricorn to Amalthea, the goat who breastfed Zeus in Greek mythology.
Capricorn rules the chest according to the Libra-Head model, and some connect Capricorn to Amalthea, the goat who breastfed Zeus in Greek mythology.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
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- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Saturn in Capricorn
Today, Saturn left Capricorn for good (this time around). Covid-19 is still with us, but the Covid-19 era that began January 30, 2020 is done and gone.
Now, onward to some sort of "brave, new world" with Saturn in Aquarius.
Now, onward to some sort of "brave, new world" with Saturn in Aquarius.
Jim Eshelman