Transiting Midpoints

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Transiting Midpoints

Post by SteveS »

Jim, recently I ran across an intriguing statement by Eleonora Kimmel from her booklet, 'Fundamentals of Cosmobiology' where she states:
...the transiting midpoints of the stellar bodies are activating the natal planets. The results of interpretation of these transits are astounding.

Of course, with me being interested in tracking certain types of 'events' with my work in astrology, I want to do some research with Eleonora's above quoted words. But, I see no simple way to easily track transiting midpoints to natal positions with Solar Fire. I can take the Janus Program and quickly see where a transiting midpoint partile 0, 90, 180 the personal points of a natal, but I would prefer to work exclusively with Solar Fire. Do you see a simple way we can calculate the zodiac degree of a transiting midpoint with Solar Fire?
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Re: Transiting Midpoints

Post by Jim Eshelman »

FWIW, I've never found transiting midpoints worth tracking systematically. Of course you want to check this yourself, but I thought I'd mention that. In my experience, one can occasionally get interesting hits from time to time, but not reliably. One that I relied on more until the 1990s (when Pluto and Neptune moved out of close sextile to each other) is that, while transiting trines and sextiles seem worthless to me (or so weak they aren't worth noting), I kept seeing Neptune and Pluto transiting trines and sextiles seeming important! I eventually realized that this was an illusion: What looked like Neptune or Pluto trines or sextiles to natal planets was really the Neptune/Pluto midpoint exactly conjoining or squaring the planet.

But one can, for example, plot the Mars/Saturn midpoint looking for damaging events or the Venus/Jupiter midpoint and look for positive events, and one will keep being disappointed. - In the old days we'd draw these by hand on the 45° graphic ephemeris, and one secondary source eventually came up with an annual graphic ephemeris that had these preprinted for convenience, but it didn't produce any better results.
SteveS wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:37 am ...I see no simple way to easily track transiting midpoints to natal positions with Solar Fire. I can take the Janus Program and quickly see where a transiting midpoint partile 0, 90, 180 the personal points of a natal, but I would prefer to work exclusively with Solar Fire. Do you see a simple way we can calculate the zodiac degree of a transiting midpoint with Solar Fire?
I thought I had answered this a week or so ago, but I can't find it now. The simple answer (for the question exactly as you asked it) is yes: For a simple way "to calculate the zodiac degree of a transiting midpoint with Solar Fire," just set up a chart for the current date and look at the midpoint report. That's the easiest.

Another way to show specific midpoints for any chart you're in, add them to a user-defined point list. Under Chart Options | Display User-Defined Points, create a new UDF file - maybe call it "My Midpoints," or whatever. Open the new file to edit it. On the far right, click the bubble next to Midpoint. Take the midpoints you want and use the "< Add" button to put them on the left side (or just double-click them to move them over). Save the file. (This is a one-time process unless you want to edit the list in the future.)

Then, inside a displayed chart (off in the white space at the side, not on the face of the chart itself), right-click, pick Display User-Defined Points, and pick your point file. (You can leave it on, or turn it off later by repeating this step and picking None.
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Re: Transiting Midpoints

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I kept seeing Neptune and Pluto transiting trines and sextiles seeming important! I eventually realized that this was an illusion: What looked like Neptune or Pluto trines or sextiles to natal planets was really the Neptune/Pluto midpoint exactly conjoining or squaring the planet.

Very interesting Jim!!!

Jim wrote:
FWIW, I've never found transiting midpoints worth tracking systematically.
Thanks, this tells me a-lot in tracking on a daily basis. What I am most interested in researching is seeing if transiting midpoints is telling me anything important for big life events. I have got to go out of town again, but maybe when I get back I will try to put together a small sample of transiting midpoints with important events in one's life with their personal points.

And thanks for your insights with the Solar Fire tips.
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Re: Transiting Midpoints

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You can always check for a specific event easily, without having to pick a subset.

To check a specific event, calculate a chart for the event. Put this in a 2-wheel with the natal chart, the transits on the inside ring. Click Reports and pick the Midpoint Listing. You will see all transiting planets and midpoints along with the natal planets in red. (Look at the bottom half of that report as usual for the sorted positions.)

For example, if I look at your transits for right now, I see transiting Ne/Pl on your natal Saturn, Mo/Ju on your Neptune, Sa/Ur on your Moon, Ma/Ur on your Sun-Uranus, Su/Ju on your Neptune, and Ve/Sa on your Mars.
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Re: Transiting Midpoints

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Click Reports and pick the Midpoint Listing. You will see all transiting planets and midpoints along with the natal planets in red.

Yes, I see the natal planets in red, which is very 8-) , thanks. This immediately tells me there is a midpoint on that particular natal planet highlighted in red, for a specific event. But, my mind does not have enough experience with the way SF lists the Midpoint Listing for quickly identifying which midpoint is on the natal planet. 90% of my experience for identifying which midpoints for the exact degree of the zodiac comes with Janus Program. But for sure your SF instructions will help me quickly determine which natal planet for a specific timed event involves a transiting midpoint, I like this part of your method!!! This will at least allow me to more quickly recognize transiting midpoints with Janus, which involve a natal planet. I assume you method here will identify in red a natal angle involving a transiting midpoint? Thanks Jim.
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Re: Transiting Midpoints

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:22 pm Yes, I see the natal planets in red, which is very 8-) , thanks. This immediately tells me there is a midpoint on that particular natal planet highlighted in red, for a specific event. But, my mind does not have enough experience with the way SF lists the Midpoint Listing for quickly identifying which midpoint is on the natal planet.
I'm not sure what that means, Steve. Solar Fire tells you which midpoint it is. For example (using a 90° sort) your Moon appears in red at 45°22' and the Saturn/Uranus midpoint is right next to it at 46°06' (0°44' away). Or, to pick another example, your Venus appears in red at 67°27' and right next to it is Jupiter/Pluto at 68°04' (0°37' away).
I assume you method here will identify in red a natal angle involving a transiting midpoint?
Yes, if the chart is set to show angles (your selected displayed point list includes angles) then they will appear in the list. For example, on a 90° sort your Ascendant appears at 27°55' and your Jupiter at 29°42'. Your MC appears at 36°25'.
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Re: Transiting Midpoints

Post by SteveS »

Yes, I am seeing your method clearer--and I like it--very 8-). Now, I need to tell which transiting midpoints are the direct midpoints to the natal planets and angles.
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Re: Transiting Midpoints

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:24 pm Yes, I am seeing your method clearer--and I like it--very 8-). Now, I need to tell which transiting midpoints are the direct midpoints to the natal planets and angles.
For direct midpoints, instead of sorting on 90° as I did, sort on 180°.

However, I think you make a grave error in thinking the squares to midpoints are any less powerful than the direct ones.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Transiting Midpoints

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
For direct midpoints, instead of sorting on 90° as I did, sort on 180°
Got it Jim, thanks for your keen insights with the use of Solar Fire.

Jim wrote:
However, I think you make a grave error in thinking the squares to midpoints are any less powerful than the direct ones.
I hear you Jim! I will now always look equally at the squares, thanks.
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